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Title: ABC of Fox Hunting
Author: Paul, John Dean, Sir, 1775-1852
Language: English
As this book started as an ASCII text book there are no pictures available.

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consisting of 26 coloured illustrations.





[Illustration: A. was Andrews my man, who was A.1. his art in.]

[Illustration: B. my Buckskins & Boots, ready for me to start in.]

[Illustration: C. The Cover-Hack, giving my Lord's drag the go by.]

[Illustration: D. The Slap up Dog-Cart, which the driver you know by.]

[Illustration: E. was the Earth-stopper, early and willing.]

[Illustration: F. were the Fox-hounds, so far famed for killing.]

[Illustration: G. was the Gorse-Cover, certain for foxes.]

[Illustration: H. were the Hunters, just fresh from their boxes.]

[Illustration: I. was the Inn-keeper, filling snobs' glasses.]

[Illustration: J. was the jumping lot taking the grasses.]

[Illustration: K. was the Keeper, all foxes the foe of.]

[Illustration: L. were the Little Boys, bound for the "throw off".]

[Illustration: M. was the Master, who gave the "View Holloa!"]

[Illustration: N. was the Nobody, craning to follow.]

[Illustration: O. was the Old Whipper-in, lifting tail hounds.]

[Illustration: P. was the Parson, ne'er known yet to fail hounds.]

[Illustration: Q. was the queer place, which puzzled the craners.]

[Illustration: R. was the Racing-pace, pumping complainers.]

[Illustration: S. was the Stile and ditch, we jumped in clover.]

[Illustration: T. was the tumble, which turned my Lord over.]

[Illustration: U. was the Upland, where we viewed the Fox in.]

[Illustration: V. was the very last field--just five frocks in.]

[Illustration: W. worry him, whoo whoop, can't Joe shout it.]

[Illustration: X. X.X. Who can go home without it?]

[Illustration: Y. were the Yeomen--each yarning his story.]

[Illustration: Z. was the Zany, all alone in his glory.]

Transcriber's Note

Punctuation has been standardized.

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