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Title: The story of Abraham Lincoln: The children's heroes series
Author: Hamilton, Mary A.
Language: English
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[Illustration--Map of the Southern United States]

[Illustration: For the first time he saw negroes being scourged]



  LONDON: T. C. & E. C. JACK



  “O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done!
  The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won.
  The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
  While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
              But O heart! heart! heart!
              O the bleeding drops of red,
              Where on the deck my Captain lies,
                Fallen cold and dead.

  O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
  Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills,
  For you bouquets and ribbon’d wreaths--for you the shores a-crowding:
  For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
              Here Captain! dear father!
              This arm beneath your head!
              It is some dream that on the deck
                You’ve fallen cold and dead.

  My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
  My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
  The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
  From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
              Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
              But I with mournful tread
              Walk the deck; my Captain lies,
                Fallen cold and dead.”

                                             --_Walt Whitman._


  Chapter                                           Page

      I. Boyhood                                       1
     II. The Young Backwoodsman                       17
    III. Slavery                                      30
    IV. Lincoln the Lawyer                            44
     V. Defeat of the Little Giant                    57
    VI. The New President and Secession               73
   VII. The War                                       84
  VIII. Victory                                      100
    IX. “O Captain! My Captain!”                     110


  “For the first time he saw negroes being
  scourged”                               _Frontispiece_

  “The bullet passed right through his heart”          6

  “Sometimes he did sums on the wooden shovel”        14

  “His huge arms closed round Armstrong like a
  vice”                                               24

  “Springing to his feet, he poured out what was in
  his mind”                                           58

  Lincoln reading Emancipation Proclamation to his
  Cabinet                                             94

  Lincoln discussing plan of campaign with General
  Grant                                              104

  “Lincoln visited all the divisions of his army in
  turns”                                             110




IN this little book I am going to try to tell you something about
Abraham Lincoln. There is far more to say about him than can be fitted
into so small a space; and perhaps when you are older you will read
about him for yourselves, and read his wonderful speeches.

The greatest names in American history are those of George Washington
and Abraham Lincoln. These two men are great in the true sense of the
word; they are great because they loved their country, purely and
passionately, better than themselves, and gave their lives to its
service. They thought nothing of their own honour and glory: to the
last they were simple and true. Americans may well be proud of two
such patriots; and from them every one may be glad to learn what real
greatness means. Their work has made America what it is.

Less than forty years before Abraham Lincoln was born, America belonged
to England. In the time of Charles I., numbers of people who loved
freedom and hated the wrongful government of the king left their
country and sailed to the New World. Samuel Lincoln was one of these

For a long time they were few in number. The greatest part of the
country was unknown forest, inhabited by wild beasts, or vast plains
which belonged to fierce tribes of Red Indians. Life for the early
settlers was very hard and rough. They had to cut down trees to build
their houses, and to kill wild animals to get their food. Nevertheless
they soon grew to love the country where they lived, where they married
and brought up their children; and their wild open life made freedom
more precious to them than anything else. They began to resent the
action of the English Government, which wanted to tax them to pay for
wars which were agreed upon in the Parliament in London, where America
had no voice to speak for her. On July 4, 1776, in the reign of
George III., the chief citizens met together and declared that America
was a free united country, with a right to govern itself. The 4th of
July--“Independence Day”--is the greatest day of all in America.

For seven years there was war. In this war Abraham’s great-grandfather,
John Lincoln, served as a soldier. The Americans were led by George

England was defeated, and America--the United States of America--was
a free country. From this time on, America belonged to the Americans.
But a great many years had to pass before they made of the country the
America that we know. Now there are towns everywhere: you can get from
one end to the other of the great country, far bigger than the whole
of Europe, by trains that travel day and night from north to south and
east to west. Then there were very few towns, most of them along the
coast, and no railways. All the west was unknown.

After the war was over, bands of explorers set out to fight the
Indians and to find new homes for themselves. And Abraham Lincoln’s
grandfather, after whom he was named, was one of the first of these
explorers. He sold his little piece of land in Virginia, and tramped
through the forests till he found a place to build a new home, carrying
his youngest son Thomas on one shoulder, and with his loaded rifle in
his other hand ready to shoot any Indian who should attack him. In
Kentucky some white men had already settled and built a small fort;
near it Lincoln cut down trees and built a hut for himself and his wife
and his three sons to live in.

When Abraham was a small boy he used to listen to the stories which his
father Thomas told of their life there in the constant fear of Indian
attack. There was one story which Thomas told very often, the story of
his father’s death.

He was at work cutting down the trees, so as to clear an open space
near the house which he could plough and then sow with seed.

One morning he set out as usual with his three boys. They were talking
together as they walked, and none of them saw that behind one of the
trees an Indian was hiding, his dark skin strangely painted with arrows
and circles in white and scarlet, and on his head a tuft of black
feathers standing upright and waving as he moved. In his hand he had a
gun. As soon as the father had passed, the Indian came out from behind
the tree, moving without making any sound. He shot at Abraham from
behind, and the bullet passed right through his heart. The father fell
down dead before the eyes of his sons. They were terrified. The two
eldest ran off, one to the house and the other to the fort, to bring
help. Thomas, the youngest, was only six. He could not run so fast as
his brothers, and he was too much frightened to try. He stood still
beside his father’s body, not understanding what had happened. His
eldest brother, Mordecai, made all speed to the house. As soon as he
reached it he took down a gun, loaded it, and jumped up to the window
so that he might shoot at the Indian out of it. As he looked out he saw
the Indian walk up to the place where the dead body lay, look at it for
a moment, then pick up little Thomas, put him under his arm, and turn
to walk away with him. Mordecai felt his heart stand still with fear;
but he was a brave boy, and his father had taught him how to shoot at
a long distance. He aimed straight at the white star painted on the
Indian’s naked chest. There was an awful moment. Then the Indian fell
back dead upon the ground, dropping the child from his arms. Thomas ran
to the house as fast as his legs would carry him, screaming with fear,
for now several other Indians began to appear from the wood. Mordecai
fired again and again at them from the house; and people came from the
fort, brought by his brother, and drove the Indians away.

Mordecai, when he grew up, spent his life in waging war upon the
Indians, killing them wherever he met them. Thomas was neither so
strong nor so clever as his brother. He became a carpenter, but he
was never a very good carpenter. He was not very good at anything but
sitting by the fire telling stories. He did that very well indeed, and
people generally were fond of him; but he was not a successful person.
He had none of his son’s wonderful power of work; he always wanted to
do something else, not the thing before him, and live somewhere else,
not settle down to work where he was.

[Illustration: The bullet passed right through his heart]

He built himself a log-cabin at Elizabethtown, on the edge of the
forest, and when he was twenty-eight he got married and took his wife
to live there.

It is said that all great men have had great mothers. Nancy Hanks had
much more character than her husband, and her son was much more like
her. She had a very sweet, unselfish nature, and every one loved her.
She had had more education than her husband, and could read and write:
she taught him to sign his name.

After their first child came--a daughter called Sarah--Thomas Lincoln,
who always thought he could make a fortune somewhere else, moved
farther west to a place called Nolin’s Creek. The place was not at
all attractive, but it was cheap. The soil was hard; it was rocky
and barren, and nothing but weeds seemed to grow in it. Only a very
energetic man could have made much out of it, and Thomas was not very
energetic. They were very poor.

It was here, in an uncomfortable log-cabin, that his son Abraham was
born, on the 12th of February 1809; and here he lived until he was

The hut had only one room. It was very roughly built. Stout logs had
been laid on top of one another, then bound together with twigs, and
the holes filled up with clay and grass and handfuls of dead leaves.
There was no ceiling, only the log roof.

The two children climbed up a shaky ladder to a loft in the roof, where
they slept on a bed of dry leaves, covered with an old deerskin, lying
close together to keep themselves warm. As they lay there, they could
count the stars that looked in through the spaces between the logs that
made the roof. The windows had no glass; the door was only an opening
over which a deerskin was hung as a curtain. In winter it was terrible.
The wind blew in, icy cold; there was nothing to keep it out, except
when sometimes the entrance was blocked up with snow, and no one could
go out or come in until a pathway had been dug.

In the autumn the house used to be full of dead leaves that whirled
about in the middle of the floor. The only comfort in the hut was the
huge fire; it filled up nearly the whole of one side, and in front of
it was a great bearskin rug. On this the two children spent the days
in winter, playing together, or leaning against their mother’s knee
while she told them stories--fairy tales, or true stories about Indians
and old American history, or parables from the Bible. In the winter you
could not keep warm anywhere else; and in the autumn there were damp
fogs that made it unwholesome outside, or heavy rains that came through
the roof; the only thing to do was to get as near the fire as possible.
Above it were ranged all the household pots and pans; the meat, a
haunch of venison, or a couple of rabbits, hung from the roof. Cooking
was very simple, for there was no choice of food: it consisted of game
shot in the forest, or fish caught in the streams, roots and berries
from the wood; bread was made of flour ground from Indian corn, which
was the only thing that grew in the rough fields. Until he was a grown
man Abraham had never tasted any other sort of bread.

The life was uncomfortable, often dangerous--for an Indian attack was
possible at any time--and always the same. No visitors came to see
the Lincolns; there were few friends for them to go and see, only the
scattered settlers living in huts like their own.

Abraham very soon learnt to make himself useful. He would cut and bring
home wood for the fire; help his mother in the house, or his father
out-of-doors. In summer he spent long hours roaming about the woods. He
soon learned to use a rifle, for it was not safe to go far unarmed, and
he became a good shot. He remembered very little about this time when
he grew older. One day he had been out fishing, and at the end of it
he caught a single fish. With this he was walking home to supper, when
he met a soldier. His mother had taught him he must always be good to
soldiers, who fought for their country, and therefore the little boy
gave the soldier his fish.

His father always thought that he should be better off somewhere else.
He heard that across the Ohio River there was rich land which any one
could have who chose to go and take it: so when Abraham was seven,
and his sister nine, they moved. The father built a raft, and put his
family and all the goods he had, after selling his house, on to it, and
they sailed down the river, getting food on the way by shooting and
fishing, till they came to a place they liked called Little Pigeon
Creek. It was simply an opening in the forest.

Here they disembarked, and for a year they lived in a roughly built
shelter, without a floor or doors or windows, while the father and
his son built a better cabin, and cut down trees and shrubs to clear
a place for planting corn. When it was finished, Abraham’s aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow, and two cousins, John and Denis Hanks,
came to live with them. The three boys were great friends, and they
worked together on the farm until they all grew up.

Abe, as they called him, was a very tall boy for his age: his long legs
were always in his way, and they seemed to get longer every day. He
never wore stockings until he was a young man, but moccasins, such as
the Indians wear--shoes of leather, with a fringe round the top--and
long deerskin leggings; a deerskin shirt which his mother had made
him, and a cap which was seldom on his head, it being covered enough
by his thick black hair. His hair was never tidy; always in his eyes,
and having to be pushed back. Abe was clever with his axe, and a good
workman; his mother had taught him to spell, but there was little
chance of learning in Pigeon’s Creek.

For a year the little family lived there very happily; then a
mysterious sickness broke out in the place, no one knew why or how to
cure it. They called it the milk sickness; many people fell ill of it,
and hardly any one recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Sparrow both died of it in
the autumn, and a few days afterwards Mrs. Lincoln sickened and died
too. To her children this was a terrible grief. Abraham, though a boy
when she died, never forgot his mother: she had taught him his first
lessons, and from her came that sweetness of nature, that power of
thinking first of others, that made every one who knew him love him. It
was at the time of his mother’s death that the sadness which never left
him came upon him. In later life, people who really knew him said that,
in spite of his fun and power of making other people laugh, he was the
saddest man they ever knew.

A dreary winter followed. At the end of it Thomas Lincoln brought home
a new wife to his little cabin. Sally Bush was a widow, with three
children; she was a good and kind woman, and Abe really loved her
and she him. She said afterwards that he had never all his life given
her a cross word or look, or refused to do anything she asked him;
that he was the best boy she had ever seen. He was indeed the sunshine
of the house; but in many ways he was very lonely. He was hungry for
knowledge, for books and teaching. All the schooling he ever had was
a month now and then with a travelling teacher who passed through
Pigeon’s Creek on his way to somewhere else; but none of these teachers
knew much beyond the three R’s: one who knew Latin was regarded as a
sort of magician. In all, he had not so much as one year at school,
taught by five different teachers.

But Abe was not the sort of boy to learn nothing because there was
nobody to teach him. He had a few books that had been his mother’s,
and he read them again and again until he knew everything that was in
them. John Hanks, his cousin, says of him: “When Abe and I returned to
the house from work, he would go to the cupboard, snatch a piece of
corn-bread, take down a book, sit down, cock his legs as high as his
head, and read.” The Bible and “Pilgrim’s Progress,” “Æsop’s Fables,”
and “Robinson Crusoe,” these were his books; he knew them by heart.
In the intervals of work he used to tell them to his companions. He
thought over every word until he understood it. In this way he learned
more from a few books than many people do from whole libraries, because
he learned to think. He questioned everything, and asked himself if he
thought so too, and why he thought so.

One day he borrowed the life of George Washington from a farmer who
lived near; as he lay in the loft he read it with eagerness. In the
middle he was called away to work, and in the meantime the rain came in
and ruined the book. Abraham went in despair to the farmer and told him
what had happened. “Never mind,” said the farmer. “You do three days’
work for me for nothing and you may keep the book; I don’t want it.” To
his joy he thus became possessed of a new treasure to be studied again
and again. This book more than any other made him a patriot: he longed
to get out into the great big world where he could serve his country.
In the evenings he used to sit silent for hours, thinking. Sometimes he
did sums of all sorts on the wooden shovel; making figures on it with
a piece of charcoal. When it was quite full he shaved off the top
with his knife so as to have a clean slate in the morning.

[Illustration: Sometimes he did sums on the wooden shovel]

All his companions liked Abe and admired him. He worked very hard,
but farm work did not interest him; he liked dinner and play better;
and sometimes he used to stop work and climb on to a gate or a
dead tree-stump, and make absurd speeches or comic sermons to his
companions, or recite passages from his favourite books.

They thought him a quaint fellow, with some strange ideas. One of these
strange ideas was his tenderness to animals. He never cared much for
sport, because it seemed to him cruel. He showed his tenderness to
animals when quite a small boy. One day he was playing in the woods
with a boy called John Davis. In their game they ran a hedgehog into a
crevice between two rocks, and it got caught fast. For two hours they
tried every sort of plan to get it out, but without any success. They
were not able to pull it out, and it could not move itself. Abraham
could not bear to leave the poor thing to die in pain. He ran off to
the blacksmith’s shop, quite a quarter of a mile away, and borrowed a
pole with an iron hook fastened to the end; with this they were able
to set the little animal free. This care for animals was only one sign
of Abraham’s tenderness of heart. All little children and old people
trusted him and his word. He was very soon known as “Honest Abe.”



FOR Abraham life was dull and very monotonous: the round of work was
much the same, summer and winter. He longed to escape from the dull
work of a farm labourer; to go out and see the world. Until he was
twenty-one, however, he was bound to serve his father; and his father
seems to have had no idea that his son was fit for anything better than
ordinary farm work. Other people nevertheless were struck by Abraham.

Until he was nineteen he had not left home at all; but then one day a
rich landowner who lived near came to him. He wanted some one to help
his son to take a raft loaded with different kinds of goods down the
Ohio River, selling the goods at the different places they passed.
Abraham had struck this Mr. Gentry as being an honest and capable lad;
he therefore asked him to undertake the voyage, and Abraham consented
at once, glad of any chance of seeing something of life outside the

He took charge of the raft and steered it successfully down the river;
the voyage took them past the great southern sugar plantations, right
down to New Orleans. They had no adventures of any sort until they had
almost come to New Orleans.

One night they encamped at Baton Rouge, a place on the bank of the
river. Here they fastened their raft, and lay down to sleep on it for
the night, wrapped up in thick blankets. They were both sound asleep.
Suddenly Abraham started up. He heard the sound of many soft footsteps
all round him. In the darkness, at first, he could see nothing; then
he became aware that a band of negroes was attacking the raft, ready
to steal their goods and to murder them. Abraham’s cry waked up his
companion, young Allan Gentry, and they threw themselves upon the
negroes. If Abraham had not been uncommonly strong and active they
must both have lost their lives, for the negroes far outnumbered
them. He seized a huge log of wood, which served him as a club, and
brandished it in his hand. His great height and the unknown weapon
which he whirled round his head, terrified the negroes. He hit first
one and then another on the head and threw them overboard, Allan Gentry
helping. The fight was very fierce for a few moments, and then the
negroes turned and fled. Abraham and Allan pursued them a long way into
the darkness, but the thieves did not dare to return, though two men
could not have held their own for long against such numbers.

The voyage ended successfully, and Abraham returned home for two more
years. At the end of that time his father again moved. John Hanks had
gone west to Illinois; he wrote to his uncle, praising the new country,
and urging him to come there too. Thomas Lincoln was always ready to
try something new: he sold his farm and his land to a neighbour. All
the goods of the household were packed in a waggon drawn by oxen; the
family walked beside it. They tramped for more than a week until they
came to the new State; the journey was not easy. It was February. The
forest roads were ankle-deep in mud; the prairie a mere swamp, very
difficult for walking. They had to cross streams that were swollen into
rivers by the rains.

At last they arrived. John Hanks had chosen a plantation for them, and
got logs ready for building the house. Abraham worked very hard, and
helped his father and John Hanks to make a cabin; then, with his own
hands, he ploughed fifteen acres of ground. When that was done he cut
down walnut trees, split them, and built a high and solid fence which
went right round his father’s property.

Abraham lived in Illinois until he was made President of the United
States. Once he was addressing a meeting there, years after this, and
Denis Hanks marched in amid the shouts and applause of the crowd,
carrying on his shoulder a piece of the railing that Abraham had made
for his father. It is now in the Museum at Washington, kept as a
national treasure. How little could Abraham himself or any one who knew
him at this time, have dreamed that this rail-splitter was to be the
greatest man in America.

The winter that followed was one of the most severe ever known in
Illinois; it is always referred to as the winter of deep snow. When
spring came at last, Abraham said good-bye to his father and mother,
and went out into the world to make a livelihood for himself. His
boyish days were over. He was now twenty-one, and very tall and strong
for his age. More than six feet four inches in height, he seldom met
a man taller than himself. He is a great exception to the saying that
all great men have been small--for example, Napoleon, Cæsar, Hannibal,
Shakespeare. Abraham was very well built; it was not till he stood up
among other men that you realised that he was head and shoulders taller
than most of them.

In the ordinary sense of the word, he had had no education. He knew
no language but his own, and that not very well at this time. When
asked could he write, he replied, “Well, I guess I could make a few
rabbit-tracks.” He had taught himself all the arithmetic he knew. But
he knew two things that are the most important that can be got from any
training: how to think, and how to work. When he made clear to himself
what it was right to do, he did it without talking about it, all his

His experience in taking Mr. Gentry’s cargo down to New Orleans
induced a merchant called Offutt to offer him another job of the
same kind. Offutt was an adventurous sort of dealer, who did all
kinds of business. He wanted some one to help him who had a head on
his shoulders, and he soon saw that Lincoln had plenty of sense. He
therefore engaged him, and Lincoln took his cousin, John Hanks, to help
him. They did not make much money by the voyage, but Lincoln showed
great skill in managing the raft.

On this trip Lincoln came for the first time really face to face with
slavery. New Orleans was a great slave market, and they spent some
time there. For the first time he saw negroes being sold in the open
streets, chained together in gangs. For the first time, too, he saw
negroes being beaten; fastened to a block and scourged till the blood
ran from their backs. Every one took it all as a matter of course, but
Lincoln was deeply struck. His heart bled. At the time he said nothing,
but he was silent for a long while afterwards, thinking over what
he had seen. There and then, as his cousin used to tell afterwards,
slavery ran its iron into him: to see these men chained was a torment
to him, and he never forgot it: the picture was printed on his memory
never to be forgotten, only to be wiped out when there were no more
slaves in America. He was often in the slave states after this; but
slavery always seemed to him horrible.

Offutt was quite satisfied with the way in which the young backwoodsman
had managed the trip. After his return he offered him a post in his
grocery store at New Salem. He had a kind of half shop, half office,
with a mill behind it; here he sold everything that any one could want
to buy--grocery, drapery, stationery, miscellaneous goods of all kinds.
Lincoln was clerk, superintendent of the mill, and general assistant.

Offutt soon began to admire his assistant immensely. He declared that
Lincoln was the cleverest fellow he knew--he could read, and talk like
a book; he was so strong and active that he could beat any one at
running, jumping, or wrestling. Lincoln did not know any one in New
Salem, and this “wooling and pulling,” as he called it, of Offutt’s
annoyed him a good deal; as he knew, it was not at all likely to make
people like him. The young fellows of the place did not mind his
supposed cleverness; they knew nothing about that, and cared nothing;
but they did resent the idea that he was stronger than they were.

At first they did nothing: he looked rather a dangerous person to
attack, and not at all likely to take things meekly. Offutt’s loud and
continual praise, however, was more than they could stand. As Lincoln
was on his way home one evening a group of the strongest fellows in
New Salem, the “boys of Clary’s Grove,” attacked him. Jock Armstrong,
the biggest and burliest of them all, challenged him to a “wrastle.”
Jock was not as tall as Lincoln, but he was much more solidly built,
with huge shoulders like an ox and immensely strong arms: no one in New
Salem had ever been able to throw him, and he expected an easy victory
over this strange clerk.

But Abe was as strong and as skilful as Jock: though he was thin his
muscles were made of iron; his huge arms closed round the burly fellow
like a vice. Even when his companions came to the champion’s rescue
Abe was a match for them. Armstrong was a sportsman and not ashamed
to take a beating: he admired a man who was able to throw him. After
this Lincoln had no stauncher friend, and he soon grew to be a person
of importance in New Salem. His strength and his honesty made him

[Illustration: His huge arms closed round Armstrong like a vice]

Of his honesty there are numberless stories. One evening he was making
up his accounts for the day. While doing so he found that he had
charged a woman, who had come in in the morning to buy a great number
of little things, 6-1/4 cents--that is, about 3d.--too much. Until it
was time to shut up the shop the money seemed to burn in his pocket.
It was late when the time for locking up came, but he could not wait.
He started off at once for the woman’s house, though it was several
miles off, and walked there and back in the darkness to pay her her 3d.
before he went to bed. He knew he could not sleep until he had done so.

People trusted him: those who were in trouble soon found out how wise
and gentle he was, and they went to him for advice and help. He had a
wonderful way of quite forgetting himself, and only thinking of making
other people happy: generally silent, he could tell stories so that
every one laughed. But though he enjoyed talking and going to see
people, he always worked very hard.

And he did not only work in the shop: he was always eager to learn
more. After the day’s task was done, he would walk miles to get hold of
some book that he wanted, and read it on the way home. When his cousin,
a lazy fellow, wrote to ask his advice, he replied: “What is wrong with
you is your habit of needlessly wasting time: go to work; that is the
only cure for your difficulty.”

When he came to New Salem he met people who had been well educated, and
he was at once struck by the difference between their way of speaking
and his. He resolved to learn to speak correctly. One evening he walked
to Kirkham and back--it was twelve miles away--and bought a grammar
there. For the next few weeks he spent all his spare time in studying
it: he used to sit with his feet on the mantelpiece and work for hours
without moving. In this way he soon knew all there was to know about
grammar. When you read his speeches you will find that they are written
in English as beautiful and simple as that of the Bible, which was the
book he knew best of all.

He only remained with Offutt for a year. Offutt was too fond of talking
to make his business a success, and he had to give up the store. It was
Lincoln’s first attempt at earning his living, and learning a trade did
not seem very successful. Instead of at once looking for some new work
of the same sort he enlisted as a soldier. The State of Illinois was
thrown into a state of wild excitement by an attack made at this time
by a powerful Indian tribe. Black Hawk crossed the Mississippi at the
head of an army of red warriors. To drive them back, the Government
of the country called for volunteers, and Abraham, who was one of the
first to offer himself, was made a captain. The men entered for three
months, during which they did a great deal of skirmishing and marching
about, but took part in no regular battles. At the end of the time
most of them went back to work. Abraham enlisted again; this time as
a private in a battalion of scouts. He was not present at any battle,
but he learnt something of war and a good deal of soldiers; it was hard
work and not much glory. By the autumn Black Hawk was captured, and the
war was at an end. Lincoln’s horse had been stolen, and he had to walk
back to New Salem, a three days’ tramp. His campaigning had not been a
great success.

When he returned, the elections for members of the Illinois Parliament
were going on, and he offered himself as a candidate; spending the
ten days between his return from the war and the time of election in
making speeches. In New Salem he was popular, but he was not yet well
known even there; he was young, and had had no experience. He was not
elected, but he made good friends at the election time, and he began to
be a capital speaker.

Meetings were not very formal in those days. One day when Lincoln was
addressing a large hall full of people, in the middle of his speech
he saw that a ruffian in the crowd was attacking a friend of his;
they were struggling together, and his friend seemed to be having the
worst of it. Lincoln jumped down from the platform where he stood, and
marched to the middle of the room. He picked up the ruffian in his
mighty arms and threw him some ten feet, so that he fell right outside
the hall. There he lay, and did not attempt to return. Lincoln came
back on to the platform and went on with his speech, just as if nothing
had happened.

After the election he thought of becoming a blacksmith. Instead of
this, he joined with a man called Berry in buying a store. Berry was
a stupid and not very honest man. He got into debt; then he took to
drinking, and soon afterwards died, leaving Lincoln with the business
ruined and a lot of debts to pay.

After this he did not try storekeeping again: he was made postmaster
of New Salem. This meant very little work: few people wrote letters
there: he could carry the whole post in his hat, and he read every
newspaper that came. He now had plenty of time for reading, and he
read ceaselessly. Most of all, he read American history. The “Life of
Washington” had been his earliest treasure; and as a boy he had pored
over an old copy of the statutes of Indiana. This was, perhaps, the
beginning of his interest in law. Now he was in a town, though a small
one, and it was possible to get hold of books. He used to lie on his
back under a tree, with his feet high up against the trunk, only moving
so as to keep in the shade, and laying down the book now and then to
think over what he had read and make sure that he understood it.

He studied surveying in this way for six weeks, and John Calhoun, the
surveyor of the county, was so much astonished by his knowledge that
he made him his assistant. His reading in law and history deepened his
interest in politics: nothing interested him so much. He was resolved
sooner or later to get into Parliament. One failure could not make him
despair. There was a great world outside, and the door into Parliament
was the door into that world. He was resolved to make his way in.



IT would be a great mistake to think that Abraham Lincoln won success

Looking back over the lives of great men, one is apt to think “How
fortune helped them;” “What astonishing luck they must have had;” when
one knows the end, it seems certain from the beginning. But when you
know more about any one really great man, you are sure to find that he
has risen only by endless hard work, and by knowing from the beginning
what he wanted to be and do, and thinking only of that.

Success is never easy, and for Lincoln the path to it was a hard and
uphill way. You have seen in what difficulties his life began; how he
taught himself everything he learned, and made for himself every penny
that he possessed. His first effort to get into Parliament, like his
first efforts to make a living, seemed a failure. But this did not make
him despair. Other people had risen, and he was going to rise. He was
sure of one thing, that there is always plenty of room at the top, and
he meant to reach the top. There is always a place for a man of strong
purpose, who is honest, and who can think for himself. If a man really
wants to serve his country, nothing need prevent him from doing it. And
Lincoln saw that the first step to serving your country well is to be a
good workman, a good friend, and a good citizen of your own town.

When the next election came he stood again, and this time he was
elected; and after his two years of service came to an end, he was
elected again. For eight years he was a member of the Parliament of his
own State of Illinois; then, after four years away from politics, he
was made member of Congress--that is, of the American Parliament, to
which the States send representatives.

To be in Parliament was to be in touch with the big world; to have a
share in the settlement of big questions. In the Illinois Parliament,
Lincoln met a great many clever men; men who rose to important posts
later. Few of them suspected that this tall, awkward, country-looking
young lawyer, who did not speak much, but could tell such
extraordinarily funny stories when he chose, was going to rise to be
American President, to prove himself greater than any American of their
time. Most of the members were small lawyers like himself. They were
sent to Parliament because they were men in whom their fellow-citizens
had confidence. They were honest men, but few of them had any more
knowledge of politics than Lincoln himself.

The State of Illinois was very new, and its affairs had not yet become
complicated. Lincoln soon learnt the ins and outs of parliamentary
business; and he only found one man who was a better speaker than
himself. This was a man with whom he was to have a great deal to do all
his life; a man already well known in politics, and followed by a large

His name was Stephen Arnold Douglas. He was two years younger than
Lincoln; like him he had been brought up in the rough surroundings of
the West, where he had gone as a boy. His father was poor, but he
was a gentleman. Well educated himself, he had given his son a good
education of a sort.

When he was twenty-one Douglas became a lawyer. Very soon he became
the foremost barrister in North Illinois, and soon entered the State
Parliament. In the year of Lincoln’s election he had been made
Secretary of State; he was therefore a person of importance. Douglas
was extremely clever; as a boy he learnt things quickly, and remembered
them easily, unlike Lincoln, who learnt very slowly; he had a wonderful
power of speech: he was ready and able to speak on any subject, and,
even if he really knew very little about it, he always gave people the
impression that he knew everything. He used to tell people what they
wanted to hear, whereas Lincoln had a way of speaking the truth whether
it was pleasant or not.

Douglas was very popular: he understood how to rule men, and he was
intensely ambitious. Ambition was the strongest feeling in his heart;
and his ambition was for himself: he dreamed already of being President
of the United States. He was a short, thickly-built man; but it was the
smallness of his mind, his selfish aims, that made Lincoln say that
Douglas was the least man that he had ever met: he seemed to “Honest
Abe” to care not at all for what he said or did, so long as his own
success was safe; success was his one object.

It was an ambition very different from Lincoln’s. Indeed, Lincoln was
unlike any of the members whom he met: his aims were quite different
from theirs. He looked to a future beyond himself. He did not think of
his own success. What he wanted to attain by success was the power to
help his country. Patriotism was his first and strongest feeling, and
his patriotism was of the truest kind. He did not want to make America
great because she ruled over a vast extent of territory: such greatness
did not appeal to him at all. He wanted her to be great in the sense
that she really lived up to the ideal set before her for ever in the
Declaration of Independence--the ideal of a union of free men governing
themselves well.

And Lincoln’s ideals were real to him: in every question he was guided
by his patriotism. He did not mind saying what he thought, whether
people liked him for it or not: they must like him for what he was,
and not for what he said, and unless they loved what was right, their
liking was not worth having. When, after long thinking, he came to
see what he thought the truth on any subject, he spoke out so that
every one who heard must understand: he never said one thing and meant
another, as Douglas did: he was as honest in his thoughts as in his

Now in American politics there was one great question, more important
than every other, the question of slavery. Cautious politicians, men
with an eye to their own success, thought that this question had better
be left alone. Really thoughtful men, men like Lincoln, saw that this
question could not be left alone for ever. Some day, and the sooner the
better, it must be settled. Anyhow, it was every honest man’s duty to
say what he thought. It is difficult now to realise quite what slavery
meant. Perhaps you have read or heard of a book called “Uncle Tom’s
Cabin.” It was written about this time by an American lady, who wanted
to make all Americans see what slavery did mean--how terrible it could

If you drew a line across America just south of Lincoln’s State of
Illinois, slavery did not exist in the Northern States; it did exist
in all the Southern States. Whenever the question was discussed, most
people from the North thought it rather a bad thing, some thought it a
very bad thing; people from the South all thought it was a good, or at
least, a necessary, thing. They all agreed as a rule in thinking that,
whether it was a good thing or a bad thing, there it was, and there was
no good discussing it.

The real wrong lay far back in the past. Centuries ago, merchants had
brought negroes over from Africa, and sold them in America as slaves.

As is always the case, when once the wrong had been brought in,
when the evil had begun, it was almost impossible to get rid of it
when people had grown used to it. When people could buy slaves who
did not cost very much to do work for them, they did not want to do
it themselves, especially if the work was disagreeable. They began
to believe that black men were intended by nature to do all the
disagreeable things. English merchants made great fortunes by bringing
slaves to America; and the English Government supported them. And when,
after the war, America was a free country, the Union of States which
made it so was half composed of States that held slaves. These slaves
were most valuable property. The men who drew up the Constitution,
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton,
declared in it, “All men are free and equal: all men possess rights,
which no one can take away from them.” The Northern States gave up
their slaves, and decided that slavery was illegal: the Southern States
did not. They refused to join the Union unless they were allowed to
keep their slaves. Now of course it was absurd to call a country free
where slavery existed, or to say that all men have rights when millions
of black men had no rights at all.

To the Southerner a black man was not a man, but a piece of property.

But it would not be quite fair to think that the Northerners who gave
up slaves had always more lofty ideas than the Southerners. You must
remember that slaves were much more useful in the South than in the
North. The climate of the North was cold, and the work not of the sort
that could be well done by untrained negroes. In the South it was
so hot that it was difficult for white men to work, and work on the
plantations needed no special skill.

At the time when the Declaration of Independence was drawn up and
signed, one thing seemed to every American more important than
anything else: that the country should be united in one whole. North
and South must join together; no difference could outweigh a common
nationality. The Southerners would not join the Union unless they were
allowed to keep their slaves: therefore the Northerners left slavery in
the South. They hoped, however, that it would gradually die out; and
therefore a law was passed which declared that after twenty years no
more slaves were to be brought from Africa.

When Southerners declared, as they very often did, that slaves were
very well treated, that they were much happier and more comfortable
than if they were free, this was true to a certain extent. Those slaves
who were employed in the houses and gardens of their masters, those who
were used as servants, were often very well treated. But however well
they were treated, it is wrong for a man to have other men entirely
in his power; wrong for him, and wrong for them. And although some
masters did not abuse their power, some did--and all could, if ever
they wanted to--without feeling that they were doing anything wrong. A
white gentleman could beat his black slave to death if he chose; he
would not be punished any more than if he beat a dog to death, and his
friends would still think him a gentleman. Moreover, far the greater
number of the slaves were not used as servants, but used as labourers
on the cotton plantations. Here they were under the charge of an
overseer. His one idea was to get as much work out of them as possible.
They worked all day, and at night were often herded together in any
sort of shed.

After Eli Whitney, a young American, invented a machine called the
cotton gin, by using which one negro could pick twenty times as
much cotton in a day as before, the business of working the cotton
plantations with slaves made the Southern landowners very rich.
Slaves were cheap: in a few days they made as much for their masters
as they cost them, and their masters could make them work as hard
as they liked. They were quite ignorant: their masters taught them
nothing; they had no way of escape; they were absolutely at the mercy
of the overseer with his whip. The masters came to regard these black
fellow-beings simply as property: not so valuable as a horse, rather
more useful than a dog; they often forgot that they had any feelings.
Children were sold away from their parents; a husband was sent to one
plantation, and his wife to another. They were sometimes beaten for
the smallest fault. If they tried to escape, bloodhounds were used to
hunt them down. Dealers led them about in chains, and sold them in the
public market exactly like animals. People who came from the North
to the South, as Abraham Lincoln did, on his trip down the Ohio, and
saw how the slaves were treated, were often shocked; but in the South
people were used to it.

North of a certain line, slavery did not exist. Slaves used sometimes
to run away from their masters and escape across this line; but in
every Northern State there was a law, that escaped slaves had to be
handed back to their master if he claimed them. The masters used to
offer a reward to any one who handed back to them the body of their
slave, alive or dead. This led to all sorts of difficulties, because
in the Northern States a great many free negroes lived. Very often
some one who was eager for the reward would capture an innocent free
negro and hand him over to the master, declaring that he answered to
the description of the missing slave. The question as to whether he
was, or not, was decided not in the Northern State where he had been
captured, but in the Southern State where the master lived, and no
Southern court could be trusted to decide fairly in a case between a
white man and a black.

Gradually this injustice roused a small party in the North, which
openly declared that slavery was an abominable thing, and ought not to
exist in America. The Abolitionists, as they called themselves, said
that it was a disgrace to a free country that slavery should exist in
it; that as long as it did exist, the Declaration of Independence had
no meaning. Slavery ought to be abolished.

When Abraham Lincoln was about twenty-one, a paper called _The
Liberator_ began to appear. It was edited by a great man called William
Lloyd Garrison. Its object was to rouse people to see the evils of
slavery, and to get it made illegal. The Abolitionists were few in
number, and very unpopular. They had to suffer for their beliefs in
the North as well as in the South. The offices where _The Liberator_
was printed were attacked by mobs of furious people, who burst in
at the doors, broke every pane of glass in the windows, destroyed
the printing press, and threw the type into the river. In St. Louis,
William Lloyd Garrison was dragged round the town with a rope round his
waist, while crowds of angry people hooted and hissed, spat at him,
and threw rotten eggs and stones at his head. He only just escaped
death. Many of his followers were murdered in the open streets. Even
in Illinois, an innocent preacher, who had sympathised with them, was
thrown into the river and drowned.

The Southern States were roused to fury. In the North, even sensible
people who did not like slavery thought it very unwise to say anything
against it. Slavery was a fact--it was no good to discuss it. Several
Northern States sent petitions to Parliament, declaring their opinion
that it was very unwise to discuss Abolition.

In Illinois, this was the view taken by nearly all Lincoln’s friends.
Lincoln did not agree with them. He thought the Abolitionists very
often unwise; nothing, he saw, could be more dangerous than to rouse
the feeling of the South: but nothing could make him seem to approve of

For Lincoln to see that any action was right, and to do it, was the
same thing. He and one other man, called Stone, sent in a protest to
the Illinois Parliament; in it they declared that they believed slavery
to be founded upon injustice and upon bad policy. Lincoln spoke because
he must. He had seen what slavery meant, and he hated slavery. But he
saw that the South would not allow slavery to be abolished: if the
North tried to do it, the country would be divided into two halves.
He was not ready to face that. His love for his country came before
everything. Everything must be borne, rather than that it should be

The Abolitionists were a small party; and for the next seventeen years,
the question of slavery was left as it was, as far as Parliament was
concerned. During these seventeen years, Lincoln was perpetually
turning it over in his mind; thinking and reading about it, and helping
other people to think about it too.



TWO years after Lincoln entered the Illinois Parliament, its meetings,
which had been held at Vandalia, were transferred to Springfield. In
Springfield Lincoln lived for the next five-and-twenty years, until
he left it to go to Washington as President of the United States.
Springfield was a country town, which thought itself rather important.
The people paid a good deal of attention to dress; they gave evening
parties of a quiet sort, where they played cards and talked politics.
The business of the most prominent persons in the town was law. Almost
all the members of Parliament were lawyers.

Lincoln found that his surveying did not occupy his time, or bring in
a very large income; he had studied law-books, and knew very nearly
as much as most of the young barristers of Springfield. Major Stuart,
under whom he had served in the war against Black Hawk, took him into
partnership. The partnership was not very successful. Lincoln was
rather ignorant, and Stuart was too much occupied with his duties as
member of Congress--the American Parliament--to teach him much.

After four years Lincoln left Stuart and joined another friend, Judge
Stephen D. Logan. Logan had made Lincoln’s acquaintance at the time
of his first unsuccessful candidature for the Illinois Parliament. He
had then greatly admired the young man’s pluck and good sense, and the
cheerful way in which he accepted his defeat. Later, he had been struck
by the sound reasoning of his political speeches. Logan himself was not
only a first-rate lawyer, he was a man of wide education and culture:
Abraham learned more than law from him. Even after Lincoln left the
partnership, and set up an office of his own, the two men remained
close friends.

Although busy during the winter in Parliament, Lincoln worked very hard
at his business. He knew that no one can succeed in anything without
hard work, and he saw that to become a really good lawyer would help
him in politics, and make him a more useful citizen of the State.
Moreover, he understood, more clearly than most men have done, that
every deed in life is connected to every other; no man can escape the
consequences of what he is and does. Every act and every speech is

Lincoln was four times elected to the Illinois Parliament--that is,
he sat in it for eight years. For four years--between 1845-49--he was
member for Illinois in Congress. In Congress he spoke and voted against
the war that was being waged against Mexico. The aim of the war was the
conquest of Texas and California. The South urged this because they
wanted the number of slave-owning States to be equal to the number of
free States. They were always afraid that new States would be created
out of the undeveloped territory in the North-West; and, if this
were to happen, the slave States would be in a minority in Congress.
If Texas were added as a slave State, the slave States would have a
majority of one: there would be fourteen free and fifteen slave States.
The Northern members, for the most part, did not see the point; they
did not unite against the Southern demands; and consequently the South
succeeded. In the war Mexico was defeated, and Texas was added to the

At the end of his last year of membership, 1849, Lincoln applied for
a post in the Government office. Why he did so it is difficult to
understand, for it would have put an end to his political career, as
officials may not sit in the House. Fortunately his request was refused.

He returned to his home in Springfield, where he lived in a big, plain
house, painted a dirty yellow, with a big piece of untidy garden
behind, and a small field at the side. He had married seven years
before, and had now three sons. He was devoted to these boys, and used
to play all sorts of games with them, as they grew bigger.

For the next five years he devoted himself mainly to his work as a
lawyer. He was now forty years of age. In Springfield and everywhere in
Illinois he was admired, respected, and loved. But the high opinion of
other people never made him easily satisfied with himself. To the end
of his life he never stopped working and learning. He now resolved to
become a really good lawyer. He knew that in law he could learn the art
of persuading people, and of expressing clearly what he wanted to say.
To help in this he took up the study of mathematics with extraordinary
energy. Examining his own speeches, he seemed to find in them some
confusion of thought. To make his own ideas clear, and to be sure that
he expressed them clearly and truly, and never conveyed to others an
impression that was not true, he bought a text-book of Euclid. The
first six books of this he learnt by heart. He said “I wanted to know
what was the meaning of the word ‘demonstrate.’ Euclid taught me what
demonstration was.”

After a year or two Lincoln was regarded as the equal of any lawyer in
Springfield. He had one weakness, however. If he did not believe in the
justice of his case, or if he thought the man for whom he had to speak
was not quite honest, he did not defend well. His friend Judge Davis
says, “A wrong cause was poorly defended by him.”

A story is told of a man who came to Lincoln’s office and asked his
help in getting six hundred dollars from a poor widow. Lincoln listened
to the man and then said, “Yes, there is no reasonable doubt but I can
gain your case for you. I can set a whole neighbourhood at loggerheads.
I can distress a widowed mother and her six fatherless children, and
thereby get for you six hundred dollars which rightfully belong, as it
appears to me, as much to them as it does to you. I advise you to try
your hand at making six hundred dollars some other way.”

Every one in Springfield valued “Honest Abe’s” opinion. All sorts of
people brought their troubles to him. His sympathy and his tenderness
of heart made them trust him. He was one of the people; he never felt
himself above them. To the end of his life he did not grow proud,
and he was never ashamed of his early poverty. When he was President
he told some of his friends of a dream he had had, which might very
well have been true. He dreamt that at some big public meeting he was
walking through the hall up to the platform, from which he was going to
speak. As he passed, a lady sitting at the end of one of the rows of
seats said to another sitting next her, so loudly that he could hear:
“Is that Mr. Lincoln? Why, he looks a very common sort of person!” “I
thought to myself in my dream,” said Lincoln, “that it was true, but
that God Almighty seemed to prefer common people, for He had made so
many of them.”

Nothing in Lincoln is more truly great than his power of seeing the
value of common things and common people. He knew that the things
which appeal to men as men, which are common to humanity, are the most
valuable of all. He counted on this when he abolished slavery. Freedom
is a right common to all men; and there is somewhere in every one an
instinct which knows that it is wrong to make other people do things
which are too disagreeable to do yourself.

During these years at Springfield, Abraham read a great deal.
Shakespeare and Burns were his favourite poets: he knew Shakespeare
better than any other book except the Bible. He read and thought
unceasingly about politics, and he talked about them with his friends.
The history of America he studied until he knew everything there was
to know. Above all, he thought about slavery. Events were taking place
which made it plain that the question of slavery could not be left
where it was. It was no longer possible to act as if the difference
between North and South did not exist.

As years went on the difference became more and more plain. The North,
which had been poor and barren, only half cultivated by ignorant and
uneducated settlers, was growing richer than the prosperous lazy
South. Workmen came to the North from all parts of the world: poor men
with good brains and strong arms, ready and able to work intelligently,
to improve the land, to make wheat grow where stones and bushes had
been. None of these men went to the South, for there work was done by
slaves so cheaply that no paid worker had a chance. But the difference
between the intelligent labour of free men working for themselves, and
the mechanical labour of slaves working for their masters, soon began
to tell.

In the North schools sprang up everywhere: the people became better and
better educated. Men who had grown up in the backwoods, like Abraham
Lincoln, taught themselves, and rose to be lawyers and statesmen by
their own efforts; others who had had the chance of being taught, did
the same. It was possible for any man of brains to rise from the bottom
to the top. Inventions were made which enabled all kinds of new work to
be done and new wealth produced. The North was rich in material: richer
in the men she had to work it, who were helped and encouraged by the
freedom which threw every career open to real talent.

In the South all power was in the hands of the aristocratic families,
who had had it always. The work was done by slaves: owners did not
want to educate their slaves, for then they were afraid that they would
want their freedom. The coal mines of the South were not discovered;
they could not have been worked by slaves. The South began to be very
jealous of the North, and the North began to disapprove of the South.
More and more people began to see that slavery was wrong: people were
not yet ready to say that slavery ought to cease to be, but they were
ready to say that it must not be extended.

At the time of the Mexican war the South had shown that it wanted to
extend slavery. This frightened the North. In 1850 an agreement was
made, known as the Missouri Compromise. By this a line (36°30’), called
Mason and Dixon’s line, was drawn across the map of America. North of
this line, slavery was never to exist. Speakers on both sides declared
that the Missouri Compromise was as fixed as the Constitution itself.
Stephen Arnold Douglas was the loudest in expressing this opinion. “It
is eternal and fundamental,” he declared.

Douglas was a trader of the great party known as the Democrats. He
held that the people of every State had a right to decide questions
affecting that State, and not the Central American Government.

Douglas had one great aim, which was to him far more important than any
question of political right or wrong: he wanted to be made President.
To secure this, he saw that he must get the support of the South. To
win the support of the South, he took a most dangerous and important
step: one which was the immediate cause of the war which broke out six
years later. He declared that the people of any state or territory
could decide whether or not they would have slavery in their State:
they could establish it or prohibit it.

He went further than this. Two new territories had been organised
in the north-west--Nebraska and Kansas. They claimed to be admitted
to the Union as States. Both States were, of course, north of Mason
and Dixon’s line, and therefore by the Missouri Compromise they must
be free States. But the South was bent on creating new slave States
as fast as the North could create free States: they wanted to make
Kansas a slave State. Stephen Douglas therefore introduced, in 1854,
the famous Kansas-Nebraska Bill. It declared that Kansas might be
slave-holding or free, as the people of the territory should decide.

The result of this Bill was for the first time to unite together a
strong party in the North in opposition to the Democrats, who were
allied to the South. This new party called itself Republican. Lincoln
was a spokesman of their views. They declared, firstly, that Congress,
which is the Parliament representing all the States which together
formed the Union, has the right to decide whether slavery shall be
lawful in any particular State or not, and not the people of that
State alone. Secondly, they declared that, in the case of Kansas,
Congress had already, four years ago, decided that Kansas could not
have slavery, because it lay beyond the line, north of which slavery
could not exist. Resolutions were passed in many of the Northern
State Parliaments against the Kansas-Nebraska Bill. The Parliament of
Illinois sent one.

Now it was quite clear to keen-sighted politicians that, while Douglas
and his party pretended that they wanted to give the people of Kansas
the choice between owning slaves and not doing so, what they really
wanted was to force Kansas to have slaves. Those who supported the
Missouri Congress declared that it was illegal to give Kansas the
choice however she used it.

Events soon proved that Kansas was not to have any choice at all.
Kansas had few inhabitants; but the opinion of the people of the State
was against slavery. Next door to Kansas, however, on the east, was the
slave-holding State of Missouri. From Missouri bands of armed men came
into Kansas in order to vote for slavery at the election and to prevent
the real voters from using their votes against it. Free fighting went
on in the State. An election was held at which armed men kept away
those who would have voted for freedom, and a pro-slavery man was
chosen. But few of the people of Kansas had been allowed to vote. The
free party met at another place afterwards, and a genuine popular vote
elected an anti-slavery man. Civil war went on in Kansas for two years.

Now the importance of these events is this. Up till now most people in
the North had believed that slavery ought to be left alone, because
it would gradually die out. The Kansas-Nebraska Bill and the Kansas
election made it perfectly clear that the South was not going to
let slavery die out; on the contrary, they wanted to spread it to
strengthen themselves against the North.

Douglas was member for Chicago, in the north of Illinois. He came
down to Illinois to win the State to his views, and made a series
of speeches there. This at once called Lincoln to the fore. He saw
more clearly, perhaps, than any man in America what the Kansas Bill
meant. It meant that either North and South must separate, as the
Abolitionists--that is, the party which held that slavery ought to
cease to be--and some people in the South hoped; or that the North
would have to force the South to abandon the attempt to spread slavery.
He made a series of great speeches in Illinois, in which he made it
quite clear that Douglas and his followers, and the men of the South,
might say that they wanted to leave States free to have slavery or not
as they chose, but what they really desired was to force them to have
slavery whether they chose or not. “This declared indifference, but, as
I must think, covert real zeal for the spread of slavery, I cannot but
hate: I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery
itself ... I say that no man is good enough to govern another man
without that man’s consent. Slavery is founded upon the selfishness
of man’s nature; opposition to it, on his love of justice.”



LINCOLN had worked very hard in Illinois. All this year he was making
speeches; educating the people of the State; helping them to understand
the big questions before them; making things clear in his own mind by
putting them into the clear and simple words that would carry their
importance to the minds of others.

A great meeting was held, summoned by the editors of the newspapers
that were against the Kansas Bill; they invited prominent men from
different parts of the country to come and address them.

Lincoln was among those who went, and his speech was by far the most
important of all that were delivered there. He had not, indeed,
intended to say anything; but he was roused by the weakness of those
who did address the meeting. Springing to his feet, he poured out what
was in his mind, and could not be kept back, in such burning and
eloquent words that the reporters dropped their pencils and listened
spellbound. The whole audience was carried away by excitement: it was
one of the greatest speeches that Lincoln ever made, we are told by
all who heard it, but there is no record of it. Lincoln himself spoke
in a transport of enthusiasm: the words came, how he hardly knew; he
could not afterwards write down what he had said. The reporters were so
deeply moved that they only took down a sentence here and there. The
speech was a warning to the growing Republican party: sentences were
quoted and remembered.

The North was indeed beginning to awaken to the need of uniting against
slavery; but it took four years before it fully awoke. And as long as
the North was divided the South was irresistible. When the presidential
election came, in 1856, the votes of the South carried the day.

[Illustration: Springing to his feet, he poured out what was in his

Had a strong man, with definite and wise views, been elected, had
Lincoln been elected, the war between North and South that came four
years later might have been prevented. But Lincoln’s fame had not
yet travelled far beyond Illinois; he was not even nominated. Mr.
Buchanan, the new President, called himself a Democrat: he believed
in Douglas’s policy of State rights; but he was a tool in the hands
of the South. Weak and undecided, his stupid administration made war
inevitable. He did not satisfy the South; and he showed the North how
great a danger they were in, so that when the next election came they
were ready to act.

The Republican party gradually grew strong. More and more Northern
voters came to see that its policy, no extension of slavery, was the
only right one. The pro-slavery party in Kansas continued to behave in
the most violent way; civil war continued.

In Congress, Charles Sumner made a number of eloquent speeches on what
he called the “crime against Kansas”; and in them he openly attacked
slavery. One day, as he was sitting in the members’ reading-room, a
Southern member called Brookes came in. Although there were several
other people in the room, Brookes fell upon Sumner, and with his
heavy walking-stick, which was weighted with lead at the end, beat
him within an inch of his life. For the next four years Sumner was an
invalid, and unable to take part in politics. This incident caused
great indignation in the North; their indignation was heightened by the
attempt to force slavery on Kansas, till it grew in very many cases to
a real hatred of slavery itself.

But there was still a large party in the North which did not disapprove
of slavery. This party was led, of course, by Douglas. Douglas had
been successful up till now, because he represented the ordinary man
of the North, whose conscience was not yet awake, who did not see that
slavery, in itself, was wrong. Lincoln had never really succeeded until
now, because his conscience had always been awake, and the ordinary
Northerner was not ready to follow him.

The whole question of slavery was brought under discussion in the next
year--1857--by the famous case of a negro called Dred Scott. Dred
Scott claimed his freedom before the United States courts, because his
master, a doctor, had taken him to live in the free State of Illinois.
The chief-justice--Taney--was an extreme pro-slavery man. He was not
satisfied with deciding the case against Dred Scott; he went much
further, and declared that since a negro is property and not a person
in the legal sense, he could not bring a case before an American
court. A negro, he declared, has no rights which a white man is bound
to respect.

The South, of course, was delighted with this verdict. What it meant
was this. When the Declaration of Independence declared that all men
are equal, and possess right to life and liberty, what was intended was
not all men, but all white men, since black men are not legally men.
And yet free negroes had fought in the War of Independence, and signed
the Declaration.

To the North such reasoning was hateful. People like Mr. Seward of New
York began to say, If slavery is part of the Constitution of America,
there is a law that is higher than the Constitution--the moral law.
Abraham Lincoln in a noble speech declared: “In some respects the black
woman is certainly not my equal, but in her natural right to eat the
bread she earns with her own hands she is my equal, and the equal of
all others.” The point was, could a negro have rights? The Dred Scott
decision declared “no,” the South shouted “no.” The Republican party
said “yes.” In this same year a free election at last took place in
Kansas; and a huge majority decided that the State should not hold

All these events showed that troublous times were coming.

In the next year a set of speeches was made which showed people how
things stood. In 1858 Lincoln stood against Douglas as candidate for
the State of Illinois. Douglas was one of the most famous and popular
men then living in America. He was far the cleverest man and the best
speaker of his party; he stood for all those who, though they might not
want to have slaves themselves, thought that slavery was not wrong;
that black men were intended by a kind Providence to be useful to white
men. If any State wanted slaves, let them have them--why not?

As Lincoln said, “Douglas is so put up by nature, that a lash upon his
back would hurt him, but a lash upon anybody else’s back does not hurt

Those who did not know Lincoln thought it absurd that he, an unknown
man from the country, should dare to stand against Douglas, the “Little
Giant.” But Lincoln was not afraid; he did not think of himself; he
wanted people to hear what he had to say. He arranged with Douglas
that they should hold a number of meetings together in Illinois. They
arranged it in this way. At half the meetings Douglas spoke first
for an hour; then Lincoln replied, speaking for an hour and a half,
and Douglas answered him in half-an-hour’s speech. At the other half,
Lincoln began and Douglas followed, Lincoln ending.

You can imagine one of these meetings. A large hall, roughly built for
the most part, the seats often made of planks laid on top of unhewn
logs, packed with two or three thousand people, intensely eager to hear
and learn. Some of them were already followers of Douglas, the most
popular man in America: all of them had heard of the “Little Giant,”
the cleverest speaker in the States. Immense cheering as Douglas rose
to his feet. A small man with a big head: a handsome face with quickly
moving, keen, dark eyes; faultlessly dressed. A well-bred gentleman,
secure of himself--a lawyer with all his art at the end of his tongue:
able to persuade any one that black was white, to wrap up anything
in so many charming words that only the cleverest could see when one
statement did not follow from another, when an argument was not a
proof: quick to see and stab the weak points in any one else. A voice
rich and mellow, various and well trained, pleased all who heard it.

For an hour he spoke, amid complete silence, only broken by outbursts
of applause. When he ended, there were deafening cheers--then a pause,
and “Lincoln,” “Lincoln,” from all parts of the hall.

Lincoln seemed an awkward countryman beside the senator. His tall body
seemed too big for the platform, and his ill-fitting black clothes
hung loosely upon it, as if they had been made for some one else. When
he began to speak his voice was harsh and shrill. His huge hands,
the hands of a labourer, with the big knuckles and red, ugly wrists,
got knotted together as if nothing could unfix them. Soon, however,
he became absorbed in what he was saying; he ceased to be nervous;
everything seemed to change. As he forgot himself, his body seemed
to expand and straighten itself, so that every one else looked small
and mean beside him; his voice became deep and clear, reaching to the
farthest end of the hall, and his face, that had appeared ugly, was lit
up with an inner light that made it more than beautiful. The deep grey
eyes seemed to each man in the hall to be looking at him and piercing
his soul. The language was so simple that the most ignorant man in the
hall could follow it and understand. Everything was clear. There was
no hiding under fine words; nothing was left out, nothing unnecessary
was said. No one could doubt what Lincoln meant; and he was not going
to let any one doubt what Douglas meant.

The greatest debate of all was that at the meeting at Freeport. At
Freeport Lincoln asked Douglas a question, against the advice of all
his friends. He asked whether, if a State wanted not to have slavery,
it could so decide? Lincoln knew that if Douglas said “No. A state
which had slavery must keep it,” the people of Illinois would not vote
for him, and he would lose this election. If he said “yes” he would be
elected, and not Lincoln. Lincoln knew this; he knew that if Douglas
said “yes,” he was safe, and he would say “yes.”

“Where do you come in, then?” his friends asked him. “Why do you ask
him this? If you do, Douglas is sure to get in. You are ruining your
own chances.”

“I do not come in anywhere,” said Lincoln; “but that does not matter.
What does matter is this. If Douglas says ‘yes,’ as he will, he will
get into the Senate now; but two years after this he will stand for
election as President. If he says ‘yes’ now, the South will vote
against him then, and he will not be elected. He must not be elected.
No one who believes in spreading slavery must be elected. It does not
matter about me.”

Lincoln was quite right. He saw further than any one else. Douglas said
“yes,” and he was elected for Illinois. But the Democratic party in
the South, whose support had made him strong, began to distrust him.
“Douglas,” said Lincoln, “is followed by a crowd of blind men; I want
to make some of these blind men see.”

Lincoln was defeated, but he did not think of himself. His speeches
against Douglas were printed and read all over America. He was invited
to speak in Ohio; and in the next year, in the beginning of 1860, a
society in New York asked him to come and give them an address on

A huge audience, in which were all the best known and most brilliant
men of the day, gathered to hear him; an audience very much unlike any
that he had addressed before. They were all anxious to see what he
was like--this backwoodsman and farm-labourer, who had met the great
Stephen Arnold Douglas and proved a match for him in argument; whose
speeches had been printed to express the views of a whole party.

His appearance was strange and impressive. When he stood up his height
was astonishing, because his legs were very long, and when sitting he
did not appear tall. His face, thin and marked by deep lines, was very
sad. A mass of black hair was pushed back from his high forehead: his
eyebrows were black too, and stood out in his pale face: his dark-grey
eyes were set deep in his head. The mouth could smile, but now it was
stern and sad. The face was unlike other faces: when he spoke it was
beautiful, for he felt everything he said. Abraham Lincoln was a common
man: he had had no advantages of birth, of training: he had known
extreme poverty: for years he had struggled without success in mean and
small occupations: he had no knowledge but what he had taught himself.
But no one who heard him speak could think him common.

Speaking now to an audience in which were the cleverest people in New
York, people who had read everything and seen everything and been
everywhere, who had had every opportunity that he had not, he impressed
them as much as he had impressed the people of Illinois. He was one of
the greatest orators that ever lived. His words went straight to the
people to whom they were spoken. What he said was as straightforward
and as certain as a sum in arithmetic, as easy to follow: and behind
it all you felt that the man believed every word of what he said, and
spoke because he must. The truth was in him.

Lincoln’s address in New York convinced the Republican party that here
was the man they wanted.

In 1860 there came the presidential election, always the most important
event in American politics; this year more important than ever before.

For the last half-century almost the Democratic party had been in
power. They had been strong because they were united: they united the
people of the South and those people in the North who thought that it
was waste of time to discuss slavery, since slavery was part of the
Constitution. Their policy on slavery had been to leave it alone. As
long as they did this there was nothing to create another party in
the North strong enough to oppose them. But when Douglas, in order to
make his own position strong in the South, made slavery practical
politics by bringing in a bill to allow Kansas to have slaves; and when
the judges in the Dred Scott case roused sympathy with the negroes by
declaring that slaves were not men but property, then the question
united the divided North into a strong Republican party in which all
were agreed. There was to be no slavery north of Mason and Dixon’s
line. The attempt to force slavery on Kansas split the Democratic
party. One section was led by Douglas, who had gone as far as he could:
he was not ready to force Kansas to have slaves, if she did not want
them, because people from Missouri wanted her to have them. He saw
that to force slavery on the North in this way would mean division
and war, and therefore he refused to go any further. By this refusal
Douglas lost his supporters in the South. They joined the section led
by Jefferson Davis--the Southern candidate for the presidentship.

Jefferson Davis was the true leader of the South. Douglas as well as
Lincoln had begun life as the child of a poor pioneer: each had risen
by his own abilities and by constant hard work. Jefferson Davis was a
true aristocrat. He was the son of rich and educated parents. All his
life he had been waited on by slaves and surrounded by every comfort.
While Lincoln was ploughing or hewing wood, while Douglas was working
hard at the bar, Davis went first to the university at Kentucky and
then to the military academy at West Point, from which he passed to the
army. He served as a lieutenant at the time of the Black Hawk war, and
it is very likely that he came across Lincoln, who was serving as a
volunteer. After serving seven years in the army he married and settled
down as a cotton planter in Mississippi. His estates were worked by
slaves, of course. To him the negro was an animal, quite different from
the white man, meant by nature to be under him and to serve him. Black
men, unlike white, did not exist for themselves, with the equal right
to live possessed by a man, an insect, or a tree, but had been created
solely to be useful to white men.

No two men could be more unlike than Lincoln and Davis. The groundwork
of Davis’ nature was an intense pride. A friend described him as “as
ambitious as Lucifer and as cold as a lizard.” He was cold in manner
and seldom laughed. Lincoln was entirely humble-minded, full of
passionate longing to help the weak. To Lincoln what was common was
therefore precious. Jefferson Davis said the minority, and not the
majority, ought to rule. And their looks were as unlike as their minds.
Jefferson Davis, with his beautiful proud face, as cold and as handsome
as a statue, expressed the utter contempt and scorn of the aristocrat
for everything and every one beneath him.

When the Democratic party met at Charleston to nominate their candidate
for the presidentship, they were hopelessly divided. Douglas’s Freeport
speech had set the South against him. For the last four years there
had been a growing section which said that, as long as the South was
fastened to the North, slavery was not safe. Now seven states, led by
South Carolina, left the Democratic meeting and nominated Davis as
their candidate.

The Republican party met at Chicago. There was only one man strong,
reasonable, and sane enough for every section of the party to accept.
This was Abraham Lincoln. At the time of his nomination, Lincoln was
playing barnball with his children in the field behind his house. When
told that he had been chosen, he said, “You must be able to find some
better man than me.” But he was ready to take up the difficult task.
He knew that he could serve his country, and he was not afraid. He
had a clear ideal before him--to preserve America as one united whole.
He saw that war might come. As he had said, five years before, America
could not endure for ever half slave and half free--it must be all
free: and the South would not let slavery go without war.

The election came in November. The result was that Lincoln was elected
President. For four years the destiny of his country was in his hands.



LINCOLN’S election was a thunderbolt to the South. It meant that the
great question of slavery would have to be decided one way or another.
Lincoln was a man who had opinions, and opinions in which he believed,
for which he would fight; he would not let things drift as Buchanan
did. Buchanan’s policy would have ended in allowing the South to
separate itself from the North; the Southern politicians knew this, and
they wanted Buchanan’s policy carried on, so as to make that separation

Few men in the North, although many in the South, understood as
clearly as Lincoln did the position of affairs. He saw that the time
had come when active measures must be taken, a strong and decided
policy maintained, if the Union was to be held together. He was a true
patriot. He believed in the Union; he thought it a great and glorious
thing. That North and South should be separated was to him like
separating husband and wife; their strength and happiness lay in each
other; they had grown together for eighty-four years; if they parted
now, each must lose something it could never regain. He loved his
country. He loved the South as well as the North. He believed that if
the South tried to separate, the North would be justified, in the true
interests of the American nation, in compelling her to remain.

The great problem was now, as he saw: Could America hold together as
one nation, half slave and half free? Could the Union be a real Union
while there was this deep division, a division which it was now clear
could not be got rid of, as the Northerners had hoped for so long, by
the slow passage of time? Time alone would not induce the South to
give up slavery. Slavery was a barbarous institution, degrading to the
slaves and to those who owned them; the North could not accept it. If
North and South were to hold together slavery must go. The great thing
was to keep North and South united. This and this only was Lincoln’s
great purpose. He hated slavery, but he would not have compelled
the South to give up slavery if he had believed that the Union could
have been maintained without that. North and South must hold together
whatever it cost; only so could each part of the nation, and the nation
as a whole, attain the best that was possible for it.

Lincoln’s great difficulty was this. The South saw that the nation
could not hold together for ever half slave and half free. Two years
before Lincoln’s election, one of the members for South Carolina had
written what was afterwards known as the Scarlet Letter. In it he
declared, “We can make a revolution in the cotton States,” and there
were many, even at that time, who shared his views. The South saw that,
if they were to remain united to the North, slavery must go, and they
were ready to separate from the North in order to keep slavery.

But, while the South understood the position, the North did not. It did
not understand it fully at the time of Lincoln’s election, or, indeed,
until the end of the second year of the war. And because they did not
understand they could not appreciate Lincoln’s policy, or support it
as they ought to have done. All the time they criticised, blamed, and
abused him, making his hard task harder.

Not until after his death did all the Northerners see how great and how
right he had been. Not until his death did Americans realise that had
it not been for Lincoln the United States might have ceased to be.

Lincoln’s speeches had been plain and outspoken enough; the South was
terrified by his election. They resolved on separation.

Lincoln, though elected in November 1860, did not actually become
President until February 1861. During these three months he remained
in the plain, yellow house at Springfield, his little office crowded
every day with visitors who came to consult him, to advise him, or
often merely to shake his hand. “Honest old Abe,” as they called him,
had a joke or a kindly word for all of them. He was presented with
many quaint gifts. An old woman came one day, and, after shaking
hands with Lincoln, produced from under her huge cloak a vast pair of
knitted stockings for the President to wear in winter. Lincoln thanked
her graciously and led her out; then returning, he lifted up the
stockings, and showing the enormous feet, said to his secretary, “The
old lady seems to have guessed the latitude and longitude about right!”

Lincoln spent the time reading and writing, drawing up memoranda,
choosing his Cabinet, learning the difficult ins and outs of the new
work before him. All these months he was thinking hard. His purpose was
already clear: but the presidentship, always a heavy burden, had never
been so heavy as it was to be for Lincoln.

Things grew more serious every day. The weakness of Buchanan, who had
no plan or purpose, allowed the South to do as it chose. The only
chance of avoiding war lay in firm action now; but it was not in
Buchanan’s nature to be firm. He had been made President by the votes
of the South because he was not firm, because he would allow them to do
as they chose. They dreaded Lincoln because he was firm, and therefore
acted while there was yet time.

On December 20, 1860, the chief men of South Carolina met together
and declared the Union to be dissolved. Posters appeared all over the
State: the South was in a state of feverish excitement. Within the
month the States of Missouri, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana,
and Texas--the chief cotton-growing, slave-owning States--also declared
themselves to be separated from the Union; and these six States
joined with South Carolina to form what they called the Southern
Confederation, independent of the North. They chose for their first
President Jefferson Davis.

Buchanan did not know what to do. The question was: Has a State any
right to leave the Union? America, of course, is a Federation: at the
time of the Declaration of Independence the thirteen States that then
existed joined themselves together for ever, and created a common
Federal Government for common purposes, with a President at its head.
Lincoln would have said one State has no more right to leave the others
than an English county has to declare that it is a separate kingdom,
not bound by the common law. Buchanan said “no,” too; but he also said,
if a State does leave, the Federal Government has no right to force it
to stay: which meant a standstill. “You ought not to want to go; but if
you do, we have no right to prevent you.” Buchanan’s one idea, indeed,
was to let things drift.

There was one great and immediate difficulty. In each of the coast
States of the Union the Federal Government had armed forts: in South
Carolina there were two important ones, Fort Moultrie and Fort Sumter,
with a small garrison in each, commanded by Major Anderson. South
Carolina demanded that the garrisons should be withdrawn. Now to
withdraw the garrisons and abandon the forts was to admit that South
Carolina had a right to leave the Union, and to recognise the Southern
Confederation as independent of the Federal Government. To maintain
the forts more forces must be sent. Anderson wrote to say that he was
not strong enough to hold out against an attack. Buchanan did nothing.
Anderson, believing that an attack was going to be made on Fort
Moultrie, which he was too weak to defend, removed all his men to Fort
Sumter. The militia of South Carolina at once occupied Fort Moultrie.

In the second week of the new year, 1861, a Government vessel, the
_Star of the West_, sailed into the harbour of Charleston to bring
provisions for Anderson. The _South Carolina_, having attacked the
_Star of the West_, fired on the United States flag which it carried,
and drove it out of the harbour. The Confederate Government, led by
Jefferson Davis, then demanded that Fort Sumter should be given up to
them. When Anderson refused, it was blockaded by much superior forces,
and by the 12th of April it was taken by General Beauregard.

Under these circumstances, when war was at hand, when half the nation
was ready to take up arms against the other half, Lincoln took up
the burden of office. It was a burden, indeed, which no ordinary man
could have borne. Buchanan had simply looked on while rebellion was
preparing itself; for Lincoln was the task of quelling it. But the fact
of rebellion was not his greatest difficulty. This was the disunion of
the North. One section--the Abolitionists--rejoiced at the secession of
the South. “We shall no more be chained to the slave-owners.” Another
section thought that, if the South wanted to go, why not let them.

There was as yet only a very small section able to agree with Lincoln.
Lincoln hated slavery but not slave-owners. He loved the South as much
as the North. It was agony to him to know his country divided against
itself. Well might he say, in the speech he made on leaving his old
home at Springfield for ever, “There is a task before me greater than
that which rested upon Washington.”

It was very natural that men who had not known Lincoln should fear to
have the fate of their country at so critical a time entrusted to a
man of so small experience. But any one who knew Lincoln felt absolute
confidence in him. Years of difficulty and disappointment, of constant
struggle against every kind of obstacle, had made him what he was:
clear-eyed to see where the right was; steadfast and unflinching to
pursue it; tender-hearted and generous to sympathise with all those who
stumbled on the way.

Few people, indeed, understood him. In the years to come nearly all at
one time or another abused him and distrusted him, and blamed him when
things went wrong. For four years he bore the whole burden of a great
responsibility; patiently and silently he endured disappointment and
reproach. In the end he could say that if Washington had made America
one, he had remade it so that it could never again be unmade.

The speech he made when he entered on his duties as President showed
how little bitterness there was in his heart towards the South. He
said, “We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though
passion may have strained, it must not break, our bonds of affection.
The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and
patriot grave to every heart and hearthstone all over this broad land,
will yet swell the chorus of the Union when touched, as surely they
will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

The attack on Sumter and its fall made war inevitable. Lincoln was no
Buchanan. War was horrible; civil war--war between men of the same
country, between friends, often between relations--most horrible of
all. But he could not, at whatever cost, allow the Union, for which his
countrymen had fought so heroically eighty-four years ago, which had
stood so long for such a high ideal of freedom all over the world--he
could not allow the Union to be destroyed without fighting to preserve
it. To him the secession of the Southern States meant something as
unnatural as a separate kingdom in Scotland would be to us, and a
kingdom based on something which we thought wholly wrong.

“The question is,” he said, “whether in a free Government the minority
have a right to break it up whenever they choose.” He declared that
they had no such right. The whole population of the slave-holding
States was much smaller than that of the free States, and among those
States, while seven had seceded, eight remained at least nominally in
the Union; and even in the seceding States themselves, there was a
party in each that was ready to remain faithful to the Union, and not
prepared to take up arms against it.

They wanted war: their attack on Fort Sumter was a call to arms. They
wanted war: they should have it. In the long run the North was bound to
win: its population was half as great again, and its resources as much

Almost the first act of Lincoln’s Government was to call for 75,000

The attack upon Sumter and Lincoln’s call to arms roused the North
from its apathy. Excitement grew when the 7th Massachusetts regiment,
passing through Baltimore on its way to headquarters, was violently
attacked by the mob: when the Southern army, already in the field,
captured Harper’s Ferry and seized the Union arsenal at Gosport.



WAR began in Virginia. West Virginia was free, East Virginia
slave-holding; the State was the natural meeting-place for the two
armies. On the 21st July they met at Bull Run: the engagement could
hardly be called a battle--on neither side was there any order or
discipline. More than once during the day the Southern army seemed to
be beaten, but it rallied, and the Federalists, as the Union soldiers
were called, broke into a disgraceful retreat, which became an awful
panic. The fugitives poured into Washington, haggard and dust-stained:
everything seemed lost. Lincoln did not go to bed all night; he paced
up and down in his room, expecting that the victorious Confederate army
would march upon Washington, and the war be at an end. It did not come.
The opportunity was lost. A battle had been gained; that was all.

The moral effect of the battle of Bull Run was very great indeed. The
South thought the war was over, the North saw that it had only begun.

At first, the Confederates seemed to have great advantages. The army
was the one profession for a Southern gentleman; nearly all their
young men were trained at the military academy at West Point, and
a great many of the officers of the United States army had been
Southerners. These men now left the Union army and gave their services
to the Confederates; among them was General Robert Lee, who became
General-in-Chief of the Confederate army. Lincoln’s difficulties were
greatly increased by the fact that so many officers and men went over
to the Confederates. At the beginning, the South had a larger and
better-trained army in the field; and at first there were plenty of
volunteers. But after Bull Run, she thought the war was finished; and
events proved that, in a long war, the North must win by reason of her
greater staying power.

The South was as enthusiastic as the North, and at the beginning better
prepared, but not equal in resources of any sort. The South was
entirely dependent on agriculture; all the necessaries of life came
from the North and from Europe. Whereas the South had to import all her
ammunition, the North had powder-magazines of her own, and a people of
mechanics. And the Confederacy was soon to find that men are useless
without arms. Great sufferings were endured, wonderful invention and
patience was shown, on both sides there was great heroism; but in the
end the resources of the North decided the day.

Lincoln threw all his energy into the task of getting ready an army,
and in a short time the Northern soldier was as well trained and
equipped as the Southern.

The battle of Bull Run roused the North: quickened by shame, the people
were ready to fight to the bitter end. For the next two years, however,
they were disheartened by continual disaster: army after army was
destroyed, position after position lost: gloom descended on the nation.
In the dark times of defeat men turned upon Lincoln and blamed him for

His position was difficult indeed. As head of the State, he was also
commander of the army; but he had to entrust the actual management of
the campaigns to others. He followed and understood their tactics, but
was too wise to try to direct their movements. Only occasionally did
he offer advice--wise advice, which his generals were not always wise
enough to accept. At first the generals were not men of great ability.
M’Clellan, the commander, drilled his army in a wonderful way, but
never used it to any effect. In the Virginian campaign of 1861 and 1862
he threw away numberless opportunities. His place was taken by Burnside
at the end of 1862; but not until the rise of Ulysses S. Grant did
Lincoln discover a really great commander. The generals quarrelled with
one another, and all were ready to complain of the President. Lincoln’s
difficulties were increased by the fact that many people, when they
found that the North was not going to conquer immediately, said that
the war was a mistake: the South ought to be allowed to go if it wanted
to. Lincoln did not think it right to let the South go: and because to
keep it was proving difficult, was never to him a reason for ceasing to
do what he saw to be right.

The newspapers abused Lincoln because the war, instead of being
finished in three months, seemed likely to last for years. For long
his own Cabinet was hardly loyal to him: each member thought he could
manage affairs better himself. Seward, who was Chief Secretary,
thought Lincoln stupid, and was anxious to arrange everything; but as
experience of his chief taught him he became Lincoln’s devoted admirer.
Chase the Treasurer plotted against him: Stanton the War Secretary
openly declared that “things would go all right but for the imbecile at
the head.” Stanton had no sense of humour, and an ungovernable temper.
He did not understand Lincoln at all for a long time: his jokes puzzled
and annoyed him, and he used to jump up and down with rage. He did
not see that to a man of a deeply melancholy nature like Lincoln, a
dreamer and something of a poet, some outlet, some way of escaping from
himself, was necessary. Lincoln was marvellously patient with Stanton,
and won his deep affection. The Cabinet might criticise; but Lincoln’s
firm will dominated them all. The policy of the Government was the
President’s policy.

No quality is so hard to appreciate, until it succeeds, as patience;
and for two years Lincoln was patient, and few understood.

England and France were inclined to recognise the Confederacy. The
English point of view was not one which reflected any glory on the
nation. Lord Palmerston said, “We do not like slavery, but we want
cotton.” And a poem in _Punch_ expressed the general point of view,
against which only a few Englishmen protested--

  “Though with the North we sympathise,
    It must not be forgotten
  That with the South we’ve stronger ties,
    Which are composed of cotton,
  Whereof our imports mount unto
    A sum of many figures;
  And where would be our calico
    But for the toil of niggers?”

France agreed with England. Under such circumstances there was a great
danger that, unless the North proved itself able to cope with the
Rebellion, England or France might send help to the Confederates. For
two years the North did not prove this; for two years it seemed, except
to the very far-seeing, almost certain that the South would win.

The Northern plan of campaign was to attack and close round the
Confederacy: to do this it was necessary to cross the Potomac river,
and clear away the Southern armies that blockaded it. The Potomac was
the centre of operations, while fighting went on constantly in Virginia
and Missouri. Everything went against the North.

On the 9th of August a desperate encounter took place at Wilson’s
Creek, at which the Union army lost nearly two thousand men, including
prisoners, and large supplies of arms and ammunition. In September the
Confederates won a victory at Lexington, and in October the Federal
troops were defeated at Ball’s Bluff.

Lincoln’s plan was gradually to shut the South in, driving it behind
its own boundaries by means of the armies invading from north and
west, and blockading the ports from the sea. So far the first half
of the plan was not successful. But the Civil War was won to a very
large extent by the Northern navy. By blockading the Southern ports
it prevented the South from getting supplies from Europe; and since
the South depended for supplies of every sort from abroad, it was in a
desperate position when cut off from the sea.

More fortunate on sea than on land, Lincoln found in David Farragut
an admiral almost as great as Nelson. Farragut was a Southerner by
birth, but he had served for fifty years in the United States navy, and
refused to desert it now. Patriotism to him meant devotion not to the
pride but to the best interests of his country, and he thought that
North and South could only attain their best interests when united.
In April the Northern army suffered a severe defeat on land at the
battle of Shiloh--the most disastrous yet experienced; but the news
was balanced by the tidings of Farragut’s capture of New Orleans. The
fighting in the harbour was tremendous.

“Don’t flinch from that fire, boys,” cried the admiral; “there is a
hotter fire for those who don’t do their duty!”

Inspired by his example, his men did not flinch, and the town was
captured. The North needed all the encouragement such naval victory
could give it, for things were going very badly. Stonewall Jackson,
the Southern commander, carried everything before him in Virginia.
Washington was in danger; there was a panic in the capital. Jackson,
however, did not want to attack Washington. His plan was to compel
M’Clellan, who was slowly moving south to attack the Confederate
capital at Richmond, to turn north again.

There was fighting all through June; Jackson had been joined by Lee,
the Confederate Commander-in-Chief. On the 1st of July a battle was
fought at Malvern Hill. Lee and Jackson were defeated. M’Clellan ought
now to have pushed on to Richmond, the Confederate capital, instead of
which, with extraordinary stupidity, he continued to retreat.

In August, the second battle of Bull Run resulted in another victory
for the South. Both sides lost an extraordinary number of men. The
panic in Washington grew more acute when, early in September, Lee
prepared to invade Maryland. M’Clellan again delayed when he ought to
have forced an engagement. The people of Maryland received the Southern
army very coldly. On the 17th the armies met at Antietam. The battle
was not really decisive; the losses of the North were as great as those
of the South; but it put an end to their invasion. Lee recrossed the
Potomac River to Virginia. M’Clellan again wasted time. He waited six
weeks before pursuing Lee. In November M’Clellan was at last superseded.

Events had gradually led Lincoln to see the necessity of taking one
great step--the freeing of the slaves. The question of slavery was at
the bottom of the war; it was the great division between North and
South. Two reasons led Lincoln to take this step now. One was that
he knew the negroes when free would fight, for the most part, for
the North; and the North needed every help she could find. The other
was the great difficulty of knowing what to do with the negro slaves
which fell into the hands of the conquerors of any part of Southern
territory. On the 22nd of September, very soon after the news of the
battle of Antietam and Lee’s retreat from Maryland had arrived, Lincoln
called a meeting of his Cabinet. None of them knew why he had summoned

They found the President reading Artemus Ward; one story amused him
so much that he read it aloud. They all laughed a great deal except
Stanton, who could never see a joke, and did not understand that
Lincoln must have broken down altogether under the fearful strain
of all he had to bear, if he had not been able sometimes to forget
himself. When he had finished reading the story, the President’s face
grew grave again. He drew from his pocket a large sheet of foolscap,
covered with his straight, regular writing, and read it to the Cabinet.

It was the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that, after
January 1st of the coming year, all slaves were to be free; that
Government would pay some compensation to loyal owners. No one dared
oppose Lincoln when his mind was made up. His reason for introducing
Emancipation now was, that he thought it would help the cause of Union,
and that cause was to him sacred beyond everything. “As long as I am
President,” he said later, “this war shall be carried on for the sole
purpose of restoring the Union. But no human power can subdue this
rebellion without the use of the Emancipation policy.”

[Illustration: Lincoln reading the Emancipation Proclamation to his

His first object in everything was to hold the American nation together
as one whole. But, at the same time, he detested slavery as much as
any man. “If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.” An opportunity
had now come when to strike a blow at slavery was to assist the Union
cause. By freeing the blacks, Lincoln provided the North with a new
resource, at the time when the South had nowhere to turn to for fresh
resources. By declaring the abolition of slavery an unchangeable part
of the Union, which the South must accept before peace could be made,
he won the sympathy of Europe for the North, and prevented it from
sending help to the South at a time when such help would have changed
the balance of affairs.

Up till now both England and France had shown themselves ready to
sympathise with the South. English newspapers abused Lincoln and the
North in the most violent language. In the English dockyards vessels
had been built and equipped which were used by the South as privateers
to do great damage to the Northern navy. One of these was the famous
_Alabama_. But when the war was a war against slavery, English feeling
was all on the side of the North.

The United States was made a really free country: slavery, which had
made such a name a mockery, was wiped off the statute book.

Lincoln showed rare judgment and courage in doing what he did at
this time. At first a large section in the North was opposed to
Emancipation, but gradually all united in admiring the wisdom of
Lincoln’s action. The South knew that if they were conquered slavery
was gone. And however black things might look, Lincoln and the North
were not going to give in till they did conquer. They had set their
teeth; they were going to fight to the bitter end.

M’Clellan had been dismissed, but his successors were not much more
successful. In December Burnside threw away thousands of lives in an
attempt to scale Mary’s Heights. Men were shot down in heaps by the
enemy, and the army fell into a panic; a battle against overwhelming
odds ended in a complete defeat. Lincoln’s heart bled for the loss of
so many splendid citizens: there was deep indignation in Washington,
much of it vented against the President.

The darkest moment of the war came when, in May, the news of the battle
of Chancellorsville reached the Government. Hooker met Jackson: a long
and fearfully bloody battle followed. There were dreadful losses on
both sides: another valuable opportunity of pressing south was lost.
In the battle “Stonewall” Jackson was killed, shot accidentally by his
own men; a disastrous loss to the Southern side, though the North was

All hope seemed gone from the North.

Up till now the North had lost more than the South. It had suffered
most of all from a lack of really able commanders. Now, however,
Lincoln discovered a really great general in Ulysses S. Grant, and from
this time on the fortune of the war began to change.

The North was richer: it had more men, money, and resources to draw on;
in a long struggle the South was bound to be worn out. Grant saw this
and planned accordingly. Grant had distinguished himself early in the
war by the capture of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, on the Mississippi,
in February 1862; in the following April he had driven the Confederates
back to Corinth after one of the most expensive battles of the war.
Grant was a man of the most reckless personal courage; as a general
his great fault was that he exposed his men needlessly. Complaints were
early made of him to Lincoln; but Lincoln’s wonderful eye discerned a
great soldier in Grant. “I can’t spare that man; he fights.” Later he
was told that Grant drank. “Pray tell me what brand of whisky he takes,
that I may send a barrel to each of my other generals.”

Lincoln and Grant always understood each other. Each was a man of
intense strength of character, given to doing things rather than
talking of them. Grant had not Lincoln’s tenderness of heart, or
the beauty of his pure and generous nature; but he had his power of
concentrating his whole mind upon the task in hand. He knew Lincoln’s
secret: “Work, work, is the main thing.”

The battle of Chancellorsville, May 1863, was for the North the darkest
moment of the war; things were never so dark again. Only Lincoln’s
supreme faith and courage could have risen from such a series of
defeats unshaken. The newspapers were full of abuse of the President;
plots were on foot against him to prevent his re-election when the
time came. In February he had lost his son Willie after a long and
painful illness. But he never quailed.

And his patience was at last to be rewarded. After Chancellorsville his
unflinching belief in the justice of his course, in spite of opposition
and discontent, was to be rewarded: he was to look, if only for a
moment, upon an America not only free but united.



AFTER Chancellorsville the South thought that all was won, and a
movement was set on foot to attack Washington. Lee marched north with
an army that, though only half fed, was full of enthusiasm, and on
July 1 took up his position at Gettysburg, where he was faced by the
Federal army under General Meade. The battle lasted three days, and the
slaughter was terrific; in spite of the desperate determination of the
Confederates, the day ended in a victory for the Union.

Lee was driven back, and forced to retreat into Virginia. The invasion
was at an end. The victory, though brilliant, was not followed up,
perhaps because of the heavy losses of the Union army; but it was the
turning-point of the war. Washington was never again in such danger;
the Confederates had lost the one great opportunity of attack since
Bull Run.

Deep national thankfulness was felt at this, the first great victory
for the North. The battlefield was only a few miles from the capital,
and many of the citizens and the most prominent men of the town
assembled to perform a service for the dead who had fallen there.
Lincoln was called upon to speak. He had not prepared anything, but
the short speech which he gave made a deep impression upon all who
heard it, and puts into very noble words the thoughts that were always
present to his mind.

“Fourscore and seven years ago, our fathers brought forth a new
nation upon this continent, conceived in liberty and dedicated to
the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged
in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so
conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We meet to dedicate a
portion of it as a final resting-place of those who here gave their
lives that the nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper
that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we
cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground. The brave men, living
and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it far above our power
to add or detract. The world will take little note, nor long remember,
what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is
for us, the living, rather to be dedicated here to the unfinished work
that they have thus far so nobly carried on. It is rather for us to
be dedicated here to the great task remaining before us: that from
these honoured dead we take increased devotion for the cause for which
they here gave the last full measure of devotion; that we here highly
resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation
shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom, and that the government
of the people, by the people, and for the people, shall not perish from
the earth.”

In words like these, Lincoln inspired the people of the North to see
the greatness of the cause for which they were fighting; they were
fighting for liberty, for a free government of free men, for a United
America that might be to the world a pattern of such a free government.
If the South won, if America were a house divided for ever against
itself, one half would have slavery; if the North won, and America
were a whole again, slavery was gone; the Declaration of Independence,
proclaiming the equal rights of all men to life and liberty, would be
for the first time fully realised.

And encouragement came at last. On the Fourth of July, on Independence
Day, Grant telegraphed to Lincoln the news of the capture of Vicksburg.
In the beginning of May Grant had defeated Pemberton, the Confederate
general, and shut him up in the town with his great army. After an
unsuccessful assault in the end of May, he sat down patiently before
the town, prepared to wear out its resistance. After great sufferings,
the famishing garrison surrendered; Pemberton and 30,000 men, whom the
South could but ill spare, were prisoners of war. Hundreds of cannon
and thousands of muskets fell into the victor’s hands. Vicksburg was a
position of importance, the key to the Mississippi. Lincoln could now
say, “The Father of Waters again goes unvexed to the sea.”

The joy in the North over these two victories was intense. The drooping
spirits began to rise again; and as things went better, men turned
with new confidence to the patient man whose courage had never failed
him. With renewed spirit the North set itself to the great task before

Lincoln now had men who were able to carry out great designs. By the
end of 1863 things looked hopeful. The army had a nucleus of veterans
who had received the best possible training, and a set of generals
whose positions had been won not by political influence, but by hard
work. Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan were men of ability, experience, and

[Illustration: Lincoln discussing the plan of campaign with General

The plan of campaign for 1864, drawn up, under Lincoln’s advice, by
Grant and Sherman, was masterly; carried out magnificently, it led to
the complete triumph of the North. It was the complete development of
Lincoln’s earlier plans. Grant, with the army of the west, was to face
Lee in Virginia and drive him south; finally, to capture Richmond, the
Confederate headquarters, and force Lee to yield. Sherman, marching
south and east, was to carry the war into the heart of the Confederacy;
to follow General Johnson, push him to the sea, and capture him.
“We intend,” said Sherman, “to fight Joseph Johnson till he is
satisfied.” Then Sherman, marching north, was to co-operate with
Grant by cutting off Lee’s retreat. Meantime Sheridan was to deal with
General Early in the Shenandoah valley, west and south of Washington.

By May 1864 Grant crossed the Potomac and entered the wild district,
full of hills and woods and undergrowth, known as the Wilderness, where
the Union armies had suffered so many defeats. Grant saw that the only
thing was to wear the Southern army out by hard fighting; and he fought
hard all summer. He lost some thirty thousand men in the Wilderness.
His policy was to bear so continuously on the enemy that they, having
fewer men, and less possibility of recruiting, must be worn out.
Slowly, with an immense loss of life on both sides, Grant forced Lee

Sherman meantime was fighting his way to Georgia. His task was as
difficult as Grant’s. The country was wild, and well adapted for
concealing the enemy. It was impossible for him to communicate with the
rest of the army.

After an expedition into Alabama, Sherman started on his “March to the
Sea.” Johnson disputed every inch of the way. There was incessant
skirmishing, but Sherman advanced step by step.

While Sherman and Grant were thus slowly wearing down the resistance of
the enemy, the Unionists were once more encouraged by a brilliant naval
success. In August Farragut came victorious out of a terrific fight
in Mobile Bay. Entering the harbour in spite of the line of mines, he
“plucked victory out of the very jaws of defeat.”

Sherman was now besieging Atlanta, which he captured on September
1. About the same date Sheridan defeated Early at Winchester in the
Shenandoah Valley.

These successes decided the presidential election. Lincoln had been
unanimously nominated as the Republican candidate, “not,” as he said,
“because they have decided I am the greatest or best man in America,
but rather they have concluded that it is not wise to swop horses while
crossing a river, and have further concluded that I am not so poor
a horse that they might not make a botch of it in trying to swop.”
Against him the Democratic party, whose main principle was opposition
to the war, supported ex-General M’Clellan, declaring “the war is
a failure.” The Democrats found their main supporters among those
(and they were fairly numerous) who disliked Lincoln’s Emancipation

Lincoln made no efforts to secure his re-election. He had been before
the nation as President for four years: his policy was tried, his
opinions known. Even M’Clellan did not dare to propose to abandon the
Union. On that point the North was now united, and that being so the
successes of September made Lincoln’s re-election practically certain.
Out of 233 electoral votes Lincoln received 212; he had a majority in
every free State save one. The election was a complete triumph for the

The noble words of the address which he delivered on taking up his
duties for a second time mark the spirit in which he celebrated that
triumph. “With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness
in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to
finish the work we are in: to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care
for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his
orphan--to do all that may achieve and cherish a just and lasting
peace among ourselves and with all nations.”

On November 16 Sherman marched on by Atlanta. By December he had
reached Savannah and began to bombard the city. It surrendered on
December 21, and Sherman wrote to Lincoln: “I beg to present to you,
as a Christmas gift, the city of Savannah.” Leaving Savannah early in
the New Year, 1865, the army marched, ravaging, through South Carolina.
Columbia was burned and Charleston captured. By March, Sherman was in
North Carolina and in communication with Grant. The net was ready to be
drawn round the Confederate army.

Grant meantime was bearing steadily on. The losses of the Union armies
were enormous, and made the President’s tender heart bleed. Grant
began to be hampered by the inferior quality of his troops, and during
the summer months matters seemed to be going ill with the North. In
September, however, Sheridan inflicted a series of defeats upon Early
in the Shenandoah Valley, and on October 18 vanquished him decisively
at Cedar Creek.

The remaining Confederate army, under Hood, was defeated at Nashville
in the West, and now Lee’s was the only army in the field. The
Confederacy was “surrounded by a band of fire.” The sea was in the
hands of the Union; the Mississippi shut off any help from the coast.
Sherman had harried Georgia and Carolina, destroying their supplies;
Sheridan had raided Virginia; Grant was at the gates of Richmond.

Through the whole summer of 1864 and the winter of 1865 Grant besieged
Richmond. There were indecisive engagements, but the armies did no
more than “feel” each other. With the spring, however, Grant took the
offensive again. On March 31 Sheridan gained a brilliant victory at
Five Forks, and this enabled Grant to break Lee’s lines. On April 3 the
Stars and Stripes floated over Richmond. On April 9 Lee and his army
surrendered to Grant at Appomatox.

The war was at an end.

Lincoln had been with Grant’s army during the closing days of March;
he entered Richmond on April 3. Everywhere the negroes saluted him as
their liberator, kneeling on the ground before him and clasping his
knees: “May de Lawd bress and keep you, Massa Presidum Linkum.”



NO one had suffered more deeply during the war than the President. His
purpose never faltered. Even at the moment when success seemed farthest
distant, his resolve stood firm; cost what it might the Union must be
preserved. When almost every other man despaired of the Northern cause,
Lincoln’s invincible faith in the right and justice of their purpose
sustained his country.

To attain that purpose thousands of lives had to be sacrificed; but the
purpose was worth the loss of thousands of lives. Yet Lincoln’s heart
bled for every one of them.

[Illustration: Lincoln visited all the divisions of his army in turn]

All day long he received visits from distracted relations, mothers
and wives asking him to pardon their sons or husbands in prison
as deserters or captured from the enemy; asking for tidings of their
beloved ones at the front. His generals complained that he undermined
the discipline of the army by pardoning what he called his “leg”
cases--cases where men had run away before the enemy. “If Almighty God
gives a man a cowardly pair of legs, how can he help their running away
with him?” said Lincoln.

The story of William Scott is a case which shows the way in which
Lincoln used to act. William Scott was a young boy from a Northern
farm, who, after marching for forty-eight hours without sleep, offered
to stand on guard duty for a sick comrade. Worn out, he fell asleep,
and was condemned to be shot for being asleep on duty in face of the
enemy. Lincoln made it his custom to visit all the divisions of his
army in turns, and, as it happened, two days before the execution he
was with the division in which Willie Scott was, and heard of the
case. He went to see the boy, and talked to him about his home and his
mother. As he was leaving the prison tent he put his hands on the lad’s
shoulders, and said--

“My boy, you are not going to be shot to-morrow.... I am going to trust
you and send you back to your regiment. But I have been put to a great
deal of trouble on your account. I have come here from Washington,
where I had a great deal to do. Now, what I want to know is, how are
you going to pay my bill?”

Willie did not know what to say: perhaps he could get his friends to
help him, he said at last.

“No,” said Lincoln, “friends cannot pay it; only one man in the world
can pay it, and that is William Scott. If from this day on William
Scott does his duty, my bill is paid.”

William Scott never forgot these words. Just before his death in one of
the later battles of the war, he asked his comrades to tell President
Lincoln that he had never forgotten what he had said.

All the time, people who did not know the President threw on his
shoulders all the blame for the long continuance of the war. Until
the last year of the war, the newspapers abused him continually. The
horrible loss of life in Grant’s last campaign was laid to his charge.
Only those who came to the President to ask his help in their own
suffering, understood what his suffering was; he suffered with each of
them--he suffered with the South as well as the North. After Antietam,
he had said, “I shall not live to see the end; this war is killing me.”
The crushing burden he had borne so long and patiently had bent even
his strong shoulders.

But it had not been borne in vain. The time seemed at last to have come
when all America would understand how much they owed to the patient
endurance of the President. And there was work still to be done which
needed all his wisdom. The South was conquered. It had to be made one
with the North. The pride of the conquerors had to be curbed, the
bitterness of the conquered softened.

Lincoln returned from Richmond to Washington, in his heart the profound
resolve “to bind up the nation’s wounds” as he, and only he, could do

April 14 was Good Friday, and a day of deep thankfulness in the North.
In the morning Lincoln held a Cabinet meeting, at which General Grant
was present. The question of reconstruction, of making one whole
out of the divided halves, was discussed. Some of the Cabinet were
anxious to wreak vengeance on the South, to execute the leaders of the
rebellion. Such was not Lincoln’s view.

“Enough lives have been sacrificed. We must extinguish our resentments
if we expect harmony and union.”

His noble patriotism could still say to the South, “We are not enemies,
but friends.” His life was now even more precious to the South than to
the North.

After the Cabinet meeting, Lincoln spent some time in talking with his
son Robert, who had returned from the field with General Grant, under
whom he had served as a captain. In the afternoon he went for a drive
with Mrs. Lincoln. His mood was calm and happy: for the first time for
four years he could look forward peacefully to the future, and to the
great tasks still before him.

In the evening he went to the theatre with his wife and two young
friends: the play was “Our American Cousin.” The President was fond of
the theatre--it was one of his few recreations: his appearance on this
night was something of a public ceremony; therefore, although he was
tired when evening came, he went because he knew that many people would
be disappointed if he did not. The President had a box to the left of
the stage. Suddenly, about the middle of the last act, a man appeared
at the back of the box, a knife in one hand and a pistol in the other,
put the pistol to the President’s head and fired; then wounding Major
Rathbone, the only other man in the box, with his knife, he vaulted on
to the stage. As he leapt his spur caught the flag hanging from the
box and he fell, breaking his leg. Nevertheless he rose instantly, and
brandishing his knife and crying, “_Sic semper tyrannis!_”--“The South
is avenged!” fled across the stage and out of sight.

The horrified audience was thunderstruck. The President lay quite
still: the bullet had passed right through his head. The wound was
mortal. He was carried to a house across the street, where he lay,
quite unconscious, till the morning, surrounded by his friends,
their faces as pale and haggard as his own. About seven, “a look of
unspeakable peace came upon his worn features.” Stanton, the War
Secretary, rose from his knees by his side, saying, “Now he belongs to
the ages.”

There was profound sorrow through the whole of America; sorrow that
checked all rejoicings over the victory of the North. Thus, indirectly,
Lincoln’s death helped the reconciliation between North and South,
though nothing could counterbalance the loss of his wise guidance.

Washington was shrouded in black: even the poorest inhabitants showing
their sorrow in their dress. The body was taken to Springfield,
Illinois, to be buried; and all the towns on the way showed their deep
mourning and respect. Now, and not till now, did Americans begin to
understand what a man they had lost.

  “He knew to bide his time,
    And can his fame abide,
  Still patient in his simple faith sublime
    Till the wise years decide.
  Great captains with their guns and drums
    Disturb our judgment for the hour,
  But at last silence comes:
    These all are gone, and, standing like a tower,
  Our children shall behold his fame,
  The kindly, earnest, brave, far-seeing man,
  Sagacious, patient, dreading praise, not blame,
  New birth of our new soil, the first American.”

So James Russell Lowell wrote of Lincoln when the celebration of
Independence Day in the year of his death revived the vivid sense of

The passage of years have only made clearer how great he was. Perfectly
simple, perfectly sincere, he thought out for himself an ideal, and
spent the whole of his life and all his strength in pursuing it.

He loved America, not because it was powerful and strong, but because
it had been based on a great idea--the idea of liberty: his work for
America was to realise that idea. He never thought of his own personal
success: he wanted to be President because he saw a great work to be
done and believed that he could do it. He never became rich: his own
tastes remained entirely simple. He was said to have worn the same
top-hat all his life.

The first thing that struck any one about Lincoln was his extraordinary
appearance. He always dressed in black, with a big black tie, very
often untied, or in the wrong place: his clothes looked as if they had
been made to fit some one else, and had never been new. His feet were
enormous; so were his hands, covered on state occasions with white kid

In cold weather he used to wear a large grey shawl instead of an
overcoat. One day, before he was made President, some friends were
discussing Lincoln and Douglas, and comparing their heights. When
Lincoln came into the room some one asked him, “How long ought a man’s
legs to be?”

“Long enough to reach from his body to the ground,” said Lincoln coolly.

Lincoln might look uncouth or even grotesque, but he did not look weak:
he was the most striking figure wherever he went. No one who saw him
often, no one who went to him in trouble, or to ask his advice, thought
long of his appearance. Those who had once felt the sympathy of his
wonderful, sad eyes, thought of that only. Those who really knew him,
knew him to be the best man they had ever met.

Lincoln was often profoundly sad, and then suddenly boisterously gay.
He enjoyed a joke or a funny story immensely: he often used to shock
thoughtless people by telling some comic story on what they thought
an unsuitable occasion; but he told it so well that however much they
might disapprove they were generally forced to laugh.

Always rather a dreamer, he was fond of poetry. He knew long passages
of Shakespeare by heart, especially Hamlet, Macbeth, and Richard III.
The Bible he had known from his childhood; of Burns he was very fond.

Lincoln’s rise to power, as even so short an account as this will
have shown you, was not due to any extraordinary good fortune or any
advantages at start. He taught himself all that he knew; he made
himself what he was.

It was his character more than anything else that made him great. His
early struggles had taught him that self-reliance which enabled him to
persevere in a course which he thought right in spite of opposition,
disloyalty, and abuse; they taught him the toleration which made him
slow to judge others, generous to praise them, little apt to expect
them to understand or praise him. He stood alone.

Not till he had gone did his people realise how much he had given
them; how much they had lost in him. He gave them, indeed, the most
priceless gift a patriot can give his country--the example of sincere,
devoted, and unselfish service.

                                THE END

                  Printed by BALLANTYNE, HANSON & CO.
                          Edinburgh & London


Illustrations occurring in the middle of a paragraph have been moved to
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On page 65, “yes,” has been changed to ‘yes,’ to conform to standard

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