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Title: Fine crochet and tatting
Author: Company, The Spool Cotton
Language: English
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  Transcriber’s Note
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CLARK’S O.N.T. · J. & P. COATS · BOOK No. 259 · 10¢


[Illustration: Lady wearing crochet and tatting]

_Delicate Decoration_ ...

brightening of your home with fine crochet and tatting ... within the
power of your agile fingertips. With J. & P. Coats and Clark’s O.N.T.
Threads, create filigree-fine lace to shine like a jewel in a perfect

[Illustration: Box of threads]

  =CT-243=      =Mat=

[Illustration: Seed Pearls]

_Seed Pearls_

=MATERIALS=: J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, _Size 70, 2 balls of

Doily measures 7 inches square.

Tie ball and shuttle threads together. =FIRST MOTIF=.... =1st rnd=:
Lr of 2 ds, 12 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Tie and fasten thread to
first p of r. =2nd rnd=: R of 3 ds, 3 sm p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl.
* Fasten thread to next p of center r, 3 ds, join to adjacent sm p
of previous r, 3 ds, 2 sm p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl. Repeat from
* around, joining side p’s of last r to corresponding p’s of both
adjacent r’s. Tie and cut. =3rd rnd=: R of 6 ds, p, 6 ds, cl (corner
r made), join to sm p of r of 2nd rnd. * (Ch of 6 ds, join to sm p of
next r) 3 times. R of 6 ds, p, 6 ds, cl (another corner r). Repeat
from * around. Tie and cut.

=SECOND MOTIF=.... Work as for First Motif until the 2nd rnd is
completed. =3rd rnd=: R of 6 ds, join to p of any corner r of First
Motif, 6 ds, cl. Join to sm p of r of Second Motif. (Ch of 6 ds, join
to sm p of next r of Second Motif) 3 times. R of 6 ds, join to p of
next corner r of First Motif, 6 ds, cl. Complete rnd as for 3rd rnd
of First Motif (no more joinings). Make 8 × 8 motifs, joining them as
Second Motif was joined to First Motif.

=EDGING=.... (R of 6 ds, join to p of one corner r, 6 ds, cl. Rw,
ch of 10 ds) twice. Rw, r of 6 ds, join to same p, 6 ds, cl (corner
made). * Rw, ch of 25 ds. Rw, r of 6 ds, join to p at joining of next
2 corner r’s (between 2 motifs), 6 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 10 ds. R of 6
ds, join to same p, 6 ds, cl. Repeat from * around, making corners as
before. Tie and cut.

  Copyright 1949, The Spool Cotton Company   745 Fifth Avenue,
    New York 22, New York
  Distributors of J. & P. Coats * Clark’s O.N.T. * Chadwick’s Red Heart
    * Crown Zippers

  First Edition   H-7260
  1049   Printed U.S.A.

  =CT-229 Doily=           _Diamond Setting_

[Illustration: Diamond setting doily]

CROCHET, _Size 30_: =Small Ball=: J. & P. COATS—_5 balls of White
or Ecru, or_ CLARK’S O.N.T.—_7 balls of White or Ecru_.... _Steel
Crochet Hook No. 10._

Doily measures 12 × 18 inches.

=CENTER MOTIF=.... Ch 6, join with sl st to form ring. =1st rnd=: Ch
6, * tr in ring, ch 2. Repeat from * 6 more times. Join to 4th st
of ch-6 (8 sps). =2nd rnd=: Ch 4, 4 tr in first sp, * ch 2, 5 tr in
next sp. Repeat from * around. Join last ch-2 to 4th ch of ch-4. =3rd
rnd=: Ch 4, tr in same place as sl st, tr in next 4 tr, * tr in first
ch of ch-2, ch 3, tr in next ch of same ch-2, tr in next 5 tr. Repeat
from * around. Join last ch-3 to 4th ch of ch-4; sl st in first tr of
group. =4th rnd=: Ch 4; holding back on hook the last loop of each
tr, make tr in next 4 tr, thread over and draw through all loops on
hook (cluster made); * ch 4, 5 tr in next ch-3 sp, ch 4, skip first
tr of next group, make a 5-tr cluster over next 5 tr. Repeat from *
around. Join last ch 4 to tip of first cluster. =5th rnd=: Ch 8, *
skip first 3 ch of ch-4, tr in next ch, tr in next 5 tr, tr in first
ch of next ch-4, ch 4, tr in tip of cluster, ch 4. Repeat from *
around. Join to 4th ch of ch-8. =6th rnd=: * Ch 12, skip first tr
of next group, make a 5-tr cluster over next 5 tr; ch 12, sc in the
single tr between groups. Repeat from * around. Join last ch-12 to
base of first ch-12 (16 loops). Break off.

=SMALL MOTIFS=—=First Motif=.... =1st rnd=: Ch 8, tr in 8th ch from
hook, (ch 4, tr in same place) twice; ch 4. Join to 4th ch of ch-8
(4 sps). =2nd rnd=: Ch 4, 6 tr in first sp, * ch 5, 7 tr in next sp.
Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5, join to 4th ch of ch-4. =3rd
rnd=: Sl st in first tr, ch 4, make 4-tr cluster over next 4 tr, ch
11, sc in next ch-5 loop on Small Motif, ch 5, sl st in ch-12 loop on
Center Motif; ch 5, skip first tr on Small Motif, make 5-tr cluster
over next 5 tr, ch 5, sl st in next ch-12 loop on Center Motif, ch 5,
* sc in next ch-5 loop on Small Motif, ch 11, skip next tr on Small
Motif, make 5-tr cluster over next 5 tr, ch 11. Repeat from * around.
Join and break off.

=SECOND MOTIF=.... Work first 2 rnds as for First Motif. =3rd rnd=:
Ch 4, make 4-tr cluster over next 4 tr, ch 11, sc in next ch-5 loop
on Second Motif, ch 11, make 5-tr cluster over next tr group, ch
5, sl st in first free loop following last joining on First Small
Motif, ch 5, sc in next ch-5 loop on Second Motif, ch 5, sl st in
next loop on Center Motif, ch 5, 5-tr cluster over next tr group on
Second Motif, ch 5, sl st in next loop on Center Motif, ch 5, sc in
next ch-5 loop on Second Motif, ch 11, complete this rnd as for First
Motif (no more joinings).

Make 6 more motifs, joining each motif as Second Motif was joined to
First Motif and Center Motif. Join last motif to First Motif.

=FIRST END MOTIF=.... Work first 2 rnds as for First Motif. =3rd
rnd=: Ch 4, make 4-tr cluster over next 4 tr, ch 5, sl st in 2nd free
loop on last motif made (preceding joining of last motif and First
Motif), ch 5, sc in next ch-5 loop on motif in work, ch 5, sl st in
next loop of last motif, ch 5, tr cluster over next tr group on motif
in work, ch 5, sl st in next loop on First Motif, ch 5, sc in next
ch-5 loop on motif in work, ch 5, sl st in next loop on First Motif,
ch 5, cluster over next tr group (4 joinings). Complete rnd as for
previous motif.

=SECOND END MOTIF=.... Work as for preceding End Motif, joining it to
First and Second Small Motifs as previous Small Motif was joined.

Make another end motif in the same way, joining 2 corresponding loops
to each of the last 2 motifs made. Complete other end to correspond.

=RUFFLE=.... Attach thread to first free loop on End Motif. =1st
rnd=: Working around end of Doily, ch 18, * in next loop make dc, ch
10 and dc; ch 10, in next loop make dc, ch 10 and dc; ch 14, tr in
next 2 free loops, (ch 14, dc in next free loop) twice; ch 14, tr in
next 2 free loops, ch 14, dc in next loop, ch 10, dc in next loop, ch
14, tr in next 2 free loops, (ch 14, dc in next free loop) twice; ch
14, tr in next 2 free loops, ch 14. Repeat from * once more, ending
with tr in last free loop. Join to 4th ch of ch-18. =2nd rnd=: Dc
closely around, making 20 dc in each ch-14 sp and 15 dc in each ch-10
sp. Join. =3rd rnd=: Ch 9, * skip 1 dc, tr in next dc, ch 5. Repeat
from * around. Join. =4th, 5th and 6th rnds=: Sl st to center of next
loop, ch 9, * tr in next loop, ch 5. Repeat from * around. Join. =7th
to 10th rnds incl=: Repeat 3rd rnd, having one additional chain on
loops of each following rnd. Break off at end of 10th rnd. Starch
lightly and press.

  =CT-231 Doily=      _Illustrated on Front Cover_     _Sea Froth_

CROCHET, _Size 30_: =Small Ball=: J. & P. COATS—_4 balls of White
or Ecru, or_ CLARK’S O.N.T.—_5 balls of White or Ecru_.... _Steel
Crochet Hook No. 10._

Doily measures 15½ inches in diameter.

Starting at center, ch 6. Join with sl st to form ring. =1st rnd=:
Ch 1, 12 sc in ring. Sl st in first sc. =2nd rnd=: Sc in first sc,
* ch 3, sc in next sc. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 1, half
dc in first sc. =3rd rnd=: * Ch 4, sc in next loop. Repeat from *
around, ending with ch 2, half dc in half dc. =4th rnd=: * Ch 5, sc
in next loop. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 2, dc in half dc.
=5th rnd=: * Ch 6, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around, ending with
ch 3, dc in dc. =6th rnd=: * Ch 7, sc in next loop. Repeat from *
around, ending with ch 3, tr in dc. =7th rnd=: Ch 13, * tr in next
loop, ch 9. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 4, d tr in 4th ch of
ch-13. =8th rnd=: Ch 7, tr in sp formed by d tr, * ch 9, in next sp
make tr, ch 3 and tr. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 4, d tr
in 4th ch of ch-7. =9th rnd=: * Ch 7, sc in next loop. Repeat from *
around, ending with ch 3, tr in d tr. =10th rnd=: Ch 13, * tr in next
loop, ch 9. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 4, d tr in 4th ch of
ch-13. =11th rnd=: Ch 7, tr in same loop, * ch 8, in next loop make
tr, ch 3 and tr. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 4, tr in 4th ch
of ch-7. =12th rnd=: * Ch 6, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around,
ending with ch 3, dc in tr. =13th and 14th rnds=: * Ch 6, sc in next
loop. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 3, dc in dc. =15th, 16th
and 17th rnds=: Ch 11, * tr in next loop, ch 7. Repeat from * around,
ending with ch 3, tr in 4th ch of ch-11. =18th rnd=: Ch 12, * tr in
next loop, ch 8. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 4, tr in 4th
ch of ch-12. =19th rnd=: Ch 7, tr in same loop, * ch 9, in next loop
make tr, ch 3 and tr. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 4, d tr
in 4th ch of ch-7. =20th rnd=: * Ch 6, sc in next loop. Repeat from
* around, ending with ch 3, dc in d tr. =21st rnd=: Ch 10, * tr in
next loop, ch 6. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 3, dc in 4th
ch of ch-10. =22nd rnd=: Ch 5, tr in same loop, * ch 6, in next loop
make tr, ch 1 and tr. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 3, dc in
4th ch of ch-5. =23rd rnd=: * Ch 4, sc in next ch-1 loop, ch 4, sc in
next loop. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 1, dc in dc. =24th
to 32nd rnds incl=: * Ch 4, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around,
ending with ch 1, dc in dc. =33rd rnd=: * Ch 7, skip next loop, sc in
next loop. Repeat from * around. Join. =34th rnd=: 7 sc in each loop
around. Join.

=RUFFLE=.... =1st rnd=: Ch 8, skip 1 sc, * dc in next sc, ch 5.
Repeat from * around. Sl st in 3rd ch of ch-8. =2nd rnd=: Sl st to
center of next loop, ch 9, * dc in next loop, ch 6. Repeat from *
around. Join. =3rd rnd=: Sl st to center of next loop, ch 10, * dc
in next loop, ch 7. Repeat from * around. Join. =4th rnd=: Sl st to
center of next loop, ch 11, * dc in next loop, ch 8. Repeat from *
around. Join and break off.

[Illustration: Sea froth doily]

  =CT-241=          =Doily=

_Saturn Ring_

[Illustration: Saturn ring doily]

_Illustrated on Back Cover_

CROCHET, _Size 30_, _1 ball of White_.

Doily measures about 7½ inches in diameter.

Tie ball and shuttle threads together. =1st rnd=: R of 10 ds, p,
10 ds, cl. (Rw, ch of 5 ds, 3 p’s sep by 5 ds, 5 ds. Rw, r of 10
ds, join to p of preceding r, 10 ds, cl) 4 times. Ch of 5 ds, 3 p’s
sep by 5 ds, 5 ds. Join at base of first r. Tie and cut. =2nd rnd=:
Attach thread to first p of first ch. * Ch of 5 ds, 3 p’s sep by 5
ds, 5 ds, join to 3rd p of same ch. Ch of 5 ds, 3 p’s sep by 5 ds, 5
ds, join to first p of next ch. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut.
=3rd rnd=: Attach thread to center p of ch of preceding rnd. * Ch of
5 ds, 5 p’s sep by 5 ds, 5 ds, join to center p of next ch. Repeat
from * around. Tie and cut. =4th rnd=: Attach thread to 2nd p of ch
of preceding rnd. * Ch of 3 ds, 5 p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, join to 4th
p of same ch. Ch of 3 ds, 5 p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, join to 2nd p of
next ch. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut. =5th rnd=: Attach thread
to center p of ch of preceding rnd. * Ch of 4 ds, 5 p’s sep by 3 ds,
4 ds, join to center p of next ch. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut.
=6th rnd=: R of 5 ds, join to center p of ch of preceding rnd, 5 ds,
cl. * Rw, ch of 12 ds. R of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 12 ds. R of
5 ds, join to center p of next ch, 5 ds, cl. Repeat from * around.
Tie and cut. =7th rnd=: R of 5 ds, join to free p of r of preceding
rnd, * 5 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 5 ds, 5 p’s sep by 5 ds, 5 ds. Rw, r of
5 ds, join to next free p. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut. =8th
rnd=: Attach thread to 2nd p of ch of preceding rnd. * Ch of 3 ds, 5
p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, join to 4th p of same ch. Ch of 3 ds, 5 p’s
sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, join to 2nd p of next ch. Repeat from * around.
Tie and cut. =9th rnd=: Attach thread to center p of ch of preceding
rnd. * Ch of 4 ds, 5 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds, join to center p of next
ch. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut.

  =CT-242=          =Doily=

_Lover’s Knot_

[Illustration: Lover’s knot doily]

CROCHET, _Size 30_, _1 ball of White_.

Doily measures 8 inches in diameter.

Tie ball and shuttle threads together. =1st rnd=: R of 4 ds, p, 4 ds,
cl. (Rw, ch of 2 ds, 2 p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 4 ds, join to
p of preceding r, 4 ds, cl) 4 times. Rw, ch of 2 ds, 2 p’s sep by 3
ds, 3 ds. Join to base of first r. Tie and cut. =2nd rnd=: R of 4 ds,
join to any p of ch of preceding rnd, 4 ds, cl. * Sp of ⅜ inch. Rw,
r of 2 ds, 2 p’s sep by 3 ds, 2 ds, cl. Sp of ⅜ inch. Rw, r of 4 ds,
join to next p, 4 ds, cl. Repeat from * around. Join to base of first
r. Tie and cut. =3rd rnd=: R of 4 ds, join to first p of 2-p r of
preceding rnd, 4 ds, cl. * Rw, ch of 3 ds, 2 p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds.
Rw, r of 4 ds, join to 2nd p of same r, 4 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 2
p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 4 ds, join to first p of next r, 4
ds, cl. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut. =4th rnd=: R of 4 ds, join
to first p of ch of preceding rnd, 4 ds, cl. * Rw, ch of 1 ds, 2 lp’s
sep by 3 ds, 1 ds. Rw, r of 4 ds, join to 2nd p of same ch, 4 ds,
cl. Rw, ch of 1 ds, 3 lp’s sep by 2 ds, 1 ds. Rw, r of 4 ds, join to
first p of next ch, 4 ds, cl. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut. =5th
rnd=: Sm r of 2 ds, join to any p of ch of preceding rnd, 2 ds, cl.
* Sp of ½ inch, sm r of 2 ds, join to next p, 2 ds, cl. Repeat from
* around. Hereafter mark the end of each rnd. =6th rnd=: * Sp of ½
inch, r of 2 ds, join to thread between next 2 r’s of preceding rnd,
2 ds, cl. Repeat from * around. =7th, 8th and 9th rnds=: Work as for
6th rnd, only making the sp between r’s ¾ inch instead of ½ inch. Tie
and cut at end of 9th rnd. Starch lightly and press.

  =CT-249 Doily=      _Frosted Star_

CROCHET, _Size 20_, _2 balls of White_.

Doily measures 15 inches from point to point.

Tie ball and shuttle threads together. =CENTER MOTIF=.... =1st rnd=:
R of 5 ds, 2 sm p’s sep by 6 ds, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, 2 sm p’s sep by 6 ds,
5 ds, cl. Tie. (R of 5 ds, join to first sm p of previous r, 6 ds,
sm p, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, 2 sm p’s sep by 6 ds, 5 ds, cl. Tie) 5 times,
joining last r to first r as previous r’s were joined. Tie and cut.
=2nd rnd=: Attach thread to 2nd sm p of first r. * Ch of 8 ds, p, 8
ds, join to next sm p of same r. Ch of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to 2nd sm
p of next r. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut. =3rd rnd=: R of 10
ds, join to p of sm ch of preceding rnd, * 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 4 ds,
4 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Join to p of next ch. Ch of 4 ds, 4 p’s sep
by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, r of 10 ds, join to p of next sm ch. Repeat from *
around. Tie and cut. =4th rnd=: R of 10 ds, join to 3rd p of first ch
of preceding rnd, * 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4
ds. Rw, r of 10 ds, skip 2 p’s, join to 2nd p of next ch, 10 ds, cl.
Rw, ch of 4 ds, 9 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, r of 10 ds, skip 4 p’s,
join to next p. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut.

=FLOWER (Make 12)=.... R of 5 ds, 3 sm p’s sep by 8 ds, 5 ds, cl.
Tie. (R of 5 ds, join to first sm p of previous r, 8 ds, 2 sm p’s
sep by 8 ds, 5 ds, cl) 5 times, joining last r to sm p of first r.
Tie and cut. =5th rnd=: Attach thread to free p of any r of first
flower and make a ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds, join to p of
next r of same flower. Ch of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to center p of sm
ch of preceding rnd of doily, * 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to p of next r
of flower. Ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds, join to p of next r.
Reversing curve of chain, ch of 5 ds, 4 p’s sep by 5 ds, 5 ds. Rw, r
of 10 ds, join to center p of next-to-last ch, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of
5 ds, p, 5 ds. Rw, r of 10 ds, join to 3rd p of large ch of doily,
10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds. Rw, r of 10 ds, join to 7th p of
same ch, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds. Rw, r of 10 ds, p, 10
ds, cl. Rw, ch of 5 ds, 4 p’s sep by 5 ds, 5 ds, join to free p of
any r of next flower. Reversing curve of chain, make ch of 4 ds, p,
4 ds, join to p of previous r, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to p of next r of
2nd flower. Ch of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to center p of next sm ch of
doily. Repeat from * around. Join to first ch. Tie and cut.

=6th rnd=: Attach thread to p of any r of unattached flower, ch of 4
ds, p, 4 ds, join to 3rd p of 4-p ch of doily, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join
to p of next r of same flower, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds,
join to p of next r of flower, ch of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to 2nd p of
next 4-p ch of doily, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to p of next r of flower,
(ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds, join to p of next r of same
flower) 3 times. Join to first ch of same flower. Reversing curve of
chain, ch of 4 ds, 4 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. * Rw, r of 10 ds, skip
next ch, join to first p of next ch of flower, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 4
ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, r of 10 ds, join to same p as last
r, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, r of 10
ds, join to 3rd p of same ch of flower, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3
p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, r of 10 ds, join to same p, 10 ds, cl. Rw,
ch of 4 ds, 4 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds, join between chains of flower to
correspond. Ch of 4 ds, join to last p of preceding ch, 4 ds, 2 p’s
sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, r of 10 ds, join to next free p of next ch,
10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds, join to first ch
of next flower. Reversing curve of chain, ch of 4 ds, join to last p
of preceding ch, 4 ds, 2 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds, join to p of next r
of same flower. (Ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds, join to p of
next r of same flower) twice. Ch of 4 ds, join to last p of preceding
ch, 4 ds, 2 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, r of 10 ds, join to 2nd p of
adjoining 4-p ch of doily, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4
ds, 4 ds, join to p of any r of next unattached flower. Reversing
curve of chain, ch of 4 ds, join to p of previous ch, 4 ds, 3 p’s sep
by 4 ds, 4 ds. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut.

=7th rnd=: * R of 10 ds, join to center p of free ch of any flower
along side of doily, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4
ds. R of 10 ds, join to same p, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch as before. Rw, lr
of 15 ds, skip next 2 ch and r, join to first p of next ch, 15 ds,
cl. Rw, ch as before. Rw, r of 10 ds, join to 2nd free p of next ch,
10 ds, cl. Rw, ch as before. Rw, r of 10 ds, join to center p of next
ch (between 2 rings), 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch as before. Rw, r of 10 ds,
join to same p, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch as before. Rw, r of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep
by 4 ds, 4 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 4 ds, 5 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, r of
4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to center p of preceding r, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, cl.
Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, r of 10 ds, skip next
ch of doily, join to center p of next ch (between 2 rings), 10 ds,
cl. Rw, ch as before. Rw, r of 10 ds, join to same p, 10 ds, cl. Rw,
ch as before. Rw, r of 10 ds, join to same p, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch as
before. Rw, r of 10 ds, join to 2nd p of next ch of doily, 10 ds, cl.
Rw, ch as before. Rw, lr of 15 ds, join to last p of next ch, 15 ds,
cl. Rw, ch as before. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut.

  =CT-240=      =Mat=

[Illustration: CT-240


_Filigree Scroll_

CROCHET, _Size 30_, _1 ball of White_.

Doily measures 4 inches square.

=1st rnd=: R of 2 ds, 4 p’s sep by 2 ds, 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 3
ds, 4 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. (Rw, ch of 3 ds, 11 p’s sep by 2
ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 2 ds, 4 p’s sep by 2 ds, 3 ds, join to 5th p of
preceding r, 4 ds, join to center p of preceding r, 4 ds, p, 3 ds, 4
p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl) 3 times, joining last r to p of first r
and last ch to base of first r. Tie and cut. =2nd rnd=: R of 14 ds,
join to 3rd p of ch of preceding rnd, 14 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, sm
p, * 7 ds, p, 15 ds. Sp of ⅛ inch. R of 3 ds (catch in the thread to
hold chain in place), sm p, 10 ds, p, 10 ds, sm p, 3 ds, cl. (R of 3
ds, join to sm p of previous r, 10 ds, p, 10 ds, sm p, 3 ds, cl) 4
times. R of 3 ds, join to sm p of previous r, 10 ds, p, 10 ds, join
to free sm p of first r (flower made). With wrong side of work toward
you, carry threads over to opposite sm p and fasten. Ch of 15 ds, p,
7 ds, sm p, 3 ds. Rw, r of 14 ds, join to 9th p of same ch, 14 ds,
cl. R of 14 ds, join to 3rd p of next ch, 14 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds,
join to sm p of previous ch. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut. =3rd
rnd=: R of 14 ds, join to p of first ch of preceding rnd, 14 ds, cl.
* Rw, r of 14 ds, p, 14 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 14 ds, join to p of first
r of flower, ch of 14 ds. Rw, r of 14 ds, join to p of previous r,
14 ds, cl. R of 14 ds, join to p of 2nd r of flower, 14 ds, cl.
Reversing curve of ch, ch of 3 ds, 21 p’s sep by 2 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of
14 ds, join to p of 3rd r of flower, 14 ds, cl. R of 14 ds, p, 14 ds,
cl. Reversing curve of ch, make a ch of 14 ds, join to p of 4th r of
flower, 14 ds. Rw, r of 14 ds, join to p of previous r, 14 ds, cl.
Rw, r of 14 ds, join to p of next ch, 14 ds, cl. Reversing curve of
ch, ch of 3 ds, 11 p’s sep by 2 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 14 ds, join to p
of next ch, 14 ds, cl. Repeat from * around. Tie and cut.

  =CT-251=      =Mat=

_Maypole Dance_

=MATERIALS=: J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, _Size 70_, _3 balls_....
_Linen, 3 × 18 inches (for 6 coasters)_.

Starting at flower motif in the outside row, r of 3 ds, p, (4 ds, p)
twice; 3 ds, cl. Rw, ch of (5 ds, p) twice; 5 ds. * Rw, r of 3 ds, p,
4 ds, join to 2nd p of first r, 4 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. Rw, ch of (5 ds,
p) twice; 5 ds. Repeat from * 2 more times. Fasten at base of first
r. This completes a flower. Ch of 9 ds, p, 3 ds. Rw, sm r of 9 ds,
p, 5 ds, p, 4 ds, cl. Rw, sm r of 3 ds, join to p in preceding ch, 6
ds, p, 3 ds, p, 6 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 10 ds. Rw, lr of 12 ds, p, 12 ds,
cl. Ch of 10 ds. Rw, sm r of 6 ds, p, 3 ds, p, 6 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. Rw,
sm r of 4 ds, join to last p of first sm r, 5 ds, p, 9 ds, cl. Ch of
3 ds, join to last p of the other sm r, 9 ds. R of 3 ds, p, (4 ds,
p) twice; 3 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to first p of last
ch of corresponding flower motif, 5 ds. Rw, and complete flower as
before. Fasten at base of first r of flower.

Make 2 more groups same as this, but joining them to the preceding
groups at the 2 p’s of sm r’s and at the p of lr. These 3 groups make
a half circle. Make another half circle in this manner.

Cut 6 circles of linen, each 3 inches in diameter. Make a narrow hem
around each piece and sew lace to linen along the edges.

[Illustration: _Blended pale-to-deep tones of color.... J. & P. COATS
Shaded Tatting-Crochet_]

_Dainty Laces for Dress-up Handkerchiefs...._

  =CT-226=       =Handkerchief=

=MATERIALS=: J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, _Size 70_, _2 balls_....
_Steel Crochet Hook No. 14_.... _Hemstitched linen handkerchief._

=FIRST MOTIF=.... Starting at center, ch 10. Join with sl st to form
ring. =1st rnd=: Ch 3, dc in ring, ch 5, sc in 5th ch from hook
(picot), in ring make (3 dc, picot) 7 times and dc. Join and break

=SECOND MOTIF=.... Starting at center, ch 10. Join with sl st to form
ring. =1st rnd=: Ch 3, dc in ring, ch 2, sl st in any picot on First
Motif, ch 2, sc in 5th ch from hook on Second Motif. Complete rnd as
for First Motif.

Make necessary number of motifs to go across each side of
handkerchief, joining them as Second Motif was joined to First Motif
and leaving 3 picots free on each side of joinings on each motif.

To form corner, make 2 more motifs, joining them to adjacent side
motifs as before so that there is only one picot free on each of the
4 corner motifs inside the joinings.

=FILL-IN-LACE=.... Attach thread to a free picot between joinings, ch
3, dc in next 3 free picots. Sl st in top of ch-3. Break off. Work
all corners in this manner.

Pin crocheted edging in place and sew 3 picots of each side motif to
handkerchief edge. Pin corners in place. Cut away linen under corner
motifs. Make a narrow hem. Sew crocheted corners in place.

  =CT-227=      =Pineapple=

=MATERIALS=: J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, _Size 70_. _4 balls
of White_.... _Steel Crochet Hook No. 13_.... _A hemstitched
handkerchief 11½ inches square._

=1st rnd=: Attach thread to any corner, 3 sc in same place, * 158 sc
across to next corner, 3 sc in corner. Repeat from * around. Join
(644 sc). =2nd rnd=: Sl st in next sc, ch 6, dc in next sc, * (ch 3,
skip 2 sc, dc in next sc) 53 times; ch 3, in next sc make dc, ch 3
and dc; ch 3, dc in next dc. Repeat from * around, ending with dc in
same place as first ch-6, ch 3, sl st in 3rd ch of ch-6. =3rd rnd=:
Sl st in next sp, sc in same sp, * (ch 5, sc in next sp) 5 times;
ch 10, skip 1 sp, sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join. =4th
rnd=: Sl st to center of next loop, sc in same loop, * (ch 5, sc in
next loop) 4 times; ch 3, 10 tr in next loop, ch 3, sc in next loop.
Repeat from * around. Join. =5th rnd=: Sl st to center of next loop,
sc in same loop, * (ch 5, sc in next loop) 3 times; ch 3, (tr in next
tr, ch 1) 9 times; tr in next tr, ch 3, skip next sp, sc in next
loop. Repeat from * around. Join. =6th rnd=: Sl st to center of next
loop, sc in same loop, * (ch 5, sc in next loop) twice; ch 3, 3 dc
in next sp, (ch 3, sc in next sp) 9 times; ch 3, 3 dc in next sp, ch
3, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join. =7th rnd=: Sl st to
center of next loop, sc in same loop, * ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5,
skip next sp, 3 dc in next sp, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 8 times; ch
3, 3 dc in next sp, ch 5, skip next sp, sc in next loop. Repeat from
* around. Join. =8th rnd=: Sl st to center of next loop, sc in same
loop, * ch 7, skip next sp, 3 dc in next sp, (ch 3, sc in next loop)
7 times; ch 3, 3 dc in next sp, ch 7, skip next sp, sc in next loop.
Repeat from * around. Join and break off.

Now work pineapples individually as follows: =1st row=: Attach thread
to first ch-3 loop following the 3-dc group of next pineapple, ch
5, 3 dc in same sp, (ch 3, sc in next loop) 6 times; ch 3, 3 dc in
next sp. Ch 5, turn. =2nd row=: 3 dc in next sp, (ch 3, sc in next
loop) 5 times; ch 3, 3 dc in next sp. Ch 5, turn. =3rd, 4th and 5th
rows=: Work in pattern, having 1 loop less on each row. Ch 5, turn.
=6th row=: 3 dc in next sp, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 3, 3 dc in next
sp. Ch 5, turn. =7th row=: 3 dc in each of next 2 sps. Ch 5, turn.
Sl st between 3-dc groups. Break off. Complete all pineapples in
this manner. =Last rnd=: Attach thread to ch-7 loop preceding first
pineapple, sc in same loop, * ch 7, sc in next loop, (ch 10, sc in
next loop) 7 times; ch 7, sc in next 2 loops. Repeat from * around.
Join and break off.

[Illustration: CT-226]

  =CT-252=      =Butterfly=

=MATERIALS=: J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, _Size 70_, _2 balls of
Shaded Orange_.... _Steel Crochet Hook No. 14_.... _A hemstitched
handkerchief, 11½ inches square._

=BUTTERFLY—Large Wing (Make 2)=.... Starting at center, ch 15. =1st
row=: Dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across, ch 3; working
along opposite side of starting chain, make dc in each ch across. Ch
3, turn. =2nd row=: Skip first dc, dc in each dc across, making 3 dc,
ch 3 and 3 dc in ch-3 sp. Ch 1, turn. =3rd row=: Sc in first dc, sc
in each dc across, making 5 sc in ch-3 sp. Ch 5, turn. =4th row=: *
Skip next sc, dc in next sc, ch 2. Repeat from * across to center sc
of 5-sc group; in center sc make (dc, ch 2) 3 times and dc. Complete
other side to correspond. Ch 1, turn. =5th row=: 2 sc in each sp
across, making 5 sc in center sp at point. Ch 5, turn. =6th and 7th
rows=: Repeat 4th and 5th rows. =8th row=: Repeat 4th row. =9th row=:
* 3 sc in next sp, ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook (picot made). Repeat
from * across. Break off.

=SMALL WING (Make 2)=.... Work as for Large Wing until 6 rows are
completed. =7th row=: Repeat 9th row of Large Wing.

=BODY=.... Starting at center, ch 5. Join with sl st to form ring.
=1st rnd=: Ch 4, 15 tr in ring. Join with sl st to 4th ch of ch-4.
=2nd rnd=: Ch 4, tr in same place as sl st, 2 tr in each tr around.
Join. =3rd rnd=: Ch 4, tr in same place as sl st, * tr in next tr,
2 tr in next tr. Repeat from * around. Join and break off. Gather
center of straight edge of wings and sew to body. Pin Butterfly in
place on corner of handkerchief. Cut out material across back and
make a narrow hem neatly across. Sew Butterfly in place.

=ANTENNAE=.... Make a chain 2½ inches long. =1st row=: 10 sc in 2nd
ch from hook, sl st in first sc, sc in each ch across, making 10 sc
in last ch, sl st in first sc of last 10-sc group. Break off. Sew
Antennae in place.

=EDGING=.... =1st rnd=: Attach thread to first hole on edge of
handkerchief following point of wing, sc closely around to point of
next wing, making 3 sc in each corner, sl st in point of wing. Ch
4, turn. =2nd rnd=: * Skip 1 sc, dc in next sc, ch 1. Repeat from *
across side to center sc of next corner; in center sc make (dc, ch 1)
twice and dc; work across other sides to correspond. Sl st in point
of next wing. Turn. =3rd rnd=: In each sp around make sc, picot and
sc. Join to point of next wing. Break off.

  =CT-254=      =Butterfly=

=MATERIALS=: J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, _Size 70_, _1 ball of
variegated color_.... _1 hemstitched linen handkerchief 11 inches

Tie ball and shuttle threads together.

=BUTTERFLY (Body)=.... Lr of 2 ds, 8 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Rw, r
of 8 ds, sm p, 8 ds, cl (head). Tie. Sp of 1/16 inch. Join to first
p of lr, (ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to next p of same lr) 7 times.
=Turn.= Ch of 7 ds, join to p of last picot chain, (ch of 5 ds, p, 5
ds, join to p of next ch) 6 times; ch of 7 ds, join to p of lr. Tie
and cut. Attach thread to 3rd picot chain, ch of 3 ds. Rw, r of 10
ds, p, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 15 ds, join to p of last r. Rw, r of 10
ds, p, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 15 ds, sm p, 10 ds. Rw, r of 10 ds, join
to p of last r, 10 ds, cl. Rw, r of 10 ds, p, 10 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 15
ds, join to p of last r. Rw, r of 5 ds, lp, 5 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 15
ds, join at base of next-to-last r, ch of 10 ds, sm p, 15 ds, skip 2
rings, join to p of the next r, ch of 15 ds, join at base of same r.
Reverse curve of chain, ch of 3 ds, join to next picot chain. Tie and

=ANTENNAE=.... Sm r of 2 ds, sm p, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 30 ds (to form
slight curve), join to sm p of r of head. Reverse curve of chain, ch
of 30 ds. Rw, sm r of 2 ds, sm p, 2 ds, cl. Tie and cut.

=UPPER WING=.... Lr (same as for Body). Rw, lr. Tie. Sp of 1/16 inch,
join to last p of preceding lr. Rw, (ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to
next p of same lr) 7 times. Ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to first p of
next lr. (Ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to next p of same lr) 7 times.
Join to first picot chain of next lr. (Ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to
next picot chain of same lr) twice. Ch of 5 ds, join to 2nd picot
chain of Body, 5 ds, join to next picot chain of Upper Wing. Ch of 5
ds, join to next picot chain of Body, 5 ds, join to next picot chain
of Upper Wing. (Ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to next picot chain of
Upper Wing) 11 times. Tie and cut. Make opposite Upper Wing the same,
joining to correspond.

=LOWER WING=.... Lr (same as for Body). Sp of 1/16 inch, join to last
p of lr. (Ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to next p of same lr) 7 times.
Turn. Ch of 7 ds, join to last picot chain of Lower Wing, ch of 5 ds,
join to 2nd picot chain of Body (previously joined to Upper Wing), 5
ds, join to next picot chain of Lower Wing. Ch of 5 ds, join to next
picot chain of Upper Wing, 5 ds, join to next picot chain of Lower
Wing. (Ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to next picot chain of Lower Wing) 3
times. Ch of 5 ds, join to sm p of chain of Body, 5 ds, join to next
picot chain of Lower Wing. Ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to p of lr of
Lower Wing. Turn. Ch of 7 ds, join to last picot chain. Ch of 5 ds,
join to 3rd joined picot chain of Body. Tie and cut. Make opposite
Lower Wing the same, joining to correspond.

Sew in place. Cut away part of corner of Handkerchief (underneath
lower wings), and make a narrow rolled hem.

=EDGING=.... Tie ball and shuttle threads together. Attach to edge of
handkerchief, close to Butterfly. * Ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, leaving sp
of ⅜ inch on edge of linen and join to edge. Repeat from * around.
Tie and cut.

[Illustration: CT-227]

[Illustration: CT-252]

[Illustration: CT-254]

Tatted Edgings

_Sheer and Lovely_

[Illustration: CT-234






  =CT-234=       =Edging=

=MATERIALS=: J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, _Size 70_, _1 ball_.

Tie ball and shuttle threads together. R of (1 ds, p) 10 times, 1 ds,
part cl. * Sp of ¼ inch. Rw, ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds. Rw, r of 1 ds, join
to last p of preceding r, 1 ds, join to next p of same r, (1 ds, p) 8
times, 1 ds, part cl. Repeat from * for length desired. Tie and cut.

  =CT-236=       =Edging=


Tie ball and shuttle threads together. =1st row=: * Lr of (2 ds, p)
13 times, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 4 p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r
of 8 ds, p, 8 ds, cl. Rw, ch as before. Repeat from * until piece
measures slightly longer than length desired. Tie and cut. =2nd row=:
R of 3 ds, p, * 3 ds, join to 6th p of lr of 1st row, 3 ds, p, 3
ds, cl. Rw, ch of 2 ds, 5 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds. Rw, sm r of (2 ds,
p) 5 times, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch as before. Rw, r of 3 ds, join to p of
adjacent 3-p r, 3 ds, join to 8th p of same lr, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl.
Rw, ch as before. Rw, r of 3 ds, join to p of preceding r, (3 ds,
p) twice, 3 ds, cl. R of 3 ds, p, 3 ds, join to p of next r of 1st
row, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. R of (3 ds, p) 3 times, 3 ds, cl. Rw, ch as
before. Rw, r of 3 ds, join to last p of preceding r. Repeat from *
across. Tie and cut.

  =CT-237=      =Edging=


Tie ball and shuttle threads together. =1st row=: R of 3 ds, 3 p’s
sep by 1 ds, 2 ds, p, 2 ds, 3 p’s sep by 1 ds, 3 ds, cl. * Rw, ch
of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 1 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 3 ds, join to last p of
previous r, (1 ds, join to next p of same r) twice; 2 ds, p, 2 ds, 3
p’s sep by 1 ds, 3 ds, cl. Repeat from * for length desired. Tie and
cut. =2nd row=: Fasten ball and shuttle threads to center p of first
ch of 1st row. Ch of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 1 ds, 3 ds, join to center p
of next ch. * Ch of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 1 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 3 ds, p,
3 ds, join to center p of next ch, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. Rw, r of 3 ds,
3 p’s sep by 1 ds, 3 ds, cl. (Ch as before and join to center p of
next ch) twice. Repeat from * across. Tie and cut.

  =CT-233=      =Edging=


Tie ball and shuttle threads together. =1st row=: R of (2 ds, p) 3
times, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to last p of r, * (ch
of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to next p of same r) twice. This constitutes a
cluster. Rw, ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds. R of (2 ds, p) 3 times, 2 ds, cl.
Rw, ch of 5 ds, join to p of last ch of previous cluster, 5 ds, join
to p of r. Repeat from * for length desired. Tie and cut. =2nd row=:
Fasten ball and shuttle threads to p of first ch (between clusters)
of 1st row. * Ch of 5 ds, p, 5 ds, join to p of next ch (between
clusters). Repeat from * across. Tie and cut.

  =CT-239=      =Edging=

=MATERIALS=: J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, _Size 70_, _Yellow and
Dark Lavender_.

Use Dark Lavender on shuttle and Yellow on ball. Tie ball and shuttle
threads together. =1st row=: R of 4 ds, p, 2 ds, 2 p’s sep by 1 ds,
2 ds, p, 4 ds, cl. * Rw, ch of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r
of 4 ds, join to last p of preceding r, 2 ds, 2 p’s sep by 1 ds, 2
ds, p, 4 ds, cl. Repeat from * for length desired. Tie and cut. =2nd
row=: R of 3 ds, 2 p’s sep by 2 ds, 1 ds, join to center p of first
ch of 1st row, 1 ds, 2 p’s sep by 2 ds, 3 ds, cl (joining r made).
Rw, ch of 3 ds. Rw, r of 3 ds, p, 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 1 ds, 3 ds, p,
3 ds, cl. * Rw, ch of 3 ds. Rw, make joining r as before and join to
center p of next ch. Rw, ch of 3 ds. Rw, lr of 3 ds, join to last p
of adjacent r, 3 ds, 5 p’s sep by 1 ds, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. Rw, ch of
3 ds. Rw, make joining r. Rw, ch of 3 ds. Rw, r of 3 ds, join to last
p of lr, 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 1 ds, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. Repeat from *
across. Tie and cut.

  =CT-238=      =Edging=


Tie ball and shuttle threads together. =FIRST MOTIF=.... Lr of (4 ds,
p) 3 times, 4 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 4 p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. Rw, sm
r of 3 ds, join to last p of lr, 3 ds, cl. Rw, ch as before. Rw, lr
of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to center p of previous lr, 4 ds, p, 4 ds, cl.
Rw, ch as before. Rw, sm r of 3 ds, join to free p of first lr, 3 ds,
cl. Rw, ch as before. Join to base of first r. Tie and cut.

=SECOND MOTIF=.... Work as for First Motif until 3 p’s of first ch
are made, 3 ds, join to corresponding p of adjacent ch of First
Motif, 3 ds. Rw, sm r of 3 ds, join to last p of lr, 3 ds, cl. Rw,
ch of 3 ds, join to corresponding p of adjacent ch of First Motif.
Complete as for First Motif (no more joinings). Make necessary number
of motifs, joining them as Second Motif was joined to First Motif.

=HEADING=.... Fasten ball and shuttle threads to 3rd p of last ch of
First Motif. * Ch of 5 ds, 2 p’s sep by 5 ds, 5 ds, skip 2 p’s, join
to next p. Repeat from * across. Tie and cut.

=FRINGE=.... Cut 2 strands of thread, each 3 inches long. Double
these strands, thus forming a loop. Pull loop through a free picot on
scalloped edge, then draw loose ends through loop. Pull up tightly.
Make a fringe in each free picot across. Trim ends evenly.

[Illustration: Good morning mat and napkin]

  =CT-253 Mat and Napkin=      _Breakfast Time_

=MATERIALS=: J. & P. COATS TATTING-CROCHET, _Size 70_, _8 balls of
Shaded Pink_.... _Steel Crochet Hook No. 14_.... _¾ yard of pink

=GAUGE=: 5 sps make 1 inch; 5 rows make 1 inch.

=EDGING=.... Starting at A on chart, ch 23. =1st row=: Tr in 11th ch
from hook (sp made), (ch 3, skip 3 ch, tr in next ch) 3 times. Ch
7, turn. =2nd row=: Skip first tr, tr in next tr (sp made over sp),
(ch 3, tr in next tr) twice; ch 3, skip 3 ch of turning chain, tr in
next ch. Ch 10, turn. =3rd row=: Tr in first tr (1 sp increased at
beginning of row), make 4 more sps. Ch 7, turn. =4th and 5th rows=:
Make 4 sps. Ch 7, turn. =6th row=: Make 4 sps, ch 7, tr in same tr as
last tr. Ch 7, turn. Skip 3 ch, tr in next ch. Ch 7, turn. Skip 3 ch,
tr in next ch. Turn (3 sps increased at end of row.) =7th row=: Sl
st in next 4 ch, ch 7, sp over next 7 sps. Ch 7, turn. =8th row=: Sp
over each sp, inc 1 sp, turn. =9th row=: Sl st in each ch across sp,
sl st in next tr (1 sp decreased at beginning of row), ch 7, sp over
each sp across. Ch 7, turn. =10th row=: Sp over each sp across. Turn.
=11th row=: Sl st across next 3 sps, ch 7, sp over next 4 sps. Ch 7,
turn. Follow chart from A to B until 6 large scallops are completed.
Now follow chart from B to C to form corner. Break off. Attach thread
at D and follow chart to E, work in pattern until 8 large scallops
are completed. Now complete corner and next 2 sides to correspond.
Sew first and last rows together. Attach thread to inner edge and sc
closely around. Join and break off. Sc closely around outer edge. Pin
edging in place over organdy. Sew neatly in place. Cut out organdy in
back of edging and make a narrow hem all around.

=CENTER INSERTION=.... Starting at A on chart, ch 111. =1st row=: Tr
in 11th ch from hook, make 25 more sps across. Ch 7, turn. =2nd, 3rd
and 4th rows=: Make sp over each sp across. Ch 7, turn. =5th row=:
Make 16 sps, 3 tr in next sp, tr in next tr (bl made over sp), make
2 sps, 2 bls, 5 sps. Ch 7, turn. =6th row=: Make 4 sps, 1 bl, ch
3, skip 3 tr, tr in next tr (sp made over bl), tr in next 4 tr (bl
made over bl), make 3 sps, 1 bl, 15 sps. Ch 7, turn. Starting with
7th row follow chart to top. Break off. Attach thread to any sp and
sc closely around. Join and break off. Place insertion in center of
Mat and sew neatly in place. Cut out organdy in back of insertion,
allowing ¼ inch for hem. Turn edges under and sew neatly in place.

[Illustration: CENTER INSERTION]

=NAPKIN=.... Cut a piece of organdy 8½ inches square. Make a narrow
hem all around outer edges.

=EDGING=.... =1st rnd=: Attach thread to any corner and sc closely
around, making 5 sc in each corner. Join. =2nd rnd=: Sl st to center
sc of corner, ch 9, tr in same sc, * ch 3, skip 2 sc, tr in next sc.
Repeat from * around, making tr, ch 5 and tr in center sc of each
corner. Join to 4th ch of ch-9. =3rd rnd=: Sc in same place as sl st,
9 sc in corner sp, * sp in next tr, 3 sc in next sp. Repeat from *
around, making 9 sc in each corner sp. Join and break off.

[Illustration: EDGING]

  =CT-232 Chair Set=             _Bright Cluster_

CROCHET, _Size 30_: =Small Ball=: J. & P. COATS—_5 balls of White
or Ecru, or_ CLARK’S O.N.T.—_7 balls of White or Ecru_.... _Steel
Crochet Hook No. 10._

  =Chair Back measures 10 × 14 inches.
  Arm Piece measures 6 × 8 inches.=

=GAUGE=: Each motif measures 2 inches square.

=CHAIR BACK—First Motif=.... Starting at center, ch 16. Join with sl
st to form ring. =1st rnd=: Ch 4, holding back on hook the last loop
of each tr make 2 tr in ring, thread over and draw through all loops
on hook (cluster made); (ch 5, make 3-tr cluster in ring) 11 times;
ch 2, dc in tip of first cluster made. =2nd rnd=: Sc in loop formed
by dc, ch 4, sc in next loop, * ch 15, sc in next loop, (ch 4, sc in
next loop) twice. Repeat from * around. Sl st in first sc made. =3rd
rnd=: * In next ch-15 loop make (cluster, ch 5) 7 times and cluster;
skip 1 sc, sl st in next sc. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.

=SECOND MOTIF=.... Work as for First Motif until 2 rnds are
completed. =3rd rnd=: * In next ch-15 loop make (cluster, ch 5)
4 times and cluster; (ch 2, sl st in corresponding loop on First
Motif, ch 2, make cluster in same loop on Second Motif) twice; ch 5,
cluster in same loop on Second Motif, skip next sc, sl st in next sc,
in next ch-15 loop make cluster, ch 5 and cluster; (ch 2, sl st in
corresponding loop on First Motif, ch 2, make cluster in same loop
on Second Motif) twice. Complete rnd as for First Motif (no more

Make 5 rows of 7 motifs, joining adjacent sides as Second Motif was
joined to First Motif.

=ARM PIECE (Make 2)=.... Work as for Chair Back, making 3 rows of 4

[Illustration: Bright cluster chair set]

[Illustration: Lady wearing office bound]


_Office Bound_

_Illustrated on Front Cover_

CROCHET, _Size 30_: =Small Ball=: J. & P. COATS—_5 balls of White,
or_ CLARK’S O.N.T.—_6 balls of White_.... _Steel Crochet Hook No. 10._

=GAUGE=: 5 sps make 1 inch; 5 rows make 1 inch.

=COLLAR—Side (Make 2)=.... Starting at point, ch 8. =1st row=: Dc in
8th ch from hook. Ch 5, turn. =2nd row=: Dc in first dc, ch 2, skip 2
ch, dc in next ch. Ch 5, turn. =3rd row=: Skip first dc, dc in next
dc, ch 2, dc in 3rd ch of turning chain, ch 2, dc in same ch. Ch 5,
turn. =4th row=: Skip first dc, * dc in next dc, ch 2. Repeat from *
across, ending with dc in 3rd ch of turning chain. Ch 5, turn. =5th
row=: Skip first dc, * dc in next dc, ch 2. Repeat from * across,
ending with dc in 3rd ch of turning chain, ch 2, dc in same ch.
Ch 5, turn. Repeat 4th and 5th rows alternately until 43 rows are
completed. Break off.

=MOTIF (Make 24)=.... Starting at center, ch 10. Join with sl st to
form ring. =1st row=: Sc in ring, ch 11, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc
in each ch across, sc in ring. Ch 15, turn. Skip 9 sc, sl st in next
sc, turn. 20 sc in loop (spoke made), 2 sc in ring. * Ch 15, turn.
Skip 11 sc on previous spoke, sl st in next sc, turn. 5 sc in loop.
Ch 12, turn. Skip 2 sc on previous spoke, sl st in next sc, turn.
In loop just formed make 7 sc, ch 4, sc in 4th ch from hook (picot
made), 7 sc in same loop, 15 sc in incompleted loop, 2 sc in ring.
Repeat from * 6 more times. Join and break off.

Join the top of straight edges of Collar with a chain 7 inches
long (for back of neck). Dc along straight edges of Collar and the
connecting chain. Break off.

Place 7 motifs as shown in illustration along shaped side and top of
each side of Collar and tack neatly in place.

=CUFF (Make 2)=.... Starting at bottom, make a chain 12 inches long
(15 ch sts to 1 inch). =1st row=: Dc in 8th ch from hook (sp made),
* ch 2, skip 2 ch, dc in next ch. Repeat from * across until 42 sps
are completed. Cut off remaining chain. Ch 5, turn. =2nd, 3rd and 4th
rows=: Skip first dc, * dc in next dc (sp made over sp), ch 2. Repeat
from * across, skip 2 ch of turning chain, dc in next ch. Ch 5, turn.
Break off at end of 4th row. =5th row=: Skip 8 sps, attach thread to
next dc, ch 5, dc in next dc, make 25 more sps. Turn. =6th row=: Sl
st across first sp to next dc, ch 5, dc in next dc, make 23 more sps.
Turn. Work as for last row, having 2 sps less on each row until 2 sps
remain. Break off.

Place 5 motifs as shown in illustration along shaped edge of each
cuff and tack neatly in place. Work a row of dc along straight edge
of each cuff. Starch lightly and press.


_Pleasure Bent_

_Illustrated on Back Cover_

CROCHET, _Size 30_: =Small Ball=: J. & P. COATS—_3 balls of White or
Ecru, or 4 balls of any color, or_ CLARK’S O.N.T.—_5 balls of White
or Ecru, or 6 balls of any color_.

=COLLAR=.... Use shuttle and ball threads.

=FILL-IN MOTIF (Make 2)=.... R of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds, cl.
Rw, ch of 8 ds, p, 4 ds, p, 4 ds. * Rw, r of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 3 ds,
3 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Repeat from * 2
more times. Mark the last p made as p of turning chain to which outer
edge of collar is joined later. Continue to work outside edge of
Fill-in Motif as follows: Rw, r of 3 ds, p, 3 ds, join to center p of
previous r, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. ** Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds,
4 ds. Rw, r of 3 ds, p, 3 ds, join to center p of opposite r, 3 ds,
p, 3 ds, cl. Repeat from ** once more.

Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, r of 3 ds, p, 3 ds,
join to center p of first r made, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. This completes
one half of Fill-in Motif. Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4
ds. Rw. For second half make r of 3 ds, p, 3 ds, join to same p as
previous r, 3 ds, p, 3 ds, cl. Continue around, making second half to
correspond with side just completed. After last r make ch of 4 ds, p,
4 ds, join to opposite p of first chain, 8 ds, join to base of first
r. Tie and cut. Mark corresponding p of 2nd turning chain in same
manner as on other side.

=OUTER EDGE OF COLLAR=.... R of 2 ds, 5 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. *
Rw, ch of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 2 ds, p, 2 ds, skip
1 p of previous r, join to next p, 2 ds, 3 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl.
Repeat from * once more. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. R
of 2 ds, 5 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Ch of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 3 ds,
3 ds. Rw, r of 2 ds, p, 2 ds, join to corresponding p of opposite r,
2 ds, 3 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 3 ds,
3 ds. Rw, r of 2 ds, p, 2 ds, join to corresponding p of last r, 2
ds, 3 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 3 ds,
3 ds. Rw, r of 2 ds, p, 2 ds, join to corresponding p of previous r,
2 ds, p, 2 ds, join to corresponding p of first r, 2 ds, p, 2 ds, cl
(end motif, or point of Collar completed).

Ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Work next motif as follows: R of
2 ds, 5 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, p, 3 ds, join to
last p of adjacent chain of end motif, 3 ds, p, 3 ds. ** Rw, r of 2
ds, p, 2 ds, join to corresponding p of previous r, 2 ds, 3 p’s sep
by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds. Repeat
from ** 4 more times.

Rw, r of 2 ds, p, 2 ds, join to corresponding p of previous r, 2 ds,
p, 2 ds, join to corresponding p of first r of same motif, 2 ds, p,
2 ds, cl (7-r motif completed). Ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4
ds. Rw, make a single r of 2 ds, p, 2 ds, join to center p of last
chain of previous motif, 2 ds, 3 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Rw, make
adjoining chain of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join a marked p of turning chain of
one Fill-in Motif, 4 ds, p, 4 ds.

Start next 7-r motif as follows: R of 2 ds. 5 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds,
cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, p, 3 ds, skip one p of single r, join to next p,
3 ds, p, 3 ds. Continue as for last motif until 7th r is completed.
*** Make a joining ch of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to center p of next ch
of outside edge of Fill-in Motif, 4 ds, p, 4 ds. Rw, make single r,
joining to previous motif as before. Rw, make a joining ch of 4 ds,
p, 4 ds, join to center p of next ch of Fill-in Motif, 4 ds, p, 4 ds.
Make a 7-r motif, joining first ch to last single r as before. Repeat
from *** once more. Ch of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to same p of Fill-in
Motif where last joining ch was joined, 4 ds, p, 4 ds. Rw. Work and
join as before the following: a single r, rw, a joining ch, a 7-r
motif, a joining ch, rw, a single r, rw, a joining ch, and a 7-r
motif. Continue as follows: Ch of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to other marked
p of Fill-in Motif, 4 ds, p, 4 ds. **** Rw, make a single r, rw, ch
of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Make a 7-r motif, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s
sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Repeat from **** 10 more times. Rw, make a single
r. Ch of 4 ds, p, 4 ds, join to marked p of 2nd Fill-in Motif, 4 ds,
p, 4 ds. Continue to work as for other end of collar until the 6th r
of the end motif is completed. Do not cut threads, but work inside
edge of collar as follows: Rw, ch of 3 ds, p, 3 ds. Rw, make a 3-r
group as follows: R of 2 ds, p, 2 ds, join to center p of adjacent
ch, 2 ds, 3 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 3
ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 2 ds, p, 2 ds, join to corresponding p of previous
r, 2 ds, 3 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Rw, ch of 3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 3
ds, 3 ds. Rw, r of 2 ds, p, 2 ds, join to corresponding p of previous
r, 2 ds, p, 2 ds, join to center p of next ch, 2 ds, p, 2 ds, cl (3-r
group completed). Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, r of
2 ds, p, 2 ds, skip one p of turning chain of Fill-in Motif, join to
next p of same turning chain, 2 ds, 3 p’s sep by 2 ds. 2 ds, cl.

Finish this 3-r group, joining last r to center p of next ch of
Fill-in Motif. Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, r of 2
ds, p, 2 ds, join to center p of next ch, 2 ds, 3 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2
ds, cl. Finish this 3-r group, joining last r to center p of next ch
of Fill-in Motif. Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, make
another 3-r group, joining last r to first free p of turning chain
of Fill-in Motif. Rw, ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds. Rw, make
a 3-r group, joining first r to center p of next 3-p ch, and joining
last r to center p of following 3-p ch.

Make another ch and 3-r group same as last ch and group. Rw, ch of
3 ds, 3 p’s sep by 3 ds, 3 ds (a short chain). Continue across,
alternating 3-r groups and short chains (joining as before) until
there are 8 short chains. Finish remaining inside edge of collar to
correspond. Join last ch to base of first r of outer edge of collar.
Tie and cut.

=CUFF (Make 2)=.... Make a Fill-in Motif. Then work as for outer edge
of collar until seven 7-r motifs are completed. Work another single
r. Do not reverse work, but make ch of 4 ds, 3 p’s sep by 4 ds, 4 ds.
Rw, start a 3-r motif as follows: R of 2 ds, p, 2 ds, join to center
p of adjacent ch, 2 ds, 3 p’s sep by 2 ds, 2 ds, cl. Finish 3-r motif
and complete cuff as for ends of collar.

_General Information_


  =ch=                         chain
  =sc=                single crochet
  =half dc=      half double crochet
  =dc=                double crochet
  =tr=                        treble
  =d tr=               double treble
  =tr tr=              triple treble
  =sl st=                slip stitch
  =pc st=             popcorn stitch
  =bl=                         block
  =sp=                         space
  =st(s)=                 stitch(es)
  =rnd=                        round
  =incl=                   inclusive
  =inc=                     increase
  =dec=                     decrease
  =r=                           ring
  =lr=                    large ring
  =sm r=                  small ring
  =ds=                 double stitch
  =p=                          picot
  =lp=                    long picot
  =sm p=                 small picot
  =sep=                    separated
  =cl=                         close
  =rw=                  reverse work
  =sp=                         space
  =ch=                         chain

* (asterisk).... Repeat the instructions following the asterisk as
many more times as specified, in addition to the original.

Repeat instructions in parentheses as many times as specified. For
example: “=(Ch 5, sc in next sc) 5 times=” means to make all that is
in parentheses 5 times in all.

=How to Launder Laces=.... Make a lather of soapy suds and hot water,
taking care to have all soap particles well dissolved. Squeeze lace
gently through suds until thoroughly cleansed. Rinse in lukewarm
water several times to remove soap. Rinse once in cold water, then
dry thoroughly.

=How to Starch Laces=.... Make a light solution of elastic starch.
Pin article on a flat surface. Then dip a sponge into starch and pat
lace until dampened. Then place a dry cloth over lace and, with a
moderately heated iron, press until dry.

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