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Title: Poster advertising : Being a talk on the subject of posting as an advertising medium, with helpful hints and sensible suggestions to poster advertisers, and with thirty-two pages of full color reproductions of posters used by national advertisers
Author: Hawkins, G. H. E.
Language: English
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*** Start of this LibraryBlog Digital Book "Poster advertising : Being a talk on the subject of posting as an advertising medium, with helpful hints and sensible suggestions to poster advertisers, and with thirty-two pages of full color reproductions of posters used by national advertisers" ***

[Illustration: G. H. E. Hawkins]


                       USED BY NATIONAL ADVERTISERS

                             G. H. E. HAWKINS
                   SUNNY MONDAY SOAP, COTTOLENE, ETC.)
                              CHICAGO, ILL.


                               PRICE, $3.00

            “_Speed booklet! Tell thy message. How the man_
            _Who could not charm with colors, henceforth can._
            _This portion of its vast and fruitful fields_
            _Lithography to advertising yields._”—ADAPTED.

                             COPYRIGHT, 1910
                           BY G. H. E. HAWKINS


The trend of everything in the business world to-day is specialization.
To my knowledge, there has never been a book written on the subject of
posting. I believed there was room for one—that such a book would be
welcome to advertisers, and that such a popular form of publicity as
posting should have representation in advertising libraries. That is the
only possible excuse I have for offering this volume to the advertising

There are so many forms of advertising to-day that have proven successful
that no one would have the temerity to stand forth and say that any one
medium is absolutely away and above better than any other medium. The
wise advertiser has found that no one medium is “sufficient unto itself,”
and that only by dove-tailing different mediums can the maximum of
results be secured.

The purpose of this book is not to decry any medium of advertising, or
place posting above all other advertising mediums, but to tell the truth
about posting, its advantages, why it has proved one of the best forms of
local advertising, and to give such information and crumbs of guidance as
have been gleaned from a ten-year practical experience with posting and
the expenditure of over a million dollars in that medium.

I trust that in the following pages the story I have to tell may prove of
profit to some and good, easy reading to all.

I wish to thank my many advertising friends who have given me help with
this book and encouraged me to issue it. May they not be disappointed!

                                                         G. H. E. HAWKINS.

    _You have got to believe in your goods before you can make the
    public accept your advertising talks at par value. There’s
    something about honesty and earnestness that is catching._

Table of Contents


  WHY BILL-POSTING IS A GOOD MEDIUM                                    7-8

  SIZE OF POSTERS                                                     9-11

  COST OF POSTERS                                                    12-13

  COPY AND SKETCHES                                                  14-15

  COMMENTS ON POSTERS                                                16-17

  COLOR REPRODUCTIONS OF ACTUAL POSTERS                           _1 to 16_

  VALUE AND HARMONY OF COLORS                                        18-19

  BILL-POSTING FOR THE LOCAL ADVERTISER                              20-22

  CHECKING THE SERVICE                                               23-25

  CONNECTING POSTER ADVERTISING WITH SALES                           26-27

  GENERAL HINTS TO THE POSTER ADVERTISER                                28

  GENERAL HINTS TO THE BILL-POSTER                                      29


  COMMENTS ON POSTERS                                                32-33

  COLOR REPRODUCTIONS OF ACTUAL POSTERS                            _A to P_

  COST OF POSTING BY STATES                                             34

  OFFICIAL LIST ASSOCIATED BILL-POSTERS                              35-38

Why Bill-Posting Is a Good Medium

    _Repetition means reputation._

Celebrities are often credited with having said things which they never
thought of. There are a hundred and one stories told on Abraham Lincoln
that poor Honest Abe never even heard.

Barnum is quoted as having said: “The American public like to be
humbugged,” but it is a significant fact that whatever feature the wily
P. T. brought out—whether it was Jenny Lind or Jumbo—he always gave the
dear public a good run for their money.

And so it always will be—you must deliver the goods in order to make
good. Bill-posting is an accredited medium of advertising simply because
it deserves it—it has won its spurs.

Posting has many advantages over other methods of advertising. First
may be mentioned the large display which it makes possible, and its
consequent conspicuousness. You simply cannot get away from it, and,
consciously or otherwise, it burns its way into the mind through an ever
alert vision. It appeals to masses and classes—every one who passes.
The size of an eight-sheet poster is 84 inches by 112 inches, and,
outside of painted boards and electric signs, it is not possible to get
such a display in any other medium of advertising. The possibility of
reproducing a trade-mark, figure, or the article itself, in mammoth size
tends to impress it upon the mind in an uncommon way and with great force.

Another distinct advantage which bill-posting has over most other
advertising mediums is the opportunity it offers for the use of colors.
Colors are agreeable to the eye, they command attention, and the
advertiser who fails to utilize the full possibilities of color in
getting out his posters is missing his opportunity. It costs just as much
to post a poorly printed sheet or an ineffective one- or two-color poster
as it does one printed in bright, clear-cut, attention-commanding colors
which the eye cannot pass.

Without going into the respective results to be obtained, posting is the
cheapest medium for local advertising. The cost per town is less than any
respectable sort of a campaign could be conducted for in any other medium.

It has been contended that poster advertising is only good as publicity
advertising for a well-known product needing mainly a constant reminder
to keep it before the public. I believe, however, that posting is
effective and can be made profitable for even a new product, for, while
a detailed story cannot be told on a poster, one single argument can be
brought out on each poster, and, in time, the complete argument given.

    _Advertising has made more reputations than literature—Scott’s
    Emulsion is better known than Scott’s Marmion, the grim pill
    of Dr. Munyon takes the palm from the Pilgrim of John Bunyon,
    while Douglas, the $3 shoe man, won fame, fortune and a
    governorship, while Stephen A. Douglas, the little giant and
    foe of Abe Lincoln, is almost forgotten._

Size of Posters

    _It takes a live advertiser to swim up stream; any dead one can
    float down._

Posters are measured by sheets, the standard size of a sheet being 28 ×
42 inches, which includes the white margin.

    An 8-sheet poster consists of eight 28 × 42 sheets.
    A 12-sheet poster of twelve 28 × 42 sheets.
    A 16-sheet poster of sixteen 28 × 42 sheets.
    A 24-sheet poster of twenty-four 28 × 42 sheets.
    A 32-sheet poster of thirty-two 28 × 42 sheets.

The following diagrams will show the sizes of posters of most common

[Illustration: 1-Sheet 28 × 42

2-Sheet 56 × 42

4-Sheet 8 ft. 10 in. × 3 ft. 6 in.

8-Sheet 8 ft. 10 in. × 6 ft. 9 in.

12-Sheet 8 ft. 10 in. × 10 ft.

16-Sheet 8 ft. 10 in. × 13 ft. 3 in.

24-Sheet 8 ft. 10 in. × 20 ft.

32-Sheet 8 ft. 10 in. × 26 ft. 3 in.]

The writer several years ago discovered that there was no standard
size among lithographers for posters; that is, while they were made on
the 28 by 42 basis per sheet, posters are pasted up in such a varied
combination of sections that the lapping precludes the possibility of
having a standard size. This is largely accounted for by the tendency
of lithographers to save on printing. For instance, a certain sheet in
an 8-sheet poster may carry four colors; another sheet may carry but
two, and they will so arrange their posters as to make the printing
of the largest number of colors come on as few sheets as possible. I
recently took thirty 8-sheet posters, which had been used by national
advertisers and measured them. Hardly any two of them were the same size;
they ran from the largest—114 inches in length by 76 inches in width—to
the smallest—109 inches in length by 75 inches in width. The average
length of the thirty posters was 111.3 inches, and the average width
75.7 inches, while the largest one contained 8,664 square inches and the
smallest 8,175 inches. This brings up a question which has apparently
heretofore been overlooked by advertisers; that is, the actual amount of
space to which an advertiser is entitled on the bill-boards. The space
allotted by the bill-poster for an 8-sheet poster is 112 inches high by
84 inches, and the advertiser who is only getting 109 or 110 inches in
length by 75 or 76 inches in width is apparently not getting the best run
for his money. It would, therefore, seem that all posters should be made
so that they will occupy the full quota of the allotted space when pasted
up. This may add slightly to the cost of paper but it will mean an added
prominence for your posters.

The following will show just the amount of space an advertiser is
entitled to on the boards:

     4 sheets   42 × 112 inches.
     8 sheets   84 × 112 inches.
    12 sheets  126 × 112 inches.
    16 sheets  168 × 112 inches.
    20 sheets  210 × 112 inches.
    24 sheets  252 × 112 inches.
    32 sheets  336 × 112 inches.

The most popular poster in vogue is the 8-sheet; the next popular sizes
are the 16-sheet and the 24-sheet. These larger stands are always four
sheets high, the only difference being in the width. While most campaigns
are made up on the 8-sheet basis, large advertisers who believe in
securing extra prominence run almost exclusively to the 16, 24 and even
32-sheet sizes. The only objection to these larger posters is that
outside of the largest cities there are very few boards which will
accommodate them, and the better plan to pursue is to use a combination
of an 8-sheet poster and a larger size, say a 24-sheet, using the
8-sheets exclusively in the small towns, a combination of the 8’s and
24’s in the medium size towns, and an exclusive showing of the 24-sheets
in the larger cities; although some advertisers even prefer to sprinkle
in a number of 8-sheets with their 24’s in the largest cities, in order
to secure a greater number of individual locations at a lower cost.

Smaller posters, such as half-sheets, one-sheets and two-sheets are
printed all in one piece, and are used largely for indoor store
display, sniping (that is, on ash-barrels, fences, barns and non-listed
locations), although in many cases whole stands are made up by a
repetition of one- and two-sheets. Usually, however, this is not
advisable as the sheets are too small for the reading matter to carry for
any great distance.

    _The hare could run rings around the tortoise, but the tortoise
    beat him out because he kept pegging along without a halt. Be

Cost of Posters

    _The cheap sketch is the most expensive in the end._

There are all kinds of posters, just as there are all grades of printing
and paper, and therefore there is a great variance in costs.

Shun the cheap poster and buy the best the lithographer can turn out. The
posting costs nearly ten times the cost of the poster—and the expense of
posting is just the same for a bad poster as a good one.

For the reason that one often wishes to know “about” what a certain
quantity of posters of a certain size would cost, the following table of
approximate costs is given. Everything depends upon the make-up of your
sketch and the manner in which it can be handled. An eight-sheet poster
with five colors on every sheet will cost much more than the same size
poster with five colors on some sheets and two on others. These prices
are based, therefore, on the average run of pictorial posters:


                 First M    Additional Thousands
                            Run at the Same Time

    2 colors    $250.00           $125.00
    3 colors     300.00            150.00
    4 colors     350.00            200.00
    5 colors     400.00            250.00


    2 colors     525.00            325.00
    3 colors     575.00            375.00
    4 colors     650.00            450.00
    5 colors     725.00            500.00


    2 colors      850.00           500.00
    3 colors     1000.00           600.00
    4 colors     1100.00           675.00
    5 colors     1250.00           750.00

Above estimates are based on paper weighing 140 lbs. to the ream—size 42″
x 56″. Stone-drawing included, but not cost of original sketch.

_Helpful Hints_

Use good paper and non-fading inks.

Better prices can always be secured by furnishing your own sketches and
then getting competitive prices. Where the lithographer originates the
idea and furnishes the sketch he naturally and rightly charges liberally
for it.

Rain-lapped posters can be had at a slight additional expense. To
“rain-lapp” a poster means to paste the upper sheet over the margin
of the next lower sheet just as shingles are placed on a house. The
posters are usually pasted in sections four sheets high. Where posters
are unpasted, the bill-poster starts at the upper edge of the board in
placing the poster and pastes the lower sheet over the margin of the
next top sheet. In consequence, the board does not drain the rain as it
should, and the sheets tear off much more readily than with rain-lapped

It is a custom with lithographers that posters should be paid for when
the edition is completed, at a specified time, but they will store and
ship posters as needed for any reasonable length of time. Such storage
paper is usually protected by insurance for the customer’s benefit.

It is the habit of large poster advertisers to have the lithographer make
all separate shipments, a list, with quantity designated for each town,
being furnished by the advertiser for that purpose. The advertiser, in
such cases, pays actual cost of labor and materials for wrapping and
shipment, where the size of order is large enough to warrant.

You can save money on cost of paper by ordering a number, or a season’s
supply, of posters at one time, especially if the designs are similar in
color treatment. At any rate, the larger quantity insures a saving in
paper and press-work. The lithographer is thus saved the extra expense of
rush work, for which the advertiser always pays the penalty.

The cost of shipping for entire country is about four cents per
eight-sheet poster.

Make freight shipments of over forty pounds. Express shipments under
forty pounds.

    _A pretty poster without selling argument is like a pretty
    woman without brains. She compels your admiration for a time,
    but loses out in the end._

Copy and Sketches

    _An advertising trade-mark is a great barrier to imitation and

The first essential of a successful posting campaign is to have a good
poster. A bad design will spoil the most alluring campaign ever outlined.

A figure is always attractive in a poster, because it carries with it
a more-than-ordinary element of human interest. As an example of the
comparative pulling powers of illustrations I have understood that the
news-stand sales of the Saturday Evening Post are appreciably larger when
they have on their front cover the picture of an attractive woman than
when the design is more general and of less heart interest. If you have
a trade-mark for your product that trade-mark should _always_ appear in
your poster. It may be the central figure of the poster or it may be
introduced incidentally, but it should be there in sufficiently prominent
form to be noticed, for it is the constant repetition of a trade-mark
that makes it valuable. Such world-wide characters as The Gold Dust
Twins, The old Quaker of Quaker Oats, the little Uneeda Biscuit boy, the
old darkey of Cream of Wheat and the Victor Talking Machine Dog would
never have been worth the millions of dollars at which their owners prize
them but for the fact that they have been ding-donged into the public day
after day and month after month and year after year in the magazines, in
the street cars, in the newspapers and on the bill-boards. I have heard
well-known advertisers remark that they did not believe in reproducing
one figure constantly in an advertisement, because the public would come
to recognize it, say “Oh, that is so-and-so’s advertisement” and pay no
attention to the story told in the wording. I believe this to be the
greatest fallacy ever advanced, and to my way of thinking, an advertiser
could have no better advertisement than one in which appears a trade-mark
which the public instantly recognizes and comments upon. You can ring the
changes on the design, the color of the background or the arrangement,
even if your trade-mark is a set one not susceptible of changes in itself.

Where you have no trade-mark, my advice would be to get one.

It is also a pretty safe rule to introduce the package itself in each
poster, where the latter is not closely identified with the trade-mark.
To familiarize the public with your package means instant recognition
when they see it on the dealer’s shelf, counter or floor space.

If possible, have your poster made by a poster artist, and not by a
designer of newspaper or magazine advertisements. The proper handling and
harmony of colors, as well as that broad poster-carrying effect can only
be fully realized by the artist who has specialized in that field.

The poster should be judged from a distance, and should be made for
carrying effect rather than close view. People do not stand close to a
poster; it is read from a distance and should be made to be perfectly
clear and readable thirty to forty feet away.

The poster will not carry a detailed story. An illustration of a figure,
a picture of the product itself, the name of the product, a catch phrase
or a single line of argument is about all the ordinary poster will stand.
I do not agree, however, with the contention that argument cannot be
given on a poster. On a series of posters a whole story can be told,
because one argument can be driven home on each poster. The “reason
why” feature of advertising can be applied to posting by the use of
this method, and in the development of posting in the coming years the
tendency to limit the copy for a poster to merely the name and trade-mark
will be over-ruled.

Break up your type matter, having a portion appear above the design,
another portion below or at the sides. This will relieve monotony, and
make it easier for the eye to read what you have to say.

Avoid defacing the design of your poster by carrying lettering across any
portion of it.

A poor poster is an abomination. Get the best that money will buy. The
cost of posting is in the neighborhood of ten times the cost of the
paper; hence a few cents more in the cost per poster is insignificant if
it represents the difference between first-class and mediocre.

Have your poster attractive—in order to catch the eye and rivet the

Have some element of reason and argument in your poster—in order to
create the desire to buy.

    _Tell the truth in your advertising—not because honesty is the
    best policy, but because it is the only policy in successful

Comments on Posters Reproduced

(Form lithographed by The American Lithographic Co., New York.)

ARROW COLLARS (Color Page 1)—Attractive and “sketchy.” Quiet in tone and
dignified in appearance.

TURKISH TROPHIES (Color Page 1)—Strong featuring of a well advertised
trade-mark. Reproduction does not do justice to the original which was in
more colors.

MILITARY TOURNAMENT (Color Page 1)—Simple and ordinary enough in color
scheme, but strong in action. Lettering well arranged.

LOWNEY’S (Color Page 1)—Neat and pleasing, but, to my way of thinking,
the subject could be treated much more attractively. A pretty girl with
a box of Lowney’s and a “yum yum” expression on her face would give it
cards and spades. Note reminder of Lowney’s Cocoa on same poster.

UNEEDA BISCUIT (Color Page 2)—Good strong reproduction of one of the best
known national trade-marks. Poster shows name, package, trade-mark and
price. The only thing lacking is argument, and I believe this poster is
used in connection with other designs in which argument appears.

GOLD DUST (Color Page 3)—A “topical” poster which created a sensation,
and drew a request for a sample poster from Charles R. Flint, the
financial backer of The Wright Brothers. One of those ten-strikes which
happen to an advertiser very seldom.

U. S. ARMY (Color Page 4)—Simplicity, strength and beauty combined.
There’s something about a uniform that attracts attention and commands
respect, and this poster takes advantage of that fact to the fullest

COTTOLENE (Color Page 5)—A pretty poster which endeavors to pleasantly
suggest to the housewife the wholesome, cleanly source of a food product.
Used in connection with other posters giving more argument.

CHICLETS (Color Page 6)—One of the daintiest posters appearing on the
bill-boards. Rich in coloring and truly suggestive of a high-class

JAP-A-LAC (Color Page 7)—A good example of the “mostly argument” poster.
Rather old-fashioned and a little too much lettering. The crowded
appearance of the lettering would make this poster hard to read at a

U. S. ARMY (Color Page 8)—A high-grade pictorial poster that would make
almost anyone wish to join the army.

GOLD DUST (Color Page 9)—_Multum in parvo._ Gives the effect of four
separate eight-sheets although the poster is only a twenty-four. Showing
four principal uses of the product, and argument for each.

GOLD DUST (Color Page 10)—Good example of an effective poster in three
printings only.

COTTOLENE (Color Page 11)—Featuring the package and catch phrases.
Another good three-color scheme.

QUAKER OATS (Color Page 12)—Strong presentation of a great trade-mark.
Some Doubting Thomas of a muck-raker might say that although the Quaker
denotes “Purity,” politics at Washington are not so darn pure as to
warrant the association.

ARMOUR’S EXTRACT OF BEEF (Color Page 13)—Good live color scheme with
strong contrasting effects, but I never did like the idea of Willie
dipping his finger into the can and licking it off. That’s purely a
matter of taste, however.

PABST BLUE RIBBON (Color Page 14)—A perfect poster, treating a product
whose use is questioned by some, in a dainty way that will appeal to all.
Beautiful blending of colors and splendid arrangement of lettering.

BULL DURHAM (Color Page 15)—A good, strong, commonplace poster. By
“good” I mean in color scheme and arrangement of trade-mark and package;
by “commonplace,” I refer to the artistic or pictorial effect. This
trade-mark is a nightmare, even if it is successful and well advertised.

FAIRY SOAP (Color Page 16)—A prettily effective poster, with a pleasing
harmony of colors, featuring one of the daintiest of trade-marks.

    _You must tell why in order to make folks buy._

[Illustration: ARROW COLLARS

Reduction of 2 Sheet Poster


Reduction of 2 Sheet Poster


Reduction of 2 Sheet Poster


Reduction of 2 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: UNEEDA BISCUIT

Reduction of 8 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: GOLD DUST

Reduction of 8 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: U. S. ARMY

Reduction of 8 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: COTTOLENE

Reduction of 8 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: CHICLETS

Reduction of 8 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: JAP-A-LAC

Reduction of 16 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: U. S. ARMY

Reduction of 24 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: GOLD DUST

Reduction of 24 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: GOLD DUST

Reduction of 8 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: COTTOLENE

Reduction of 8 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: QUAKER OATS

Reduction of 12 Sheet Poster]


Reduction of 12 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: PABST BLUE RIBBON

Reduction of 16 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: BULL DURHAM

Reduction of 16 Sheet Poster]

[Illustration: FAIRY SOAP

Reduction of 8 Sheet Poster]

Value and Harmony of Colors

    _The proper use of colors will make your posters stand out like
    a sore thumb on a one-armed man._

Colors catch the eye. A small child is attracted to a colored Easter egg
where it wouldn’t waste any time on an ordinary piece of hen fruit. We
are all susceptible to the beauty and attraction of colors, and nowhere
in advertising does color cut quite so much of a figure as in posting.

Strong contrasts and striking effects, rather than daintiness and real
artistic combinations, are to be sought for poster work. A poster can
either be made or marred by the proper or improper use of colors.

It is not the intention here to go into an exhaustive treatise on the
harmony of colors, but rather to give a few general hints and suggest
simple color combinations which will be practical when applied to posters.

The primary colors are yellow, blue and red. From these, in combination,
all other colors are made.

Black is universally employed in combination with the primaries to give
strength to the majority of poster printing.

Yellow, orange and red are warm colors, while violet, blue and green
are known as cold colors. The cold colors have a soothing action on
the brain; the warm colors tend to stimulate it. The cold colors are
the more artistic for poster work; the warm colors have the greatest
attention-attracting value.


    Black and yellow (strongest primary combination).
    Black and red.
    Black and light blue.
    Black and green.
    Black and orange.
    Red and dark blue.
    Red and green.
    Red and yellow.
    Light yellow and dark blue.
    Blue and orange.

(A white letter used with any of the above will give a three color effect
with two printings.)

In combination with black the density and richness of the other colors
will be intensified in the effectiveness of the display. Where black is
laid over the supplementary colors it often gives the effect of an added


    Black, red and blue.
    Black, red and yellow.
    Black, yellow and blue.
    Black, red and green.
    Black, green and orange.
    Black, orange and blue.

Beyond the use of the three primary colors in combination with black,
according to the density and richness of the colors employed, nearly all
gradations of color effect are possible.


Red will harmonize with the other two primaries, yellow and blue; also
with yellow and green-blue, yellow and violet-blue, green-yellow and
blue, green-yellow and violet-blue, and yellow-green and violet-blue. Any
of the pairs of colors named will form a good combination with red, in
their normal state, or when reduced with white, or modified with gray, or
darkened with black.

Yellow will harmonize with the primaries, red and blue; also with
purple-red and blue, orange-red and blue, orange-red and violet-blue,
purple-red and green-blue, and red-purple and sea-green. Any of the pairs
of colors named will form a good combination with yellow, in their normal
state, or when reduced with white, or modified with gray, or darkened
with black.

Blue will harmonize with the primaries, yellow and red; also with yellow
and purple-red, yellow and orange-red, green-yellow and red, green-yellow
and purple-red, and green-yellow and orange-red. Any of the pairs of
colors named will form a good combination with blue, in their normal
state, or when reduced with white, or modified with gray, or darkened
with black.

Orange will harmonize with green and violet, green and purple-violet,
blue-green and violet, blue-green and purple-violet, sea-green and
purple-violet, and sea-green and purple, in their normal state, or when
reduced with white, or modified with gray, or darkened with black.

Green will harmonize with violet and orange, violet and orange-red,
blue-violet and orange-red, and purple-violet and orange, in their normal
state, or when reduced with white, or modified with gray, or darkened
with black.

Purple will harmonize with orange and blue-green, orange and sea-green,
yellow-orange and blue-green, yellow-orange and sea-green, and
orange-yellow and sea-green, in their normal state, or when reduced with
white, or modified with gray, or darkened with black.

Bill-Posting For The Local Advertiser

    _Advertising is appealing to people through their common sense
    and their artistic sense in order to win their dollars and

Bill-posting is a logical and splendid medium for the local advertiser,
and the baker, the butcher, the candlestick maker can use it with equal
facility and advantage.

Posting can be used by the local merchant as the one and only medium,
or as a supplement to his newspaper or street-car announcements. Its
use has in the past been largely confined to the latter, but this has
been chiefly because of the high cost of posters in the small quantities
needed for local work. This difficulty is being overcome by the issue
of stock posters for every line of business, and it is now possible to
get from your local bill-posters either the paper itself or information
where you can buy it for nearly every trade and every line of goods which
would bear advertising. These posters are made up with a blank space at
the bottom for printing in the name of the local merchant. Moreover, many
manufacturers to-day furnish posters, imprinted with the local dealer’s
name, if he will but post them.

Local poster advertising can be made either general or specific—it can
advertise the full line or special sales. The specific advertising
is usually more productive than the publicity style. Here are a few
suggestions of specific opportunities for local merchants;

    BANKS—Solicit savings’ accounts, and state interest-commencing

    STATIONERS—Advertise school books and supplies just previous to
        opening of new term.

    FURNITURE DEALERS—Special spring sale of furniture for porch and
        country places. Advertise April 15th a “Special Discount Sale”
        to catch people who move into new homes May 1st. Rug sale.

    COAL DEALERS—Early fall poster admonishing people to lay in their
        winter’s supply and save money.

    SPORTING GOODS—Advertise baseball and tennis supplies in spring,
        football goods in fall and skates in early winter. Cameras.

    HABERDASHERS—Straw hats and Easter neckwear. Fall derbies, ties,
        mufflers, etc.

    DRUGGISTS—Specialty of prescriptions. Soda-water fountain and
        special drinks. Christmas gifts. Spring tonic.

    JEWELERS—Engagement gifts and wedding presents. Special poster
        advertising clocks and watches. Silverware poster.

    NURSERIES—Seeds, bushes and trees for spring planting.

    HARDWARE DEALERS—Lawn mowers, garden tools and seed-time
        specialties. Farm tools and supplies in special “Farmers’

    REAL ESTATE—Special sales of lots.

    CLOTHIERS—Spring suits and hats. Raincoats and umbrellas. Shirtings
        and gloves. Fall suits and overcoats.

    SHOE STORES—Ladies’ and children’s shoes. Low shoes for spring and
        summer. Fall shoes, rubbers and overshoes. Baseball, tennis,
        football and outing shoes.

    CUSTOM TAILORS—Made-to-measure clothing for spring. Fall suits and

    LAUNDRIES—Advertise quality of work and prompt deliveries. Special
        poster on ladies’ shirt waists and lingerie.

    CIGAR DEALERS—Special price box sale of cigars. Pipes and smoking

    GROCERS—Teas and coffees. Special soap sale. Special advertising of
        premiums or trading-stamps.

    GAS COMPANIES—Gas ranges.

    DENTISTS—Artificial teeth and crown work.

    PHOTOGRAPHERS—Special one-month price for cabinet photos.

    DEPARTMENT STORES—White goods sale. Special silk sale. Remnant
        sale. Linen sale. Ladies’ and children’s ready-made suits.
        Shirt-waist sale. Christmas furs. Christmas presents. Men’s
        hats and clothing. Boots and shoes. Special 10% discount month.

    MUSIC STORES—Pianos and organs. Exchange department. Slightly used
        instrument sale. Installment plan.

    SUMMER PARKS—List of attractions, free street-car tickets, etc.

    MILLINERS—Easter bonnets. Special $5 trimmed hat.

These are but a few random suggestions, and the list might be continued
almost indefinitely, but I have given enough to suggest the possibility
of special offerings through posting and show the way.

Most of such posters which cannot be purchased of stock lithographers can
be made up by the local printer or newspaper office in one or two colors,
with or without wood-cut illustrations, but the more attractive the
poster can be made, the better the results will be.

The beauty of posting for the local advertiser is that he knows his
advertising cannot be scattered. It will go right in his own territory,
and he will not be paying for any waste circulation outside. Then,
too, he can select his locations, supplement his special poster with
hand-bills to the farmer, newspaper announcements and special window
displays to connect his store with just what he is advertising at the
time he is advertising it.

The fact that everybody knows the local merchant is no argument against
advertising. They also know “the other fellow,” and advertising alone,
combined with fair dealing, will give you the lion’s share of the trade.

The local merchant to-day who doesn’t advertise should at least
advertise his business for sale, and in the next ten years posting
will, I predict, be developed into one of the greatest forms of
advertising for the local merchant. It is so big, so forceful, so
always-before-you-and-never-to-be-thrown-away that it is bound to command
unusual attention in the small town or city.

Talk it over with your local bill-poster and let him help you with
suggestions gleaned from his experience.

    _Business is built up on confidence. It’s a game of confidence
    between buyer and seller, but woe betide the advertiser who
    considers it a confidence game. You must “Make Good” with the
    consumer to insure future sales and only in repetition lies
    success and reputation._

Checking the Service

    “_To Err is Human_”

The Bill-Poster is just as prone to errors, both of omission and
commission, as men in any other business, and while in the case of
Associated Bill-Posters service is guaranteed, it is advisable even with
them to check wherever possible so as to make sure that service has been
actually rendered as guaranteed.

The importance of this is illustrated in the writer’s own experience with
every showing that goes up. The following are but a few of the “errors”
that were discovered by check, even in large towns where the bill-posting
plants are supposedly at their best. Posters have been found put up on
the leaves of a double gate which stood open all day. Posters have been
put up on walls covering windows, and the paper was punched through to
let in the light. Occasionally posters are put up with a sheet blank;
one section of the poster was probably left out by the lithographer
in collating, and the bill-poster made no effort to replace it. Other
posters have been found on fences not high enough to accommodate the
whole poster and strips have been torn off at the top or bottom. Showings
have been billed that our checker found never went up. Paper has been
covered at the end of two or three weeks and never replaced. Once in
a while checkers run across a town where a strike is on among the
bill-posters, and the paper disfigured by big smudges of lamp black.

The best time to make this check is open to some difference of opinion.
Some advertisers prefer to check just as soon as the paper goes on the
boards so that complaints may be adjusted early in the life of the
showing. Others prefer to check toward the end of the service so they may
satisfy themselves that the paper has been kept in good condition, and
that none of the stands has been covered by other paper. The advertiser
who is posting generally will, however, be glad if he can have check made
any time during the life of the posting, especially in towns where he has
no local representative.

The main difficulty on a general showing is to secure people to make
the check. In towns where you have branch houses, local salesmen, or
exclusive dealers, check lists may be forwarded to these. Otherwise it
is necessary to depend on your traveling salesman covering the towns in
his territory during the life of the posting, or else send the check
lists to some local dealer, with a request that he look over and report
on the showing for you. Arrangements for checking can also be made, we
understand, through the telegraph companies who would have the work done
by one of their messengers.

Four things are necessary to watch in checking the showing, viz.,
Position of the boards on which your paper is posted; position on the
boards; condition of the paper; and contiguity to your own posters or
those advertising competitive products.

In regard to the first you will of course want a fair share of the
paper to go on boards in the center of the town, on the most traveled
thoroughfares. You do not want the paper all on the outskirts of the
town, or posted in alleys and other inconspicuous places. In regard to
the position on the board, the ends of the board are of course preferred
positions, and the more posters you can get on corners the stronger the
showing will be. In regard to the condition of paper, a glance will be
sufficient to satisfy your checker whether the paper is in good order, or
whether it needs renewing.

It is also desirable that no two of your own posters be posted too close
together on the same board (as a matter of fact it is best to put up each
poster on a separate board) and of course it is decidedly objectionable
to have paper advertising competitive products put up next to your

The following are illustrations of forms used in checking.

[Illustration: Specimen Check List as Furnished by the Bill-Poster.]

[Illustration: Sample of Checking Form Attached to Check List To be
Forwarded to Salesman or Local Representative.]

It is important to remember in this connection that complaints should be
filed promptly with the bill-poster, and, wherever possible, the checker
himself should call on the bill-poster and arrange for the adjustment of
complaints while he is on the ground. Where adjustment cannot be made by
the checker on the spot, and correspondence is necessary, complaints must
be made within ten days from the date of expiration of service.

[Illustration: Specimen Letter Sent to Dealer when Check List has been
Returned by Salesman Unchecked. A Blank Leaf is Provided For Reply, also
Addressed Stamped Envelope.]

Connecting Poster Advertising With Sales

    “_That good old Ship—Salesmanship_”

Sales results depend upon advertising and the advertising results upon
salesmanship. The two are so closely allied as to be all but inseparable,
and the Advertising and Sales Managers should pull together as one team.

If you have salesmen on the road keep them thoroughly informed about the
advertising you are doing in their territories. Give each salesman a
list of the towns which you intend to post in his territory, and do it
in advance in order that he may acquaint the dealer with the fact and
use the publicity as a sales argument. The salesmen or members of your
advertising crew, if you have one, should also be able to use the fact
that you are going to post a town to secure window displays in advance
from the local dealers, in order that their stores may be connected with
the advertising and secure a certain portion of the demand.

Give your salesmen either a sample of the poster to be used—or, better
still, a small reproduction of it which he can carry around and show the
dealer as Exhibit “A.”

A splendid method of connecting your posting and window displays is
to get out a one sheet poster, hanger or banner for window use, the
same being a miniature of the poster itself. The repetition of the
poster design in the store window at the place where the article can be
purchased will be strongly supplemental, will tend to freshen the mind of
the consumer as having seen the poster and create a desire to buy and try
at just the right moment.

I have found in a long experience with advertising and salesmen that a
good live traveller is always awake to the benefits of advertising, and
that nine times out of ten it is the result-producing salesman who uses
your advertising matter intelligently rather than wastefully and who
takes advantage of all your local advertising to use as a lever on the
merchant for bigger business.

Checking your local posting by salesmen is of two-fold value. Where
the work is honestly and intelligently handled, you not only get an
above-the-ordinary checking report, but you impress the salesman,
especially if he seeks out each individual location, and spur him on to
more active sales work.

The live-wire salesman realizes that in these modern days of fierce
competition the aid of advertising is of vital importance and that
without it his work would be anything but easy sledding.

To sum up this chapter in a nut-shell:

Acquaint your salesman fully about your local advertising.

Give him a small reproduction or print of the poster itself.

Furnish him, wherever practicable, with small posters or hanger of the
same design for store work.

Urge him to secure window displays from the dealer to remain during the
life of the posting.

Give him a check list for each of his towns and insist upon him
personally inspecting the showing.

Suggest his getting acquainted with the local bill-poster, with the idea
that the personal equation almost invariably insures better service. It
is but human to do your best for those you know.

    _Many an advertiser has killed a thousand dollar space with a
    twenty dollar sketch._

General Hints to the Poster Advertiser

    _Don’t try to be funny in your advertisements. If you’re that
    good, you can make more money in the Bill Nye business._

Owing to the fact that posting is exposed to the elements, extra paper
should be sent with your regular shipment to replace damaged posters. 20%
extra is the usual allotment for renewal paper.

A bill-poster’s month is four weeks, rather than a full calendar month; a
bill-poster’s year is, therefore, forty-eight weeks.

A discount of 5% is allowed for a continuous showing of three months, and
a 10% discount is allowed for a six months’ continuous contract.

The bill-boards are usually the most crowded during the summer months,
from about April 15th to October 1st, not only because summer is the
best time for the posting of national advertisers with few exceptions,
but because of the great amount of circus and other show paper. You will
frequently be disappointed in securing space during this period unless
you contract for it in advance of showing. Thirty days is usually ample
notice for all but the very largest cities, where it is well, in case you
wish a showing to go up on a fixed date, to give sixty days’ notice.

Advertisers pay all carrying charges on posters.

If you have branch offices in various parts of the country, a goodly
saving in carrying charges may be effected by shipping all paper for
a certain territory by freight to your offices in that section of the
country and have them re-ship the individual allotments by express. This
suggestion will be especially valuable to Eastern advertisers shipping
paper to the Pacific Coast, as individual freight shipments mean long

Ask the bill-posters not to place your paper next to competitive paper.

Treat the bill-poster like a white man, see that his bills are paid
promptly, and he in turn will show his appreciation by giving his most
efficient service.

General Hints to the Bill-Poster

    _The buying public of to-day are pretty discriminating.
    When they ask for mushrooms they’re not going to stand for

Use judgment in the placing of posters. Have them harmonize in color
scheme, rather than clash. Do not place two posters of exactly the same
color background alongside each other.

Do not place competitive products alongside each other. Give them
separate locations, or, in the case of a long board, have them as far
apart as possible.

Be liberal with your renewal paper. Aside from the fact that it is your
duty to see that each poster is maintained in perfect condition the full
contract time, the advertiser, especially the one who checks closely,
will appreciate the service.

Instead of being afraid to “give something for nothing,” cover your
old, dead paper with the left-over paper of some good, live, liberal
bill-board advertiser. Then let him know, through his agent, that you
have done so. Freshly papered boards are a good advertisement for your

Don’t spoil a good effective poster by smearing paste all over the face
of it. Put your paste on the back of the poster, and place it with a
brush wet only in water, or, if you must use paste on the face of the
paper, do so sparingly.

Don’t get into any wrangles with the local Civic Improvement Society,
and have them writing all your advertisers to discontinue the use of
your medium. You can find plenty of good locations without spoiling the
landscape. A whiskey advertisement right next to a church is bound to
rankle in the breasts of the congregation.

If you have a grudge against an official solicitor, don’t take it out on
the innocent advertiser by giving him poor service. Write the advertiser
telling him that the agent isn’t giving you proper treatment, and, if
your claim is just and can be proven, ten to one he will rectify the

Don’t think that your obligation is fulfilled when the paper is placed.
Try to work with the advertiser and encourage him to greater use of
your medium by giving him information as to local conditions regarding
the sale of his product, post the local dealers who would naturally be
interested just when a certain product is being advertised, and endeavor
to secure their co-operation in the way of window displays, etc., to
connect the advertising with their stores.

Official Solicitors, Associated Bill-Posters and Distributors

These Official Solicitors to The Associated Bill-Posters and Distributors
of the United States and Canada enjoy the protection of the Association
rules and regulations in maintaining service for their clients. The
Association requires that the solicitor be financially responsible, and
through them you secure the same rights as though you placed the business
directly with the bill-poster.

The services of the solicitor cost you nothing, as he is paid a
commission by the Association, and you, the advertiser, are saved the
expense of clerical hire, postage, stationery, order and check-forwarding
and the many details of the follow-up system.

    Amsterdam Supply Co., 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City.

    Anderson, H. J., Enquirer Printing Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.

    Associated Bill-Posters’ Protective Co., 147 Fourth Avenue, New
        York City.

    Ayer & Son, N. W., 300-308 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

    Ayres, H. E. & Co., 164 Federal Street, Boston, Mass.

    Batten Co., George, Fourth Avenue Building, Fourth Avenue and 27th
        Street, New York City.

    Clague-Painter-Jones Co., First National Bank Building, Chicago,

    Cusack Co., Thos., 15th and Throop Street, Chicago, Ill.

    Darlow Advertising Agency, Inc., Bee Building, Omaha, Neb.

    D’Arcy Advertising Co., Fullerton Building, St. Louis, Mo.

    Donnelley & Sons, John, 97 Warrenton Street, Boston, Mass.

    Ewing & Miles, Inc., 32 Union Square, New York City.

    Flynn, Joseph J., Lawrence, Mass.

    Green Co., J. Chas., San Francisco, California.

    Gude Co., O. J., 935 Broadway, New York City.

    Holbrook & Parsons, 44-46 E. 23rd Street, New York City.

    Jersey City Bill-Posting Co., 104-6 Green Street, Jersey City, N. J.

    Long-Critchfield Corporation, Corn Exchange Bank Building, Chicago,

    Lord & Thomas, Trude Building, Chicago, Ill.

    Mahin Advertising Co., American Trust Building, Chicago, Ill.

    Massengale Advertising Agency, Atlanta, Ga.

    Morton, P. H., St. Paul Building, Cincinnati, Ohio.

    Newark Bill-Posting Co., 27-33 Treat Place, Newark, N. J.

    New Haven Bill-Posting Co., New Haven, Conn.

    Nordhem Co., Ivan B., Bessemer Building, Pittsburg, Pa.

    Peel, Frederick, 14th floor, Times Building, New York City.

    Procter & Collier Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.

    Ramsay Co., Charles A., 575 Old Colony Building, Chicago, Ill.

    Robison, Sanford II., 814 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

    Sherin Co., C. E., Fifth Avenue and 40th Street, New York City.

    Snitzler Advertising Co., 256 Madison Street, Chicago, Ill.

    Southern & Co., I. M., 1402 Broadway, New York City.

    Stoops Bill-Posting Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.

    The Crockett Agency, Maison Blanche Building, New Orleans, La.

    The Edwards Co., Waco, Texas.

    The Fowler-Simpson Co., 500-8 Schofield Building, Cleveland, Ohio.

    The Public Advertising Co., Inc., Suite 604, First National Bank
        Building, Cincinnati, Ohio, and 683-685 Broadway, New York City.

    The Thompson-Briggs Co., The Rookery, Chicago, Ill.

    Throop, George Enos, 1516 Tribune Building, Chicago, Ill.

    Van Beuren & N. Y. Bill-Posting Co., 132 W. 65th Street, New York
    Varney, Thomas H. B., Oakland, California.


    Canadian Poster Co., Power Building, Montreal, Que.

    The Ware Co. of Canada, Ltd., 95 St. Genevieve Street, Montreal,

    The Desbarats Advertising Agency, 42 Victoria Square, Montreal, Que.

    A. McKim, Ltd., Star Building, Montreal, Que.

    The Canadian Advertising Co., Ltd., 25 St. James Street, Montreal,

    Connor-Ruddy Co., 11 Wellington Street E., Toronto, Ont.

    J. J. Gibbons, Ltd., 119 West Wellington Street, Toronto, Ont.

    Woods-Norris, Ltd., Mail Building, Toronto, Ont.

    Dominion Advertising Co., Ltd., Stair Building, Toronto, Ont.

    McConnell & Fergusson, London, Ont.

    London Bill-Posting Agency, London, Ont.

    The Lindsay-Walker Co., Ltd., Winnipeg, Man.

    Bond & Ricketts, Ltd., 420 Cambie Street, Vancouver, B. C.

Comments on Posters Reproduced

(Form Lithographed by The Carqueville Lithographing Co., Chicago.)

REGAL SHOES (Color Page A)—Bright, snappy coloring, but not the best
drawing in the world. Room at bottom, presumably for address of local
representative or store. Wholly lacking in argument of any kind.

RED SPOT CIGAR (Color Page B)—A good example of how _not_ to do it. Poor
drawing, no argument. Very ordinary poster of the old school.

CLOTHCRAFT (Color Page C)—Poor poster. Design stilted, no argument, no
explanation as to whether “Clothcraft” stands for suits, underclothes or
what-not. Presumably designed for local dealers’ use, with room for name
and address at bottom.

AMERICAN RADIATOR CO. (Color Page D)—A high-class poster to which
this reproduction hardly does justice, as the drawing has lost in the

DUKE OF YORK CIGARETTES (Color Page E)—Simple yet effective in
arrangement and color scheme. Good featuring of an attractive trade-mark.
No argument but price.

KELLOGG’S TOASTED CORN FLAKES (Color Page F)—Striking combination of
colors. Brings out trade-mark, catch-phrase and package without any
suggestion of crowding.

RED SEAL LEAD (Color Page G)—Simple but effective featuring of trade-mark
and use of product. Color scheme could be vastly improved.

OLD UNDEROOF (Color Page H)—A very neat and pleasing 24 sheet, far above
the general standard. Old Underoof posters are usually good.

BUDWEISER (Color Page I)—Strong and rich in coloring. One of a series
of posters featuring a catch phrase. Note space for local distributors’

ST. CHARLES CREAM (Color Page J)—Rather pleasing from an illustrative
standpoint. Lacking in display of trade-mark or package.

KELLOGG’S TOASTED CORN FLAKES (Color Page K)—Would not be worth powder
to blow it up for ordinary publicity, but was probably effective as a
curiosity arouser in a preliminary campaign when the product was just
being marketed.

E. C. CORN FLAKES (Color Page L)—Good combination of picture and
lettering. Well arranged and quickly and easily read.

KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES (Color Page M)—Rather conventional, but strongly
appealing to the athletic young man. Wonder why some of these clothing
makers do not show more real business men in their advertisements? Note
line at bottom for imprint of local dealer.

WRIGLEY’S SPEARMINT (Color Page N)—Stands out like a wart on the end of
a man’s nose. Simple yet strikingly strong. The argument and package
harmonize well with, and stand out splendidly from the black background.
Hard to get away from this poster!

CARNATION MILK (Color Page O)—A strong pictorial poster, rich in
coloring, with good display of package. Only fault a little too much
lettering; that under the group of cows would not be readable except at
close range.

QUAKER CORN MEAL (Color Page P)—Very novel in treatment. Background
effect an oddity. Main lettering, package and the cooked product all
effectively shown.

    _It will not pay in the long run to advertise goods without
    merit or goods which do not give a dollar in value for every
    dollar asked._

[Illustration: REGAL SHOES


[Illustration: RED SPOT CIGAR


[Illustration: CLOTHCRAFT








[Illustration: RED SEAL LEAD


[Illustration: OLD UNDEROOF


[Illustration: BUDWEISER


[Illustration: ST. CHARLES CREAM




[Illustration: E. C. CORN FLAKES






[Illustration: CARNATION MILK


[Illustration: QUAKER CORN MEAL



     STATE    | TOTAL NO. | TOTAL NO. |   TOTAL COST     |        |
              | POSTING   | 8-SHEET   |   OF 8-SHEET     |        |
              | TOWNS IN  | STANDS    |   SHOWING        |        |
              | STATE     |           |                  | *Total | *Total
 -------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+---------+--------+   No.  |   No.
              |Assn.|Other|Assn.|Other|  Assn.  | Other  |16-Sheet|24-Sheet
              |Towns|Towns|Towns|Towns|  Towns  | Towns  | Stands | Stands
 Alabama      |  16 |  28 | 322 | 253 |  $264.08| $190.02|   214  |   146
 Arizona      |   7 |  11 | 101 |  70 |    75.82|   61.68|    62  |    37
 Arkansas     |  38 |  32 | 376 | 230 |   251.36|  127.74|   247  |   164
 California   | 102 |  18 |1345 | 425 |  1289.12|  328.38|  1027  |   700
 Colorado     |  21 |  30 | 361 | 211 |   307.76|  157.94|   232  |   164
 Connecticut  |  43 |  24 | 830 | 220 |   784.72|  179.48|   539  |   398
 Cuba         |   2 |   — | 110 |   — |   129.60|      — |    65  |    43
 Delaware     |   6 |   9 | 105 |  54 |    95.60|   33.30|    68  |    47
 District of  |     |     |     |     |         |        |        |
   Columbia   |   4 |   1 | 234 |   4 |   256.00|    5.12|   146  |    90
 Florida      |  12 |  25 | 191 | 138 |   157.20|   99.40|   141  |    85
 Georgia      |  47 |  69 | 641 | 404 |   527.20|  227.50|   398  |   270
 Hawaii       |   1 |   — |  40 |   — |    38.40|      — |    26  |    18
 Idaho        |  15 |   8 | 120 |  49 |    69.20|   38.00|    72  |    48
 Illinois     | 217 |  54 |2704 | 235 |  2623.44|  194.90|  1647  |  1106
 Indiana      | 180 |  24 |1708 | 263 |  1293.48|  159.72|  1078  |   715
 Iowa         | 138 |  36 |1199 | 250 |   789.84|  180.00|   732  |   470
 Kansas       |  82 |  24 | 810 | 184 |   606.40|   95.70|   517  |   365
 Kentucky     |  46 |  16 | 582 | 153 |   434.16|  108.24|   382  |   274
 Louisiana    |  12 |  18 | 314 | 117 |   294.64|   78.06|   188  |   133
 Maine        |  32 |  27 | 379 | 181 |   321.92|  144.80|   237  |   157
 Maryland     |  15 |   7 | 430 |  47 |   500.64|   31.16|   279  |   190
 Massachusetts|  90 | 101 |2538 | 823 |  2816.32|  872.38|  1443  |   988
 Michigan     | 135 |  39 |1557 | 230 |  1160.38|  144.32|   985  |   638
 Minnesota    |  42 |  47 | 797 | 275 |   715.03|  185.47|   424  |   361
 Mississippi  |  25 |  21 | 254 | 177 |   173.44|  116.82|   153  |   103
 Missouri     |  83 | 132 |1454 | 222 |  1379.40|  133.70|   801  |   606
 Montana      |  17 |   3 | 194 |  31 |   133.36|   20.44|   127  |    89
 Nebraska     |  33 |  16 | 368 | 126 |   286.80|   74.10|   232  |   163
 Nevada       |   3 |   — |  29 |   — |    23.20|      — |    18  |    12
 New Hampshire|  15 |   4 | 238 |  26 |   173.28|   17.94|   154  |    20
 New Jersey   | 142 |  14 |1954 | 140 |  2008.88|  133.00|  1218  |   834
 New Mexico   |   9 |   3 |  74 |  21 |    47.84|   13.65|    44  |    29
 New York     | 157 |  43 |3874 | 428 |  4160.68|  308.16|  2496  |  1717
 North        |     |     |     |     |         |        |        |
   Carolina   |  44 |   6 | 490 | 129 |   439.04|   83.66|   290  |   199
 North Dakota |   6 |   6 |  62 |  43 |    39.84|   23.86|    36  |    26
 Ohio         | 179 |  25 |2542 | 340 |  2124.68|  225.52|  1616  |  1087
 Oklahoma     |  95 |  22 | 689 | 201 |   477.84|  119.56|   410  |   280
 Oregon       |  24 |   2 | 425 |  30 |   378.00|   16.70|   250  |   169
 Pennsylvania | 173 |  74 |3151 | 651 |  2920.72|  461.08|  2134  |  1458
 Porto Rico   |   4 |   — | 102 |   — |    97.92|      — |    54  |    45
 Rhode Island |  13 |   7 | 396 |  66 |   427.20|   57.00|   255  |   186
 South        |     |     |     |     |         |        |        |
   Carolina   |  19 |   3 | 232 |  44 |   165.44|   26.46|   147  |    97
 South Dakota |   7 |  12 |  59 |  75 |    37.20|   41.30|    35  |    26
 Tennessee    |  25 |  16 | 507 |  99 |   426.16|   60.14|   343  |   242
 Texas        | 213 |  25 |1599 | 201 |  1091.80|  111.40|   944  |   582
 Utah         |  11 |   5 | 140 |  36 |   115.92|   21.48|    88  |    64
 Vermont      |  15 |  29 | 143 | 195 |    97.20|  109.20|    85  |    57
 Virginia     |  39 |   3 | 584 |  38 |   534.32|   28.68|   368  |   264
 Washington   |  35 |   1 | 712 |  63 |   631.77|   48.03|   400  |   314
 West Virginia|  27 |   9 | 305 |  50 |   253.68|   26.72|   184  |   120
 Wisconsin    |  89 |  28 | 943 | 261 |   848.48|  207.70|   612  |   431
 Wyoming      |   5 |   1 |  40 |  15 |    26.56|    8.44|    26  |    17
 Total U.S.   |2810 |1158 |39354|8524 |$35322.96|$6138.05| 24669  |16844
    CANADA    |     |     |     |     |         |        |        |
 Alberta      |   7 |     |   72|     |    58.24|        |    45  |   30
 British      |     |     |     |     |         |        |        |
   Columbia   |   9 |     |  116|     |   115.84|        |    72  |   51
 Manitoba     |   5 |     |  139|     |   136.40|        |    99  |   66
 New Brunswick|   5 |     |   86|     |    62.96|        |    59  |   40
 Nova Scotia  |   5 |     |   72|     |    47.52|        |    56  |   33
 Ontario      |  55 |     |  924|     |   745.76|        |   587  |  400
 Prince Edward|     |     |     |     |         |        |        |
   Island     |   2 |     |    7|     |     3.92|        |     4  |    3
 Quebec       |  14 |     |  212|     |   511.28|        |   302  |  166
 Saskatchewan |   5 |     |   51|     |    44.08|        |    31  |   23
              +-----+     +-----+     +---------+        +--------+------
 Total Canada | 107 |     | 1679|     | $1726.00|        |  1255  |  812

    * Association towns only. Data not available in other towns.



_This Roosevelt Gold Dust Poster, beautifully lithographed in six
printings, appeared on the boards in all large cities just a week before
Colonel Roosevelt’s return to America._

_Combining timeliness and a good advertising connection, it has made a
distinct hit, and was the most talked-about Poster ever issued._]

Official List Associated Bill-Posters


  Anniston                 Theiss, Smith & Douglas                      .12
    Pop. 125,000           35-24’s 50-16’s 100-8’s

  Birmingham               L. G. Jones                                  .09
    Pop. 11,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Bessemer                 Theiss, Smith & Douglas                      .07
    Pop. 10,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Birmingham.

  Eufaula                  A. J. Clayton                                .07
    Pop. 6,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Florala                  R. A. French                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             12 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Gadsden                  J. A. Bacon & Son                            .07
    Pop. 9,368             26 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Girard                   Springer Adv. Service                        .09
    Pop. 3,840             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Columbus, Ga.

  Greenville               G. M. Moncrief                               .07
    Pop. 3,162             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Huntsville               Huntsville Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 10,000            30 L. 6-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  =Mobile=                 =McDermott Advt’g Service=                   .12
    Pop. 55,000            20-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s

  Montgomery               Tisdale Billposting Co.                      .12
    Pop. 42,346            18-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  =New Decatur=            =Twin City Billposting Co.=                  .09
    Pop. 13,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Roanoke                  Roanoke Advertising Service                  .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Selma                    Selma Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 15,278            39 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Talladega                Chambers Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 7,000             33 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Tuscaloosa               Tuscaloosa Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 7,000             40 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s


  Benson                   Kilcullen & Clingan                          .09
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Phoenix.

  =Bisbee=                 =Bisbee Billposting Co.=                     .10
    Pop. 23,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Clifton                  Donald H. Clingan                            .10
    Pop. 6,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Phoenix.

  Douglas                  Hobson Advertising Service                   .12
    Pop. 13,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Florence                 Donald H. Clingan                            .09
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Phoenix.

  Globe                    Kilcullen & Clingan                          .12
    Pop. 9,000             16 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Phoenix.

  Hayden                   Donald H. Clingan                            .09
    Pop. 500               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Phoenix.

  Mesa                     Big 4 Advertising Co.                        .09
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s or 5-8’s

  Miami                    Joe V. Prochaska                             .09
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Morenci                  Donald H. Clingan                            .09
    Pop. 6,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Phoenix.

  Nogales                  Kilcullen & Clingan                          .09
    Pop. 7,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Phoenix.

  Phoenix                  Big 4 Advertising Co.                        .09
    Pop. 20,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Prescott                 Prescott Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 6,500             12 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Ray                      Donald H. Clingan                            .09
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Phoenix.

  Tempe                    Big 4 Advertising Co.                        .09
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Tucson                   Kilcullen & Clingan Co.                      .09
    Pop. 22,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Yuma                     M. G. Duke                                   .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 3-16’s 5-8’s


  Altheimer                Hill’s Advertising Service                   .07
    Pop. 200

  Argenta                  Argenta Posting Service                      .09
    Pop. 8,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Arkadelphia              Nathan Fiske                                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Atkins                   Bonds Advertising Co.                        .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Russellville.

  Batesville               Batesville Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 2,327             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Bentonville              E. B. Howard                                 .07
    Pop. 3,500             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Black Rock               Walnut Ridge Billposting Co.                 .07
    Pop. 1,400             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Walnut Ridge.

  Brinkley                 H. L. D. Whitson                             .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Camden                   Hill’s Advertising Service                   .07
    Pop. 6,000             14 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pine Bluff.

  Conway                   Conway Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Corning                  D. N. Gage                                   .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Dequeen                  Mack C. Merideth                             .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  El Dorado                Jno. J. Johnson                              .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Eureka Springs           Eureka Springs Electric Co.                  .07
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Fayetteville             Harrison Posting Service                     .09
    Pop. 10,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Fordyce                  Hill’s Advertising Service                   .07
    Pop. 4,000             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pine Bluff.

  Forest City              Forest City Billposting & Advertising
                            Co.                                         .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Fort Smith               Fort Smith Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 33,000            139 L. 25-24’s 35-16’s 75-8’s

  Helena                   City Billposting Co.                         .09
    Pop. 15,000            27 L. 6-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Hot Springs              Hot Springs Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 16,000            6-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Jonesboro                Trice & Dollins                              .09
    Pop. 10,250            35 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Lake Village             H. T. Johnson                                .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  =Little Rock=            =Little Rock Advt. & B. P. Co.=              .10
    Pop. 60,000            20-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s

  Marianna                 Jackson’s Advertising Service                .07
    Pop. 2,000             16 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Mena                     C. B. Nall                                   .07
    Pop. 5,107             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Nashville                McLaird Brothers                             .07
    Pop. 1,000             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Newport                  N. B. Wishon                                 .07
    Pop. 3,800             20 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Ozark                    Littleton Advertising Co.                    .07
    Pop. 2,000             12 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Paragould                Wilson Advertising Co.                       .07
    Pop. 6,000             21 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Piggott                  Geo. M. Gilbert                              .07
    Pop. 1,250             1-24 2-16’s or 5-8’s

  Pine Bluff               Hill’s Advertising Service                   .09
    Pop. 20,000            55 L. 12-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s

  Rector                   Wilson Advertising Co.                       .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Paragould. Paper to Rector.

  Rison                    Hill’s Advertising Service                   .07
    Pop. 500               Mail and paper to Pine Bluff.

  Russelville              Bonds Advertising Co.                        .07
    Pop. 1,832             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Searcy                   Searcy Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 3,000             11 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Siloam Springs           Siloam Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 3,700             11 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Stamps                   W. T. Neal                                   .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Stuttgart                Hill’s Advertising Service
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pine Bluff.

  Texarkana                James Doyle                                  .09
    Pop. 12,500            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Van Buren                McCollough & Son                             .07
    Pop. 2,573             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Walnut Ridge             Walnut Ridge Billposting Co.                 .07
    Pop. 2,109             10 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Wynne                    Wynne Advertising Co.                        .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s


  The classification of towns named is as follows:

      Class “A”—Excellent service; highly recommended.
      Class “B”—Good service; meets Association requirements.
      Class “C”—Not up to Association requirements.

  =Alameda=                =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(A)=  .14
    Pop. 45,000            30 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Oakland.

  Alhambra                 D. W. Coyle                            (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,500             2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Pasadena.

  Alvarado                 Haywards Billposting Co.               (C)   .07
    Pop. 750               1 L.
                           Mail and paper to Haywards.

  =Anaheim=                =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 2,500             4 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  =Azusa=                  =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 1,200             2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  Bakersfield              E. R. Crain                            (B)   .07
    Pop. 5,000             19 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 17-8’s

  =Berkeley and West       =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(A)=  .14
  Berkeley=                46 L. 18-24’s 27-16’s 45-8’s
    Pop. 53,000            Mail and paper to Oakland.

  Centerville              N. J. Fletcher                         (C)   .07
    Pop. 1,000             1 L.
                           Mail and paper to Livermore.

  Chico                    G. E. Young                            (B)   .07
    Pop. 7,000             17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  =Chino=                  =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 1,750             1 L.
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  Coalinga                 H. C. Williams                         (C)   .07
    Pop. 3,500             5 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s

  =Colton=                 =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 4,200             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  Compton                  Geo. B. Whited                         (B)   .07
    Pop. 1,000             5 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Long Beach.

  =Corona=                 =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 2,500             5 L.
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  =Covina=                 =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 2,000             3 L.
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  Davisville               Caswell Co.                            (B)   .09
    Pop. 1,275             7 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sacramento.

  Decoto                   Haywards Billposting Co.               (C)   .07
    Pop. 800               2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Haywards.

  Dinuba                   H. Hurst                                     .07
    Pop. 1,100

  Downey                   R. H. Blair                            (C)   .07
    Pop. 1,000             6 L.
                           Mail and paper to Whittier.

  El Centro                Ellis & Sawyer                               .07
    Pop. 2,000

  Eureka                   H. Lund                                      .10
    Pop. 12,147

  Ferndale                 Hartley Brothers                             .07
    Pop. 900

  Fresno                   F. H. Bancroft                         (A)   .09
    Pop. 18,736            44 L. 16-24’s 24-16’s 40-8’s

  =Fullerton=              =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 2,500             3 L.

  Geyserville              R. K. Truitt                                 .07
    Pop. 450               Mail and paper to Healdsburg.

  Gilroy                   C. S. Holmes                           (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,500             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  =Glendora=               =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 600               1 L.
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  Hanford                  Kings County Advertising Co.           (B)   .07
    Pop. 5,509             21 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 15-8’s

  =Haywards=               =Haywards Billposting Co.=            =(C)=  .07
    Pop. 3,000             4 L.

  Healdsburg               R. K. Truitt                           (B)   .10
    Pop. 3,000             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Irvington                Haywards Billposting Co.               (C)   .07
    Pop. 800               2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Haywards.

  Lamanda                  D. W. Coyle                            (C)   .07
    Pop. 1,000             4 L.
                           Mail and paper to Pasadena.

  Lemoore                  C. F. Nahar                            (C)   .07
    Pop. 1,600             5 L. 3-16’s 4-8’s

  Livermore                N. J. Fletcher                         (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,750             8 L. 3-16’s 4-8’s

  Long Beach               George Whited                          (A)   .07
    Pop. 8,000             24 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  =Lordsburg=              =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 1,000             2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  =Los Angeles=            =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(A)=  .14
    Pop. 340,000           382 L. 115-24’s 170-16’s 284-8’s

  Marysville               Frank Atkins                           (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,497             10 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Merced                   N. H. Wilson                           (B)   .07
    Pop. 2,000             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Modesto                  W. H. Bortle                           (B)   .10
    Pop. 3,800             12 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  =Monrovia=               =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 3,500             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  Monterey                 Sunset Posting Co.                     (B)   .09
    Pop. 3,500             14 L. 4-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s

  Napa                     C. L. Levansaler                       (B)   .07
    Pop. 4,500             12 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  National City            San Diego Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 2,500             Mail and paper to San Diego.

  Newark                   Haywards Billposting Co.               (C)   .07
    Pop. 700               1 L.
                           Mail and paper to Haywards.

  Niles                    Haywards Billposting Co.               (C)   .07
    Pop. 300               2 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Haywards.

  =North Pomona=           =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 600               1 L.
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  =Oakland=                =Thomas H. B. Varney=                 =(A)=  .14
    Pop. 225,000           238 L. 60-24’s 90-16’s 147-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Oakland.

  Ocean Park               L. M. Pence                            (B)   .07
    Pop. 2,500             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Santa Monica.

  =Ontario=                =Thomas H. B. Varney=                 =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 4,500             3 L.
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  =Orange=                 =Thomas H. B. Varney=                 =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 3,000             5 L.
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  Oroville                 Oroville Billposting Co.               (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,500             3 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s

  Oxnard                   S. R. Jenkins                          (B)   .10
    Pop. 1,500             15 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Santa Paula.

  Pacific Grove            Sunset Posting Co.                     (C)   .09
    Pop. 2,500             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Monterey.

  Pasadena                 D. W. Coyle                            (A)   .10
    Pop. 32,000            36 L. 16-24’s 24-16’s 40-8’s

  Paso Robles              M. Shinners                            (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,200             3 L.

  =Petaluma=               =J. Chas. Green Co.=                  =(B)=  .10
    Pop. 5,450             27 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to San Francisco.

  Pleasanton               N. J. Fletcher                         (C)   .07
    Pop. 1,300             1 L.
                           Mail and paper to Livermore.

  =Pomona=                 =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(B)=  .10
    Pop. 9,000             15 L. 5-24’s 7-16’s 11-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  Porterville              W. J. Godley                           (C)   .07
    Pop. 3,000             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s

  Red Bluff                E. L. Belyea                           (C)   .10
    Pop. 2,750             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Redding                  Unash Billposting Co.                  (C)   .09
    Pop. 3,000             4 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Red Bluff.

  =Redlands=               =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(B)=  .10
    Pop. 12,000            21 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  Redwood                  Ralph Stothers                         (C)   .07
    Pop. 3,500             5 L. 3-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s

  Richmond                 Point Richmond Posting Service.        (C)   .07
    Pop. 10,000            11 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail to Point Richmond. Paper to

  =Riverside=              =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(B)=  .10
    Pop. 15,000            16 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 16-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  Sacramento               Caswell Co.                            (A)   .12
    Pop. 55,000            92 L. 36-24’s 54-16’s 87-8’s
                           413 J St.

  Salinas                  Salinas City Posting Co.               (B)   .07
    Pop. 4,000             13 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  =San Bernardino=         =Thos. H. B. Varney=                         .10
    Pop. 16,000            32 L. 12-24’s 18-16’s 29-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  =San Diego=              =San Diego Billposting Co.=           =(B)=  .12
    Pop. 42,000            55 L. 18-24’s 27-16’s 48-8’s

  =San Dimas=              =Thos. H. B. Varney=                         .10
    Pop. 750               Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  =San Francisco=          =J. Chas. Green Co.=                  =(A)=  .16
    Pop. 540,000           898 L. 238-24’s 357-16’s 597-8’s

  San Gabriel              D. W. Coyle                            (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,000             1 L.
                           Mail and paper to Pasadena.

  =San Jose=               =J. Chas. Green Co.=                  =(A)=  .12
    Pop. 39,375            82 L. 20-24’s 35-16’s 50-8’s
                           Mail and paper to San Jose.

  San Leandro              Haywards Billposting Co.               (C)   .07
    Pop. 3,000             4 L.
                           Mail and paper to Haywards.

  San Luis Obispo          Dan Wolf                               (B)   .07
    Pop. 6,000             16 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 13-8’s

  San Pedro                George Whited                          (B)   .07
    Pop. 4,000             15 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 9-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Long Beach.

  =San Rafael=             =J. Chas. Green Co.=                  =(A)=  .10
    Pop. 3,879             10 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 9-8’s
                           Mail and paper to San Francisco.

  Santa Ana                Peters Billposting Co.                 (A)   .07
    Pop. 7,000             23 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 16-8’s

  =Santa Barbara=          =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(A)=  .10
    Pop. 20,000            32 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  Santa Clara              G. W. Wright & Son                     (A)   .10
    Pop. 3,650             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Santa Cruz               Geo. Birkenseer                        (B)   .07
    Pop. 9,000             19 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 15-8’s

  Santa Monica             Santa Monica Billposting Co.           (B)   .07
    Pop. 8,000             15 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 11-8’s

  Santa Paula              S. R. Jenkins                          (B)   .10
    Pop. 2,000             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Santa Rosa               Lee Bros. & Co.                        (A)   .10
    Pop. 10,000            22 L. 6-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Sawtelle                 L. M. Pence                                  .07
    Pop. 100               Mail and paper to Santa Monica.

  Sebastopol               Lee Brothers & Co.                     (B)   .10
    Pop. 1,125             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Santa Rosa.

  South Pasadena           D. W. Coyle                            (A)   .10
    Pop. 3,000             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pasadena.

  Stockton                 Stockton Billposting Co.               (A)   .12
    Pop. 30,000            75 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s
                           130 S. Sutter St.

  Truckee                  W. M. Englehart                        (C)   .07
    Pop. 1,500             1 L.

  Ukiah                    J. H. Saunders                         (C)   .07
    Pop. 3,000             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s

  =Uplands=                =Thos. H. B. Varney=                  =(C)=  .10
    Pop. 1,650             4 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Los Angeles.

  Ventura                  S. R. Jenkins                          (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,118             13 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Santa Paula.

  Visalia                  M. H. Garnett                          (B)   .07
    Pop. 4,000             17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Watsonville              Watsonville Billposting Co.            (B)   .07
    Pop. 4,000             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Watts                    Geo. B. Whited                         (B)   .07
    Pop. 500               4 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Long Beach.

  Whittier                 R. H. Blair                            (C)   .07
    Pop. 4,500             15 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s

  Willows                  W. H. Keim                             (C)   .07
    Pop. 1,500             4 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s

  Wilmington               George B. Whited                       (B)   .07
    Pop. 800               5 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Long Beach.

  Woodland                 Dietz & Glendenning                    (A)   .07
    Pop. 3,000             13 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 9-8’s


  Arvada                   The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Denver.

  Aspen                    Rufus Sarson                                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Black Hawk               The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Denver.

  Boulder                  The Curran Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 15,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Boulder.

  Brighton                 The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 850               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Denver.

  Buena Vista              Henry C. Hamdorf                             .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Canon City               The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 3,775             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Canon City.

  Central City             The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Denver.

  Colorado City            The Curran Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Colorado
                           Springs, Colo.

  Colorado Springs         The Curran Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 30,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Colorado

  Cripple Creek            The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 10,000            4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Cripple

  =Denver=                 =The Curran Billposting Co.=                 .12
    Pop. 240,000           75-24’s 100-16’s 200-8’s

  Durango                  A. M. Anheier                                .09
    Pop. 7,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Eaton                    The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 500               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Ft. Collins.

  Florence                 The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 3,728             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Canon City.

  Fort Collins             The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 11,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Ft. Collins.

  Golden                   The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Denver.

  Grand Junction           Haskell Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 9,000             24 L 5-24’s 7-16’s 15-8’s

  Greeley                  The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 8,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Ft. Collins.

  Lamar                    W. W. Sturgeon                               .10
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Leadville                John Colman & Son                            .09
    Pop. 13,697            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Littleton                The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Denver.

  Longmont                 The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 5,201             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Boulder.

  Loveland                 The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 5,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Boulder.

  Manitou                  The Curran Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Colorado

  Pueblo                   The Curran Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 60,000            18-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Pueblo.

  Rifle                    J. R. Linden                                 .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Rocky Ford               Andrew Nichols                               .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Salida                   Salida Billposting Co. Powell &              .08
    Pop. 7,000             Brewer
                           17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Trinidad                 The Trinidad Ad-Sign Co.                     .09
    Pop. 15,000            41 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Victor                   The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 4,986             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Cripple

  Windsor                  The Curran Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 500               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Denver. Paper to Ft. Collins.


  Ansonia                  New Haven Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 19,000            6-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 140 Meadow St.,
                           New Haven.

  Branford                 New Haven Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 6,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 140 Meadow St.,
                           New Haven.

  Bridgeport               Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 105,000           93 L. 25-24’s 35-16’s 75-8’s
                           226 Stratford Ave.

  Bristol                  T. J. Lynch                                  .09
    Pop. 10,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to New Britain.

  Cheshire                 Waterbury Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 1,987             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waterbury.

  Danbury                  Danbury Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 19,474            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Danielson and Killingly  E. S. Carpenter                              .09
    Pop. 6,823             21 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Danielson.

  Darien                   Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 3,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to 226 Stratford Ave.,
                           Bridgeport. Paper to 227 Washington
                           St., East Norwalk.

  Derby                    New Haven Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 8,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 140 Meadow St.,
                           New Haven.

  East Hampton             Henry Engel                                  .09
    Pop. 2,700             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Middletown.

  East Haven               New Haven Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 140 Meadow St.,
                           New Haven.

  Enfield                  Springfield Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 7,200             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield, Mass.

  Fairfield                Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 6,500             5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 226 Stratford Ave.,

  Greenwich                Standard Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 12,172            8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Hamden                   New Haven Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 6,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 140 Meadow St.,
                           New Haven.

  Hartford                 Hartford Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 95,822            40-24’s 50-16’s 75-8’s
                           66 State St.

  Huntington               New Haven Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 6,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 140 Meadow St.,
                           New Haven.

  Manchester               Oford Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 15,000            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Meriden                  Meriden Billposting Co.                      .12
    Pop. 25,880            10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Middletown               Henry Engel                                  .09
    Pop. 20,000            35 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Milford                  New Haven Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 5,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 140 Meadow St.,
                           New Haven.

  Naugatuck                Waterbury Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 13,133            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waterbury.

  New Britain              T. J. Lynch, care of Lyceum Theatre          .09
    Pop. 43,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s

  New Canaan               Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 2,968             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to 226 Stratford Ave.,

  =New Haven=             =New Haven Billposting Co.=                   .14
    Pop. 150,000           50-24’s 75-16’s 150-8’s
                           140 Meadow St.

  New London               Ira W. Jackson                               .09
    Pop. 19,822            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  North Haven              New Haven Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 140 Meadow St.,
                           New Haven.

  Norwalk                  Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 24,000            15 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to 226 Stratford Ave.,
                           Bridgeport. Paper to 227 Washington
                           St., East Norwalk.

  Norwich                  Geo. W. Carroll, Jr.                         .09
    Pop. 19,759            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Orange                   New Haven Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 12,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 140 Meadow St.,
                           New Haven.

  Plainville               T. J. Lynch                                  .09
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to New Britain.

  Putnam                   Putnam Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 8,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Ridgefield               Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 2,626             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to 226 Stratford Ave.,
                           Bridgeport. Paper to 227 Washington
                           St., East Norwalk.

  Rockville                Rockville Billposting Co.                    .10
    Pop. 9,000             14 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Rowayton                 Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 750               Mail to 226 Stratford Ave.,
                           Bridgeport. Paper to 227 Washington
                           St., East Norwalk.

  Saugatuck                Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 650               Mail to 226 Stratford Ave.,
                           Bridgeport. Paper to 227 Washington
                           St., East Norwalk.

  Seymour                  New Haven Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 140 Meadow St.,
                           New Haven.

  Southington              Meriden Billposting Co.                      .12
    Pop. 3,411             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Meriden.

  South Norwalk            Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 6,561             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to 226 Stratford Ave.,
                           Bridgeport. Paper to 227 Washington
                           St., East Norwalk.

  Southport                Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 1,500             1 L.
                           Mail and paper to 226 Stratford Ave.,

  Stafford Springs         Gary Bros.                                   .09
    Pop. 5,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Stamford                 Standard Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 17,559            17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Stratford                Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 4,000             24 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 226 Stratford Ave.,

  Suffield                 Springfield Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield, Mass.

  Thomaston                Waterbury Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 3,300             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waterbury.

  Thompsonville            Springfield Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 5,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield, Mass.

  Wallingford              G. H. Wilkinson                              .09
    Pop. 9,001             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Waterbury                Waterbury Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 75,000            25-24’s 50-16’s 75-8’s

  Westport                 Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 5,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to 226 Stratford Ave.,
                           Bridgeport. Paper to 227 Washington
                           St., East Norwalk.

  Wilton                   Bridgeport Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 1,598             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to 226 Stratford Ave.,

  Woodbridge               New Haven Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 2,000             1-24, 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 140 Meadow St.,
                           New Haven.


  =Havana=                 =Havana Advertising Co.=                     .16
    Pop. 300,000           293 L. 75-24’s 100-16’s 200-8’s
                           35 Obrapia St.

  Matanzas                 Matanzas Advertising Co.                     .12
    Pop. 64,385            83 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s
                           45 Constitucion St.


  Delaware City            Wilmington Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Wilmington.

  Dover                    Dover Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Middletown               Wilmington Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 1,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Wilmington.

  Milford                  Milford Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  New Castle               Wilmington Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 5,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Wilmington.

  Wilmington               Wilmington Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 95,000            25-24’s 40-16’s 80-8’s


  Anacostia                Anacostia Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 3,418             5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 517 13th St.,
                           N. W., Washington, D. C.

  Georgetown               Georgetown Billposting Co.                   .16
    Pop. 24,000            23 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 517 13th St.,
                           N. W., Washington, D. C.

  Tennallytown             Tennallytown Billposting Co.                 .16
    Pop. 1,367             1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 517 13th St.,
                           N. W., Washington, D. C.

  =Washington=             =Washington Billposting Co.=                 .16
    Pop. 310,000           288 L. 100-24’s 200-16’s 400-8’s
                           517 13th St., N. W.


  Daytona                  James M. Osborn                              .07
    Pop. 4,000             12 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Gainesville              N. E. Benson                                 .09
    Pop. 7,335             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Jacksonville             Burbridge Posting Service                    .12
    Pop. 70,000            56 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 45-8’s

  Lakeland                 O. S. Van Huss                               .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Miami                    Abernethy Posting Service                    .09
    Pop. 6,000             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Ocala                    J. W. Sylvester                              .07
    Pop. 4,493             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Palatka                  Louis Kalbfield                              .09
    Pop. 5,250             27 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Pensacola                Pensacola Advertising Co.                    .10
    Pop. 30,000            59 L. 12-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s

  Live Oak                 Sewanee Advertising Service                  .07
    Pop. 7,200             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  St. Augustine            J. Clark Beach                               .12
    Pop. 5,121             23 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  St. Petersburg           George W. Anderson                           .08
    Pop. 4,800             13 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Sanford                  J. C. Harris                                 .09
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  =Tampa=                  =Tampa Adv. & Billposting Co.=               .12
    Pop. 50,000            73 L. 15-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s


  Abbeville                N. C. Paxon Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Adele                    J. A. Sutton                                 .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Albany                   Albany Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 12,000            5-24’s 7-16’s 15-8’s

  Americus                 Americus Posting Co.                         .09
    Pop. 11,324            26 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Athens                   Athens Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 18,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  =Atlanta=                =Atlanta Advertising Service=                .12
    Pop. 135,000           50-24’s 75-16’s 150-8’s

  =Augusta=                =Milligan Advertising Service=               .12
    Pop. 53,442            20-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s

  Barnesville              Carlisle & Ward                              .09
    Pop. 4,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Griffin, Ga.

  Bellwood                 Atlanta Advertising Service                  .12
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Atlanta.

  Brunswick                Brunswick Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 9,453             35 L. 6-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s
                           Office Grand Opera House.

  Cartersville             H. E. F. Jones Billposting Co.               .07
    Pop. 5,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Cedartown                J. C. Knight, Jr., Advertising Co.           .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to cor. Boyle and Maryland
                           aves., St. Louis, Mo.

  =Columbus=               =Springer Advertising Service=               .09
    Pop. 18,000            119 L. 20-24’s 40-16’s 60-8’s X-15’s

  Commerce                 T. C. Little                                 .07
    Pop. 2,500             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  =Cordele=                =J. H. Shipp=                                .09
    Pop. 8,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Covington                Simms Adv. & Billposting Co.                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Dalton                   Stoops Billposting & Adv. Co.                .09
    Pop. 6,000             28 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Chattanooga, Tenn.

  Dawson                   Dawson Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Decatur                  Atlanta Advertising Service                  .12
    Pop. 1,418             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Atlanta, Ga.

  Douglas                  Douglas Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Sandersville. Paper to

  Douglasville             Douglasville Advertising Agency              .07
    Pop. 2,250             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Dublin                   A. A. Cowart                                 .07
    Pop. 6,000             23 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  East Point               Atlanta Advertising Service                  .12
    Pop. 1,315             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Atlanta, Ga.

  Eatonton                 F. A. Dennis                                 .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Edgewood                 Atlanta Advertising Service                  .12
    Pop. 1,285             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Atlanta.

  Elberton                 T. J. Hulme                                  .07
    Pop. 4,500             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Forsyth                  Carlisle & Ward                              .09
    Pop. 1,172             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Griffin.

  Gainesville              Gainesville Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Greensboro               Jackson Adv. & Billposting Service           .07
    Pop. 1,514             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Griffin                  Carlisle & Ward                              .09
    Pop. 10,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Hawkinsville             Hawkinsville Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Sandersville. Paper to

  Jackson                  Carlisle & Ward                              .07
    Pop. 1,750             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Griffin.

  LaGrange                 W. J. Perry Co.                              .07
    Pop. 5,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Newnan. Paper to LaGrange.

  Lindale                  J. C. Knight, Jr., Adv. Co.                  .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to cor. Boyle and Maryland
                           aves., St. Louis, Mo. Paper to
                           Cedartown, Ga.

  =Macon=                  =F. H. Powers Billposting Co.=               .12
    Pop. 32,692            50 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s

  Marietta                 J. J. Black                                  .07
    Pop. 4,446             27 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  McDonough                Carlisle & Ward                              .09
    Pop. 683               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Griffin.

  Milledgeville            John L. Yancey                               .07
    Pop. 6,500             20 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Monroe                   Pryor E. Caldwell                            .09
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Moultrie                 C. M. Blanton                                .07
    Pop. 4,000             10 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Newnan                   W. J. Perry Co.                              .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Oakland                  Atlanta Advertising Service                  .12
    Pop. 500               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Atlanta.

  Quitman                  W. L. Ricks                                  .09
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Rome                     H. E. F. Jones Billposting Co.               .07
    Pop. 12,000            32 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to Cartersville. Paper to Rome.

  Sandersville             Sandersville Billposting Co.                 .07
    Pop. 3,500             19 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  =Savannah=               =Bernard Advertising Service=                .12
    Pop. 70,000            155 L. 30-24’s 60-16’s 100-8’s

  Tennille                 Sandersville Billposting Co.                 .07
    Pop. 1,500             10 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sandersville.

  Thomasville              T. L. Spence                                 .07
    Pop. 5,322             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Tifton                   Tifton Advertising Co.                       .07
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Valdosta                 Rick’s Advertising Service                   .07
    Pop. 8,000             21 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Waycross                 Gortatowsky Bros.                            .07
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to Albany. Paper to Waycross.

  Winder                   P. W. Quattlebaum                            .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Wrightsville             H. P. Hicks & Co.                            .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s


  =Honolulu=               =Pioneer Advertising Co.=                    .12
    Pop. 42,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s


  The classification of towns named is as follows:

      Class “A”—Excellent service; highly recommended.
      Class “B”—Good service; meets Association requirements.
      Class “C”—Not up to Association requirements.

  =Boise=                  =Spaulding Posting Service=           =(B)=  .09
    Pop. 20,000            24 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Bonners Ferry            F. J. Mayhan                           (C)   .07
    Pop. 1,500             3 L.

  Coeur d’Alene            Beaumont & Rust                        (C)   .07
    Pop. 4,500             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s

  Genesee                  J. K. Bell                             (C)   .07
    Pop. 1,400             5 L.

  Grangeville              Ambler & Bonney                        (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,300             6 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s

  Idaho Falls              Jos. Maguire                           (C)   .07
    Pop. 6,500             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s

  Lewiston                 Ferguson Posting Service               (A)   .10
    Pop. 6,000             21 L. 6-24’s 10-16’s 16-8’s

  Moscow                   Moscow Billposting Co.                 (B)   .07
    Pop. 4,900             10 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Mountainhome             Mountainhome Billposting Co.           (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,250             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s

  Payette                  E. O. Mays                             (C)   .07
    Pop. 3,000             5 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s

  Pocatello                O. P. Barber                           (B)   .07
    Pop. 4,046             15 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 13-8’s

  Sandpoint                Sandpoint Paint & Oil Co.              (C)   .07
    Pop. 4,500             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Twin Falls               Cosgriff & Austin                      (C)   .07
    Pop. 6,500             4 L.

  Wallace                  Masonic Temple Ass’n.                  (B)   .07
    Pop. 4,500             15 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 7-8’s

  Weiser                   Weiser Billposting Co.                 (B)   .07
    Pop. 2,000             7 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s


  Alton                    W. M. Sauvage Adv. & Billposting Co.         .09
    Pop. 16,564            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Antioch                  North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to No. 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Arcola                   C. E. High                                   .07
    Pop. 1,995             14 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Arlington Heights        American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to No. 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Arthur                   Wm. Fleming                                  .07
    Pop. 1,060             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Ashland                  W. J. Horn Posting Sign System               .09
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Astoria                  L. M. Tidrick                                .07
    Pop. 1,864             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Aurora                   Aurora Billposting Co.                       .16
    Pop. 30,000            40-24’s 50-16’s 75-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Aurora, Ill.

  Barrington               American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 1,162             2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Batavia                  Aurora Billposting Co.                       .16
    Pop. 5,000             5-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Aurora, Ill.

  Beardstown               Horn Posting Service                         .09
    Pop. 4,827             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Belleville               Belleville Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 23,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Belvidere                Illinois Posting Service                     .12
    Pop. 9,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Rockford. Paper to Belvidere.

  Bethany                  J. H. Vadakin                                .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Blue Island              American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 7,000             6-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Bloomington              Bloomington Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 30,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Braceville               Norton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 1,669             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lockport.

  Bradley                  B. L. Cron                                   .09
    Pop. 1,516             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Kankakee.

  Braidwood                Norton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 3,279             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lockport.

  Bridgeport               Pearl F. Carr                                .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Brooklyn                 E. St. Louis Posting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 865               1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail to 631 S. 6th St., St. Louis,
                           Mo. Paper to 423 N. 13th St., E. St.
                           Louis, Ill.

  Bunker Hill              E. B. Carroll                                .07
    Pop. 1,299             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Bushnell                 The Jackson Advertising System               .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Byron                    Byron Posting Service                        .07
    Pop. 1,015             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Cairo                    Cairo Outdoor Advertising Service            .09
    Pop. 21,093            47 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Canton                   Canton Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 9,000             29 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s
                           Paper to Grand Opera House.

  Carmi                    Carmi Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 2,939             11 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Carterville              J. B. Samuel                                 .07
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Casey                    H. C. Sturdevant                             .07
    Pop. 1,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Caseyville               E. St. Louis Posting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 449               1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail to 631 S. 6th St., St. Louis,
                           Mo. Paper to 423 N. 13th St., E. St.
                           Louis, Ill.

  Centralia                Pittenger Posting Service                    .09
    Pop. 12,600            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Champaign                The A. E. Price Co.                          .09
    Pop. 11,908            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Cherry Valley            Rockford Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 420               1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Rockford, Ill.

  Chicago                  American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 2,049,185         400-24’s 600-16’s 800-8’s
                           757 W. Jackson Blvd.

  Chicago Heights          American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 15,000            10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Chillicothe              Charvat Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Chrisman                 Geo. W. Runge                                .07
    Pop. 1,600             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Clearing                 Western Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Clinton                  Horn Posting Service                         .09
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Coal City                Norton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 2,607             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lockport.

  Coleta                   C. & M. Posting Service                      .07
    Pop. 300               2-16’s 4-8’s

  Collinsville             E. St. Louis Posting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 11,000            10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to 631 S. 6th St., St. Louis,
                           Mo. Paper to 423 N. 13th St., E. St.
                           Louis, Ill.

  Danville                 Myers Posting Service                        .09
    Pop. 25,000            50 L. 12-24’s 18-16’s 35-8’s
                           6 E. Main St.

  Decatur                  Decatur Posting Service                      .09
    Pop. 25,000            12-24’s 18-16’s 35-8’s
                           Powers’ Grand Opera House.

  Deerfield                North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 275               1-24 1-16 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Delevan                  A. L. Hiner                                  .07
    Pop. 1,304             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  DeKalb                   W. O. Wiltberger                             .09
    Pop. 9,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Desplaines               American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 2,500             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Dixon                    Illinois Posting Service                     .09
    Pop. 9,500             22 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sterling.

  Dolton                   South Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 1,400             2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Hammond, Ind.

  Downers Grove            American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Duquoin                  Jno. W. Hurt                                 .07
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Dwight                   Norton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 2,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lockport.

  East Dubuque             Dubuque Billposting Co.                      .12
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Dubuque, Iowa.

  East Moline              Illinois Posting Service                     .12
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Moline.

  East St. Louis           E. St. Louis Posting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 65,329            25-24’s 40-16’s 75-8’s
                           Mail to 631 S. 6th St., St. Louis,
                           Mo. Paper to 423 N. 13th St., E. St.
                           Louis, Ill.

  Edgemont                 E. St. Louis Posting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 500               1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail to 631 S. 6th St., St. Louis,
                           Mo. Paper to 423 N. 13th St., E. St.
                           Louis, Ill.

  Edinburgh                W. J. Horn Posting Sign System               .09
    Pop. 1,100             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Edwardsville             Chas. V. Tuxhorn, Advertising Service        .09
    Pop. 5,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Effingham                W. G. Austin                                 .07
    Pop. 3,774             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Elgin                    Fred W. Jencks                               .09
    Pop. 26,575            12-24’s 18-16’s 35-8’s

  Elmhurst                 Western Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Eureka                   C. E. Lewis                                  .09
    Pop. 1,661             12 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Evanston                 American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 23,000            20-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Fairbury                 Illinois Posting Service                     .09
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Farmer City              W. S. Young                                  .07
    Pop. 1,850             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Forreston                Amos Yordy                                   .07
    Pop. 1,047             Mail to Shannon. Paper to Forreston.

  Fort Sheridan            North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 1,575             2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Freeport                 Illinois Posting Service                     .12
    Pop. 18,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Fulton                   W. Stowell                                   .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Galena                   The Gazette Billposting Co.                  .07
    Pop. 6,500             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Galesburg                Johnson Advertising Service                  .09
    Pop. 25,000            95 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s

  Gardner                  Norton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 1,300             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lockport.

  Geneseo                  F. W. Murray                                 .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Geneva                   Aurora Billposting Co.                       .16
    Pop. 3,200             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Aurora.

  Genoa                    Cliffe Posting Service                       .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sycamore.

  Girard                   W. J. Horn Posting Sign System               .09
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Glencoe                  North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 2,600             2-24’s 4-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Granite City             E. St. Louis Posting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 10,909            10-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to 631 S. 6th St., St. Louis,
                           Mo. Paper to 423 N. 13th St., E. St.
                           Louis, Ill.

  Gray’s Lake              North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 416               1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Grayville                H. C. Rigall                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Greenup                  Chas. M. Eckard                              .07
    Pop. 1,085             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Harlem                   Western Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 4,100             5-24’s 7-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Harvard                  Eugene Saunders                              .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Harvey                   American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 5,500             3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Havana                   W. J. Horn Posting Sign System               .09
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Hawthorne                Western Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Henry                    C. E. Rolley                                 .07
    Pop. 1,978             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Herrin                   C. W. Hay                                    .07
    Pop. 1,600             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Marion.

  Highland Park            North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 5,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Highwood                 North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 1,200             2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Hinsdale                 American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 5,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Hoopeston                A. L. Knox                                   .07
    Pop. 5,100             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Illiopolis               W. J. Horn Posting Sign System               .09
    Pop. 800               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Jacksonville             G. W. Stark & Son                            .07
    Pop. 16,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Jerseyville              Lawrence Lamb Billposting Co.                .07
    Pop. 3,800             16 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Joliet                   Joliet Billposting Co.                       .16
    Pop. 35,000            40-24’s 50-16’s 75-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Joliet.

  Kankakee                 B. L. Cron                                   .09
    Pop. 20,000            42 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Kansas                   H. S. Juntgen                                .07
    Pop. 1,049             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Kenilworth               North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 336               2-24’s 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Kewanee                  W. J. Empson                                 .07
    Pop. 11,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Kirkland                 Cliffe Posting Service                       .07
    Pop. 900               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sycamore.

  Ladd                     Patrick McDonald                             .07
    Pop. 1,324             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Spring Valley.

  LaGrange                 American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 8,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Lake Bluff               North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 490               2-24’s 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Lake Forest              North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 3,300             2-24’s 4-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Lanark                   Mrs. Vina Wales                              .07
    Pop. 1,306             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  LaSalle                  E. C. Zimmerman                              .09
    Pop. 12,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Lawrenceville            Lawrenceville Advertising Co.                .07
    Pop. 1,500             11 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lockport.

  Lemont                   Norton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 2,449             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lockport.

  Libertyville             North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 864               2-24’s 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Lincoln                  Lincoln Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 12,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Litchfield               Hugh Hall                                    .07
    Pop. 7,000             21 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Lockport                 Norton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Lyndon                   Illinois Posting Service                     .07
    Pop. 800               6 L. 1-24 1-16 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sterling.

  Macomb                   The H. & H. Advertising System               .07
    Pop. 7,000             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Madison                  E. St. Louis Posting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 11,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to 631 S. 6th St., St. Louis,
                           Mo. Paper to 423 N. 13th St., E. St.
                           Louis, Ill.

  Manhattan                Norton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lockport.

  Marion                   C. W. Hay                                    .07
    Pop. 8,160             28 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Marengo                  E. D. Patrick                                .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Marissa                  Belleville Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Belleville.

  Marseilles               W. D. Quinn & Son                            .07
    Pop. 3,600             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Mascoutah                Belleville Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 3,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Belleville.

  Mason City               Edw. P. Corson                               .07
    Pop. 1,890             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Mattoon                  Marcus Heiman                                .07
    Pop. 12,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Majestic Theatre.

  Maywood                  Western Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 8,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Melrose Park             Western Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 4,200             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Mendota                  Schwarz Brothers                             .07
    Pop. 6,736             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Metropolis               Utterback Advertising Service                .07
    Pop. 4,500             13 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paducah, Ky.

  Milledgeville            C. & M. Posting Service                      .07
    Pop. 633               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Coleta. Paper to

  Mokena                   Joliet Billposting Co.                       .16
    Pop. 281               2-24’s 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Joliet.

  Moline                   Illinois Posting Service                     .12
    Pop. 20,478            10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  =Monmouth=               =Chas. W. Ward=                              .07
    Pop. 7,460             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Morgan Park              American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Morris                   Norton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lockport.

  Morrison                 Illinois Posting Service                     .09
    Pop. 3,000             10 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sterling.

  Mound City               Cairo Outdoor Advertising Service            .09
    Pop. 2,705             10 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cairo.

  Mounds                   Cairo Outdoor Advertising Service            .09
    Pop. 854               5 L. 1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cairo.

  Mount Carmel             D. L. McClintock                             .07
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Mount Carroll            Peter Edwards                                .07
    Pop. 1,996             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Mount Pulaski            W. J. Horn Posting Sign System               .09
    Pop. 1,600             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Mount Vernon             Mt. Vernon Advertising Service               .07
    Pop. 7,500             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Naperville               American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Nashville                W. H. Burns                                  .07
    Pop. 2,184             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  National                 E. St. Louis Posting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 500               1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail to 631 S. 6th St., St. Louis,
                           Mo. Paper to 423 N. 13th St., E. St.
                           Louis, Ill.

  New Lenox                Joliet Billposting Co.                       .16
    Pop. 500               2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Joliet.

  Nokomis                  Lou Roley                                    .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pana.

  Normal                   Bloomington Billposting Co.                  .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Bloomington.

  North Chicago            North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Oak Park                 Western Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 15,000            10-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Olney                    Richland-Lawrence Advertising Co.            .07
    Pop. 4,260             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Ottawa                   Illinois Posting Service                     .09
    Pop. 12,000            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Palatine                 American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 1,020             2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Pana                     Lou Roley                                    .07
    Pop. 9,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Paris                    Paris Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 9,800             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Park Ridge               American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 1,900             2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Pecatonica               Rockford Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Rockford.

  Pekin                    Pekin Billposting Co.                        .12
    Pop. 9,662             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Peoria                   Peoria Posting Service                       .16
    Pop. 66,365            30-24’s 50-16’s 100-8’s

  Peru                     F. L. Dauber                                 .09
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Pinckneyville            Victor J. Foster                             .07
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Pittsfield               Pittsfield Posting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Plainfield               Norton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lockport.

  Pontiac                  Lee Collins                                  .09
    Pop. 4,500             29 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Prophetstown             Illinois Posting Service                     .07
    Pop. 2,000             5 L. 1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sterling.

  Quincy                   E. Bowman Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 40,000            18-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Ravinia                  North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Red Bud                  Belleville Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Belleville.

  River Forest             Western Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 2,520             3-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Riverside                American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 1,800             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Riverton                 W. J. Horn Posting Sign System               .09
    Pop. 1,511             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Rock Falls               Illinois Posting Service                     .09
    Pop. 3,000             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sterling.

  Rockford                 Rockford Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 30,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s

  Rockdale                 Joliet Billposting Co.                       .16
    Pop. 200               1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Joliet.

  Rock Island              Rock Island Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 25,000            12-24’s 18-16’s 35-8’s

  Roodhouse                Chas. A. Howard                              .07
    Pop. 2,500             11 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  St. Charles              Aurora Billposting Co.                       .16
    Pop. 4,000             4-24’s 4-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Aurora.

  St. Francisville         St. Francisville Billposting Co.             .07
    Pop. 700               9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Salem                    Salem Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 3,500             17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Savanna                  Leonard Posting Service                      .07
    Pop. 3,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Seneca                   Fred Krist                                   .07
    Pop. 1,070             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Shannon                  Amos Yordy                                   .07
    Pop. 1,000             7 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Shelbyville              Joe Young                                    .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Springfield              W. J. Horn Posting Sign System               .12
    Pop. 60,000            107 L. 25-24’s 35-16’s 70-8’s

  Spring Valley            Patrick McDonald                             .07
    Pop. 6,214             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Staunton                 Wm. Hyndman                                  .09
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Sterling                 Illinois Posting Service                     .09
    Pop. 9,500             26 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Streator                 J. E. Williams                               .09
    Pop. 17,000            38 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s
                           Plumb Opera House.

  Sumner                   Richland-Lawrence Advertising Co.            .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Olney.

  Summit                   Western Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 547               2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Sycamore                 Cliffe Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Sylvis                   Illinois Posting Service                     .12
    Pop. 3,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Moline.

  Taylorville              M. J. Hogan                                  .07
    Pop. 4,500             17 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Thomson                  F. E. Lewis                                  .07
    Pop. 520               1-24 1-16 3-8’s

  Tinley Park              Joliet Billposting Co.                       .16
    Pop. 483               1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Joliet.

  Toluca                   Fred A. Guibor                               .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 3-8’s

  Upper Alton              W. M. Sauvage Adv. & Billposting Co.         .09
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Alton.

  Urbana                   The A. E. Price Co.                          .09
    Pop. 9,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Champaign.

  Vandalia                 J. M. Enck                                   .07
    Pop. 2,665             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Venice                   E. St. Louis Posting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to 631 S. 6th St., St. Louis,
                           Mo. Paper to 423 N. 13th St., E. St.
                           Louis, Ill.

  Villa Grove              E. C. Smith                                  .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Virden                   W. J. Horn Posting Sign System               .09
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Warsaw                   Warsaw Posting Co.                           .07
    Pop. 3,000             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Washington               F. C. Keil                                   .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Waterloo                 Belleville Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Belleville.

  Waukegan                 North Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 14,000            20-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Waverly                  W. J. Horn Posting Sign System               .07
    Pop. 1,600             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  West Chicago             Western Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 2,286             4-24’s 5-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Wheaton                  Western Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Willow Springs           Norton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 500               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lockport.

  Wilmington               Norton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 1,420             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lockport.

  Wilmette                 American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 6,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Winchester               James I. Sutton                              .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Winnetka                 American Posting Service                     .16
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Winnebago                Rockford Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 440               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Rockford.

  Yorkville                Aurora Billposting Co.                       .16
    Pop. 1,000             2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Aurora.


  Albany                   J. B. Carmin                                 .07
    Pop. 2,116             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Dunkirk.

  Alexandria               W. H. Lipps                                  .07
    Pop. 7,280             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Arcadia                  Noblesville Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 1,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Noblesville.

  Atlanta                  Noblesville Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Noblesville.

  Attica                   Lafayette Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 3,007             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lafayette.

  =Auburn=                 =E. O. Burroughs=                            .07
    Pop. 3,296             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Aurora                   C. A. McIntyre                               .07
    Pop. 3,645             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Batesville               Batesville Adv. Co.                          .07
    Pop. 2,301             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Bedford                  E. O. Shepard                                .07
    Pop. 7,000             11 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Brownstown. Paper to Bedford.

  Beech Grove              Indianapolis Billposting Co.                 .14
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to 209 American National Bank
                           Bldg., Indianapolis. Paper to 16
                           Pemhoke Arcade, Indianapolis.

  Bloomington              Bloomington Billposting Co.                  .07
    Pop. 8,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Bluffton                 Smith & Tangeman                             .07
    Pop. 4,479             21 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Brazil                   Will H. Leavitt                              .09
    Pop. 9,000             31 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Bremen                   Kettring & Ellis                             .07
    Pop. 1,671             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Bristol                  Goshen Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 700               1-24 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Goshen.

  Broad Ripple             Indianapolis Billposting Co.                 .14
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to 209 American National Bank
                           Bldg., Indianapolis. Paper to 16
                           Pemhoke Arcade, Indianapolis.

  Brookville               Brookville Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 2,037             10 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  =Brownstown=             =Brownstown Billposting Co.=                 .07
    Pop. 2,000             7 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Butler                   E. O. Burroughs                              .07
    Pop. 2,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Auburn.

  Cannelton                E. F. Cummings                               .07
    Pop. 2,183             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Chesterton               Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 1,000             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Gary.

  Cicero                   Noblesville Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 1,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Noblesville.

  Clark                    Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 200               Mail and paper to Gary.

  Clark’s Hill             Lafayette Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 539               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lafayette.

  Clinton                  Clinton Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 7,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Columbus                 Walter Doup                                  .07
    Pop. 8,976             18 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Converse                 The E. L. Kinneman Co.                       .09
    Pop. 1,415             5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Marion.

  Covington                Chas. E. Finfrock                            .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Attica.

  Corydon                  Frank R. Wright                              .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Crawfordsville           City Billposting & Adv. Co.                  .07
    Pop. 8,000             27 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Crisman                  Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 500               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Gary.

  Crown Point              South Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 2,800             4-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Danville                 M. E. Tinder                                 .07
    Pop. 1,802             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Decatur                  Opera House Billposting Co.                  .07
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Delphi                   Delphi Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 2,135             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Dunkirk                  J. B. Carmin                                 .07
    Pop. 3,187             2-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Dyer                     South Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 200               1-24 1-16 2-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Hammond.

  East Chicago             South Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 9,000             6-24’s 6-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago. Paper to Hammond.

  Edinburg                 Jas. D. Roth                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             7 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Elkhart                  D. B. Carpenter                              .09
    Pop. 20,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Elnora                   Ketchem & Laughlin                           .07
    Pop. 1,200             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Elwood                   Elwood Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 19,232            38 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  =Evansville=             =Evansville Billposting & Dist. Co.=         .12
    Pop. 70,000            196 L. 40-24’s 60-16’s 125-8’s

  Fairmount                The E. L. Kinneman Co.                       .09
    Pop. 3,450             7 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Marion.

  Flora                    Voorhees Bros.                               .07
    Pop. 1,500             7 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Fort Wayne               Ft. Wayne Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 65,000            113 L. 35-24’s 40-16’s 80-8’s
                           108 W. Lewis St.

  Fowler                   Robert Hamilton                              .07
    Pop. 1,429             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Frankfort                Marvin S. Hufford                            .07
    Pop. 7,100             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Franklin                 Franklin Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 4,400             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Noblesville. Paper to

  Frankton                 James Borst                                  .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Elwood.

  Gary                     Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 16,332            35 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Gas City                 The E. L. Kinneman Co.                       .09
    Pop. 3,622             2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Marion.

  Gibson                   Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 200               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Gary.

  Goshen                   Goshen Adv. & Billposting Co.                .09
    Pop. 8,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Greencastle              W. W. Soper                                  .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Greenfield               Greenfield Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 4,700             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Greensburg               F. Seitz & Sons                              .07
    Pop. 7,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Greentown                Kokomo Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Kokomo.

  Greenwood                Indianapolis Billposting Co.                 .14
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to 209 American National Bank
                           Bldg., Indianapolis. Paper to 16
                           Pemhoke Arcade, Indianapolis.

  Griffiths                Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 600               2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Gary.

  Hammond                  South Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 18,000            20-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago, Ill. Paper to Hammond.

  Hartford City            W. N. Kemp                                   .07
    Pop. 5,912             26 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Highlands                Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 100               Mail and paper to Gary.

  Hobart                   South Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 2,000             4-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago, Ill. Paper to Hammond.

  Huntington               Ed. Harter                                   .09
    Pop. 11,047            39 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Indianapolis             Indianapolis Billposting Co.                 .14
    Pop. 225,000           75-24’s 100-16’s 200-8’s
                           Mail to 209 American National Bank
                           Bldg. Paper to 16 Pemhoke Arcade.

  Indiana Harbor           South Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 400               3-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago, Ill. Paper to Hammond.

  Jasonville               E. E. Miller                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Linton.

  Jeffersonville           Consolidated Billposting Co.                 .12
    Pop. 10,840            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Louisville, Ky. Paper to

  Jonesboro                The E. L. Kinneman Co.                       .09
    Pop. 1,560             7 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Marion.

  Kendallville             A. M. Boyer                                  .07
    Pop. 3,354             2-24’s 3-16’s 7-8’s

  Kokomo                   Kokomo Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 15,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Knox                     Gus Reiss                                    .07
    Pop. 1,466             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lafayette                Lafayette Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 19,338            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  LaFontaine               M. G. Mitten                                 .07
    Pop. 1,100             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Wabash.

  LaGrange                 F. D. Ruick                                  .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Laporte                  Wesley Fogle                                 .07
    Pop. 9,969             18 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Lawrenceburg             C. A. McIntyre                               .07
    Pop. 4,325             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Aurora.

  Lebanon                  Lebanon Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 4,542             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Liberty                  H. G. Richardson                             .07
    Pop. 2,000             11 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 7-8’s

  Ligonier                 Goshen Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 2,300             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Goshen.

  Linton                   J. W. Booher                                 .07
    Pop. 7,988             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Logansport               Chas. E. Schleiger                           .09
    Pop. 17,932            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Loogootee                Geo. H. Shirey                               .07
    Pop. 2,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lowell                   Lowell Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Madison                  Madison Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 9,000             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  =Marion=                 =The E. L. Kinneman Co.=                     .09
    Pop. 27,335            97 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s

  Martinsville             J. W. Miller                                 .07
    Pop. 4,038             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Mathews                  The E. L. Kinneman Co.                       .09
    Pop. 2,200             7 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Marion.

  McCool                   Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 200               2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Gary.

  Michigan City            Michigan City Billposting Co.                .09
    Pop. 17,292            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Middlebury               Goshen Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 700               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Goshen.

  Milford                  Chas. A. Rigdon                              .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Warsaw.

  Miller                   Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 700               3 L.
                           Mail and paper to Gary.

  Millersburg              Goshen Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 500               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Goshen.

  Mishawaka                South Bend Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 6,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to South Bend.

  Mitchell                 W. M. Munson, Jr.                            .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Monticello               J. H. S. Ellis                               .07
    Pop. 2,106             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Rensselaer.

  Montpelier               Smith & Tangeman                             .07
    Pop. 3,405             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Bluffton.

  Mount Vernon             Commercial Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 5,500             23 L. 5-24’s, 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Mulberry                 Lafayette Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 833               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lafayette.

  Muncie                   Wright Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 27,293            12-24’s 18-16’s 35-8’s

  Nappanee                 Kettring & Ellis                             .07
    Pop. 2,208             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Bremen.

  New Albany               Consolidated Billposting Co.                 .12
    Pop. 20,628            10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to Louisville, Ky. Paper to New

  New Carlisle             South Bend Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to South Bend.

  New Castle               B. F. Brown                                  .07
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  New Chicago              Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 200               Mail and paper to Gary.

  New Harmony              A. E. Fretageot                              .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  New Paris                Goshen Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 400               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Goshen.

  Noblesville              Noblesville Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 4,742             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  North Vernon             Frank E. Haney                               .07
    Pop. 2,823             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Oakland City             H. W. Vedder                                 .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Oaktown                  Polk Billposting Co.                         .07
    Pop. 800               1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s

  Pennville                H. D. Caylor                                 .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Peru                     Chas. W. Stutesman                           .07
    Pop. 11,648            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Pine                     Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Gary.

  Plainfield               D. W. Reagan Co.                             .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Plymouth                 H. E. Fuller                                 .07
    Pop. 3,656             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Porter                   Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 500               5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Gary.

  Portland                 Portland Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 6,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Princeton                Princeton Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 7,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Red Key                  J. B. Carmin                                 .07
    Pop. 2,206             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Dunkirk.

  Rensselaer               J. H. S. Ellis                               .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  =Richmond=               =O. G. Murray=                               .09
    Pop. 23,335            69 L. 15-24’s 22-16’s 45-8’s

  Rochester                Brockman & Sons                              .07
    Pop. 4,000             16 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Rockport                 Otto Himmelheber                             .07
    Pop. 2,882             12 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Rockville                Rockville Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 2,500             14 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Ross                     Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 100               Mail and paper to Gary.

  Rossville                Lafayette Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 600               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lafayette.

  Scottsburg               E. O. Shepard                                .07
    Pop. 1,800             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail to Brownstown. Paper to

  Seymour                  W. A. Carter & Son                           .07
    Pop. 7,090             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Sharpsville              N. S. Martz                                  .09
    Pop. 650               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Tipton.

  Shelbyville              T. F. Chafee & Sons                          .07
    Pop. 8,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Sheridan                 Noblesville Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Noblesville.

  Shoals                   C. V. Shirey                                 .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  South Bend               South Bend Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 45,000            25-24’s 35-16’s 70-8’s
                           111 W. Colfax Ave.

  Southport                Indianapolis Billposting Co.                 .14
    Pop. 300               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail to 209 American National Bank
                           Bldg., Indianapolis. Paper to 16
                           Pemhoke Arcade, Indianapolis.

  Spencer                  Chas. F. Allison                             .07
    Pop. 2,026             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Summitville              W. H. Lipps                                  .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Alexandria.

  Swayzee                  The E. L. Kinneman Co.                       .09
    Pop. 1,162             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Marion.

  Syracuse                 Goshen Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Goshen.

  Tell City                G. S. Dusch                                  .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Terre Haute              J. M. Dishon                                 .12
    Pop. 55,000            25-24’s 35-16’s 75-8’s

  Tipton                   N. S. Martz                                  .09
    Pop. 3,764             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Tolleston                Gary Billposting Co.                         .16
    Pop. 2,036             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Gary.

  Troy                     G. S. Dusch                                  .07
    Pop. 600               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Union City               S. J. Fisher                                 .07
    Pop. 2,716             13 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Upland                   The E. L. Kinneman Co.                       .09
    Pop. 1,208             7 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Marion.

  Valparaiso               South Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 6,280             5-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 757 W. Jackson
                           Blvd., Chicago.

  Van Buren                The E. L. Kinneman Co.                       .09
    Pop. 1,500             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Marion.

  Veedersburg              Geo. W. Smail                                .07
    Pop. 1,638             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Vincennes                Vincennes Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 15,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Wabash                   M. G. Mitten                                 .07
    Pop. 9,944             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Wakarusha                Goshen Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 1,100             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Goshen, Indiana.

  Walkerton                South Bend Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 1,250             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to South Bend.

  Warren                   Ed. Harter                                   .07
    Pop. 1,532             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Huntington. Paper to Warren.

  Warsaw                   C. A. Rigdon                                 .07
    Pop. 3,987             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Washington               Horrall Brothers                             .07
    Pop. 10,045            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Whiting                  South Shore Advertising Co.                  .16
    Pop. 7,000             8-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to 757 W. Jackson Blvd.,
                           Chicago, Ill. Paper to Hammond.

  Williamsport             Wm. Stumpfer                                 .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Winamac                  Kelly Brothers                               .07
    Pop. 1,683             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Winchester               Al. Fletcher & Son                           .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Windfall                 James Borst                                  .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Elwood.

  Worthington              Lowe & Milan                                 .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Zionsville               Lebanon Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lebanon.


  Ackley                   A. C. Stock & Son                            .07
    Pop. 1,485             12 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Adair                    Raffensberger & Ross                         .07
    Pop. 1,050             7 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Adel                     V. W. Miller                                 .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Albia                    Payton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Centerville. Paper to Albia.

  Ames                     James Woodward                               .07
    Pop. 3,292             11 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Anamosa                  Clifford Niles                               .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Atlantic                 Atlantic Posting Service                     .07
    Pop. 4,900             25 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Batavia                  Lowther Posting Service                      .07
    Pop. 700               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Belle Plaine             J. C. Milner                                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Belmond                  R. L. Allen                                  .07
    Pop. 1,250             4 L.
                           Mail and paper to Dows.

  Bettendorf               Iowa Posting Service                         .12
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Davenport.

  Boone                    Ben B. Wiley                                 .12
    Pop. 11,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Britt                    E. E. Braley                                 .07
    Pop. 1,540             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Buffalo                  Iowa Posting Service                         .12
    Pop. 500               1-16 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Davenport.

  Burlington               Iowa Posting Service                         .12
    Pop. 27,000            90 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s

  Carroll                  L. L. Thomas                                 .09
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Carson                   J. F. Cassel                                 .07
    Pop. 700               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Casey                    W. W. Blackmar                               .07
    Pop. 603               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Cedar Falls              Cedar Falls Posting Service                  .12
    Pop. 5,319             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waterloo.

  Cedar Rapids             Greene’s Opera House Co.                     .12
    Pop. 30,000            57 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s

  Centerville              Payton Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Charles City             C. F. Dinkel                                 .07
    Pop. 4,600             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Charter Oak              F. C. Reis                                   .07
    Pop. 900               10 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Cherokee                 F. Brunson                                   .07
    Pop. 5,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Clarinda                 Bennett Brothers                             .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Clarion                  R. L. Allen                                  .07
    Pop. 2,000             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Dows.

  Clarksville              Hess & Ford                                  .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Clear Lake               Mason City Advertising System                .09
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Mason City.

  Clinton                  Iowa Posting Service                         .12
    Pop. 25,000            12-24’s 18-16’s 35-8’s

  Colfax                   A. Lister                                    .09
    Pop. 2,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Box 4, Des Moines, Iowa.
                           Paper to Colfax.

  Columbus Junction        Wm. H. O’Conner                              .07
    Pop. 1,099             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Coon Rapids              C. F. Caswell                                .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Corning                  F. C. Reese                                  .07
    Pop. 2,145             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Council Bluffs           Star Billposting and Advertising Co.         .12
    Pop. 25,802            47 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Creston                  Creston Posting Service                      .12
    Pop. 9,000             23 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Davenport                Iowa Posting Service                         .12
    Pop. 45,000            82 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s

  Denison                  Stever’s Posting Service                     .07
    Pop. 4,200             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Des Moines               W. W. Moore Des Moines City                  .14
    Pop. 96,139            Billposting Co.
                           30-24’s 50-16’s 100-8’s

  Dewitt                   Iowa Posting Service                         .07
    Pop. 4,000             10 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Dows                     R. L. Allen                                  .07
    Pop. 1,005             7 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Dubuque= =              Dubuque Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 50,000            18-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Dunlap                   Stevers Posting Service                      .07
    Pop. 1,400             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Denison.

  Durant                   Iowa Posting Service                         .12
    Pop. 560               1-16 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Davenport.

  Dyersville               Anthony Lippert                              .07
    Pop. 1,323             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Eagle Grove              W. F. Insel                                  .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Eddyville                L. A. Rowe                                   .07
    Pop. 1,600             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Eldridge                 Iowa Posting Service                         .12
    Pop. 300               1-16 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Davenport.

  Eldora                   Conger Advertising Service                   .07
    Pop. 2,278             7 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Emerson                  E. C. Graves                                 .07
    Pop. 538               1-16 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Malvern.

  Fairfield                Louis Thoma                                  .07
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Forest City              Secor Advertising Agency                     .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Fort Dodge               Wm. P. Dermer                                .09
    Pop. 18,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Fort Madison             Iowa Posting Service                         .09
    Pop. 10,280            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Glenwood                 O. Elkins                                    .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Grand Junction           Roy Youngman                                 .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Grinnell                 Grinnell Posting Service                     .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Hampton                  Mason City Advertising System                .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Mason City.

  Harlan                   W. C. Cubberley                              .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Hedrick                  C. J. Martin                                 .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Humeston                 C. H. Deline                                 .07
    Pop. 1,945             3 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Ida Grove                L. D. Rankin                                 .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Independence             Gedney Posting Service                       .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Indianola                J. S. Martin                                 .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Iowa City                Coldren Posting Service                      .07
    Pop. 8,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Iowa Falls               E. O. Ellsworth                              .07
    Pop. 3,864             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Keokuk                   Iowa Posting Service                         .09
    Pop. 15,000            33 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Knoxville                D. C. Smith                                  .07
    Pop. 3,194             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lake Mills               Dan C. Stewart                               .07
    Pop. 1,400             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lamoni                   F. M. Garrison                               .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  LeClaire                 Iowa Posting Service                         .12
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Davenport.

  Leon                     L. P. Van Werden                             .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lisbon                   J. O. & F. L. Wolfe                          .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Logan                    A. W. Blackburn                              .07
    Pop. 1,400             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Malvern                  E. C. Graves                                 .07
    Pop. 1,266             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Manchester=             =Ralph Conger=                               .07
    Pop. 3,000             16 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Manson                   Daniel & Lionberger                          .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Mapleton                 Chamberlain & Willis                         .07
    Pop. 1,099             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Maquoketa                H. M. Isbell                                 .07
    Pop. 3,777             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Marengo                  Bert Stover                                  .07
    Pop. 2,007             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Marion                   Greene’s Opera House Co.                     .07
    Pop. 4,102             7 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cedar Rapids.

  Marshalltown             Busby Posting Service                        .12
    Pop. 12,100            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Mason City               Mason City Advertising System                .09
    Pop. 15,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Maxwell                  A. B. Cooper                                 .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  McGregor                 T. J. Sullivan                               .07
    Pop. 1,434             5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s

  Missouri Valley          F. E. McNutt                                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Monticello               Kehoe & Sloan                                .07
    Pop. 2,156             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Montpelier               Iowa Posting Service                         .07
    Pop. 200               1-16 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Muscatine.

  Mount Pleasant           J. C. Jay                                    .07
    Pop. 4,109             10 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Mt. Vernon               J. D. & T. L. Wolfe                          .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Muscatine                Iowa Posting Service                         .09
    Pop. 20,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Nashua                   F. H. Kezer                                  .07
    Pop. 1,268             1-24 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Nevada                   Alfred Boller                                .07
    Pop. 3,346             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Newton                   A. Lister                                    .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Box 4, Des Moines, Iowa.
                           Paper to Newton.

  New Hampton              Arthur A. Healy                              .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Northwood                G. M. Emery                                  .07
    Pop. 1,373             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Oelwein                  Oelwein Posting Service                      .09
    Pop. 8,000             19 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Osage                    Katz & Gauss                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Osceola                  I. A. Tonet                                  .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Oskaloosa                Oskaloosa Posting Service                    .12
    Pop. 10,288            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Ottumwa                  J. F. Jersey                                 .09
    Pop. 20,548            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Perry                    A. W. Walton                                 .07
    Pop. 5,200             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Pleasant Valley          Iowa Posting Service                         .12
    Pop. 300               1-16 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Davenport.

  Red Oak                  L. N. Beardsley                              .07
    Pop. 4,355             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Rockwell City            W. H. Browning                               .07
    Pop. 1,364             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Sabula                   Posting Service                              .07
    Pop. 1,050             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Savanna, Ill. Paper to
                           Sabula, Iowa.

  Sac City                 A. Engle                                     .07
    Pop. 2,120             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Salix                    Sioux City Billposting & Adv. Co.            .12
    Pop. 700               1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sioux City.

  Sargeants Bluffs         Sioux City Billposting & Adv. Co.            .12
    Pop. 700               1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sioux City.

  Sidney                   E. C. Graves                                 .07
    Pop. 1,146             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Malvern.

  Sioux City               Sioux City Billposting & Adv. Co.            .12
    Pop. 45,000            99 L. 25-24’s 35-16’s 75-8’s

  Sloan                    Sioux City Billposting & Adv. Co.            .12
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sioux City.

  State Center             Cowan & Rohde Posting Service                .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Stockton                 Iowa Posting Service                         .12
    Pop. 300               1-16 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Davenport.

  Story City               Ideal Posting Service                        .07
    Pop. 1,461             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Stuart                   Crockett & Ball                              .07
    Pop. 2,300             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Sumner                   J. F. Cass                                   .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Tama                     H. Soleman & Son                             .07
    Pop. 2,700             11 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Tabor                    E. C. Graves                                 .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Malvern.

  Tipton                   Grant Ingman                                 .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Toledo                   Edw. H. Reichmann                            .07
    Pop. 2,200             10 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Traer                    E. E. Taylor                                 .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Valley Junction          W. W. Moore Des Moines City                  .09
    Pop. 3,000             Billposting Co.
                           1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Des Moines.

  Vinton                   Display Adv. Co.                             .07
    Pop. 3,500             14 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Walcott                  Iowa Posting Service                         .12
    Pop. 362               1-16 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Davenport.

  Waterloo                 Waterloo Posting Service                     .12
    Pop. 18,849            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Waverley                 H. G. Nichols                                .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Webster City             G. M. Rouse                                  .09
    Pop. 5,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  West Bend                Henry F. S. Johnston                         .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  West Burlington          Iowa Posting Service                         .12
    Pop. 1,200             7 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Burlington.

  West Union               R. O. Woodward                               .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  What Cheer               J. P. Gilhousen                              .07
    Pop. 2,531             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Wheatland                Iowa Posting Service                         .07
    Pop. 500               1-16 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to DeWitt.

  Whiting                  Sioux City Billposting & Adv. Co.            .12
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sioux City.

  Williams                 Harry C. Rick                                .07
    Pop. 600               1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s

  Winfield                 Jay Larkin                                   .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Wyoming                  B. G. Milner                                 .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s


  Abilene                  A. L. Duckwall                               .07
    Pop. 5,200             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Anthony                  H. R. Rice                                   .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Arkansas City            W. R. Ranney                                 .07
    Pop. 8,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Atchison                 H. M. Ernst                                  .12
    Pop. 19,189            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s
                           721 Commercial St.

  Augusta                  M. Sanders                                   .07
    Pop. 1,400             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Belleville               Arbuthnot & Billingsley                      .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Beloit                   C. H. Burt                                   .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Blue Rapids              Geo. C. Hewitt                               .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Burlington               L. D. Eppinger                               .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Caney                    H. E. Truskett                               .07
    Pop. 4,682             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Chanute                  E. E. Coats                                  .08
    Pop. 10,226            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Cherokee                 Julius Reese                                 .07
    Pop. 1,769             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Cherryvale               Chas. Cash                                   .07
    Pop. 5,106             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Circleville              S. W. McComas                                .07
    Pop. 300               1-24 1-16 3-8’s

  Clay Center              O. L. Slade                                  .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Clyde                    J. D. Beachtel                               .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Coffeyville              Lloyd Tackett                                .09
    Pop. 16,467            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Concordia                The Ulmer Sign & Adv. Co.                    .07
    Pop. 4,500             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Columbus                 R. H. Majors                                 .07
    Pop. 2,603             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Downs                    W. E. Near                                   .07
    Pop. 1,900             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Ellsworth                Wm. L. Gaston                                .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Emporia                  Corbett Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 10,000            27 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Florence                 L. V. Houlton                                .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Fort Scott               Fort Scott Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 15,000            31 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Fredonia                 J. W. Sheets                                 .07
    Pop. 2,785             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Frontenac                W. W. Bell                                   .12
    Pop. 2,790             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pittsburg.

  Galena                   Galena Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 8,017             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Garden City              A. H. Burtis                                 .09
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Gas                      T. T. Anderson                               .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Iola.

  Goodland                 F. B. Hodgkinson                             .07
    Pop. 1,500             5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Iola.

  Girard                   G. W. Phillips                               .07
    Pop. 2,514             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Harper                   Parker & Kille                               .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Herrington               M. Mannheim                                  .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Holton                   W. D. Nauheim                                .07
    Pop. 3,800             2-24’s 3-16’s 7-8’s

  Humboldt                 Frank C. Miller                              .07
    Pop. 3,000             10 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Hutchinson               W. A. Loe                                    .09
    Pop. 18,000            39 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  =Independence=           =Hobson Advertising Service=                 .09
    Pop. 12,000            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Iola                     T. T. Anderson                               .09
    Pop. 12,600            23 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Concordia.

  Junction City            Herman Delker                                .07
    Pop. 5,600             17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  =Kansas City=            =Kansas City Billposting Co.=                .14
    Pop. 80,000            55 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 17 E. 7th St.,
                           Kansas City, Mo.

  Kingman                  Geo. H. Merriam                              .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Kinsley                  D. D. Baxter                                 .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Kiowa                    H. D. Records                                .07
    Pop. 800               1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s

  Larned                   Chas. Schnack                                .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lawrence                 Irving Hill                                  .09
    Pop. 15,000            22 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Leavenworth              Cunningham Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 25,000            51 L. 12-24’s 18-16’s 35-8’s

  Louisburg                H. P. Bryant                                 .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Madison=                =H. G. Thornton=                             .07
    Pop. 1,054             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s

  Manhattan                H. P. Wareham                                .07
    Pop. 4,569             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Marysville               A. Goodman                                   .07
    Pop. 2,300             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Marion                   Edgar P. Barnett                             .07
    Pop. 1,802             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  McPherson                W. S. Jeffers                                .07
    Pop. 3,350             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Mound Valley             Hulen & Co.                                  .07
    Pop. 1,261             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Neodesha                 Barton Blakesly                              .07
    Pop. 3,467             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Newton                   Newton Billposting & Dist. Co.               .09
    Pop. 8,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Norton                   George Moulton & Co.                         .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Olathe                   Hobson Advertising Service                   .09
    Pop. 3,429             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Independence. Paper to

  Osage City               Osage Advertising Bureau                     .07
    Pop. 3,050             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Osawatomie               Hobson Advertising Service                   .07
    Pop. 4,200             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paola.

  Osborne                  Jacob Shaffer & Son                          .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Ottawa                   E. Whitacre                                  .07
    Pop. 7,743             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Oswego                   Oswego Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 2,407             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Paola                    Hobson Advertising Service                   .09
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Parsons                  W. A. Roberts & Co.                          .09
    Pop. 15,000            32 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Pittsburg                Pittsburg Advertising Service                .12
    Pop. 18,006            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Pratt                    H. S. Gregory                                .07
    Pop. 1,347             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Salina                   W. P. Pierce                                 .09
    Pop. 7,829             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Seneca                   C. J. Smalley                                .07
    Pop. 2,000             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Spring Hill              Hobson Advertising Service                   .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paola.

  Stafford                 Ed. L. Peacock                               .07
    Pop. 1,800             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Strong City              Corbett Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Emporia.

  Topeka                   Crawford Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 40,000            77 L. 18-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Troy                     Sturgis Brothers                             .07
    Pop. 1,200             12 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Weir                     Pittsburg Advertising Service                .12
    Pop. 3,097             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pittsburg.

  Wellington               Harry Johnson                                .07
    Pop. 4,322             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  =Wichita=                =E. L. Martling=                             .12
    Pop. 40,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s

  Winfield                 Winfield Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 9,000             19 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Yates Center             Bell & Butler                                .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s


  Ashland                  Robert Ross Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 11,000            36 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Bellevue                 J. F. Otting Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 6,332             16 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Newport.

  Bowling Green            John Gorin                                   .07
    Pop. 10,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Burgin                   Bluegrass Advertising Co.                    .09
    Pop. 703               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Danville.

  Catlettsburg             Huntington Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 5,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Huntington, W. Va.

  Corbin                   C. P. Brachey                                .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Covington                Cincinnati Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 46,436            99 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cincinnati, Ohio.

  Cynthiana                Ramsey Syndicate                             .07
    Pop. 5,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Lexington. Paper to

  Danville                 Blue Grass Advertising Co.                   .09
    Pop. 4,285             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Earlington               Henderson Billposting & Dist. Co.            .09
    Pop. 3,012             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Henderson. Paper to

  Elizabethtown            J. W. Stewart                                .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Falmouth                 Ramsey Syndicate                             .07
    Pop. 1,134             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Lexington. Paper to Falmouth.

  Frankfort                Ramsey Syndicate                             .07
    Pop. 10,477            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Lexington. Paper to

  Fulton                   Utterback Advertising Service                .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Paducah. Paper to Fulton.

  Georgetown               Ramsey Syndicate                             .07
    Pop. 5,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Lexington. Paper to

  Glasgow                  W. T. Dearing                                .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Greenup                  Robert Ross Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 1,200             5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Ashland.

  Harrodsburg              Bluegrass Advertising Co.                    .09
    Pop. 2,876             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Danville.

  Henderson                Henderson Billposting & Dist. Co.            .09
    Pop. 15,201            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Hopkinsville             Utterback Advertising Service                .07
    Pop. 8,000             17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Paducah. Paper to

  Junction City            Bluegrass Advertising Co.                    .09
    Pop. 817               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Danville.

  Lancaster                Bluegrass Advertising Co.                    .09
    Pop. 1,700             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Danville.

  Lawrenceburg             J. T. Farlee                                 .07
    Pop. 1,252             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lebanon                  Central Ky. Posting & Dist. Co.              .07
    Pop. 3,883             16 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Lexington                The Ramsey Syndicate                         .09
    Pop. 29,249            10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Louisa                   Robert Ross Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 1,099             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Ashland.

  =Louisville=             =Consolidated Billposting Co.=               .12
    Pop. 204,731           50-24’s 75-16’s 150-8’s

  Madisonville             Henderson Billposting & Dist. Co.            .09
    Pop. 3,628             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Henderson. Paper to

  Mayfield                 Utterback Advertising Service                .07
    Pop. 4,500             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail to Paducah. Paper to Mayfield.

  Maysville                Hamilton & Schatzman                         .08
    Pop. 6,423             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Middlesboro              J. P. Dugan                                  .09
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Midway                   Ramsey Syndicate                             .07
    Pop. 1,045             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Lexington. Paper to Midway.

  Morganfield              Henderson Billposting & Dist. Co.            .09
    Pop. 2,046             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Henderson. Paper to

  Mt. Sterling             Ramsey Syndicate                             .07
    Pop. 5,200             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Lexington. Paper to Mt.

  Murray                   Utterback Advertising Service                .07
    Pop. 2,000             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Paducah. Paper to Murray.

  Newport                  J. F. Otting Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 30,329            101 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s

  Nicholasville            Ramsey Syndicate                             .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Lexington. Paper to

  Owensboro                Owensboro Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 20,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Paducah                  Utterback Advertising Service                .07
    Pop. 30,000            53 L. 12-24’s 18-16’s 35-8’s

  Paris                    Ramsey Syndicate                             .07
    Pop. 8,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Lexington. Paper to Paris.

  Pineville                Moss Brothers                                .07
    Pop. 2,073             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Princeton                Utterback Advertising Service                .07
    Pop. 3,000             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail to Paducah. Paper to Princeton.

  Russell                  Robert Ross Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 743               6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Ashland.

  Russellville             Kentucky Billposting & Adv. Co.              .07
    Pop. 2,591             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Owensboro. Paper to

  Sebree                   Henderson Billposting & Dist. Co.            .09
    Pop. 1,477             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Henderson. Paper to Sebree.

  Shelbyville              Shelbyville Advertising Co.                  .07
    Pop. 4,700             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Somerset                 Somerset Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 3,384             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Stanford                 Bluegrass Advertising Co.                    .09
    Pop. 1,651             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Danville.

  Uniontown                Henderson Billposting & Dist. Co.            .09
    Pop. 1,532             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Henderson. Paper to

  Winchester               Ramsey Syndicate                             .07
    Pop. 5,964             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Lexington. Paper to


  Alexandria               Ehrlich Bros. & Coleman                      .09
    Pop. 12,000            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s
                           Rapides Theatre.

  Franklin                 Thomas S. Bodin                              .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Jennings                 Rankin & Son                                 .07
    Pop. 3,800             15 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Lake Charles             Lake Charles Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 12,000            33 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Leesville                J. E. Duff                                   .07
    Pop. 1,148             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Monroe                   City Billposting Co.                         .09
    Pop. 12,000            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  New Iberia               A. B. Murray                                 .09
    Pop. 7,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  =New Orleans=            =J. Garlick=                                 .14
    Pop. 314,146           150-24’s 300-16’s 350-8’s
                           820 Dryades St.

  Opelousas                Aaron Jacobs                                 .07
    Pop. 5,111             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Plaquemine               S. T. Dupuy                                  .07
    Pop. 4,000             16 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  =Shreveport=             =Ed. Seaman=                                 .09
    Pop. 20,000            72 L. 12-24’s 18-16’s 30-8’s

  Thibodaux                Hoffmann Advertising Service                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s


  Auburn                   Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 14,000            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail to Portland. Paper to Lewiston.

  Augusta                  Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 12,500            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Portland. Paper to Augusta.

  Bangor & Brewer          The Thomas W. Burr Ptg. & Adv. Co.           .12
    Pop. 28,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Bangor, Me.

  Bath                     Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 11,500            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Portland. Paper to Lewiston.

  Belfast                  Belfast Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 4,800             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Biddeford                Jos. J. Flynn                                .09
    Pop. 17,500            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s
                           Mail to Portland. Paper to Biddeford.

  Brownville               E. H. Gould                                  .09
    Pop. 1,570             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Brunswick                Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 7,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to Portland. Paper to Lewiston.

  Eastport                 Jas. A. Muldoon                              .07
    Pop. 5,311             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Hallowell                Jos. J. Flynn                                .09
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to Portland. Paper to Augusta.

  Lewiston                 Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 25,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to Portland. Paper to Lewiston.

  Lisbon                   Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 3,700             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Portland. Paper to Lewiston.

  Lisbon Falls             Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Portland. Paper to Lewiston.

  Mechanics Falls and      Paris Advertising Co.                        .09
  Oxford                   6 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s
    Pop. 3,300             Mail to South Paris, Me. Paper to
                           Mechanics Falls.

  Milford                  O. B. Fernandez                              .09
    Pop. 838               1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Old Town.

  Millinocket              George Galvin                                .09
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Milo                     P. P. Peakes                                 .09
    Pop. 1,150             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Old Orchard              Jos. J. Flynn                                .09
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Portland. Paper to Biddeford.

  Old Town                 O. B. Fernandez                              .09
    Pop. 5,763             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Orono                    O. B. Fernandez                              .09
    Pop. 3,257             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Old Town.

  Pittsfield               Frank Moses Billposting Co.                  .07
    Pop. 2,891             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Portland                 Jos. J. Flynn                                .14
    Pop. 56,000            30-24’s 40-16’s 60-8’s

  Rockland                 Rockland Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 8,150             24 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Rumford                  Paris Advertising Co.                        .09
    Pop. 4,500             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail to South Paris. Paper to

  Saco                     Jos. J. Flynn                                .09
    Pop. 6,200             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to Portland. Paper to Biddeford.

  Sanford                  W. I. Philpot                                .07
    Pop. 8,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Skowhegan                Kennebec Billposting Co.                     .08
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  South Paris & Norway     Paris Advertising Co.                        .09
    Pop. 4,500             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to South Paris.

  South Portland           Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 6,400             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Portland.

  Waterville               McGee Billposting & Adv. Co.                 .09
    Pop. 10,899            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Westbrook                Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 7,400             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Portland.


  Annapolis                Annapolis Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 9,000             23 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to 517 13th St., N. W.,
                           Washington, D. C. Paper to Annapolis.

  Baltimore                Baltimore Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 563,659           150-24’s 200-16’s 300-8’s

  Cambridge                Cambridge Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 5,747             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Cumberland               Cumberland Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 17,128            8-24’s 12-16’s 26-8’s
                           Care of Maryland Theatre.

  Frederick                Frederick Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 12,000            25 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to 517 13th St., N. W.,
                           Washington, D. C. Paper to Frederick.

  Frostburg                Cumberland Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 3,804             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Maryland Theatre,

  Hagerstown               Hagerstown Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 20,000            52 L. 12-24’s 18-16’s 35-8’s

  Havre De Grace           Lawder & Newmyer                             .07
    Pop. 3,423             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Hyattsville              Washington Billposting Co.                   .16
    Pop. 2,500             3-24’s 5-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 517 13th St.,
                           N. W., Washington, D. C.

  Laurel                   Washington Billposting Co.                   .16
    Pop. 2,600             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 517 13th St.,
                           N. W., Washington, D. C.

  Laconning                Cumberland Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 500               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Maryland Theatre,

  Oakland                  D. A. Stephens                               .07
    Pop. 1,800             7 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Rockville                Washington Billposting Co.                   .16
    Pop. 2,300             3-24’s 5-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 517 13th St.,
                           N. W., Washington, D. C.

  Salisbury                Salisbury Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 7,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Western Port             Cumberland Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 1,526             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Maryland Theatre,


  =Acton=                  =F. W. Riley=                                .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Marlboro.

  Adams                    Maurice Callahan & Son                       .12
    Pop. 13,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pittsfield.

  Amesbury                 Joseph J. Flynn                              .12
    Pop. 8,840             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Lawrence. Paper to

  Amherst                  Springfield Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 6,000             4-24’s 4-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Andover                  Lawrence Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 6,632             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lawrence.

  Attleboro                A. W. Gilson                                 .12
    Pop. 12,975            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Auburn                   Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 2,006             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  Ayer                     Keith Billposting Co.                        .12
    Pop. 2,386             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Fitchburg.

  Beverly                  Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 22,000            16 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Salem, Mass.

  Blackstone               W. O. Hackett                                .12
    Pop. 3,020             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Woonsocket, R. I. Paper to

  =Boston=                 =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 593,598           200-24’s 300-16’s 500-8’s
                           97 Warrenton St.

  Brimfield                Olney Bros Advertising System                .09
    Pop. 1,050             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Southbridge.

  =Brockton=               =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 47,000            40-24’s 60-16’s 75-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 65 Lincoln St., Brockton.

  Brookfield               Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 2,388             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  =Cambridge=              =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 97,426            50-24’s 65-16’s 100-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 565 Massachusetts Ave.,

  Charlton                 Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 2,088             2-24’s 4-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  =Chelsea=                =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 37,000            25-24’s 35-16’s 50-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 113 Pearl St., Chelsea.

  Chicopee                 Springfield Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 20,000            8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Danvers                  Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 11,000            6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Salem.

  Dighton                  Taunton Billposting Co.                      .12
    Pop. 2,070             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taunton.

  East Hampton             Springfield Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 8,000             4-24’s 4-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  =Everett=                =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 30,000            20-24’s 25-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 31 West St., Malden.

  Fall River               Fall River Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 114,000           128 L. 60-24’s 75-16’s 100-8’s

  Gloucester               R. Connors                                   .09
    Pop. 26,001            15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  Grafton                  Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 5,052             4-24’s 6-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  Great Barrington         Maurice Callahan & Son                       .12
    Pop. 6,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pittsfield.

  Greenfield               Lawler Bros.                                 .09
    Pop. 10,500            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Haverhill                Jos. J. Flynn                                .14
    Pop. 38,000            25-24’s 30-16’s 45-8’s
                           Mail to Portland, Me. Paper to

  Holden                   Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 2,640             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  Holyoke                  Springfield Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 50,000            20-24’s 30-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  =Hyde Park=              =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 14,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 391 Hyde Park Ave., Hyde

  Ipswich                  Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 5,205             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to Lawrence. Paper to Ipswich.

  =Lawrence=               =Lawrence Billposting Co.=                   .14
    Pop. 71,548            30-24’s 50-16’s 75-8’s

  Lee                      Maurice Callahan & Son                       .12
    Pop. 3,600             2-24’s 3-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pittsfield.

  Lenox                    Maurice Callahan & Son                       .12
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pittsfield.

  =Lexington=              =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 4,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 85 Central St., Waltham.

  Lowell                   Joseph J. Flynn                              .14
    Pop. 95,173            50-24’s 75-16’s 100-8’s

  =Lynn=                   =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 78,000            40-24’s 50-16’s 75-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 15 Johnson St., Lynn.

  =Malden=                 =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 37,912            20-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 31 West St., Malden.

  Mansfield                A. W. Gilson                                 .12
    Pop. 4,245             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Attleboro.

  =Marlboro=               =F. W. Riley=                                .09
    Pop. 14,166            7-24’s 12-16’s 19-8’s

  Marblehead               Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 9,300             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Salem, Mass.

  =Medford=                =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 19,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 31 West St., Malden.

  =Melrose=                =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 14,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 31 West St., Malden.

  Methuen                  Lawrence Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 8,676             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lawrence.

  Middleboro               E. H. Blake                                  .09
    Pop. 6,888             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Millbury                 Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 4,631             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  Montague                 Lawler Brothers                              .09
    Pop. 8,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Greenfield.

  =Natick=                 =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 10,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 3 Concord St., South

  =New Bedford=            =New Bedford Billposting Co.=                .12
    Pop. 80,000            86 L. 35-24’s 50-16’s 70-8’s
                           Hathaway Theatre.

  Newburyport              Joseph J. Flynn                              .12
    Pop. 14,714            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to Lawrence. Paper to

  =Newton=                 =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 37,000            20-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 85 Central St., Waltham.

  North Adams              Maurice Callahan & Son                       .12
    Pop. 24,200            25-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pittsfield.

  Northampton              Springfield Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 20,000            8-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  North Andover            Lawrence Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 4,614             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lawrence.

  North Attleboro          A. W. Gilson                                 .12
    Pop. 7,878             5-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Attleboro.

  Northbridge              Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 7,400             5-24’s 6-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  =Northboro=              =F. W. Riley=                                .09
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Marlboro.

  =Norwood=                =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 9,700             6-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 391 Hyde Park Ave., Hyde

  Oxford                   Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 2,927             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  Palmer                   Clifton A. Elmer                             .07
    Pop. 7,755             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Peabody                  Jos. J. Flynn                                .12
    Pop. 15,800            8 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Salem.

  Pepperell                H. A. Davis                                  .12
    Pop. 3,550             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Pittsfield               Maurice Callahan & Son                       .12
    Pop. 30,000            25-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s

  Plymouth                 A. H. Perry                                  .09
    Pop. 14,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  =Quincy=                 =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 28,000            20-24’s 25-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 391 Hyde Park Ave., Hyde

  Raynham                  Taunton Billposting Co.                      .12
    Pop. 1,662             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taunton.

  =Revere=                 =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 13,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 113 Pearl St., Chelsea.

  Rowley                   Joseph J. Flynn                              .12
    Pop. 1,383             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Newburyport.

  Salem                    Jos. J. Flynn                                .14
    Pop. 39,000            66 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Salem.

  Shrewsbury               Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 1,866             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  =Somerville=             =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 70,000            40-24’s 50-16’s 75-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 565 Massachusetts Ave.,

  Southbridge              Olney Bros. Advertising System               .12
    Pop. 15,130            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  =South Framingham=       =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 9,248             10-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 3 Concord St., South

  South Hadley             Springfield Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 5,054             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Spencer                  Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 7,121             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  Springfield              Springfield Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 80,000            30-24’s 50-16’s 80-8’s

  Sturbridge               Olney Bros. Advertising System               .07
    Pop. 2,025             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Southbridge.

  Taunton                  Taunton Billposting Co.                      .14
    Pop. 30,967            104 L. 35-24’s 50-16’s 75-8’s

  Templeton                Keith Billposting Co.                        .12
    Pop. 3,783             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Fitchburg.

  =Waltham=                =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 26,000            20-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 85 Central St., Waltham.

  Ware                     Springfield Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 9,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  Warren                   Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 4,300             4-24’s 7-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  =Watertown=              =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 11,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 565 Massachusetts Ave.,

  Webster                  Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 10,261            15-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  Westboro                 Fiske Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 5,378             5-24’s 7-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Worcester.

  Westfield                Springfield Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 15,000            8-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  West Springfield         Springfield Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 8,000             6-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Springfield.

  =Winthrop=               =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 7,000             5-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 97 Warrenton St.,

  =Woburn=                 =John Donnelly & Sons=                       .16
    Pop. 14,400            10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to 97 Warrenton St., Boston.
                           Paper to 31 West St., Malden.

  =Worcester=              =Fiske Billposting Co.=                      .12
    Pop. 130,078           75-24’s 100-16’s 175-8’s


  Adrian                   Mrs. Chas. Van Ostrand                       .07
    Pop. 11,134            18 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Albion                   J. C. Eslow                                  .09
    Pop. 6,000             5-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s

  Algonac                  M. J. Furtaw                                 .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Alma                     Brown & Sartor                               .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Alpena                   Steel & Denison                              .07
    Pop. 12,715            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Ann Arbor                L. C. Gillette                               .09
    Pop. 14,645            39 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Bad Axe                  Brown Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Bangor                   Wesley N. Cone                               .07
    Pop. 1,170             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hartford.

  Battle Creek             Ellis R. Smith                               .09
    Pop. 24,039            15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Bay City                 Bay City Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 45,000            46 L. 20-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s

  Belding                  Milo M. Luick                                .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Bellevue                 W. C. Dyar                                   .07
    Pop. 1,074             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Benton Harbor            Twin Cities Outdoor Adv. Co.                 .09
    Pop. 9,000             28 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Big Rapids               Charles H. Milner                            .07
    Pop. 4,852             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Boyne City               J. M. Townsend                               .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Burr Oak                 O. J. Upham                                  .07
    Pop. 744               1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s

  Cadillac                 Miss Katherine Spencer                       .07
    Pop. 8,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Calumet                  J. D. Cuddihy                                .09
    Pop. 38,000            20-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s

  Caro                     Howard W. Smith                              .07
    Pop. 3,350             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Vassar.

  Carson City              E. O. Clough                                 .07
    Pop. 1,000             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Cass City                Sam Champion                                 .07
    Pop. 1,212             12 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Cedar Springs            Geo. E. Waycott                              .07
    Pop. 1,000             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Charlevoix               L. E. Smith                                  .07
    Pop. 3,200             12 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Charlotte                Donovan & Lane                               .07
    Pop. 4,726             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Cheboygan                A. J. Finn                                   .07
    Pop. 7,000             19 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Chelsea                  W. H. Hammond                                .07
    Pop. 2,000             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Coldwater                J. T. Jackson                                .07
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Coloma                   Wesley N. Cone                               .07
    Pop. 687               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hartford.

  Corunna                  Owosso Posting Service                       .07
    Pop. 1,500             5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Owosso.

  Davison                  Cal. M. Gillette                             .07
    Pop. 800               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lapeer.

  Decatur                  George H. McDole                             .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Delray=                 =Walker & Co.=                               .14
    Pop. 8,000             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Detroit.

  =Detroit=                =Walker & Co.=                               .14
    Pop. 410,000           457 L. 150-24’s 200-16’s 300-8’s
                           236-250 Fort St. East.

  Dexter                   L. C. Gillette                               .07
    Pop. 1,000             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Ann Arbor.

  Dowagiac                 Dowagiac Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 4,404             20 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Durand                   Allen A. Jones                               .07
    Pop. 2,134             4 L. 1-24 1-16 3-8’s

  East Jordan              R. A. Brintall                               .07
    Pop. 1,205             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Eaton Rapids             James C. Eslow                               .09
    Pop. 2,200             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Albion. Paper to Eaton

  Edmore                   F. C. Scoby                                  .07
    Pop. 642               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Escanaba                 P. M. Peterson                               .07
    Pop. 11,872            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Fenton                   Mrs. W. P. Cook                              .07
    Pop. 2,684             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Flint                    Flint Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 16,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Stone’s Theatre.

  Flushing                 A. J. Cronk                                  .07
    Pop. 967               1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s

  Frankfort                Thos. Whittle                                .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Gagetown                 Sam Champion                                 .07
    Pop. 527               8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cass City.

  Gladstone                Gladstone Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 4,640             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Grand Haven              Steketee & Leonard                           .09
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Muskegon. Paper to Grand

  Grand Ledge              Burr D. Sackett                              .07
    Pop. 2,439             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Grand Rapids             Geo. M. Leonard                              .12
    Pop. 100,000           180 L. 40-24’s 60-16’s 100-8’s
                           17 Huron St.

  Greenville               W. H. George                                 .07
    Pop. 3,381             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Hartford                 Wesley N. Cone                               .07
    Pop. 1,246             2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Hastings                 Hastings Advertising Agency                  .07
    Pop. 3,558             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Hillsdale                James C. Eslow                               .09
    Pop. 4,809             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Albion. Paper to Hillsdale.

  Holland                  J. VanDenberg & Sons                         .07
    Pop. 9,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Holly                    C. H. Baird                                  .07
    Pop. 1,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Houghton                 Houghton Co. Advertising Agency              .08
    Pop. 4,345             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Hancock. Paper to Houghton.

  Howard City              Frank May                                    .07
    Pop. 1,398             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Howell                   W. N. Snedicor Billposting Co.               .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Hudson                   James A. Lynch                               .07
    Pop. 2,403             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Imlay City               Cal. M. Gillette                             .07
    Pop. 1,250             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lapeer.

  Ionia                    Jas. A. Straub                               .07
    Pop. 6,000             19 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Iron Mountain            A. J. Rundle                                 .07
    Pop. 9,242             30 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Ironwood                 W. L. Pierce                                 .07
    Pop. 10,751            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  =Ishpeming=              =Ed. J. Butler=                              .09
    Pop. 15,000            39 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Ithaca                   James Donaldson                              .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Jackson                  W. R. Solomon                                .09
    Pop. 25,360            81 L. 18-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Kalamazoo                B. A. Bush                                   .09
    Pop. 32,472            79 L. 18-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Kalkaska                 Frank A. Morton                              .07
    Pop. 1,355             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lake Odessa              Guy W. Hart                                  .07
    Pop. 1,305             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lansing                  Lansing Advertising Agency                   .09
    Pop. 25,000            37 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Lapeer                   Cal. M. Gillette                             .07
    Pop. 3,600             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Lawrence                 Wesley N. Cone                               .07
    Pop. 629               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hartford.

  Leslie                   Royston Brothers                             .07
    Pop. 1,096             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Mason.

  Lowell                   Geo. M. Leonard, Jr.                         .07
    Pop. 1,736             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Grand Rapids.

  Ludington                J. W. Thomas                                 .07
    Pop. 7,259             32 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Lyons                    John E. Kenny                                .07
    Pop. 723               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Muir.

  Manistee                 R. D. Christiansen                           .09
    Pop. 14,260            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Marcellus                Fred Williams                                .07
    Pop. 1,025             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Marlette                 Marlette Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 996               1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s

  Marine City              M. J. Furtraw                                .07
    Pop. 3,829             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Marquette                Marquette Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 11,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Marshall                 J. C. Eslow                                  .09
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Albion.

  Mason                    Royston Brothers                             .07
    Pop. 1,955             14 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Mayville                 Sam Champion                                 .07
    Pop. 825               5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cass City.

  Menominee                Marinette & Menominee B. P. Co.              .09
    Pop. 12,818            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Milan                    Redman Distributing Co.                      .07
    Pop. 1,275             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  =Monroe=                 =Walker & Co.=                               .14
    Pop. 5,043             17 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Detroit.

  Montague                 Steketee & Leonard                           .07
    Pop. 1,100             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Muskegon.

  Morenci                  Morenci Publicity Co.                        .07
    Pop. 1,800             16 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Mt. Clemens              Nelson & Co.                                 .09
    Pop. 6,576             19 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Mt. Pleasant             F. H. Law                                    .07
    Pop. 4,484             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Muir                     John E. Kenny                                .07
    Pop. 522               1-24 1-16 3-8’s

  Muskegon                 Steketee & Leonard                           .09
    Pop. 25,000            12-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s

  Negaunee                 Ed. J. Butler                                .07
    Pop. 10,000            15 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Ishpeming.

  Niles                    The Wolverine Advertisers                    .07
    Pop. 4,641             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Otsego                   J. D. Woodbeck                               .07
    Pop. 2,073             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Owosso                   Owosso Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 9,369             26 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Oxford                   A. Gage                                      .07
    Pop. 1,172             7 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Paw Paw                  H. E. Sherman                                .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Petoskey                 W. J. Tracy                                  .07
    Pop. 5,285             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Pewano                   John E. Kenny                                .07
    Pop. 512               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Muir.

  Pinconning               W. H. Trask                                  .07
    Pop. 843               8 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Pontiac                  D. H. Calvert                                .09
    Pop. 11,942            37 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Port Huron               Bennett Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 25,000            72 L. 20-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Portland                 Frank Little & Son                           .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Reed City                Hemund & Callaghan                           .07
    Pop. 2,051             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Rochester                A. Gage                                      .07
    Pop. 1,618             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Oxford.

  Romeo                    A. Gage                                      .07
    Pop. 2,053             2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Oxford.

  =Saginaw=                =Walker & Co.=                               .12
    Pop. 50,000            87 L. 30-24’s 45-16’s 60-8’s
                           Mail to Detroit. Paper to 124 N.
                           Baum St., Saginaw.

  Saline                   L. C. Gillette                               .07
    Pop. 1,000             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Ann Arbor.

  Sandusky                 George Teets                                 .07
    Pop. 1,000             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Sault Ste. Marie         Jordan’s Billposting Service                 .09
    Pop. 11,894            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Sebewaing                S. Champion                                  .07
    Pop. 1,000             8 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cass City.

  Shelby                   Steketee & Leonard                           .07
    Pop. 1,350             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Muskegon.

  South Haven              South Haven Billposting Co                   .07
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Spring Lake              Steketee & Leonard                           .07
    Pop. 900               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Muskegon.

  Stanton                  J. C. Hartman                                .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  St. Charles              Wilson Distributing Co.                      .07
    Pop. 1,550             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  St. Ignace               Frank S. Walker & Sons                       .07
    Pop. 2,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  St. Johns                St. Johns Billposting Co                     .07
    Pop. 4,000             12 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  St. Joseph               Twin Cities Outdoor Advertising Co.          .09
    Pop. 7,000             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Benton Harbor.

  St. Louis                W. C. Edgar                                  .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24, 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Sturgis                  A. L. Hibbard                                .07
    Pop. 4,500             20 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Tecumseh                 Tecumseh Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 3,000             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Three Rivers             Edwin L. Lenhart                             .07
    Pop. 4,000             11 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Traverse City            W. A. Murrell                                .09
    Pop. 12,153            25 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Vassar                   Howard W. Smith                              .07
    Pop. 2,432             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Vicksburg                E. R. Smith                                  .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Battle Creek.

  Watervliet               Wesley N. Cone                               .07
    Pop. 816               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hartford.

  Wayne                    C. A. Monroe                                 .07
    Pop. 1,361             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Whitehall                Steketee & Leonard                           .07
    Pop. 1,600             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Muskegon.

  =Wyandotte=              =Walker & Co.=                               .14
    Pop. 8,000             17 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Detroit.

  Yale                     J. A. Cavanaugh                              .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Ypsilanti=              =Walker & Co.=                               .09
    Pop. 7,800             23 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail to Detroit. Paper to Ypsilanti.

  Zeeland                  J. VanDenberg & Sons                         .07
    Pop. 1,570             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Holland.


  Adrian                   H. M. Lynch                                  .07
    Pop. 1,184             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Albert Lea               W. F. Gage                                   .07
    Pop. 5,500             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Austin                   Kubat Posting & Adv. Service                 .09
    Pop. 8,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Owatonna.

  Blue Earth City          Arthur B. Flynn                              .07
    Pop. 3,400             16 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Bemidji                  Wheelock Display Advertising Co.             .07
    Pop. 2,500             20 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Brainerd                 C. P. Walker                                 .09
    Pop. 10,145            4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Chatfield                E. F. Harnish                                .07
    Pop. 1,300             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Chisholm                 C. J. Tucker                                 .09
    Pop. 4,231             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Cloquet                  H. Zimmerman                                 .07
    Pop. 6,117             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Crookston                Kirsch Bros.                                 .09
    Pop. 8,500             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Detroit                  H. D. Blanding                               .07
    Pop. 2,149             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Duluth                   Duluth-Superior Billposting Co.              .12
    Pop. 67,337            87 L. 25-24’s 40-16’s 60-8’s

  Excelsior                W. J. Edwards                                .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Fairmont                 Rudy Henry                                   .07
    Pop. 4,100             15 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Faribault                Faribault Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 8,279             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Fergus Falls             Walker & Lucas                               .07
    Pop. 6,692             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Hibbing                  O. J. Tucker                                 .09
    Pop. 7,500             17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Hopkins                  W. J. Edwards                                .07
    Pop. 3,600             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Little Falls             J. H. Guerin                                 .07
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Mankato                  C. H. Griebel                                .09
    Pop. 15,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Medford                  W. A. Bailey                                 .07
    Pop. 450               9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  =Minneapolis=            =Northern Display Adv. Co.=                  .14
    Pop. 310,000           180-24’s 250-16’s 350-8’s
                           22 Washington Ave., So.

  New Ulm                  Western Advertising Co.                      .07
    Pop. 6,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Owatonna                 Auditorium Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 5,561             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Pipestone                Geo. H. Fish                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             12 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Red Lake Falls           J. C. Wander                                 .07
    Pop. 1,850             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Red Wing                 Red Wing Billposting & Dist. Co.             .09
    Pop. 11,000            10 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Redwood Falls            F. L. Carpenter                              .07
    Pop. 1,860             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Rochester                Rochester Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 10,000            4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  St. Cloud                Davidson Advertising Co.                     .09
    Pop. 9,574             39 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  St. Louis Park           W. J. Edwards                                .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =St. Paul=               =Northern Display Adv. Co.=                  .14
    Pop. 220,000           160-24’s 225-16’s 300-8’s
                           Mail to 22 Washington Ave., S.,
                           Minneapolis. Paper to 18 E. 4th St.,
                           St. Paul.

  St. Peter                Ludcke Bros.                                 .07
    Pop. 4,514             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Stillwater               Interstate Advertising Co.                   .09
    Pop. 12,458            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Virginia                 Iron Range Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 6,056             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Warroad                  H. N. Harris                                 .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Waseca                   Kubat Posting & Adv. Service                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Owatonna.

  Wells                    Arthur B. Flynn                              .07
    Pop. 2,800             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Willmar                  Crosby & Markhus                             .07
    Pop. 4,800             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Winnebago                Arthur B. Flynn                              .07
    Pop. 2,400             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Winona                   Winona Billposting Co.                       .10
    Pop. 20,458            79 L. 20-24’s 35-16’s 50-8’s


  Aberdeen                 Howard H. Scrape                             .07
    Pop. 4,000             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Biloxi                   A. J. Bourdon                                .07
    Pop. 5,467             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Canton                   Leo Lehman                                   .07
    Pop. 4,800             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Columbus                 T. F. Lamb                                   .07
    Pop. 6,884             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Corinth                  E. J. East                                   .07
    Pop. 7,500             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Greenville               Riverside Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 8,000             22 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Grenada                  L. B. James                                  .07
    Pop. 2,680             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Gulfport                 Geo. P. Kearse                               .09
    Pop. 4,500             19 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Hattiesburg              Howell Advertising Service                   .09
    Pop. 4,175             22 L. 2-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Holly Springs            L. A. Anderson                               .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Jackson                  J. Brown & Son                               .09
    Pop. 30,000            33 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Kosciusko                R. J. Turner Billposting Co.                 .07
    Pop. 2,300             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Laurel                   Ziller Advertising Service                   .12
    Pop. 9,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Meridian. Paper to Laurel.

  Lexington                D. E. Hoskins                                .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  McComb                   A. J. Hackett                                .07
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  =Meridian=               =Ziller Advertising Service=                 .12
    Pop. 38,808            15-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s

  Natchez                  M. M. Irwin                                  .07
    Pop. 15,000            19 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Okolona                  R. E. Buchanan                               .07
    Pop. 4,000             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Pontotoc                 Anderson & Wheeler                           .07
    Pop. 2,300             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Sardis                   Hightower Bros.                              .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Scranton                 F. D. Becht                                  .07
    Pop. 2,025             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Senatobia                C. P. Still                                  .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Summit                   Jos. F. Schluter                             .07
    Pop. 1,499             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Tupelo                   Claude E. Iverson                            .07
    Pop. 3,895             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Vicksburg                Henry Mayer                                  .12
    Pop. 18,000            28 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Water Valley             Southern Advertising Bureau                  .07
    Pop. 4,900             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  West Point               C. D. McLean                                 .07
    Pop. 3,193             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Yazoo City               Henick’s B. P. & Adv. Service                .07
    Pop. 4,944             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s


  Ash Grove                L. Turner                                    .09
    Pop. 2,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Aurora                   William Bunch                                .07
    Pop. 6,191             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  =Baden= =                St. Louis Billposting Co.=                   .16
    Pop. 9,000             6-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 631 S. 6th St., St.

  Bethany                  Cunningham Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Bevier                   Forester Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 1,808             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Billings                 William Bunch                                .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Aurora.

  Bloomfield               J. F. Leggett                                .07
    Pop. 1,475             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Bonne Terre              A. Kugel                                     .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Farmington.

  Boonville                J. H. Berry                                  .07
    Pop. 4,850             16 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Brookfield               Brookfield Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 5,484             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Brunswick                John Kelliker                                .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Butler                   G. A. Van Hall                               .07
    Pop. 3,158             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Cameron                  Floyd Hampton                                .08
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Cape Girardeau           Herman Bock                                  .09
    Pop. 14,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Carrollton               M. B. Tonnar                                 .07
    Pop. 3,854             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Caruthersville           T. E. King                                   .08
    Pop. 2,315             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Carondelet=             =St. Louis Billposting Co.=                  .16
    Pop. 15,000            12-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 631 S. 6th St., St.

  Carterville              E. S. Brigham Advertising Service            .09
    Pop. 4,500             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to 504 Walnut St., Kansas City,
                           Mo. Paper to Webb City.

  Carthage                 E. S. Brigham Advertising Service            .09
    Pop. 10,280            20 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to 504 Walnut St., Kansas City,
                           Mo. Paper to Carthage.

  Charleston               City Billposting Co.                         .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Chillicothe              Z. B. Myers                                  .09
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  =Clayton=                =St. Louis Billposting Co.=                  .16
    Pop. 476               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 631 S. 6th St., St.

  Clinton                  W. D. Hunt                                   .09
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Columbia                 City Billposting Co.                         .09
    Pop. 11,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Des Loge                 A. Kugel                                     .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Farmington.

  Desoto                   Leon Herrick                                 .07
    Pop. 5,611             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Elvins                   A. Kugel                                     .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Farmington.

  Excelsior Springs        Kansas City Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 1,881             16 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to 17 E. 7th St., Kansas City,
                           Mo. Paper to Excelsior Springs, c/o
                           City Billposter.

  Farmington               A. Kugel                                     .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Fayette                  H. S. Massie                                 .07
    Pop. 3,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Ferguson=               =St. Louis Billposting Co.=                  .16
    Pop. 1,015             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 631 S. 6th St., St.

  Flat River               A. Kugel                                     .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Farmington.

  Fulton                   Gaw & Newland                                .07
    Pop. 4,900             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Glasgow                  Hannaca & Morgan                             .07
    Pop. 2,065             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Hannibal                 John B. Price                                .09
    Pop. 12,780            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Independence             P. H. Sampson & Bro.                         .09
    Pop. 10,000            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  =Jefferson City=         =D. C. Weatherby=                            .09
    Pop. 12,000            35 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Joplin                   Joplin Billposting Service                   .12
    Pop. 40,000            50 L. 15-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s
                           Club Theatre.

  =Kansas City=            =Kansas City Billposting Co.=                .14
    Pop. 182,376           353 L. 150-24’s 200-16’s 300-8’s
                           17 E. 7th St.

  Kirksville               Kirksville Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  =Kirkwood=               =St. Louis Billposting Co.=                  .16
    Pop. 5,250             5-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 631 S. 6th St., St.

  Lamar                    Lamar Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 4,600             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  La Plata                 W. B. Huston                                 .07
    Pop. 1,900             17 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 7-8’s

  Lathrop                  Henry Hicks                                  .07
    Pop. 1,118             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Leadwood                 A. Kugel                                     .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Farmington.

  Lebanon                  Ross Hickman                                 .07
    Pop. 2,300             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lexington                Chas. Geyer                                  .07
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Liberty                  James Wharton Jones                          .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Louisiana                Parks Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 7,000             38 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Macon                    Sears & Sears                                .07
    Pop. 4,068             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  =Maplewood=              =St. Louis Billposting Co.=                  .16
    Pop. 5,525             5-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 631 S. 6th St., St.

  Marionville              Wm. Bunch                                    .07
    Pop. 1,290             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Aurora.

  Marshall                 Morris & M’Curdy                             .07
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Maryville                S. B. Arnold                                 .07
    Pop. 4,577             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Memphis                  C. W. Harding                                .07
    Pop. 2,135             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Mexico                   A. R. Waterman                               .09
    Pop. 6,000             27 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Moberly                  Halloran Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 9,000             32 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s

  Monett                   Callaway & King                              .07
    Pop. 3,115             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Mound City               Cardinell McCoy                              .07
    Pop. 1,700             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Mountain Grove           W. S. Candler                                .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Mount Vernon             Briant & Freeman                             .07
    Pop. 1,206             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Neosho                   The Lowe Co.                                 .07
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Nevada                   Nevada Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 7,461             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  =Poplar Bluff=           =W. B. Hays Billposting Co.=                 .07
    Pop. 9,430             13 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Republic                 Harry A. Grove                               .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Rich Hill                Newman Gossom                                .07
    Pop. 4,120             15 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Richmond                 Richmond Show Co.                            .07
    Pop. 3,478             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Rolla                    W. H. Stimson                                .07
    Pop. 1,600             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Savannah                 P. Christianson & Son                        .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Sedalia                  Sedalia Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 25,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  Seneca                   S. C. Woodruff                               .07
    Pop. 1,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Sikeston                 City Billposting Co.                         .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Springfield              Springfield Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 48,000            25-24’s 40-16’s 40-8’s

  St. Charles              St. Charles Posting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 11,500            6-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  =St. Joseph=             =St. Joseph B. P. & Adv. Co.=                .12
    Pop. 118,000           60-24’s 75-16’s 125-8’s
                           Lyceum Theatre Bldg.

  =St. Louis=              =St. Louis Billposting Co.=                  .16
    Pop. 750,275           200-24’s 300-16’s 450-8’s
                           631 S. 6th St.

  Stanberry                J. H. Patterson                              .07
    Pop. 2,654             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Tarkio                   W. F. Marshall                               .07
    Pop. 1,901             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Thayer                   Ollie Lindley                                .07
    Pop. 1,276             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =University City=        =St. Louis Billposting Co.=                  .16
    Pop. 5,100             5-24’s 8-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 631 S. 6th St., St.

  Warrensburg              Land Markward                                .07
    Pop. 4,724             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Washington               O. H. Thias Billposting Co.                  .07
    Pop. 4,500             10 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Webb City                E. S. Brigham Advertising Service            .09
    Pop. 15,000            18 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to 504 Walnut St., Kansas City,
                           Mo. Paper to Webb City.

  =Webster Groves=         =St. Louis Billposting Co.=                  .16
    Pop. 5,556             6-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 631 S. 6th St., St.

  =Wellston=               =St. Louis Billposting Co.=                  .16
    Pop. 12,000            6-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 631 S. 6th St., St.

  Weston                   Geo. Marr                                    .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Willow Springs           Geo. Hutchinson                              .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s


  The classification of towns named is as follows:

      Class “A”—Excellent service; highly recommended.
      Class “B”—Good service; meets Association requirements.
      Class “C”—Not up to Association requirements.

  Anaconda                 Thos. Feenan                           (B)   .07
    Pop. 12,267            23 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Billings                 Billings Billposting Co.               (A)   .09
    Pop. 15,000            44 L. 12-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Butte                    Montana Billposting Co.                (B)   .12
    Pop. 45,000            68 L. 20-24’s 35-16’s 58-8’s

  Deer Lodge               James Beaton                           (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,000             4 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s

  Dillon                   Fred Oliver                            (A)   .07
    Pop. 3,000             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Glendive                 J. R. Widmyer                          (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,000             7 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s

  =Great Falls=            =Great Falls Billposting Co.=         =(A)=  .07
    Pop. 21,500            50 L. 12-24’s 18-16’s 30-8’s

  Harlowton                H. B. Myers                            (B)   .07
    Pop. 800               4 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s

  Havre                    Havre Billposting Co.                  (C)   .07
    Pop. 3,500             14 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Helena                   Rocky Mountain Adv. Co.                (B)   .09
    Pop. 23,152            12-24’s 18-16’s 30-8’s

  Kalispell                Kalispell Billposting Co.              (B)   .07
    Pop. 7,000             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Lewistown                Lewistown Billposting Co.              (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,500             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s

  Livingston               Livingston Art & Decorative Co.        (C)   .09
    Pop. 4,000             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Miles City               J. F. Gibb                             (B)   .07
    Pop. 1,938             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Missoula                 R. R. Garver                           (A)   .07
    Pop. 12,000            30 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Roundup                  Henry P. Nelson                        (C)   .07
    Pop. 1,000             7 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s


  Alliance                 S. A. Miller                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Alma                     Charles Sadler                               .07
    Pop. 1,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Auburn                   B. G. Whittemore                             .07
    Pop. 3,000             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Aurora                   Peterson Painting & Posting Service          .07
    Pop. 1,921             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to York, Neb.

  Beatrice                 Thomas Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 15,000            42 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Blair                    V. W. Bartlett                               .07
    Pop. 2,970             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Blue Springs             Talmon Advertising Co.                       .07
    Pop. 785               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Wymore, Neb.

  Central City             H. E. Glatfelter                             .08
    Pop. 2,000             12 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Chadron                  Chadron Posting Service                      .07
    Pop. 2,000             10 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Columbus                 Columbus Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 3,522             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  David City               L. C. Harris                                 .08
    Pop. 1,850             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Edgar                    Daniel Harter                                .07
    Pop. 1,040             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Fairbury                 Fairbury Posting Service                     .07
    Pop. 5,277             16 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Fremont                  W. A. Lowry                                  .09
    Pop. 11,200            39 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Fullerton                R. W. Saley                                  .07
    Pop. 1,464             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Grand Island             H. J. Bartenbach                             .09
    Pop. 9,000             24 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Hastings                 J. S. Craig                                  .09
    Pop. 8,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Hebron                   J. E. Shearer                                .07
    Pop. 1,511             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lexington                Geo. W. Volk                                 .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lincoln                  Zehrung Posting Service                      .12
    Pop. 50,000            63 L. 25-24’s 35-16’s 50-8’s
                           Oliver Theatre.

  McCook                   F. Folden Adv. & Billposting System          .07
    Pop. 4,500             13 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Norfolk                  A. G. Bailey                                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Neligh                   Norfolk Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 1,135             6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Omaha                    Omaha Posting Service                        .12
    Pop. 125,000           30-24’s 50-16’s 100-8’s
                           1807 St. Marys Ave.

  Plattsmouth              Parmele Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 5,500             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Seward                   J. T. Bradley                                .07
    Pop. 1,970             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  South Omaha              Omaha Posting Service                        .12
    Pop. 40,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1807 St. Mary’s
                           Ave., Omaha.

  South Sioux City         Sioux City B. P. & Adv. Co.                  .12
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sioux City, Iowa.

  =Stamford=               =John Nelson=                                .07
    Pop. 490               12 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Stromsburg               E. A. Vincent                                .07
    Pop. 1,154             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Superior                 Ray D. Stratton                              .07
    Pop. 1,577             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  West Point               Bauman Drug Co.                              .07
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Wymore                   Talmon Advertising Co.                       .07
    Pop. 3,100             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  York                     G. A. Stapleton                              .07
    Pop. 5,500             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s


  The classification of towns named is as follows:

      Class “A”—Excellent service; highly recommended.
      Class “B”—Good service; meets Association requirements.
      Class “C”—Not up to Association requirements.

  Goldfield                Goldfield Billposting & Adv. Co.       (B)   .10
    Pop. 7,000             13 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Reno                     S. W. Porteous                         (A)   .10
    Pop. 15,000            34 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Sparks                   S. W. Porteous                         (C)   .10
    Pop. 2,000             6 L. 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Reno.


  Berlin                   Berlin Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 13,000            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Claremont                Harry T. Eaton                               .07
    Pop. 8,000             15 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Concord                  C. F. Batchelder                             .09
    Pop. 21,210            43 L. 15-24 20-16’s 30-8’s

  Dover                    Chas. E. King                                .12
    Pop. 15,000            39 L. 10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Franklin Falls           Frank C. Stevens                             .07
    Pop. 9,346             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Keene                    A. W. Quinn                                  .09
    Pop. 10,197            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Laconia                  H. J. Courser & Co.                          .09
    Pop. 8,042             30 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Manchester               Frank P. Colby                               .12
    Pop. 64,783            25-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s
                           20 Hanover St.

  Nashua                   A. H. Davis                                  .12
    Pop. 26,650            15-24 20-16’s 30-8’s

  North Walpole            P. E. Griffin                                .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Portsmouth               V. A. Hett                                   .09
    Pop. 11,123            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Rochester                Chas. E. King                                .12
    Pop. 9,100             12 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 9-8’s
                           Mail to Dover. Paper to Rochester.

  Salem                    Lawrence Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 2,041             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lawrence, Mass.

  Somerswerth              J. F. Noyes                                  .07
    Pop. 7,023             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Tilton                   H. J. Courser & Co.                          .07
    Pop. 1,601             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Laconia.


  Allenhurst               John Foster Billposting Co.                  .16
    Pop. 250               3-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Asbury Park.

  =Arlington=              =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 2,200             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Asbury Park              John Foster Billposting Co.                  .16
    Pop. 10,000            10-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Asbury Park.

  Avon                     John Foster Billposting Co.                  .16
    Pop. 500               3-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Asbury Park.

  Atlantic City            Atlantic City Billposting Co.                .20
    Pop. 40,000            40-24’s 45-16’s 60-8’s

  =Avondale=               =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 2,976             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  =Bayonne=                =Jersey City Billposting Co.=                .14
    Pop. 44,170            80 L. 40-24’s 50-16’s 60-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 106 Greene St.,
                           Jersey City.

  =Belleville=             =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 7,632             5-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Belmar                   John Foster Billposting Co.                  .16
    Pop. 1,200             5-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Asbury Park.

  =Bloomfield=             =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 12,068            8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Bogota                   Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 522               4 L.
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Boonton                  Harris Bros                                  .12
    Pop. 3,935             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Bordentown               Bordentown Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 4,500             4 L.
                           Mail and paper to Trenton.

  =Bound Brook=            =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 3,389             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Bradley Beach            John Foster Billposting Co.                  .16
    Pop. 1,100             5-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Asbury Park.

  =Bridgeton=              =F. D. Carll=                                .09
    Pop. 13,682            38 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s

  Butler                   Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  =Caldwell=               =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Camden                   Camden Billposting Co.                       .12
    Pop. 84,849            20-24’s 40-16’s 75-8’s
                           510 Taylor Ave.

  Cape May                 M. L. Branin                                 .16
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Millville.

  Cape May Court House     M. L. Branin                                 .16
    Pop. 900               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Millville.

  Carlstadt                Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 3,100             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  =Chatham=                =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 2,183             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Clayton                  M. L. Branin                                 .12
    Pop. 1,951             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Millville.

  Cliffside Park           Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 2,128             2 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Clifton                  Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  Como                     John Foster Billposting Co.                  .16
    Pop. 500               2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Asbury Park.

  Coytesville              Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 800               2 L. 1-24 2-16’s 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  =Cranford=               =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 3,600             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Deal                     American Billposting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 200               3 L.
                           Mail and paper to Long Branch.

  Dover                    Dover Advertising Co.                        .07
    Pop. 8,000             40 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  =Dunnellen=              =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 1,517             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  =East Newark=            =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 2,828             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  =East Orange=            =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 25,909            15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  East Rutherford          Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 3,165             5 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Eatontown                American Billposting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 3,000             2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Long Branch.

  Edgewater                Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 1,400             5 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  =Elizabeth=              =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 62,185            30-24’s 45-16’s 75-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Englewood                Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 7,922             9 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 9-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Fairview                 Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 1,693             2 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Fort Lee                 Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 3,433             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Garfield                 Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 6,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  =Garwood=                =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 564               2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Glen Rock                Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 778               2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  =Glen Ridge=             =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 2,362             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Gloucester City          Camden Billposting Co.                       .12
    Pop. 6,840             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Camden.

  =Granton=                =Jersey City Billposting Co.=                .14
    Pop. 500               2 L.
                           Mail and paper to 106 Greene St.,
                           Jersey City.

  Grantwood                Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 820               2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  =Guttenberg=             =Jersey City Billposting Co.=                .14
    Pop. 4,711             8 L. 5-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 106 Greene St.,
                           Jersey City, N.J.

  Hackensack               Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 7,429             21 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s

  =Harrison=               =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 13,268            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Hasbrouck Heights        Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 1,650             2 L. 1-24 2-16’s 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Hawthorne                Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 2,800             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  Highland Park            New Brunswick Billposting Co.                .12
    Pop. 1,000             3 L.
                           Mail and paper to New Brunswick.

  Hoboken                  Hoboken Billposting Co.                      .14
    Pop. 66,689            89 L. 50-24’s 50-16’s 75-8’s

  Holly Beach              M. L. Branin                                 .12
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Millville.

  =Homestead, New Durham   =Jersey City Billposting Co.=                .14
  and Tyler Park=          13 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 12-8’s
    Pop. 11,134            Mail and paper to 106 Greene St.,
                           Jersey City.

  =Irvington=              =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 7,180             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  =Jersey City=            =Jersey City Billposting Co.=                .14
    Pop. 238,000           455 L. 150-24’s 150-16’s 200-8’s
                           106 Greene St.

  =Kearney=                =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .14
    Pop. 14,142            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Keansburg                Monmouth Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 600               2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Keyport.

  Keyport                  Monmouth Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 3,385             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Kingsland                Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 1,000             3 L.
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Lakeview                 Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 820               2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  Lambertville             Trenton Billposting Co.                      .12
    Pop. 5,500             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Trenton.

  Leonia                   Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 1,041             6 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Little Falls             Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  Little Ferry             Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 1,776             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Lodi                     Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 2,793             2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Long Branch              American Billposting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 12,525            55 L. 15-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s

  Lyndhurst                Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 3,000             4 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  =Madison=                =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 4,115             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Mahwah                   Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 500               2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  Manasquan                John Foster Billposting Co.                  .16
    Pop. 1,700             5-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Asbury Park.

  =Maplewood=              =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 1,160             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Mattawan                 Monmouth Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 1,479             6 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Keyport.

  Maywood                  Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 1-16 2-8’s

  Metuchen                 New Brunswick Billposting Co.                .12
    Pop. 4,750             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to New Brunswick.

  =Milburn=                =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 3,182             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Milltown                 New Brunswick Billposting Co.                .12
    Pop. 1,500             4 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to New Brunswick.

  Millville                A. R. Rocap                                  .09
    Pop. 14,000            18 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  =Montclair=              =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 16,851            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Morristown               Morristown Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 12,322            7-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Mountain View            Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 200               2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  Mt. Holly                Wm. Wright                                   .07
    Pop. 6,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  =Newark=                 =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 289,634           85-24’s 115-16’s 200-8’s
                           27-33 Treat Place.

  New Brunswick            New Brunswick Billposting Co.                .12
    Pop. 25,000            42 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  North Hackensack         Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 500               2 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  North Paterson           Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 1,000             2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  Ocean City               Atlantic City Billposting Co.                .12
    Pop. 4,000             4-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Atlantic City.

  Ocean Grove              John Foster Billposting Co.                  .16
    Pop. 2,800             6-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Asbury Park.

  Oceanport                American Billposting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 600               2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Long Branch.

  =Orange=                 =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 26,493            20-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Palisades Park           Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 2,000             3 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Passaic                  Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 40,000            15-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  Paterson                 Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 112,600           25-24’s 50-16’s 100-8’s

  =Perth Amboy=            =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 27,534            20-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Phillipsburg             O. H. Advertising & B. P. Co.                .09
    Pop. 13,713            13 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Able Opera House,
                           Easton, Pa.

  =Plainfield=             =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 20,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Pleasantville            Atlantic City Billposting Co.                .12
    Pop. 4,000             4-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Atlantic City.

  Point Pleasant           John Foster Billposting Co.                  .16
    Pop. 1,000             6-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Asbury Park.

  Princeton                Trenton Billposting Co.                      .12
    Pop. 6,900             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Trenton.

  Prospect Park Borough    Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 1,911             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  =Rahway=                 =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 8,649             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  =Raritan=                =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 3,954             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Red Bank                 American Billposting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 6,263             15 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Long Branch.

  Ridgefleld               Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 2,800             3 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Ridgefield Park          Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 2,500             2 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Ridgewood                Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 3,980             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  =Roselle=                =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 2,142             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Rutherford               Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  Salem                    M. L. Branin                                 .12
    Pop. 5,811             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 400 High St.,

  Sea Bright               American Billposting Co.                     .16
    Pop. 1,200             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Long Branch.

  Sea Girt                 John Foster Billposting Co.                  .16
    Pop. 300               3-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Asbury Park.

  =Secaucus=               =Jersey City Billposting Co.=                .14
    Pop. 3,504             8 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 106 Greene St.,
                           Jersey City.

  =Somerville=             =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 5,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  =South Amboy=            =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 6,258             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  =South Orange=           =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 6,878             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  South River              New Brunswick Billposting Co.                .12
    Pop. 4,000             4 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to New Brunswick.

  Spring Lake              John Foster Billposting Co.                  .16
    Pop. 1,100             2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Asbury Park.

  =Summit=                 =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 6,845             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  Teaneck                  Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 1,222             2 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Tenafly                  Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 2,142             4 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Toms River               John Foster Billposting Co.                  .16
    Pop. 2,000             3-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Asbury Park.

  Totowa Borough           Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 738               2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  =Trenton=                =Trenton Billposting Co.=                    .14
    Pop. 95,000            104 L. 30-24’s 50-16’s 80-8’s

  =Union Hill=             =Jersey City Billposting Co.=                .14
    Pop. 17,368            30 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 106 Greene St.,
                           Jersey City.

  Vineland                 M. L. Branin                                 .12
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 400 High St.,

  Warren Point             Paterson Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 500               2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Paterson.

  =Weehawken=              =Jersey City Billposting Co.=                .14
    Pop. 8,567             18 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 106 Greene St.,
                           Jersey City.

  =West Hoboken=           =Jersey City Billposting Co.=                .14
    Pop. 30,279            40 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 106 Greene St.,
                           Jersey City.

  =Westfield=              =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 5,265             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  =West Orange=            =Newark Billposting Co.=                     .12
    Pop. 7,872             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  =West New York=          =Jersey City Billposting Co.=                .14
    Pop. 7,552             10 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 106 Greene St.,
                           Jersey City.

  Westville                M. L. Branin                                 .12
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Millville.

  Westwood                 Hackensack Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 1,044             7 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Wildwood-by-the-Sea or   M. L. Branin                                 .12
  Angelsea                 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
    Pop. 1,700             Mail and paper to 400 High St.,

  Woodbridge               Newark Billposting Co.                       .12
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 27-33 Treat Place,

  =Woodridge=              =Hackensack Billposting Co.=                 .14
    Pop. 1,100             2 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hackensack.

  Woodbury                 Camden Billposting Co.                       .12
    Pop. 5,200             6-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Camden.


  =Albuquerque=            =Hudson Billposting Co.=                     .09
    Pop. 15,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Clovis                   Eastern New Mexico Billposting Co.           .09
    Pop. 5,300             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Deming                   Alexander Thompson                           .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  East Las Vegas           Chas. Tamme                                  .09
    Pop. 5,673             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Gallup                   Briscoe & Winders                            .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Raton                    E. F. Oille                                  .09
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Roswell                  Roswell Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 6,500             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Silver City              C. C. Whitehill                              .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Socorro                  Jose R. Vigil                                .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Texico                   W. T. Priest                                 .09
    Pop. 2,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s


  Albany                   Fitch Advertising Co.                        .12
    Pop. 98,537            50-24’s 75-16’s 100-8’s

  Amityville               Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 3,500             2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Amsterdam                Amsterdam Advertising Co.                    .09
    Pop. 28,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  Ardsley                  W. L. Mildrum & Co.                          .14
    Pop. 470               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Yonkers.

  Auburn                   Geo. S. Morgan                               .12
    Pop. 33,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Avon                     Rochester Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 1,782             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Rochester.

  Babylon                  Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 4,000             3 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Baldwinsville            Chas. B. Letterman                           .09
    Pop. 3,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Ballston Spa             Empire Billposting Co.                       .16
    Pop. 4,131             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Saratoga Springs.

  =Batavia=                =Whitmier & Filbrick Co.=                    .12
    Pop. 10,400            8-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 178 Ellicott St.,

  Bath                     Seymour Display Adv. Co.                     .10
    Pop. 3,695             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail to Mt. Morris. Paper to Bath.

  Bergen                   Rochester Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 659               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Rochester.

  Binghampton              Binghamton Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 45,785            92 L. 25-24’s 35-16’s 75-8’s

  =Brooklyn=               =American Billposting Co.=                   .16
    Pop. 1,701,844         766 L. 350-24’s 700-16’s 1,000-8’s
                           894 Fulton St.

  =Buffalo=                =Whitmier & Filbrick Co.=                    .14
    Pop. 415,000           293 L. 150-24’s 200-16’s 300-8’s
                           178 Ellicott St.

  Camden                   H. M. Parke                                  .07
    Pop. 2,420             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Canajoharie              Amsterdam Advertising Co.                    .07
    Pop. 2,224             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Amsterdam. Paper to

  Canandaigua              Miller Billposting Service                   .10
    Pop. 7,364             5-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s

  Carthage                 Wallace Billposting Service                  .12
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to Oswego. Paper to Carthage.

  Catskill                 Catskill Mt. Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 5,294             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Clyde                    Wallace Billposting Service                  .07
    Pop. 2,552             4-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Oswego. Paper to Clyde.

  Cobleskill               J. E. Schuyler                               .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Cohoes                   Cohoes Billposting Co.                       .12
    Pop. 27,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Troy.

  College Point            McElroy Bros.                                .14
    Pop. 10,000            12-24’s 12-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Flushing, L. I.

  Colonie                  Fitch Advertising Co.                        .12
    Pop. 7,846             5-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Albany.

  Corona, L. I.            McElroy Bros.                                .14
    Pop. 10,000            10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Flushing, L. I.

  Cornwall                 West Shore Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 5,700             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Newburgh.

  Cortland                 Dillon Bros.                                 .10
    Pop. 11,530            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Corning                  Corning Billposting Co.                      .10
    Pop. 14,000            28 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Croton Landing           F. S. Cunningham Billposting Co.             .12
    Pop. 1,599             3-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Peekskill.

  Dansville                Seymour Display Adv. Co.                     .10
    Pop. 3,908             3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Mt. Morris. Paper to

  Dobbs Ferry              W. L. Mildrum & Co.                          .14
    Pop. 3,700             4 L.
                           Mail and paper to Yonkers, N. Y.

  Dunkirk                  J. Frank Gilbert                             .12
    Pop. 18,000            20 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 16-8’s

  Elmhurst                 McElroy Bros.                                .14
    Pop. 15,000            10-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Flushing, L. I.

  Elmira                   Elmira Billposting Co.                       .12
    Pop. 40,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s
                           Lyceum Theatre.

  Far Rockaway             Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 8,000             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Fishkill on Hudson       M. J. Heroy                                  .07
    Pop. 3,939             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Flushing, L. I.          McElroy Bros.                                .14
    Pop. 19,000            25-24’s 35-16’s 50-8’s

  Fonda                    Fulton Co. Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 1,150             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Gloversville.

  Fort Plain               Amsterdam Advertising Co.                    .07
    Pop. 2,596             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Amsterdam. Paper to

  Frankfort                John Napier                                  .12
    Pop. 3,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Utica.

  Fredonia                 Andrew P. Tastor                             .07
    Pop. 6,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Freeport                 Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 6,000             3 L.
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Fulton                   N. H. Kimball                                .07
    Pop. 9,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Fultonville              Fulton Co. Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 900               3 L. 1-24 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Gloversville.

  Geneseo                  Seymour Display Advertising Co.              .10
    Pop. 2,245             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Mt. Morris.

  Geneva                   F. K. Hardison                               .09
    Pop. 15,000            6-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Glen Cove                Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 7,000             3 L. 3-24’s 3-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Glens Falls              A. M. Cheesebro                              .12
    Pop. 16,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Glenville                Schenectady Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 800               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Schenectady.

  Gloversville             Fulton Co. Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 20,000            47 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Goshen                   Middletown Billposting Co.                   .10
    Pop. 3,091             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Middletown.

  Gouverneur               St. Lawrence Billposting Co.                 .07
    Pop. 4,229             15 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Gowanda                  Floyd E. Dye                                 .09
    Pop. 2,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Silver Creek.

  Greene                   Gage & Lauton                                .07
    Pop. 1,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Green Island             Troy Billposting Co.                         .12
    Pop. 4,900             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Troy.

  Hastings-on-Hudson       W. L. Mildrum & Co.                          .14
    Pop. 3,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Yonkers.

  Harrison                 Standard Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 2,922             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to New Rochelle.

  Hempstead                Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 5,000             8 L. 7-24’s 7-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Herkimer                 The Holbrook & Parsons Co.                   .12
    Pop. 6,596             10 L. 5-24’s 7-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Little Falls.

  Highland                 West Shore Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 1,300             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Kingston.

  Homer                    Dillon Bros.                                 .10
    Pop. 2,586             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Hornell                  W. C. Smith & Son                            .12
    Pop. 13,390            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Hoosick Falls            Andrew Rankin                                .07
    Pop. 6,600             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Hudson                   Hudson Billposting Co.                       .12
    Pop. 10,531            7-24’s 9-16’s 15-8’s

  Hyde Park                Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 800               1 L.
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Ilion                    The Holbrook & Parsons Co.                   .12
    Pop. 5,924             5 L.
                           Mail and paper to Little Falls.

  Ithaca                   Ithaca Billposting Co.                       .10
    Pop. 15,000            80 L. 12-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  =Jamaica=                =Jamaica Billposting Co.=                    .16
    Pop. 30,000            82 L. 35-24’s 50-16’s 75-8’s

  Jamestown                Jamestown Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 28,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Johnstown                Fulton Co. Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 9,000             23 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Gloversville.

  Kingston                 West Shore Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 25,585            15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  Larchmont                Standard Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 1,758             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to New Rochelle.

  Lestershire              Binghamton Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 4,035             6 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Binghamton.

  Little Falls             The Holbrook & Parsons Co.                   .12
    Pop. 11,069            20 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Little Valley            C. R. Gibson                                 .09
    Pop. 1,225             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Salamanca.

  Lockport                 Staats Billposting & Dist. Co.               .09
    Pop. 17,597            42 L. 12-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  =Long Island City=       =Long Island Billposting Co.=                .16
    Pop. 65,000            100 L. 40-24’s 60-16’s 90-8’s
                           13 Queens St.

  Lyons                    Rochester Billposting Co.                    .14
    Pop. 4,753             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Rochester.

  Mamaroneck               Standard Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 5,090             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to New Rochelle.

  Matteawan                M. J. Heroy                                  .07
    Pop. 5,564             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Fishkill-on-Hudson.

  Medina                   Cooper & Hood                                .07
    Pop. 5,114             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Mexico                   Wallace Billposting Service                  .12
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Oswego.

  =Middletown=             =Middletown Billposting Co.=                 .12
    Pop. 15,914            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Mineola                  Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 450               2 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Mohawk                   The Holbrook & Parsons Co.                   .12
    Pop. 2,044             4 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Little Falls.

  Mount Kisco              Geo. A. Newell                               .12
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to White Plains.

  Mount Morris             Seymour Display Adv. Co.                     .10
    Pop. 2,611             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Mount Vernon             Mt. Vernon Advertising Service               .14
    Pop. 33,000            102 L. 20-24’s 40-16’s 75-8’s

  Newburgh                 West Shore Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 26,593            15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  Newark                   Harrington & Cratar                          .07
    Pop. 4,554             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  New Paltz                West Shore Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 1,022             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Kingston.

  New Rochelle             Standard Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 21,520            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s
                           17 Railroad Ave.

  =New York City=          =A. Van Beuren & Co.= 128 Fourth Ave.        .16
    Pop. 2,500,000         =New York Billposting Co., 132 W.
                           65th St.=
                           24-sheets: 100 Specials and 300
                           Regulars, for each plant.
                           16-sheets: 100 Specials and 400
                           Regulars, for each plant.
                           8-sheets: 100 Specials and 500
                           Regulars, for each plant.

  Niagara Falls            Niagara Frontier B. P. & Adv. Co.            .14
    Pop. 30,000            82 L. 20-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Niskayuna                Schenectady Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 500               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Schenectady.

  North Tarrytown          W. L. Mildrum & Co.                          .14
    Pop. 4,750             5-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Yonkers.

  Ogdensburg               John H. Ashwood                              .09
    Pop. 14,842            8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Olean                    Olean Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 17,600            8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Oneonta                  Oneonta Billposting Co.                      .10
    Pop. 8,054             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Middletown. Paper to Oneonta.

  Ossining                 W. L. Mildrum & Co.                          .14
    Pop. 8,000             9 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 9-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Yonkers.

  Oswego                   Wallace Billposting Service                  .12
    Pop. 24,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 35-8’s

  Owego                    S. H. Thomas                                 .07
    Pop. 4,988             14 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Oyster Bay               Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 3,500             3 L. 3-24’s 3-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Peekskill                F. S. Cunningham Billposting Co.             .12
    Pop. 13,768            36 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Pelham                   Standard Billposting Co.                     .14
    Pop. 2,815             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to New Rochelle.

  Penn Yan                 Frank Maring                                 .07
    Pop. 4,504             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Plattsburg               Wm. S. Manning                               .09
    Pop. 12,000            8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Pleasantville            Geo. A. Newell                               .12
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to White Plains.

  Port Chester (Rye        Standard Billposting Co.                     .14
  Township)                5-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
    Pop. 11,199            Mail and paper to New Rochelle.

  Port Jervis              Port Jervis Billposting Co.                  .10
    Pop. 9,757             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Middletown. Paper to Port

  Poughkeepsie             Poughkeepsie Billposting Co.                 .12
    Pop. 28,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s

  Pulaski                  Wallace Billposting Service                  .12
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Oswego.

  Queens                   Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 1,900             3 L. 3-24’s 3-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Rensselaer               Fitch Advertising Co.                        .12
    Pop. 10,715            10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Albany.

  Richland                 Wallace Billposting Service                  .12
    Pop. 400               4-24’s 4-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Oswego. Paper to Richland.

  Richmond Hill            Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 22,000            33 L. 20-24’s 25-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Rochester                Rochester Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 200,000           75-24’s 100-16’s 150-8’s
                           286 State St.

  Rockville Center         Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 4,000             3 L. 3-24’s 3-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Rome                     Wallace Billposting Service                  .09
    Pop. 18,000            8-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to Oswego. Paper to Rome.

  Roslyn                   Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 3,000             1 L.
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Rotterdam                Schenectady Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Schenectady.

  Rye Village              Standard Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 4,076             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to New Rochelle.

  Salamanca                C. R. Gibson                                 .07
    Pop. 5,455             13 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Sandy Creek              Wallace Billposting Service                  .12
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Oswego. Paper to Sandy Creek.

  Sandy Hill               A. M. Cheesebro                              .12
    Pop. 5,500             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Glens Falls.

  Saratoga Springs         Empire Billposting Co.                       .16
    Pop. 12,309            20 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Saugerties               Saugerties Billposting Co.                   .10
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Schenectady              Schenectady Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 61,919            30-24’s 40-16’s 60-8’s

  Scotia                   Schenectady Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Schenectady.

  Seneca Falls             Jas. C. Doyle                                .07
    Pop. 6,733             15 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Silver Creek             Floyd E. Dye                                 .09
    Pop. 2,600             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Sodus                    Sodus Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 1,600             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  South Dayton             Floyd E. Dye                                 .09
    Pop. 850               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Silver Creek.

  Springfield              Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 1,600             3 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Stamford                 H. A. Dyckman                                .09
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Staten Island            Dunn Bros                                    .12
    Pop. 72,846            50-24’s 75-16’s 100-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Tompkinsville.

  Suffern                  W. N. Smith                                  .09
    Pop. 2,655             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Syracuse                 Geo. Castner                                 .14
    Pop. 120,000           246 L. 50-24’s 75-16’s 150-8’s
                           221 Montgomery St.

  Tarrytown                W. L. Mildrum & Co.                          .14
    Pop. 6,000             15 L. 5-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Yonkers.

  =Tonawanda (North and    =Whitmier & Filbrick Co.=                    .14
  South)=                  48 L. 15-24’s 25-16’s 35-8’s
    Pop. 22,000            Mail to Buffalo. Paper to Tonawanda.

  Troy                     Troy Billposting Co.                         .12
    Pop. 80,000            24-24’s 40-16’s 75-8’s

  Tuckahoe                 Geo. A. Newell                               .12
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to White Plains.

  Utica                    John Napier                                  .12
    Pop. 70,000            15-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Valley Stream            Jamaica Billposting Co.                      .16
    Pop. 1,100             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jamaica.

  Walden                   West Shore Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Newburgh.

  Watertown                Wallace Billposting Service                  .12
    Pop. 25,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 35-8’s
                           Mail to Oswego. Paper to Watertown.

  Watervliet               Troy Billposting Co.                         .12
    Pop. 15,000            5-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Troy.

  Watkins                  N. C. Crofut                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             18 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Waverley                 W. B. Salisbury & Co.                        .07
    Pop. 4,915             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Wellsville               G. B. Gorton                                 .07
    Pop. 4,355             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Whitehall                Samuel Lampron                               .07
    Pop. 4,900             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  White Plains             Geo. A. Newell                               .12
    Pop. 20,000            12-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Whitestone               McElroy Bros.                                .14
    Pop. 4,500             6-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Flushing, L. I.

  Whitestown               John Napier                                  .12
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Utica.

  Williamson               Sodus Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 1,400             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sodus.

  Winfield, L. I.          McElroy Bros.                                .14
    Pop. 6,500             8-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Flushing, L. I.

  Wolcott                  Seward Enney                                 .07
    Pop. 1,300             4 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s

  Woodside, L. I.          McElroy Bros.                                .14
    Pop. 6,800             7-24’s 10-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Flushing, L. I.

  Yonkers                  W. L. Mildrum & Co.                          .14
    Pop. 70,000            80 L. 35-24’s 50-16’s 70-8’s


  Asheville                The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 22,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Burlington               The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 5,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Charlotte                Charlotte Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 25,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Concord                  The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 10,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Dunn                     The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 2,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to Dunn.

  Durham                   The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 18,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Edenton                  The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 4,500             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Elizabeth City           The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 9,000             8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to
                           Elizabeth City.

  Elm City                 The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 2,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to Elm

  Fayetteville             The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 8,000             8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Goldsboro                The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 8,500             8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Graham                   The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 3,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Greensboro               J. H. West                                   .09
    Pop. 20,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Greenville               The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 4,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Haw River                The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 2,200             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Henderson                James G. Jordan                              .09
    Pop. 7,500             23 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Hickory                  J. Morgan Hawn                               .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  High Point               J. H. West                                   .09
    Pop. 12,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to Greensboro. Paper to High

  Kings Mountain           The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 5,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to Kings

  Lexington                J. H. West                                   .09
    Pop. 6,500             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Greensboro. Paper to

  Lincolnton               The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 3,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Louisburg                The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 3,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Lumberton                The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 3,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Marion                   Marion Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 1,500             15 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Monroe                   S. A. Schloss                                .09
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Wilmington. Paper to Monroe.

  Mooresville              Mooresville Adv. Co.                         .07
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Mount Airy               Parks Adv. Co.                               .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  New Bern                 The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 16,007            15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to New

  Newton                   R. P. Freeze                                 .09
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  North Wilkesboro         Carolina Real Estate Co.                     .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Raleigh                  The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 16,500            15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  =Reidsville=             =The Burton System, Inc.=                    .12
    Pop. 5,500             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Rocky Mount              The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 8,000             8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Roxboro                  The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 1,021             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Sanford                  The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 2,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Scotland Neck            The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 2,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Statesville              W. T. Rowland                                .07
    Pop. 6,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Tarboro                  The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 4,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Washington               The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 7,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to
                           Washington, N. C.

  Weldon                   The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 2,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Wilmington               S. A. Schloss                                .12
    Pop. 25,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Wilson                   The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 7,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to
                           Wilson, N. C.

  Winston-Salem            The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 25,000            18-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to
                           Winston-Salem, N. C.


  Bismarck                 E. H. L. Vesperman                           .07
    Pop. 4,973             5-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Fargo                    Walker Theatre Co.                           .09
    Pop. 15,000            10-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Fargo Theatre.

  Grand Forks              H. A. Shaw                                   .09
    Pop. 12,000            23 L. 10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Mandan                   H. H. Williams                               .07
    Pop. 2,714             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Minot                    A. F. Bacon                                  .07
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Wahpeton                 R. W. Beatty                                 .07
    Pop. 2,741             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s


  Ada                      Rayl & Young                                 .07
    Pop. 2,576             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Akron=                  =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 60,000            30-24’s 40-16’s 60-8’s
                           86 Ash St.

  Alliance                 Shem Adv. Co.                                .09
    Pop. 14,000            8-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  =Amelia=                 =Cincinnati Billposting Co.=                 .14
    Pop. 400               5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cincinnati.

  =Arcanum=                =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 1,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Dayton.

  Ashland                  F. C. Rugg                                   .09
    Pop. 4,500             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Mansfield.

  Ashtabula                James L. Smith                               .07
    Pop. 18,000            15 L. 6-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Attica                   Attica Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Atwater                  Shem Adv. Co.                                .09
    Pop. 500               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Alliance.

  =Barberton=              =The Bryan Co.=                              .09
    Pop. 9,000             10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Akron.

  Batavia                  Kain & Hamilton                              .07
    Pop. 1,600             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Barnesville              P. H. Murphy                                 .07
    Pop. 3,721             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Bascom                   Fostoria Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 250               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Fostoria.

  Beaver Dam               A. E. Temple                                 .07
    Pop. 477               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Bluffton.

  Bellaire                 Wheeling Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 9,912             8-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 16th & Main Sts.,
                           Wheeling, W. Va.

  Bellefontaine            Curtis V. Smith                              .07
    Pop. 10,000            16 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Bellevue                 Ed. G. Knopf                                 .07
    Pop. 4,420             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to Sandusky. Paper to Bellevue.

  Belpre                   Parkersburg Billposting Co.                  .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Parkersburg, W. Va.

  Bluffton                 A. E. Temple                                 .07
    Pop. 2,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Bowling Green=          =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 5,400             8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to 525 Huron St., Toledo. Paper
                           to Bowling Green.

  Bridgeport               Wheeling Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 3,963             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 16th and Main Sts.,

  =Brookville=             =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 1,200             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Dayton.

  Bryan                    Hugh McPhail                                 .07
    Pop. 3,600             14 L. 5-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Bucyrus                  F. R. Myers                                  .07
    Pop. 6,560             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Butler                   W. L. Hissong                                .07
    Pop. 800               11 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Cadiz                    H. Wallace                                   .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Canal Dover              O. O. Bowers Adv. Co.                        .09
    Pop. 8,000             24 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail and paper to New Philadelphia.

  Canton                   Canton Advertising Co.                       .12
    Pop. 60,000            25-24’s 40-16’s 75-8’s

  =Carthage=               =Cincinnati Billposting Co.=                 .14
    Pop. 3,000             13 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cincinnati.

  Carrollton               Shem Advertising Co.                         .09
    Pop. 1,271             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Alliance.

  Carey                    P. B. Oliver                                 .09
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Findlay.

  Celina                   E. G. Ungerer                                .07
    Pop. 4,000             13 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Chillicothe              Chillicothe Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 13,990            8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Chicago Junction         Chicago & Plymouth Billposting Co.           .07
    Pop. 2,500             7 L. 4-24’s 7-16’s 15-8’s

  =Cincinnati=             =Cincinnati Billposting Co.=                 .14
    Pop. 345,230           532 L. 100-24’s 150-16’s 225-8’s

  Circleville              Baughman Bros.                               .07
    Pop. 6,991             23 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  =Cleveland=              =The Bryan Co.=                              .14
    Pop. 460,327           100-24’s 200-16’s 300-8’s
                           2120 E. 19th St.

  Clyde                    Ed. G. Knopf                                 .07
    Pop. 2,550             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to Sandusky. Paper to Clyde.

  Coalton                  Jackson County Billposting Co.               .07
    Pop. 1,625             14 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jackson.

  =Columbus=               =Columbus Billposting Co.=                   .14
    Pop. 175,000           65-24’s 90-16’s 135-8’s

  Conneaut                 Conneaut Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 9,837             7-24’s 10-16’s 17-8’s

  Coshocton                Coshocton Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 11,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Covington                Jos. F. Clements                             .07
    Pop. 1,792             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Crestline                Riblet Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 4,000             12 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Galion.

  =Cuyahoga Falls=         =The Bryan Co.=                              .09
    Pop. 3,300             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Akron.

  =Dayton=                 =The Bryan Company=                          .12
    Pop. 100,799           40-24’s 60-16’s 125-8’s

  =Delaware=               =Geo. L. Chennell=                           .12
    Pop. 8,000             10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to Columbus. Paper to Delaware.

  Defiance                 Defiance Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 7,657             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Delphos                  F. H. Staup                                  .07
    Pop. 4,800             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Dennison                 Twin City Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 4,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Uhrichsville.

  Dresden                  Jos. A. England                              .09
    Pop. 2,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Zanesville.

  East Liverpool           East Liverpool Billposting Co.               .09
    Pop. 16,000            8-24’s 15-16’s 35-8’s

  East Norwood             Cincinnati Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. ...               2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cincinnati.

  =East Youngstown=        =The Bryan Company=                          .12
    Pop. 3,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Youngstown.

  Eaton                    Filbert Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 4,000             20 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Elmore                   Ed. G. Knopf                                 .07
    Pop. 1,025             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sandusky.

  Elyria                   J. J. Howlett                                .07
    Pop. 15,000            8-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Findlay                  P. B. Oliver                                 .09
    Pop. 21,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Fostoria                 Fostoria Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 9,000             33 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Franklin                 C. O. Miller                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             10 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Miamisburg.

  Frazeysburg              The Rugg System                              .09
    Pop. 730               2-24’s 2-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Newark.

  Fremont                  Ed. G. Knopf                                 .07
    Pop. 9,219             7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to Sandusky. Paper to Fremont.

  Galion                   Riblet Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 9,500             22 L. 6-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Gallipolis               J. M. Kaufman                                .07
    Pop. 6,000             15 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Geneva                   George A. Carter                             .07
    Pop. 2,342             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Genoa                    Ed. G. Knopf                                 .07
    Pop. 926               2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sandusky.

  Georgetown               Evlar & Moyer                                .07
    Pop. 1,529             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Germantown               C. O. Miller                                 .07
    Pop. 2,500             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Miamisburg.

  =Girard=                 =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 5,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Youngstown.

  Glen Roy                 Jackson County Billposting Co.               .07
    Pop. 1,000             9 L. 1-24 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jackson.

  =Greenfield=             =Geo. L. Chennell=                           .12
    Pop. 4,785             8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to Columbus. Paper to

  Greensprings             Greensprings Billposting Co.                 .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Greenville=             =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 5,501             6-24’s 8-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Dayton, O.

  Greenwich                Greenwich Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Hamilton                 John Kuhn                                    .09
    Pop. 26,670            42 L. 15-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Hebron                   The Rugg System                              .09
    Pop. 575               1-24 2-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Newark.

  Hillsboro                Frank Ayres                                  .07
    Pop. 4,535             16 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Ironton                  Ironton Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 15,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Jackson                  Jackson County Billposting Co.               .07
    Pop. 8,000             32 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Jeffersonville           E. R. Wentworth                              .07
    Pop. 1,000             8 L. 3-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  =Kent=                   =The Bryan Co.=                              .09
    Pop. 4,581             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Akron.

  Kenton                   H. B. Weston                                 .07
    Pop. 9,000             23 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  =Lancaster=              =Geo. L. Chennell=                           .12
    Pop. 15,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to Columbus. Paper to Lancaster.

  =Lebanon=                =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 2,867             2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Dayton.

  Leetonia                 Wm. Andler                                   .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  =Lima=                   =Geo. L. Chennell=                           .12
    Pop. 32,000            20-24’s 30-16’s 45-8’s
                           Mail to Columbus. Paper to Lima.

  Lisbon                   Harry S. Warner                              .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Salem.

  Logan                    Logan Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 4,600             6-24’s 8-16’s 10-8’s

  =London=                 =Geo. L. Chennell=                           .12
    Pop. 4,000             8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to Columbus. Paper to London.

  =Lorain=                 =The Bryan Co.=                              .09
    Pop. 25,000            20-24’s 30-16’s 40-8’s

  Louisville               Canton Advertising Co.                       .07
    Pop. 1,347             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Canton.

  =Loveland=               =Cincinnati Billposting Co.=                 .14
    Pop. 2,000             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cincinnati.

  =Lowellville=            =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 6,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Youngstown.

  Mansfield                F. C. Rugg                                   .09
    Pop. 25,000            20-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s

  Marietta                 Marietta Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 18,000            48 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  =Marion=                 =Geo. L. Chennell=                           .12
    Pop. 20,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Martins Ferry            Wheeling Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 7,760             7-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Wheeling, W. Va.

  Marysville               J. W. Anderson                               .07
    Pop. 4,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Massillon                H. V. Kramer                                 .07
    Pop. 15,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  =Maumee=                 =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 1,900             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Toledo.

  McArthur                 Southern Ohio Adv. Co.                       .07
    Pop. 941               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  McConnellsville          R. H. Lawrence                               .07
    Pop. 1,825             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Columbus. Paper to Marion.

  Miamisburg               Chas. O. Miller                              .07
    Pop. 7,200             35 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Mechanicsburg            Owen & Johnson                               .07
    Pop. 1,617             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Middleport               Middleport Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 4,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Middletown               Middletown Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 10,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s

  =Milford=                =Cincinnati Billposting Co.=                 .14
    Pop. 1,149             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cincinnati.

  Minerva                  Shem Advertising Co.                         .09
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Alliance.

  Montpelier               W. E. Scott                                  .07
    Pop. 1,869             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Mt. Gilead               J. B. White                                  .07
    Pop. 1,528             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Mt. Vernon               The Rugg System                              .09
    Pop. 10,000            8-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s
                           Mail to Newark. Paper to Mt. Vernon.

  Napoleon                 M. G. Palmer                                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Newark                   The Rugg System                              .09
    Pop. 27,000            74 L. 25-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s

  New Berlin               Canton Advertising Co.                       .07
    Pop. 500               1-16 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Canton.

  New Bremen               Chas. J. Boesel                              .07
    Pop. 2,000             14 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  New Comerstown           O. O. Bowers Adv. Co.                        .09
    Pop. 3,200             13 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to New Philadelphia.

  New Philadelphia         O. O. Bowers Adv. Co.                        .09
    Pop. 9,000             27 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  New Lexington            T. J. Smith                                  .07
    Pop. 1,701             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  =New Richmond=           =Cincinnati Billposting Co.=                 .14
    Pop. 1,916             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cincinnati.

  New Washington           G. A. Ashbacher                              .07
    Pop. 1,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Niles                    Warren & Niles Billposting Co.               .07
    Pop. 8,500             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Warren.

  =North Amherst=          =The Bryan Co.=                              .09
    Pop. 1,758             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lorain.

  North Baltimore          George W. Brainard                           .07
    Pop. 3,600             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Norwalk                  Norwalk Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 7,074             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Oak Harbor               Ed. G. Knopf                                 .07
    Pop. 1,631             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sandusky.

  =Oberlin=                =The Bryan Co.=                              .09
    Pop. 4,082             5-24’s 7-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lorain.

  Ottawa                   Ottawa Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 3,000             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 10-8’s

  =Painesville=            =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 8,000             6-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 2120 E. 19th St.,

  Paulding                 J. C. Armstrong                              .07
    Pop. 2,080             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  =Perrysburg=             =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 2,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Toledo.

  Piqua                    Hixson Bros.                                 .07
    Pop. 15,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Plymouth                 Chicago & Plymouth B. P. Co.                 .07
    Pop. 1,500             5 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Chicago Junction.

  Pomeroy                  A. V. Howell                                 .07
    Pop. 4,639             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Port Clinton             Ed. G. Knopf                                 .07
    Pop. 2,450             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sandusky.

  Portsmouth               Portsmouth Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 25,000            31 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  =Ravenna=                =The Bryan Co.=                              .09
    Pop. 4,003             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Akron.

  Ripley                   G. A. Roemer & Co.                           .07
    Pop. 3,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  =Sabina=                 =Geo. L. Chennell=                           .12
    Pop. 1,800             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s

  Salem                    Harry S. Warner                              .07
    Pop. 10,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s

  Sandusky                 Ed. G. Knopf                                 .09
    Pop. 25,000            12-24’s 18-16’s 35-8’s

  Sebring                  Shem Advertising Co.                         .09
    Pop. 1,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Alliance.

  Shelby                   J. M. Fogleson                               .07
    Pop. 4,685             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Sidney                   C. P. Rogers                                 .07
    Pop. 7,500             6-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Spencerville             Geo. E. Nuniviller                           .07
    Pop. 1,874             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  =Springfield=            =Geo. L. Chennell=                           .12
    Pop. 45,000            20-24’s 40-16’s 70-8’s
                           Mail to Columbus. Paper to

  Steubenville             Steubenville Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 18,000            23 L. 6-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  =St. Bernard=            =Cincinnati Billposting Co.=                 .14
    Pop. 3,284             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Cincinnati.

  St. Paris                H. D. Barley                                 .07
    Pop. 1,222             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  =Struthers=              =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 3,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Youngstown.

  Tiffin                   Tiffin Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 15,000            48 L. 12-24’s 18-16’s 30-8’s

  =Toledo=                 =The Bryan Co.=                              .14
    Pop. 160,000           75-24’s 125-16’s 250-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 525 Huron St.

  Toronto                  Toronto Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 5,500             15 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Troy                     G. A. Brannan                                .07
    Pop. 8,000             12 L. 5-24’s 7-16’s 15-8’s

  Uhrichsville             Twin City Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 4,582             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Union City               S. J. Fisher                                 .07
    Pop. 2,716             6 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Union City, Ind.

  Upper Sandusky           O. L. Smith                                  .07
    Pop. 4,200             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Urbana                   Urbana Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 8,189             10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s

  Utica                    The Rugg System                              .09
    Pop. 1,900             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Newark.

  Van Wert                 J. M. Homan & Son                            .07
    Pop. 8,197             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Wadsworth                J. F. Detwiller                              .07
    Pop. 3,685             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  =Wapakonetta=            =Geo. L. Chennell=                           .12
    Pop. 5,600             8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to Columbus. Paper to

  Warren                   Warren & Niles Billposting Co.               .07
    Pop. 10,071            8-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  =Washington C. H.=       =Geo. L. Chennell=                           .12
    Pop. 7,251             10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail to Columbus. Paper to
                           Washington, C. H.

  Waverly                  J. N. Hoffman                                .07
    Pop. 2,000             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Waynesville              J. M. Taylor                                 .07
    Pop. 1,000             4 L. 1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s

  Wellston                 Jackson County Billposting Co.               .07
    Pop. 10,247            38 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Jackson.

  Wellsville               East Liverpool Billposting Co.               .09
    Pop. 9,000             8-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to East Liverpool.

  West Carrollton          Chas. O. Miller                              .07
    Pop. 1,500             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Miamisburg.

  West Liberty             Craig Bros.                                  .07
    Pop. 3,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Wilmington               Geo. L. Chennell                             .12
    Pop. 5,000             8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to Columbus. Paper to

  Wooster                  George Kettler                               .07
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 8-16’s 10-8’s

  Xenia                    Xenia Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 9,356             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  =Youngstown=             =The Bryan Co.=                              .12
    Pop. 55,000            30-24’s 40-16’s 80-8’s

  Zanesville               Joseph A. England                            .09
    Pop. 25,856            20-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s


  Ada                      Mel Davis                                    .07
    Pop. 3,500             13 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s

  Afton                    Afton Posting Service                        .07
    Pop. 1,200             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Vinita, Okla.

  Alderson                 Flynn & Co.                                  .07
    Pop. 1,500             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to McAlester.

  Altus                    Luther Advertising Co.                       .07
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Alva                     N. L. Miller                                 .07
    Pop. 5,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Anadarko                 Stratton & Sons                              .09
    Pop. 4,500             4-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  =Ardmore=                =W. R. Burnitt=                              .12
    Pop. 10,500            6-24’s 9-16’s 15-8’s

  Atoka                    Flynn & Co.                                  .07
    Pop. 1,700             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to McAlester.

  Bartlesville             Great Western Billposting Co.                .07
    Pop. 3,500             7 L. 4-24’s 7-16’s 15-8’s

  Blackwell                G. M. Warriner                               .07
    Pop. 2,644             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Boswell                  J. A. Rasor                                  .07
    Pop. 1,400             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Bristow                  Bristow Posting Service                      .07
    Pop. 2,500             12 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Broken Arrow             New Star Posting Service                     .07
    Pop. 2,200             7 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Wm. Lind, Stillwater. Paper
                           to Broken Arrow.

  Byars                    M. G. Derrick                                .07
    Pop. 350               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Chandler                 Robert Judy                                  .07
    Pop. 3,000             14 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Checotah                 Flynn & Co.                                  .07
    Pop. 1,524             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to McAlester.

  Chelsea                  R. S. Byrd                                   .07
    Pop. 2,100             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Cherokee                 The Uneeda Sign Co.                          .07
    Pop. 3,000             28 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Chickasha                Brooks Posting Service                       .12
    Pop. 12,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Claremore                Claremore Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 3,300             16 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  =Clinton=                =John N. Ward=                               .07
    Pop. 1,000             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Coalgate                 Flynn & Co.                                  .09
    Pop. 4,500             20 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to McAlester.

  Collinsville             Collinsville Billposting Service             .07
    Pop. 1,075             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Comanche                 J. A. Sloan                                  .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Cordell                  Davidson Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Hobart.

  Cushing                  New Star Posting Service                     .07
    Pop. 850               6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Wm. Lind, Stillwater. Paper
                           to Cushing.

  Dow                      Flynn & Co.                                  .07
    Pop. 500               9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to McAlester.

  Duncan                   Bert Isbell                                  .07
    Pop. 3,500             9 L. 3-24’s 24-16’s 7-8’s

  Durant                   Sanders & Berry                              .07
    Pop. 6,175             16 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Edmond                   F. H. Burks                                  .09
    Pop. 3,000             12 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Eldorado                 J. E. Bodenhamer                             .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Elk City                 J. G. Queenan                                .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Elreno                   Brooks Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 9,000             6-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Chickasha. Paper to El Reno.

  Enid                     Enid Billposting Co.                         .12
    Pop. 20,000            52 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Eufaula                  Flynn & Co.                                  .07
    Pop. 757               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to McAlester.

  Fairfax                  W. E. Akers                                  .07
    Pop. 4,100             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Fairview                 Orient Advertising Co.                       .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Frederick                White Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 2,184             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Geary                    W. E. Packer                                 .07
    Pop. 2,400             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Granfield                Granfield Posting Service                    .07
    Pop. 1,050             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Guthrie=                =Brooks Billposting Co.=                     .09
    Pop. 13,808            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Haileyville              Flynn & Co.                                  .09
    Pop. 2,000             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to McAlester.

  Hartshorn                Flynn & Co.                                  .09
    Pop. 2,352             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to McAlester.

  Hennessey                E. M. Barnum                                 .07
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Henryetta                New Star Posting Service                     .07
    Pop. 1,051             7 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Wm. Lind, Stillwater. Paper
                           to Henryetta.

  Hobart                   Davidson Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 6,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Holdenville              M. P. Embach                                 .07
    Pop. 2,800             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Hugo                     Hugo B. P. & Adv. Co.                        .07
    Pop. 5,500             17 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Kaw City                 J. H. Byers                                  .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Newkirk.

  Kiefer                   Updike Advertising System                    .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sapulpa.

  Kingfisher               Hal. Mead                                    .09
    Pop. 3,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Krebs                    Flynn & Co.                                  .09
    Pop. 3,000             19 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to McAlester.

  Lawton                   W. M. Buell                                  .09
    Pop. 10,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Lehigh                   Flynn & Co.                                  .09
    Pop. 2,500             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to McAlester.

  Lexington                Edgar J. Keller                              .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lindsay                  W. H. Neill                                  .07
    Pop. 1,500             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Madill                   Swift & Hollingsworth                        .07
    Pop. 3,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Mangum                   Mangum Painting Co.                          .07
    Pop. 5,323             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  McAlester                Flynn & Co.                                  .12
    Pop. 9,150             37 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  McLoud                   McLoud Advertising Co.                       .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Miami                    Miami Advertising Co.                        .07
    Pop. 4,832             14 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Mounds                   Sapulpa Advertising Co.                      .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sapulpa.

  Mountain View            Stratton & Sons                              .07
    Pop. 1,400             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Anadarko.

  Muskogee                 Geo. E. Prindle                              .09
    Pop. 20,000            40 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Newkirk                  J. H. Byers                                  .07
    Pop. 3,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Norman                   G. W. Brown                                  .09
    Pop. 3,313             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Nowata                   E. A. Graves Advertising Co.                 .07
    Pop. 2,223             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Okemah                   E. O. Dexter                                 .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Oklahoma                 Alton Billposting Co.                        .12
    Pop. 33,000            18-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s

  Okmulgee                 Okmulgee Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 6,000             20 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           City Hotel.

  Pauls Valley             Pauls Valley Advertising Co.                 .07
    Pop. 3,300             17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Pawhuska                 J. C. Walling & Co.                          .09
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Pawnee                   Sherwood & Herriman                          .09
    Pop. 2,500             30 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Perkins                  Brooks Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Perry                    J. B. Tate                                   .09
    Pop. 3,600             19 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Ponca City               W. T. Chase Adv. Co.                         .07
    Pop. 3,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Prague                   W. F. Totten                                 .07
    Pop. 2,000             7 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Purcell                  George Brown                                 .07
    Pop. 2,277             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Ryan                     Divers & Taylor                              .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Sallisaw                 J. W. Greer                                  .07
    Pop. 3,000             17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Sapulpa                  Sapulpa Posting Service                      .09
    Pop. 11,000            24 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Sayre                    Sayre Advertising Agency                     .07
    Pop. 1,119             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Shawnee                  Shawnee Advertising Co.                      .12
    Pop. 22,000            52 L. 15-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s

  Stillwater               New Star Posting Service                     .07
    Pop. 3,577             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Wm. Lind,

  Stroud                   Emery & Garriott                             .07
    Pop. 1,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Sulphur                  J. B. Yates                                  .07
    Pop. 2,000             15 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Tahlequah                Tahlequah Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 1,916             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Tecumseh                 New Star Posting Service                     .07
    Pop. 1,621             12 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 9-8’s
                           Mail to Wm. Lind, Stillwater. Paper
                           to Tecumseh.

  Tulsa                    Finney Outdoor Advertising Co.               .12
    Pop. 30,309            96 L. 25-24’s 40-16’s 75-8’s

  Vinita                   Vinita Advertising Co.                       .09
    Pop. 5,044             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Wagoner                  Pioneer Advertising Co.                      .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Watonga                  Mrs. M. E. Edgington                         .07
    Pop. 2,500             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Waurika                  Divers & Taylor                              .07
    Pop. 1,400             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Waynoka                  Waynoka Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Weatherford              W. L. Triplett                               .07
    Pop. 3,500             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Wewoka                   New Star Posting Service                     .07
    Pop. 1,800             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Wm. Lind, Stillwater. Paper
                           to Wewoka.

  Wilburton                Black Diamond Advertising Co.                .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Woodward                 Woodward Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 3,500             12 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 9-8’s

  Wynnewood                Frank Deal                                   .07
    Pop. 3,600             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s


  The classification of towns named is as follows:

      Class “A”—Excellent service; highly recommended.
      Class “B”—Good service; meets Association requirements.
      Class “C”—Not up to Association requirements.

  Albany                   W. H. Warner                           (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,528             14 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Ashland                  Verne T. Canon                         (C)   .07
    Pop. 4,600             12 L.

  Baker City               Baker City Billposting Service         (B)   .07
    Pop. 6,660             16 L. 4-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s

  Bandon                   Coos Bay Posting Service               (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,500             5 L.
                           Mail and paper to North Bend.

  Condon                   W. A. Darling                                .07
    Pop. 1,800

  Coquille                 Coos Bay Posting Service               (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,250             7 L.
                           Mail and paper to North Bend.

  Corvallis                B. F. Bier                             (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,000             19 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 9-8’s

  Elgin                    Robert Blumenstein                     (C)   .07
    Pop. 1,200             5 L.

  Eugene                   Jordan Billposting Co.                 (B)   .07
    Pop. 13,000            16 L. 5-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s

  Grants Pass              G. H. Binns                            (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,000             15 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  La Grande                D. H. Steward                          (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,500             13 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Marshfield               Coos Bay Posting Service               (C)   .07
    Pop. 5,068             9 L.
                           Mail and paper to North Bend.

  McMinnville              G. F. Bangasser & Co.                  (B)   .07
    Pop. 2,000             13 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s

  Medford                  Verne T. Canon                         (B)   .07
    Pop. 1,791             14 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Newberg                  Dawson Advertising Co.                 (B)   .10
    Pop. 2,000             13 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s

  North Bend               Coos Bay Posting Service               (C)   .07
    Pop. 3,500             11 L.

  Ontario                  Peff’s Posting Service                 (B)   .07
    Pop. 1,500             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s

  Oregon City              Oregon City Posting & Adv. Co.         (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,500             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Pendleton                Oregon Posting & Dist. Service         (A)   .07
    Pop. 7,500             18 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 15-8’s

  =Portland=               =Foster & Kleiser, Inc.=              =(A)=  .14
    Pop. 298,000           364 L. 100-24’s 150-16’s 251-8’s
                           E. Everett & E. 7th Sts.

  Roseburg                 George Protzman                        (B)   .07
    Pop. 4,000             21 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 15-8’s

  Salem                    Capital Posting Co.                    (A)   .07
    Pop. 15,000            27 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  The Dalles               The Dalles Display Adv. Co.            (A)   .07
    Pop. 4,500             15 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 14-8’s

  Wallowa                  Wallowa Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 1,350


  Allegheny                Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 160,000           106 L. 60-24’s 75-16’s 125-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Allentown                Allentown Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 41,595            53 L. 20-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Altoona                  Altoona Advertising Association              .12
    Pop. 47,910            62 L. 20-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s

  Ambler                   Philadelphia Suburban Belt                   .09
    Pop. 4,000             Billposting Co.
                           12 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 814 Walnut St.,

  Ambridge                 Bridge City Billposting Co.                  .07
    Pop. 5,000             8-24’s 10-16’s 12-8’s

  Apollo                   C. F. Fox                                    .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Vandergrift.

  Archbald                 The American Co.                             .12
    Pop. 7,000             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Scranton.

  Ashland                  Ashland Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 7,000             19 L. 5-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Athens                   W. B. Salisbury & Co.                        .07
    Pop. 3,749             13 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waverly, N. Y.

  Avoca                    The American Co.                             .12
    Pop. 7,500             10 L. 3-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Scranton.

  Bangor                   Slate City Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 4,106             12 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Barnesboro               Northern Cambria Billposting Co.             .07
    Pop. 2,000             10 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Beaver                   Western Pennsylvania Billposting Co.         .09
    Pop. 2,348             3 L.
                           Mail and paper to Rochester, Pa.

  Bellefonte               D. Garman Estate                             .07
    Pop. 4,800             17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Belle Vernon             Hommel Bros.                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Bethlehem                Groman Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 25,000            27 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  Blairsville              R. Einstein                                  .07
    Pop. 4,000             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Bloomsburg               Bloomsburg Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 9,500             9 L. 2-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s

  Braddock                 Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 25,000            22 L. 12-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Bradford                 Bradford Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 19,000            34 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Bridgeport               Norristown Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 4,000             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Grand Opera House,

  Bristol                  Trenton Billposting Co.                      .12
    Pop. 8,000             9 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 9-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Trenton, N. J.

  Butler                   Geo. M. Burckhalter                          .07
    Pop. 15,000            28 L. 10-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Canton                   Mrs. Chas. Lee                               .07
    Pop. 2,000             17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Carbondale               J. O’Hearn                                   .09
    Pop. 15,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s

  Carlisle                 W. H. Bretz                                  .07
    Pop. 12,000            8-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Carnegie                 Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 12,000            10 L. 6-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Chambersburg             Frank Orr                                    .09
    Pop. 9,658             23 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Charleroi                Hommel Bros.                                 .07
    Pop. 8,000             8-24’s 12-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Belle Vernon.

  Chester                  Chester Billposting Co.                      .12
    Pop. 40,000            52 L. 25-24’s 35-16’s 50-8’s

  Clearfield               Clearfield Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 6,000             36 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Coatesville              Philadelphia Suburban Belt                   .09
    Pop. 8,000             Billposting Co.
                           12 L. 6-24’s 10-16’s 12-8’s
                           Care of Opera House, Coatesville.

  Columbia                 Philadelphia Suburban Belt                   .09
    Pop. 13,423            Billposting Co.
                           8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Care of Opera House, Columbia.

  Connellsville            Connellsville Billposting Co.                .09
    Pop. 16,000            41 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  Conshohocken             Norristown Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 6,000             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Norristown.

  Conway                   Western Pennsylvania Billposting Co.         .09
    Pop. 500               2 L. 1-16 2-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Rochester, Pa.

  Coraopolis               Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 5,500             11 L. 5-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Corry                    Corry Billposting Co.                        .09
    Pop. 6,000             21 L. 6-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Coudersport              Aaron Fuller                                 .07
    Pop. 3,500             16 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Danville                 Frank C. Angle                               .09
    Pop. 9,000             16 L. 6-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Darby                    Philadelphia Billposting Co.                 .16
    Pop. 9,000             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 814 Walnut St.,

  Dawson                   Connellsville Billposting Co.                .09
    Pop. 2,200             4 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Connellsville.

  Donora                   Hommel Bros.                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Belle Vernon.

  Downington               Philadelphia Suburban Belt                   .09
    Pop. 2,133             Billposting Co.
                           4 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper care of Opera House,

  Doyleston                Philadelphia Suburban Belt                   .09
    Pop. 3,500             Billposting Co.
                           8 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 814 Walnut St.,

  DuBois                   DuBois Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 11,313            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Dunbar                   Connellsville Billposting Co.                .09
    Pop. 3,000             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Connellsville.

  Dunmore                  The American Co.                             .12
    Pop. 18,000            12 L. 6-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Scranton.

  Duquesne                 Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 15,000            11 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 11-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Easton                   O. H. Advertising & Billposting Co.          .09
    Pop. 28,317            35 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s
                           Able Opera House.

  East Pittsburg           Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 6,000             4 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  East Stroudsburg         Slate City Billposting Co.                   .08
    Pop. 2,648             4 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Bangor.

  Edgewood                 Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 1,200             3 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Elwood City              J. F. Smith                                  .07
    Pop. 2,243             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Ephrata                  Al. S. Lippus                                .07
    Pop. 3,300             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  =Erie=                   =Erie Billposting Co.=                       .12
    Pop. 59,993            103 L. 25-24’s 40-16’s 75-8’s

  Etna                     Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 7,000             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Everett                  Everett Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 2,000             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Fairchance               Uniontown Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 4,000             3 L. 1-24 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Uniontown.

  Fort Washington          Philadelphia Suburban Belt                   .09
    Pop. 2,000             Billposting Co.
                           3 L. 1-24 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 814 Walnut St.,

  Franklin                 Franklin Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 10,500            22 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Freedom                  Western Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 1,783             3 L. 1-24 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Rochester, Pa.

  Galeton                  J. L. White                                  .07
    Pop. 4,213             3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Greensburg               Greensburg Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 20,000            40 L. 16-24’s 20-16’s 25-8’s

  Greenville               Greenville Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 6,433             20 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Great Bend               John E. Clune                                .07
    Pop. 836               6 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Halstead                 John E. Clune                                .07
    Pop. 1,404             5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Hanover                  House & Erisman                              .09
    Pop. 10,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Harrisburg               Appell Billposting Co.                       .12
    Pop. 50,001            64 L. 25-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s

  Hazelhurst               Holmes & McMahon                             .07
    Pop. 1,557             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Mt. Jewett.

  Hazleton                 Hazleton Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 15,000            26 L. 10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Homestead                Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 15,486            26 L. 15-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Honesdale                Honesdale Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 2,864             22 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Hughesville              Williamsport Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 1,950             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Williamsport.

  Huntingdon               J. Frank Colgate                             .09
    Pop. 7,000             15 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Irwin                    Greensburg Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 3,000             15 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Greensburg.

  Jeannette                Greensburg Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 8,000             22 L. 10-24’s 12-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Greensburg.

  Jersey Shore             Williamsport Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 3,070             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Williamsport.

  Johnsonburg              G. K. Spence                                 .07
    Pop. 5,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Johnstown                Johnstown Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 45,000            69 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s

  Kittanning               Kittanning Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 4,000             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  =Lancaster=              =Lancaster Billposting Co.=                  .12
    Pop. 51,000            72 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s

  Lansford                 Jas. E. Davis                                .07
    Pop. 4,888             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Lansdale                 Philadelphia Suburban Belt                   .09
    Pop. 4,000             Billposting Co.
                           9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 814 Walnut St.,

  Latrobe                  Latrobe Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 9,000             32 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  Lebanon                  Lebanon Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 20,000            39 L. 20-24’s 25-16’s 35-8’s

  Lewistown                O. O. Orner                                  .09
    Pop. 9,600             24 L. 10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Lock Haven               J. H. Mussina                                .07
    Pop. 7,210             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Mahanoy City             Mahanoy City Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 15,000            44 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  Mauch Chunk              Mauch Chunk Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 4,029             13 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Mechanicsburg            G. J. Myers & Co.                            .07
    Pop. 2,000             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  McKeesport               Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 50,000            44 L. 20-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  McKees Rocks             Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 25,000            17 L. 12-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Meadville                Geo. Knox                                    .09
    Pop. 11,769            22 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Middletown               Middletown Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 6,700             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Milton                   A. J. Blair                                  .07
    Pop. 6,175             11 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Millvale                 Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 8,500             8 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Monessen                 Hommel Bros.                                 .07
    Pop. 12,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Belle Vernon.

  Monoca                   Western Pennsylvania Billposting Co.         .09
    Pop. 5,000             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Rochester.

  Monongahela              Monongahela Billposting Co.                  .07
    Pop. 6,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Montgomery               Williamsport Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 1,885             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Williamsport.

  Montoursville            Williamsport Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 2,187             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Williamsport.

  Morrisville              Trenton Billposting Co.                      .12
    Pop. 1,371             4 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Trenton, N. J.

  Mount Carmel             Shamokin-Mt. Carmel B. P. Co., Inc.          .09
    Pop. 20,000            16 L. 5-24’s 7-16’s 14-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Shamokin.

  Mount Jewett             Holmes & McMahon                             .07
    Pop. 1,800             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Muncy                    Williamsport Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 2,500             10 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Williamsport.

  Nanticoke                Nanticoke Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 16,000            15 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  New Castle               New Castle Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 36,847            49 L. 20-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s

  New Cumberland           G. W. Heffelman & Co.                        .07
    Pop. 2,000             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  New Kensington           Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 7,500             18 L. 10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Norristown               Norristown Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 25,000            40 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s
                           Grand Opera House.

  North Braddock           Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 12,500            10 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Oil City                 Taylor Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 15,000            45 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  Olyphant                 The American Co.                             .12
    Pop. 15,000            10 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Scranton.

  Parkesburg               Philadelphia Suburban Belt                   .09
    Pop. 2,500             Billposting Co.
                           3 L. 2-24’s 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper care of Opera House,

  Perkasie                 Philadelphia Suburban Belt                   .09
    Pop. 3,000             Billposting Co.
                           5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 814 Walnut St.,

  Philadelphia             Philadelphia Billposting Co.                 .16
    Pop. 1,500,000         802 L. 400-24’s 500-16’s 1,000-8’s

  Philipsburg              Clearfield Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 4,500             18 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Clearfield.

  Phoenixville             H. I. Brownback                              .09
    Pop. 9,604             7-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Pitcairn                 Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 5,000             11 L. 5-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Pittsburg                Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 375,000           296 L. 125-24’s 200-16’s 300-8’s
                           1033 Forbes St.

  Pittston                 Pittston Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 24,720            3 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Plymouth                 Wilkes-Barre Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 13,649            7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Wilkes-Barre.

  Port Allegany            Auditorium Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 3,000             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Pottstown                C. M. Vanderslice                            .09
    Pop. 13,942            28 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Pottsville               Appell Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 15,710            27 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s

  Punxsutawney             J. C. Fish                                   .09
    Pop. 11,000            22 L. 10-24’s 14-16’s 20-8’s

  Quakertown               Philadelphia Suburban Belt                   .09
    Pop. 4,000             Billposting Co.
                           7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 814 Walnut St.,

  Rankin                   Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 7,200             6 L. 4-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  =Reading=                =Reading Billposting Co.=                    .12
    Pop. 95,000            97 L. 50-24’s 75-16’s 100-8’s
                           522 Washington St.

  Ridgway                  Elk Billposting-Sign Co.                     .07
    Pop. 6,630             10 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Rochester                Western Pennsylvania Billposting Co.         .09
    Pop. 10,000            15 L. 7-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Royersford               Royersford Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Sayre                    W. B. Salisbury & Co.                        .07
    Pop. 5,243             19 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waverly, N. Y.

  Scottdale                E. J. Buttermore                             .07
    Pop. 4,261             13 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  =Scranton=               =The American Co.=                           .12
    Pop. 120,000           92 L. 60-24’s 75-16’s 100-8’s

  Sewickley                Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 7,000             5 L. 3-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Shamokin                 Shamokin-Mt. Carmel B. P. Co., Inc.          .09
    Pop. 20,482            42 L. 12-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Sharon                   John E. Douds                                .07
    Pop. 12,432            21 L. 6-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Sharpsburg               Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 9,000             9 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 9-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Sharpsville              John R. Douds                                .07
    Pop. 2,978             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sharon.

  Shenandoah               Shenandoah Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 22,949            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Sheridan                 Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 9,000             4 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Shiremanstown            W. P. Walls & Co.                            .07
    Pop. 1,000             5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Slatington               Marshall Bros. & Marshall                    .09
    Pop. 4,805             13 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  South Sharon             John R. Douds                                .07
    Pop. 8,961             9 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 9-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sharon.

  Spring City              Royersford Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Steelton                 Steelton Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 15,500            7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Middletown.

  Stroudsburg              Slate City Billposting Co.                   .08
    Pop. 3,450             5 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Bangor.

  Sunbury                  Byrod Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 13,000            24 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Susquehanna              A. G. Doherty                                .08
    Pop. 4,816             10 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Swissvale                Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 11,000            5 L. 3-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Tamaqua                  George A. Jacobs                             .09
    Pop. 7,276             16 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Tarentum                 Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 7,500             10 L. 5-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Titusville               Titusville Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 9,000             20 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Tremont                  Tremont Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 1,947             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Shamokin.

  Turtle Creek             Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 5,000             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  Tyrone                   Tyrone Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 8,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Union City               H. W. Goss                                   .09
    Pop. 3,104             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Uniontown                Uniontown Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 15,000            31 L. 10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Vanderbilt               Connellsville Billposting Co.                .09
    Pop. 2,800             6 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Connellsville.

  Vandergrift              C. F. Fox                                    .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Washington               A. B. Means                                  .09
    Pop. 22,000            37 L. 8-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Wellsboro                A. H. Dart Advertising Co.                   .07
    Pop. 2,954             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  West Bridgewater         Western Pennsylvania Billposting Co.         .09
    Pop. 1,347             2 L.
                           Mail and paper to Rochester.

  West Chester             Pennsylvania Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 12,000            31 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  West Newton              J. R. Campbell                               .07
    Pop. 2,467             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Wilkes-Barre             Wilkes-Barre Billposting Co.                 .12
    Pop. 60,121            48 L. 20-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s

  Wilkinsburg              Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 22,000            15 L. 10-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  =Williamsport=           =Williamsport Billposting Co.=               .12
    Pop. 30,000            59 L. 25-24’s 35-16’s 60-8’s

  Williamstown             Williams Valley Billposting Co.              .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Wilmerding               Pittsburg Billposting Co.                    .16
    Pop. 7,000             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1033 Forbes St.,

  York                     York Billposting Co.                         .12
    Pop. 51,000            113 L. 35-24’s 40-16’s 75-8’s


  San Juan                 The Advertising Co. of Porto Rico            .12
    Pop. 32,000            10-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s


  Bristol                  Old Colony Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 7,512             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Providence. Paper to Bristol.

  Central Falls            The J. E. McMahon Co.                        .14
    Pop. 19,702            12-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pawtucket.

  Cranston                 Old Colony Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 18,415            10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Providence.

  Cumberland               The J. E. McMahon Co.                        .14
    Pop. 9,469             6-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pawtucket.

  East Providence          Old Colony Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 14,072            10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Providence.

  Jamestown                Cahn & Cross Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 1,337             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Newport.

  Lincoln                  The J. E. McMahon Co.                        .14
    Pop. 9,279             6-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pawtucket.

  Newport                  Cahn & Cross Billposting Co.                 .14
    Pop. 25,559            20-24’s 25-16’s 35-8’s

  Pawtucket                The J. E. McMahon Co.                        .14
    Pop. 44,211            25-24’s 40-16’s 75-8’s

  Providence               Old Colony Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 203,243           75-24’s 100-16’s 150-8’s

  Warren                   Old Colony Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 5,613             4-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Providence. Paper to Warren.

  Warwick                  Old Colony Billposting Co.                   .14
    Pop. 25,464            15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Providence.

  Woonsocket               W. O. Hackett                                .12
    Pop. 32,994            20-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s


  Abbeville                Jas. A. Hill                                 .07
    Pop. 4,500             18 L. 6-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Bamberg                  C. Counts                                    .07
    Pop. 2,000             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  =Charleston=             =Charleston Billposting & Sign               .12
    Pop. 60,000            Painting Co.=
                           20-24’s 40-16’s 60-8’s

  Clinton                  Jack H. Young                                .07
    Pop. 4,000             34 L. 8-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  =Columbia=               =Columbia Outdoor Advertising Co.=           .09
    Pop. 25,000            65 L. 15-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Florence                 Chas. D. Bray                                .07
    Pop. 4,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Gaffney                  Ed. H. DeCamp                                .07
    Pop. 4,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Georgetown               Carolina Advertising Co.                     .07
    Pop. 4,138             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Greenville               Greenville Advertising Co.                   .09
    Pop. 13,810            8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Greenwood                Outdoor Advertising Co.                      .09
    Pop. 7,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Laurens                  T. H. Nelson                                 .07
    Pop. 4,029             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Marion                   Marion Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 1,831             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Newberry                 Newberry Billposting Co.                     .09
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Rock Hill                J. H. McFadden                               .07
    Pop. 6,000             16 L. 5-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s

  Seneca                   J. Eustace Hopkins                           .07
    Pop. 1,200             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Spartanburg              Southern Advertising Co.                     .07
    Pop. 15,000            25 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Sumter                   J. A. Schwerin & Son                         .07
    Pop. 11,000            8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Union                    Union Advertising Service                    .07
    Pop. 5,400             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Yorkville                Burton System, Inc.                          .09
    Pop. 3,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to


  Aberdeen                 Walker & Tiffany                             .09
    Pop. 5,841             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Carthage                 W. T. Badgley                                .07
    Pop. 370               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Howard                   Howard Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 1,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Miller                   Wilson Advertising Co.                       .07
    Pop. 1,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Mitchell                 F. J. Purdy                                  .07
    Pop. 8,500             19 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Pierre                   E. J. Phares                                 .07
    Pop. 2,794             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Redfield                 Redfield Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Sioux Falls=            =Sioux Falls Billposting Co.=                .09
    Pop. 16,000            42 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Watertown                D. H. Dumond                                 .07
    Pop. 5,164             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Yankton                  Morris W. Jenks                              .07
    Pop. 4,189             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s


  Athens                   Stoops Billposting & Adv. Co.                .09
    Pop. 1,994             21 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Chattanooga.

  Bristol                  Border City Billposting Co.                  .07
    Pop. 9,850             24 L. 10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Brownsville              Holbrook Advertising Service                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  =Chattanooga=            =Stoops Billposting & Adv. Co.=              .12
    Pop. 70,000            135 L. 25-24’s 40-16’s 80-8’s

  Clarksville              John S. Elder                                .07
    Pop. 12,000            25 L. 10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Cleveland                Stoops Billposting & Adv. Co.                .09
    Pop. 3,850             20 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Chattanooga.

  Columbia                 Wm. Barker Advertising Service               .08
    Pop. 6,500             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Dyersburg                West Tennessee Display Co.                   .09
    Pop. 7,034             37 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Greeneville              Howard Advertising Co.                       .07
    Pop. 3,500             14 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Harriman                 Fred Burke                                   .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Humboldt                 A. B. Foust Advertising Co.                  .07
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Jackson                  Collins Advertising Service                  .09
    Pop. 23,576            40 L. 12-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Johnson City             Howard Advertising Service                   .09
    Pop. 11,925            6-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Greeneville. Paper to Johnson

  Knoxville                Knoxville Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 85,000            112 L. 40-24’s 75-16’s 100-8’s

  Lebanon                  E. E. Adams                                  .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Martin                   Chas. W. Percell                             .07
    Pop. 2,100             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Memphis=                =Gifford Advertising Service=                .12
    Pop. 125,018           45-24’s 65-16’s 120-8’s

  Morristown               Morristown Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 2,973             20 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Murfreesboro             O. L. Nolen                                  .07
    Pop. 4,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Nashville                W. A. Sheetz Billposting Co.                 .12
    Pop. 125,000           40-24’s 60-16’s 120-8’s

  Paris                    Paris Advertising Service                    .07
    Pop. 3,000             21 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Pulaski                  Ed. F. Anderson                              .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Rockwood                 Fred Burk                                    .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Shelbyville              Todd Billposting Co.                         .09
    Pop. 4,200             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  South Pittsburg          Stoops Billposting & Adv. Co.                .09
    Pop. 3,500             21 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Chattanooga.

  Tullahoma                Todd Billposting Co.                         .09
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Union City               Cox-Hale Advertising Service                 .07
    Pop. 3,407             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s


  Abilene                  Ralph Advertising Service                    .08
    Pop. 9,424             18 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Allen                    John Durham                                  .07
    Pop. 225               3 L. Mail and paper to Sherman.

  =Alvin=                  =Alvin Billposting Co.=                      .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Amarillo                 Amarillo Billposting & Dist. Co.             .09
    Pop. 6,000             8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Anna                     John Durham                                  .07
    Pop. 402               4 L. Mail and paper to Sherman.

  Anson                    Johnson & Williams                           .07
    Pop. 789               8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Arlington                J. M. Hard                                   .08
    Pop. 2,500             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Mansfield.

  Athens                   John Sawyer                                  .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Austin                   Joe Griffith                                 .07
    Pop. 30,000            28 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Bagwell                  T. W. Gaines & Son                           .08
    Pop. 250               5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Clarksville.

  Baird                    J. W. Robinson                               .07
    Pop. 1,502             7 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Ballinger                I. O. Wooden                                 .07
    Pop. 4,500             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Bartlett                 Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 1,000             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Bay City                 Bay City Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Beaumont                 Holland Advertising Service                  .12
    Pop. 30,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Beeville                 Sims & Thompson                              .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Belleville               H. E. Tomlinson                              .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Belton                   D. F. Gray                                   .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Blooming Grove           A. A. Edwards & Co.                          .08
    Pop. 1,000             4 L. Mail and paper to Waco.

  Blossom                  T. W. Gaines & Son                           .08
    Pop. 1,500             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Clarksville.

  Bonham                   A. J. Stevenson                              .07
    Pop. 6,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Bowie                    Wilhite & Black                              .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Boyd                     T. L. James                                  .08
    Pop. 700               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Brady                    A. R. Crawford                               .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Brandon                  A. A. Edwards & Co.                          .08
    Pop. 1,200             4 L. Mail and paper to Waco.

  Bremond                  The Edwards Co.                              .08
    Pop. 1,000             5 L. Mail and paper to Waco.

  Brenham                  A. J. Simon                                  .07
    Pop. 7,000             14 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Bridgeport               Elder & Liles                                .07
    Pop. 900               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Brownwood                City Posting Service                         .07
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Bryan                    J. B. Mike                                   .07
    Pop. 3,589             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Calvert                  J. P. Casimer                                .07
    Pop. 3,500             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Cameron                  John E. Slocomb                              .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Canyon City              G. M. Brock                                  .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Carthage                 J. E. Dean                                   .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Chico                    Elder & Liles                                .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Bridgeport.

  Clarendon                Chas. Killough                               .07
    Pop. 2,100             5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Clarksville              T. W. Gaines & Son                           .07
    Pop. 4,000             14 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Cleburne                 P. J. Murray                                 .07
    Pop. 7,493             45 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Coleman                  B. C. Howell                                 .07
    Pop. 1,362             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Cooper                   Roundtree & Fort                             .07
    Pop. 1,518             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Copeland                 Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 500               5 L. Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Corpus Christi           The C. R. Wallin Co.                         .07
    Pop. 11,482            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Corsicana                Mrs. L. C. Revare                            .07
    Pop. 14,000            19 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Cuero                    Chester C. Tribble                           .07
    Pop. 4,492             26 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Yoakum.

  Dallas                   Robinson Posting Service                     .12
    Pop. 65,000            122 L. 25-24’s 40-16’s 75-8’s

  Del Rio                  E. E. Bonnet                                 .07
    Pop. 9,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Denison                  Denison Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 18,000            45 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Denton                   J. O. Bell                                   .08
    Pop. 7,000             21 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Detroit                  T. W. Gaines & Sons                          .08
    Pop. 1,200             8 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Clarksville.

  Dublin                   A. L. Morgan                                 .07
    Pop. 2,370             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Eagle Pass               J. A. Bonnet                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Elgin                    Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 1,500             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taylor.

  El Paso                  El Paso Billposting Co.                      .12
    Pop. 20,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s
                           Crawford Theatre.

  Ennis                    C. R. LeBlond                                .08
    Pop. 4,919             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waxahachie.

  Farmersville             W. P. Herron                                 .07
    Pop. 1,857             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Flatonia                 Chester C. Tribble                           .07
    Pop. 1,250             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Yoakum.

  Floresville              Faust & Martin                               .07
    Pop. 895               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Fort Worth               Robinson Posting Service                     .12
    Pop. 75,000            101 L. 30-24’s 50-16’s 75-8’s

  =Franklin=               =S. P. Forest=                               .07
    Pop. 665               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Gainesville              Paul Gallia                                  .07
    Pop. 9,000             25 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Galveston                J. E. Howard                                 .12
    Pop. 40,000            127 L. 25-24’s 40-16’s 75-8’s

  Gatesville               P. F. Boyer                                  .07
    Pop. 1,865             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Georgetown               Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 3,000             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Giddings                 Chester C. Tribble                           .07
    Pop. 1,500             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Yoakum.

  Gilmer                   John Pickett                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Graham                   P. C. Walker                                 .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Granbury                 W. H. Cherry                                 .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Granger                  Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 850               7 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Greenville               Greenville Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 12,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Groveton                 W. H. Dunlap                                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Hamlin                   Western Advertising System                   .08
    Pop. 2,300             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Stamford.

  Hearne                   Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 2,500             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Haskell                  Western Advertising System                   .08
    Pop. 2,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Stamford.

  Hempstead                Andrews Posting Service                      .08
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Houston. Paper to Hempstead.

  Henderson                L. A. Rice                                   .07
    Pop. 1,653             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Hereford                 Hereford Billposting Co.                     .08
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Hillsboro                A. A. Edwards & Co.                          .08
    Pop. 5,346             11 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waco.

  Holland                  Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 1,000             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Honey Grove              J. R. Rogers                                 .07
    Pop. 2,500             12 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  =Houston=                =Houston Billposting & Ptg. Co.=             .12
    Pop. 60,000            30-24’s 35-16’s 75-8’s

  Howe                     John Durham                                  .07
    Pop. 531               8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sherman.

  Hubbard City             The Edwards Co.                              .08
    Pop. 2,500             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waco.

  Hutto                    Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 1,000             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Itasca                   A. A. Edwards & Co.                          .08
    Pop. 1,277             5 L. Mail and paper to Waco.

  Jacksonville             C. A. Lawler                                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Kaufman                  Kaufman Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 2,700             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Kerrville                J. E. Pampell                                .07
    Pop. 1,423             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Killeen                  F. Cox                                       .07
    Pop. 1,500             15 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Kosse                    W. D. Allen                                  .07
    Pop. 1,000             7 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Kyle                     Southwest Texas Posting Co.                  .08
    Pop. 750               5 L. 1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to San Marcos.

  Ladonia                  J. A. Williams & Son                         .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  LaGrange                 J. Meyenberg                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Lampasas                 W. A. Craft                                  .07
    Pop. 2,800             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Laredo                   Laredo Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 15,000            10-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Leesburg                 W. W. White                                  .08
    Pop. 500               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Pittsburg.

  Lockhart                 Southwest Texas Posting Co.                  .08
    Pop. 2,306             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to San Marcos.

  Longview                 J. T. Smith                                  .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Lubbock                  Lubbock Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Lufkin                   Lufkin Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 5,000             14 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Luling                   Julius Myers                                 .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Madisonville             Andrews Posting Service                      .08
    Pop. 600               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Houston. Paper to

  Manor                    Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 680               7 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Mansfield                J. M. Hard                                   .08
    Pop. 1,600             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Marlin                   M. L. Levy                                   .07
    Pop. 3,092             13 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Marshall                 J. Johnson                                   .07
    Pop. 7,855             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Mart                     The Edwards Co.                              .08
    Pop. 4,000             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waco.

  McGregor                 The Edwards Co.                              .08
    Pop. 2,500             5 L. Mail and paper to Waco.

  McKinney                 John Durham                                  .07
    Pop. 4,342             12 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sherman.

  Memphis                  J. F. Tomlinson                              .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Merkel                   N. C. Sinclair                               .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Mexia                    H. J. Hansen                                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Midland                  Chas. B. Hermann                             .07
    Pop. 2,000             12 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Melissa                  John Durham                                  .07
    Pop. 266               3 L. Mail and paper to Sherman.

  Milano                   Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 400               3 L. Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Mineral Wells            Bullard & Muench                             .07
    Pop. 4,500             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Mt. Pleasant             B. B. Peterman                               .07
    Pop. 4,500             16 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Munday                   W. T. McKinley                               .07
    Pop. 2,000             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Navasota                 Andrews Posting Service                      .07
    Pop. 3,857             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail to Houston. Paper to Navasota.

  New Braunfels            Southwest Texas Posting Co.                  .08
    Pop. 2,756             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to San Marcos.

  Orange                   Ruby Jett                                    .07
    Pop. 8,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Palestine                W. E. Swift                                  .08
    Pop. 12,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Paradise                 Elder & Liles                                .07
    Pop. 500               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Bridgeport.

  Paris                    Paris Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 10,018            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Pflugerville             Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 1,000             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Plainview                Plainview Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 5,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Plano                    John Durham                                  .07
    Pop. 1,304             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sherman.

  Pilot Point              H. H. Bryant                                 .08
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Pittsburg                W. W. White                                  .08
    Pop. 1,783             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Port Arthur              James B. Coe                                 .07
    Pop. 8,530             19 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Richardson               John Durham                                  .07
    Pop. 147               4 L. Mail and paper to Sherman.

  Rockdale                 Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 2,515             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Roundrock                Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 1,138             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Rosebud                  The Edwards Co.                              .08
    Pop. 2,500             5 L. Mail and paper to Waco.

  Rule                     Bennett & Broyles                            .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Rusk                     Rusk Billposting Co.                         .07
    Pop. 527               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  San Angelo               San Angelo Posting Service                   .07
    Pop. 6,500             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  San Antonio              San Antonio Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 62,711            121 L. 25-24’s 40-16’s 75-8’s

  San Augustine            Paul Atkinson                                .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  San Marcos               Southwest Texas Posting Co.                  .08
    Pop. 7,000             15 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s

  Sealy                    Sealy Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 2,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Seguin                   Southwest Texas Posting Co.                  .08
    Pop. 2,421             10 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to San Marcos.

  Seymour                  H. H. Davidson                               .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Sherman=                =John Durham=                                .09
    Pop. 11,989            47 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Shiner                   Chester C. Tribble                           .08
    Pop. 1,100             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Yoakum.

  Smithville               Southwest Texas Posting Co.                  .08
    Pop. 2,577             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to San Marcos.

  Somerville               Aug. Brockschmidt                            .07
    Pop. 2,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Brenham.

  Spur                     J. Y. Jordan                                 .07
    Pop. 1,300             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Stamford                 Western Advertising System                   .08
    Pop. 1,800             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Stephenville             Reynolds & Lumpkin                           .07
    Pop. 1,902             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Sulphur Springs          W. A. Buford                                 .07
    Pop. 3,635             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Sweetwater               Sweetwater Posting Service                   .07
    Pop. 1,200             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to San Angelo. Paper to

  =Taylor=                 =Luedtke’s Advt’g Service=                   .08
    Pop. 4,211             15 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Terrell                  Terrell Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 6,300             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Texarkana                James Doyle                                  .09
    Pop. 12,500            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Thorndale                Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 350               6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Tyler                    Francis Bros.                                .07
    Pop. 8,765             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Uvalde                   Hornby & Brown                               .07
    Pop. 5,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Van Alstyne              John Durham                                  .07
    Pop. 1,940             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Sherman.

  Victoria                 Victoria Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 4,500             26 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Waco                     The Edwards Co.                              .09
    Pop. 25,000            54 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 40-8’s

  Waxahachie               C. R. LeBlond                                .07
    Pop. 4,500             16 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Weir                     Luedtke’s Advertising Service                .08
    Pop. 1,000             5 L. Mail and paper to Taylor.

  Weatherford              W. P. Shirley                                .07
    Pop. 4,786             18 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  West                     The Edwards Co.                              .08
    Pop. 1,500             4 L. Mail and paper to Waco.

  Whitesboro               J. O. Bell                                   .08
    Pop. 1,500             2 L. Mail and paper to Denton.

  Whitewright              John Durham                                  .07
    Pop. 1,804             Mail and paper to Sherman.

  Whitney                  The Edwards Co.                              .08
    Pop. 1,000             4 L. Mail and paper to Waco.

  Wichita Falls            Weidman Bros.                                .07
    Pop. 8,500             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Wills Point              W. R. Hariss                                 .07
    Pop. 1,347             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Winnsboro                Southland Billposting Co.                    .08
    Pop. 2,200             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Wolfe City               Stone & Spradling                            .07
    Pop. 2,000             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Yoakum                   Chester C. Tribble                           .07
    Pop. 4,500             26 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s


  Bingham Junction         Utah Billposting Co.                         .10
    Pop. 2,859             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Salt Lake City.

  Heber City               Harry L. Mann                                .07
    Pop. 1,534             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Logan                    William A. Crockett                          .09
    Pop. 6,000             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Manti                    N. H. Felt                                   .09
    Pop. 3,050             12 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Mercur                   G. A. Cullinan                               .08
    Pop. 2,351             6 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Murray                   Utah Billposting Co.                         .10
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Salt Lake City.

  Ogden                    Utah Billposting Co.                         .10
    Pop. 17,165            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Salt Lake City.

  Provo                    Utah Billposting Co.                         .10
    Pop. 7,442             5-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Salt Lake City.

  Richfield                Salisbury & Meyer                            .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Salt Lake City           Utah Billposting Co.                         .12
    Pop. 61,202            25-24’s 35-16’s 60-8’s

  Springville              Utah Billposting Co.                         .10
    Pop. 4,107             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Salt Lake City.


  Barre                    C. O. Averill                                .09
    Pop. 12,000            6-24’s 9-16’s 18-8’s

  Bellows Falls            T. F. Kiniry                                 .09
    Pop. 6,201             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Bennington               Bennington Adv. Agency                       .09
    Pop. 8,100             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Brattleboro              Geo. E. Fox                                  .09
    Pop. 8,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Bristol                  B. J. Clark                                  .07
    Pop. 2,360             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Burlington               Burlington Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 21,070            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Essex Junction           Burlington Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 1,141             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Burlington.

  Hardwick                 J. B. King & Co.                             .07
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Ludlow                   D. E. Rock                                   .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Montpelier               Fox & Eaton                                  .09
    Pop. 6,266             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Pownal                   Leroy G. Brant                               .07
    Pop. 1,976             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Bennington.

  St. Albans               T. R. Waugh                                  .08
    Pop. 7,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  St. Johnsbury            Fox & Eaton                                  .09
    Pop. 8,000             16 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  White River Junction     Allan M. Hall                                .07
    Pop. 1,575             16 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Winooski                 Burlington Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 3,783             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Burlington.


  Abingdon                 Abingdon Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Alexandria               Alexandria Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 18,000            44 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 517 13th St., N. W.
                           Washington, D. C.

  Ashland                  The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 1,147             2-24’s 4-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Richmond, Va.

  Basic City               The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 1,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to

  Berkley                  Consolvo & Cheshire                          .12
    Pop. 6,500             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Norfolk.

  Blackstone               C. C. Thompson                               .09
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Charlottesville          The Burton Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 10,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to

  Clifton Forge            The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 5,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to Clifton

  Covington                The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 5,500             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to Covington.

  Crewe                    The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 2,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to Crewe.

  Danville                 The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 18,000            12-24’s 18-16’s 27-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to Danville.

  East Radford             The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 3,500             4-24’s 8-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to East

  Emporia                  E. E. Goodwin                                .09
    Pop. 3,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Ettrick                  The Bowman Co.                               .09
    Pop. 2,000             12 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Petersburg.

  Farmville                The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 2,471             4-24’s 8-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to Farmville.

  Fredericksburg           Goldsmith & Kaufman                          .09
    Pop. 5,068             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Gordonsville             The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 1,000             2-24’s 4-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to

  Graham                   The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 2,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to Bluefield,
                           W. Va.

  Hampton                  Consolvo & Cheshire                          .12
    Pop. 3,441             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Norfolk.

  Harrisonburg             The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 4,049             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to

  Lexington                J. M. Withrow                                .09
    Pop. 3,500             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Lynchburg                Lynchburg Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 35,000            15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Manchester               The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 9,997             8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Richmond.

  Matoaca                  The Bowman Co.                               .09
    Pop. 1,000             4 L.
                           Mail and paper to Petersburg.

  Martinsville             The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 4,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to

  Newport News             Consolvo & Cheshire                          .12
    Pop. 28,749            15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Norfolk.

  =Norfolk=                =Consolvo & Cheshire=                        .12
    Pop. 66,931            25-24’s 35-16’s 60-8’s

  Petersburg               The Bowman Co.                               .09
    Pop. 30,000            62 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s

  Phoebus                  Consolvo & Cheshire                          .12
    Pop. 2,400             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Norfolk.

  Portsmouth               The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 30,000            15-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to

  Richmond                 The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 115,000           65-24’s 100-16’s 150-8’s
                           14-16 South 7th Street.

  Roanoke                  The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 35,000            18-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to Roanoke.

  Salem                    The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 4,500             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to Roanoke.

  South Boston             The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 5,086             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to South

  Staunton                 William Glenn                                .07
    Pop. 7,289             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Suffolk                  The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 8,000             8-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to Suffolk.

  Waynesboro               The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 3,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond. Paper to

  Winchester               A. G. Swanson                                .07
    Pop. 5,161             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s


  The classification of towns named is as follows:

      Class “A”—Excellent service; highly recommended.
      Class “B”—Good service; meets Association requirements.
      Class “C”—Not up to Association requirements.

  Aberdeen                 West Coast Advertising Bureau          (A)   .09
    Pop. 20,000            23 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Anacortes                Skagit County Advertising Co.          (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,533             7 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s

  =Bellingham=             =Foster & Kleiser, Inc.=              =(A)=  .09
    Pop. 33,000            60 L. 22-24’s 33-16’s 55-8’s
                           Mail to Seattle. Paper to Bellingham.

  Blaine                   C. S. Shaffer                          (C)   .07
    Pop. 3,500             11 L.

  Centralia                Wheeler & Spurgeon                     (B)   .07
    Pop. 8,000             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Chehalis                 M. D. Nield                            (B)   .07
    Pop. 5,500             12 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Clarkston                William Ferguson                       (A)   .07
    Pop. 2,000             8 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Lewiston, Idaho.

  =Colfax=                 =R. G. Clendenin=                     =(A)=  .10
    Pop. 3,000             25 L. 6-24’s 9-16’s 16-8’s

  Dayton                   Dayton Billposting Co.                 (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,500             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Ellensburg               H. C. Frost                            (C)   .07
    Pop. 6,000             13 L.

  Elma                     Guy F. Lamoreaux                       (C)   .07
    Pop. 3,500             7 L.

  =Everett=                =Everett Theatre Co.=                 =(A)=  .09
    Pop. 29,000            56 L. 14-24’s 21-16’s 35-8’s

  Hoquiam                  West Coast Advertising Bureau          (C)   .09
    Pop. 14,000            12 L. Mail and paper to Aberdeen.

  Montesano                T. F. Brown                            (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,000             8 L.

  North Yakima             Fred S. Schaeffer                      (B)   .09
    Pop. 12,000            25 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Olympia                  Olympia Billposting Co.                (B)   .07
    Pop. 12,000            16 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 9-8’s

  Palouse                  Wm. Ferguson                           (C)   .07
    Pop. 2,500             6 L. Mail and paper to Palouse, Wash.

  Pasco                    Barr & Co., Inc.                       (B)   .07
    Pop. 2,000             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Port Angeles             C. S. Stakemiller                      (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,000             14 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s

  Port Townsend            Milson K. Dobbs                        (C)   .07
    Pop. 6,000             18 L.

  Prosser                  Valley Billposting Co.                 (B)   .07
    Pop. 2,000             9 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Pullman                  R. E. Chapman                          (B)   .07
    Pop. 4,000             13 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Puyallup                 H. A. More                             (A)   .07
    Pop. 6,000             11 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Ritzville                Ritzville Advertising Co.              (B)   .07
    Pop. 3,000             11 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  =Seattle=                =Foster & Kleiser, Inc.=              =(A)=  .14
    Pop. 310,000           371 L. 115-24’s 170-16’s 285-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 8th and Virginia

  Snohomish                John B. Zeran                          (B)   .07
    Pop. 4,200             13 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  =Spokane=                =The Hayward-Larkin Co.=              =(A)=  .12
    Pop. 115,700           141 L. 45-24’s 70-16’s 115-8’s
                           915 Mallon Ave.

  =Tacoma=                 =Foster & Kleiser, Inc.=              =(A)=  .12
    Pop. 125,000           65 L. 35-24’s 55-16’s 90-8’s
                           Mail and paper to 1737 Jefferson Ave.

  Vancouver                Bud Smith                              (B)   .07
    Pop. 8,000             11 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Walla Walla              A. F. Jesup                            (A)   .09
    Pop. 22,000            25 L. 9-24’s 13-16’s 22-8’s

  Wenatchee                L. G. Chapman                          (C)   .07
    Pop. 6,000             10 L.


  Benwood                  Wheeling Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 6,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Wheeling.

  Bluefield                The Burton System, Inc.                      .12
    Pop. 13,500            10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to Richmond, Va. Paper to

  Cameron                  Mayer Posting Service                        .07
    Pop. 964               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Central City             Huntington Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 1,700             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Huntington.

  Ceredo                   Huntington Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 1,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Huntington.

  Clarksburg               Clarksburg Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 15,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  =Charleston=             =West Virginia Billposting Co.=              .12
    Pop. 24,600            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Fairmont                 The McCray System                            .09
    Pop. 12,000            10-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s

  Grafton                  The McCray System                            .09
    Pop. 5,650             3-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Fairmont.

  Guyandotte               Huntington Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Huntington.

  Huntington               Huntington Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 15,000            8-24’s 10-16’s 25-8’s

  Kenova                   Huntington Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 1,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Huntington.

  Keyser                   Cumberland Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Maryland Theatre,
                           Cumberland, Md.

  Mannington               The McCray System                            .09
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Fairmont.

  Martinsburg              The Martinsburg Advertising Co.              .07
    Pop. 9,000             20 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  McMechen                 Wheeling Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Wheeling.

  Monongah                 The McCray System                            .09
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Fairmont.

  Morgantown               Morgantown Billposting Association           .09
    Pop. 10,708            10-24’s 12-16’s 18-8’s

  Moundsville              Wheeling Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 5,352             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Wheeling.

  Parkersburg              Parkersburg Billposting Co.                  .09
    Pop. 22,000            44 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Piedmont                 Cumberland Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Maryland Theatre,
                           Cumberland, Md.

  Sistersville             Sistersville Billposting Co.                 .09
    Pop. 7,500             5-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s

  Wellsburg                A. B. Noland                                 .07
    Pop. 2,588             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Weston                   Gregg Billposting & Dist. Co.                .09
    Pop. 4,800             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Wheeling                 Wheeling Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 45,000            30-24’s 40-16’s 60-8’s
                           16th and Main Streets.


  Antigo                   John Hanus                                   .07
    Pop. 7,500             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Appleton                 J. A. Hawes                                  .09
    Pop. 18,000            34 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  =Ashland=                =Ashland Billposting Co.=                    .09
    Pop. 15,000            49 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 30-8’s

  Augusta                  H. V. Benzie                                 .07
    Pop. 1,500             7 L. 2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Baraboo                  F. E. Shults                                 .07
    Pop. 6,000             5-24’s 7-16’s 12-8’s

  Barron                   E. W. Pierce & Son                           .07
    Pop. 1,493             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Beloit                   R. H. Wilson                                 .09
    Pop. 13,359            8-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Berlin                   Berlin Billposting Co.                       .07
    Pop. 4,700             14 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Brodhead                 L. S. Laube                                  .07
    Pop. 1,667             12 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Campbellsport            Campbellsport Billposting Co.                .07
    Pop. 714               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Cedarburg=              =Cream City Billposting Co.=                 .14
    Pop. 1,680             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Milwaukee.

  Clinton                  W. C. Graeber                                .07
    Pop. 871               18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Clinton. Paper to Clinton

  Columbus                 John Leaver & Sons                           .09
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waterloo.

  Darlington               M. L. Smith                                  .07
    Pop. 1,843             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Depere                   Peter Devroy                                 .07
    Pop. 4,523             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Durand                   Vautrot Bros.                                .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Eau Claire               Karl Stussy                                  .12
    Pop. 18,981            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Evansville               Bower City Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Janesville, Wis.

  Fairchild                L. P. Follette                               .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Fond du Lac              Fond du Lac Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 21,000            20-24’s 30-16’s 40-8’s

  Fort Atkinson            Chas. B. Rogers                              .07
    Pop. 3,330             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Galesville               H. L. Dale                                   .07
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  =Grafton=                =Cream City Billposting Co.=                 .14
    Pop. 500               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Milwaukee.

  Grand Rapids             Henry Carlson                                .07
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Green Bay                Green Bay Billposting Co.                    .09
    Pop. 25,000            45 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Hayward                  Ernest E. Rohlf                              .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Hudson                   Interstate Adv. Company                      .07
    Pop. 3,259             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Stillwater, Minn.

  =Iola=                   =Dr. C. F. Cook=                             .07
    Pop. 1,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Janesville               Bower City Billposting Co.                   .12
    Pop. 13,700            48 L. 15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Jefferson                Martin Puerner                               .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Kaukauna                 Jno. D. Lawe                                 .07
    Pop. 6,000             15 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Kenosha                  Peter Rhode, Jr.                             .12
    Pop. 23,000            58 L. 20-24’s 25-16’s 40-8’s

  =LaCrosse=               =LaCrosse Posting Service=                   .12
    Pop. 29,115            90 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 60-8’s

  Lake Mills               John Leaver & Sons                           .09
    Pop. 1,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waterloo.

  Lodi                     I. S. Sodders                                .07
    Pop. 1,068             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Madison                  Wisconsin Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 25,128            15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  =Manitowoc=              =Henry Wullner=                              .12
    Pop. 12,922            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Marinette                Marinette & Menominee B. P. Co.              .09
    Pop. 16,195            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Marshall                 John Leaver & Sons                           .09
    Pop. 500               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waterloo.

  Marshfield               Marshfield Billposting Co.                   .09
    Pop. 7,500             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Merrill                  Sidney Livingston                            .09
    Pop. 9,200             8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Mineral Point            W. N. Mathews & Co.                          .07
    Pop. 3,252             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  =Milwaukee=              =Cream City Billposting Co.=                 .14
    Pop. 317,903           100-24’s 150-16’s 250-8’s

  Monroe                   Paul A. Ruf                                  .07
    Pop. 4,500             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Neenah & Menasha         J. A. Hawes                                  .09
    Pop. 12,000            8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Neenah.

  Neillsville              J. W. Hommell                                .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Nekoosa                  Henry Carlson                                .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Grand Rapids.

  New London               John Hickey                                  .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  New Richmond             St. Croix Posting Service                    .07
    Pop. 2,200             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  North Fond du Lac        Fond du Lac Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 2,100             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Fond du Lac.

  Oconomowoc               Grove E. Palmer                              .07
    Pop. 3,200             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Oconto                   Claude Menkee                                .07
    Pop. 7,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Oshkosh                  J. E. Williams                               .12
    Pop. 35,000            83 L. 15-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Phillips                 Tobey Billposting Co.                        .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Platteville              C. H. Gribble                                .07
    Pop. 4,438             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s

  Plymouth                 Wm. Kassebaum                                .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Portland                 John Leaver & Sons                           .09
    Pop. 500               1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waterloo.

  =Port Washington=        =Cream City Billposting Co.=                 .14
    Pop. 4,900             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Milwaukee.

  Prairie du Chien         V. M. Smrcina                                .07
    Pop. 3,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Racine                   W. C. Tiede                                  .12
    Pop. 35,000            102 L. 20-24’s 30-16’s 50-8’s

  Rhinelander              Hanson & Taylor                              .07
    Pop. 6,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Rice Lake                Oscar Overby                                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Richland Center          Richland Billposting Co.                     .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Sheboygan                E. J. Kempf                                  .12
    Pop. 24,239            15-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Sparta                   Chapman & Cackler                            .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Stanley                  Math. Gruber                                 .07
    Pop. 3,000             16 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Stevens Point            W. L. Bronson                                .07
    Pop. 9,500             3-24’s 5-16’s 15-8’s

  Sturgeon Bay             The Sturgeon Bay Billposting Co.             .07
    Pop. 4,640             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Sun Prairie              John Leaver & Sons                           .09
    Pop. 1,086             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Waterloo.

  Superior                 Superior Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 40,000            65 L. 25-24’s 35-16’s 50-8’s

  Two Rivers               Hans Henrickson                              .07
    Pop. 4,602             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Viroqua                  O. G. Brown                                  .07
    Pop. 2,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Waterloo                 John Leaver & Sons                           .09
    Pop. 1,137             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Watertown                Wm. Bethke                                   .09
    Pop. 9,000             18 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Waukesha                 Waukesha Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 8,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Waupaca                  Waupaca Billposting Co.                      .07
    Pop. 2,912             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Waupun                   L. J. Butts                                  .07
    Pop. 3,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Wausau                   C. S. Cone                                   .09
    Pop. 14,458            8-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  West Bend                The Boerner Bros. Merc. Co.                  .09
    Pop. 2,650             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s


  Cheyenne                 The Curran Co.                               .09
    Pop. 15,000            15-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s
                           Mail to Denver, Colo. Paper to

  Douglas                  Wyoming Advertisers                          .10
    Pop. 1,000             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Laramie                  Wm. Marquardt                                .08
    Pop. 9,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Rock Spring              Jos. M. Hay                                  .09
    Pop. 8,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Sheridan                 W. S. Kimmel                                 .07
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s



  =Calgary=                =Calgary Billposting & Adv. Co.,             .10
    Pop. 32,000            Ltd.=
                           8-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  =Edmonton=               =Lindsay-Walker Co., Ltd.=                   .12
    Pop. 21,000            7-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to Winnipeg. Paper to Edmonton.

  Lethbridge               Calgary Billposting Co.                      .10
    Pop. 12,000            2-24’s 3-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to Calgary. Paper to Lethbridge.

  Pincher Creek            Glendower Allen                              .07
    Pop. 1,600             1-24 2-16’s 5-8’s

  Red Deer                 Frank Mott                                   .07
    Pop. 2,010             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s

  Strathcona               Lindsay-Walker Co., Ltd.                     .12
    Pop. 4,500             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Winnipeg, Man. Paper to
                           Edmonton, Alta.


  Cranbrook                Cranbrook Billposting Co.                    .08
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 6-8’s

  Fernie                   Wm. Hawthorne                                .07
    Pop. 3,500             11 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Kamloops                 D. J. Carroll                                .10
    Pop. 5,000             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Nanaimo                  Albert A. Davis                              .07
    Pop. 8,000             3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Nelson                   G. Horstead                                  .09
    Pop. 8,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  New Westminster          McCaig Advertising Co.                       .09
    Pop. 12,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Prince Rupert            T. A. Cameron                                .12
    Pop. 4,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Revelstoke               R. Tapping                                   .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Rossland and Trail       F. W. Pretty                                 .08
    Pop. 7,500             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Vancouver                Bond & Ricketts, Ltd.                        .12
    Pop. 91,000            25-24’s 35-16’s 60-8’s

  Victoria                 Bond & Ricketts, Ltd.                        .10
    Pop. 35,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s
                           Mail to Vancouver. Paper to Victoria.


  Brandon                  R. Brown & Son                               .09
    Pop. 12,000            50 L. 12-24’s 20-16’s 35-8’s

  Dauphin                  A. J. Hunt                                   .07
    Pop. 3,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Portage La Prairie       R. H. M. Pratt                               .08
    Pop. 7,300             3-24’s 3-16’s 8-8’s

  St. Boniface             Lindsay-Walker Co., Ltd.                     .12
    Pop. 10,500            2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Winnipeg.

  Winnipeg                 Lindsay-Walker Co., Ltd.                     .14
    Pop. 139,500           45-24’s 65-16’s 125-8’s


  Campbellton              S. W. Dimmock                                .07
    Pop. 6,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Fredericton              Connor-Ruddy Co., Ltd.                       .09
    Pop. 12,000            5-24’s 9-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to 11 Wellington St. E.,
                           Toronto, Ont. Paper to W. H. T.
                           Fenety, Fredericton.

  Moncton                  Connor-Ruddy Co., Ltd.                       .09
    Pop. 12,000            5-24’s 9-16’s 13-8’s
                           Mail to 11 Wellington St. E.,
                           Toronto, Ont.

  St. John                 Connor-Ruddy Co., Ltd.                       .10
    Pop. 52,000            22-24’s 30-16’s 45-8’s
                           Mail to 11 Wellington St. E.,
                           Toronto, Ont. Paper to R. R. Horne,
                           14 Ritchie Bldg., St. John.

  St. Stephen              Connor-Ruddy Co., Ltd.                       .07
    Pop. 9,000             4-24’s 6-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to 11 Wellington St. E.,
                           Toronto, Ont. Paper to A. Laflin,
                           St. Stephen.

  Sussex                   Connor-Ruddy Co., Ltd.                       .07
    Pop. 5,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to 11 Wellington St. E.,
                           Toronto, Ont. Paper to H. D. Smith,


  Amherst                  Connor-Ruddy Co., Ltd.                       .07
    Pop. 9,000             5-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail to 11 Wellington St. E.,
                           Toronto, Ont. Paper to W. Miller,

  Halifax                  Halifax Billposting Co.                      .09
    Pop. 50,000            20-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Lunenburg                Morris V. Eisenhauer                         .09
    Pop. 5,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Oxford                   Springhill Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail to Springhill. Paper to Oxford.

  Parrsboro                Springhill Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 2,705             1-24 2-16’s 4-8’s
                           Mail to Springhill. Paper to
                           Parrsboro, care of Charles Sears.

  Springhill               Springhill Billposting Co.                   .07
    Pop. 6,500             7 L. 4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Truro                    James McMillan                               .07
    Pop. 7,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s


  Almonte                  A. G. Horton                                 .07
    Pop. 3,023             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Arnprior                 J. S. Phillips                               .07
    Pop. 4,800             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s

  Barrie                   Connor-Ruddy Co., Ltd.                       .09
    Pop. 7,800             10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s
                           Mail to 11 Wellington St. E.,
                           Toronto. Paper to Barrie.

  Belleville               J. J. Shea                                   .09
    Pop. 10,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Berlin                   Berlin Posting Service                       .08
    Pop. 13,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Brantford                Allen Cotton                                 .07
    Pop. 21,100            40 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Brockville               F. I. Ritchie                                .07
    Pop. 10,000            6-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Carleton Place           W. W. Cliff                                  .07
    Pop. 4,500             22 L. 5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Campbellford             R. H. Cole                                   .07
    Pop. 3,200             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Chatham                  Chatham Advertising Agency                   .09
    Pop. 10,500            42 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 25-8’s

  Clinton                  Frank W. Evans                               .07
    Pop. 3,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Collingwood              Collingwood Billposting Service              .07
    Pop. 8,000             6-24’s 6-16’s 10-8’s

  Deseronto                Tom J. Naylor                                .07
    Pop. 5,000             5-24’s 10-16’s 20-8’s

  Dunnville                J. J. McGraw                                 .07
    Pop. 2,700             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Dundas                   Wm. Mitson                                   .07
    Pop. 4,200             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Elora and Fergus         Geo. Hewer                                   .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Guelph, Ont.

  Fort William             Dual Cities Billposting Co.                  .12
    Pop. 16,773            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Galt                     Galt Billposting Co.                         .07
    Pop. 9,200             5-24’s 8-16’s 10-8’s

  Goderich                 Frank W. Evans                               .08
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail to Clinton. Paper to Goderich.

  Guelph                   Geo. Hewer                                   .07
    Pop. 14,000            6-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Haileybury               Silver City Billposting and
    Pop. 3,000             Distributing Agency                          .07
                           2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Hamilton                 Hamilton Billposting Co.                     .12
    Pop. 60,000            72 L. 15-24’s 25-16’s 50-8’s

  Ingersoll                London Billposting Agency                    .07
    Pop. 5,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to London.

  Kingston                 R. W. Allen                                  .07
    Pop. 19,500            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Lindsay                  Henry Daniels                                .07
    Pop. 10,000            26 L. 8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  London                   London Billposting Agency                    .09
    Pop. 50,000            111 L. 25-24’s 35-16’s 60-8’s

  Lucknow                  Robt. Mullin                                 .07
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 6-8’s

  Meaford                  Meaford Posting Service                      .07
    Pop. 3,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Merriton                 F. J. Lalor                                  .09
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to St. Catharines.

  Midland                  E. C. Gould                                  .07
    Pop. 5,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Niagara Falls (Clifton)  Fred W. Trelford                             .09
    Pop. 9,600             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  North Bay                North Bay Billposting Co.                    .07
    Pop. 8,000             19 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s

  Oshawa                   F. Patte                                     .07
    Pop. 5,500             4-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  =Ottawa=                 =The Ware Co. of Canada., Ltd.=              .12
    Pop. 87,000            91 L. 30-24’s 45-16’s 75-8’s
                           Mail to Montreal, Que. Paper to

  Owen Sound               Leslie Posting Service                       .09
    Pop. 13,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 20-8’s

  Paris                    J. M. Wilson                                 .07
    Pop. 5,000             15 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Pembroke                 J. M. Taylor                                 .07
    Pop. 7,000             5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s

  Peterboro                Walter Stocker                               .09
    Pop. 15,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Port Arthur              Dual City Billposting Co.                    .12
    Pop. 12,500            8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Port Dalhousie           F. J. Lalor                                  .09
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to St. Catharines.

  Port Hope                Peter Vance                                  .07
    Pop. 5,042             4-24’s 5-16’s 9-8’s

  Sarnia                   Sarnia Billposting Co.                       .09
    Pop. 9,973             45 L. 10-24’s 15-16’s 30-8’s

  Sault Ste. Marie         Mrs. Annie Seach                             .07
    Pop. 12,541            8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s

  Seaforth                 E. Edward Hallett                            .07
    Pop. 3,600             10 L. 3-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  St. Catharines           F. J. Lalor                                  .09
    Pop. 15,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  St. Thomas               W. S. Stoner                                 .07
    Pop. 15,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Stratford                A. Brandenburger                             .07
    Pop. 17,000            8-24’s 12-16’s 20-8’s

  Strathroy                John W. Gilson                               .07
    Pop. 3,800             9 L. 3-24’s 4-16’s 7-8’s

  Sudbury                  S. E. Wright                                 .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Thorold                  F. J. Lalor                                  .09
    Pop. 4,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to St. Catharines.

  =Toronto=                =Connor-Ruddy Co., Ltd.=                     .14
    Pop. 367,726           100-24’s 150-16’s 250-8’s
                           11 Wellington St., E.

  Trenton                  Fred Clark                                   .07
    Pop. 5,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  Waterloo                 A. E. Robinson                               .08
    Pop. 5,000             4-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Berlin.

  Welland                  Ira Koch                                     .07
    Pop. 6,000             16 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail and paper to St. Catharines.

  Whitby                   James McArdell                               .07
    Pop. 4,000             3-24’s 4-16’s 8-8’s

  Windsor                  C. A. Brown                                  .07
    Pop. 16,000            10-24’s 15-16’s 25-8’s

  Woodstock                M. D. Secord                                 .07
    Pop. 10,000            5-24’s 8-16’s 15-8’s


  Charlottetown            P. E. Island Posting Service                 .07
    Pop. 13,000            6-24’s 8-16’s 16-8’s

  Summerside               P. E. Island Posting Service                 .07
    Pop. 3,500             3-24’s 4-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail to Charlottetown. Paper to


  =Beauharnois=            =The Ware Co. of Canada, Ltd.=               .07
    Pop. 2,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Montreal.

  =Chateauguay=            =The Ware Co. of Canada, Ltd.=               .07
    Pop. 1,000             2-24’s 3-16’s 5-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Montreal.

  Farnham                  Eastern Townships B. P. Co.                  .07
    Pop. 4,500             10 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Granby. Paper to Farnham.

  Granby                   Eastern Townships B. P. Co.                  .07
    Pop. 5,500             18 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  =Hull=                   =The Ware Co. of Canada, Ltd.=               .12
    Pop. 17,000            16 L. 5-24’s 5-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Montreal. Paper to Ottawa,

  =Montreal=               =The Ware Co. of Canada, Ltd.=               .14
    Pop. 480,000           501 L. 100-24’s 150-16’s 250-8’s

  =Quebec & Levis=         =The Ware Co. of Canada, Ltd.=               .12
    Pop. 80,000            98 L. 35-24’s 50-16’s 75-8’s
                           Mail to Montreal. Paper to Quebec.

  Sherbrooke               Clement Theatre Co.                          .07
    Pop. 14,000            3-24’s 5-16’s 12-8’s

  St. Johns                P. Bouchard Adv. Agency                      .07
    Pop. 5,100             4-24’s 5-16’s 8-8’s

  =St. Lamberts=           =The Ware Co. of Canada, Ltd.=               .07
    Pop. 900               1-24 2-16’s 3-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Montreal.

  =Three Rivers=           =The Ware Co. of Canada, Ltd.=               .09
    Pop. 13,500            22 L. 8-24’s 10-16’s 18-8’s
                           Mail to Montreal. Paper to Three

  =Valley Field=           =The Ware Co. of Canada, Ltd.=               .07
    Pop. 11,500            5-24’s 8-16’s 10-8’s
                           Mail and paper to Montreal.

  Waterloo                 Eastern Townships Billposting Co.            .07
    Pop. 4,000             11 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s
                           Mail to Granby. Paper to Waterloo.


  Moose Jaw                Lindsay-Walker Company, Ltd.                 .12
    Pop. 11,000            5-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Winnipeg. Paper to Moose Jaw.

  Moosomin                 R. G. Smith                                  .07
    Pop. 1,500             1-24 1-16 3-8’s

  Prince Albert            Vald & Sorum                                 .09
    Pop. 7,000             17 L. 4-24’s 6-16’s 12-8’s

  Regina                   Lindsay-Walker Company, Ltd.                 .12
    Pop. 11,000            5-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Paper to

  Saskatoon                Lindsay-Walker Company, Ltd.                 .12
    Pop. 10,300            5-24’s 10-16’s 15-8’s
                           Mail to Winnipeg, Manitoba. Paper to

*** End of this LibraryBlog Digital Book "Poster advertising : Being a talk on the subject of posting as an advertising medium, with helpful hints and sensible suggestions to poster advertisers, and with thirty-two pages of full color reproductions of posters used by national advertisers" ***

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